Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #130

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I am a married mother with two infants living at home with my mother. I am unemployed and marital status doesn't play into my eligibility because my husband is trapped out of the US with no income. I am not eligable for welfare because I my mothers income is included in my application since it goes off of household income. The only way to get around this would be if I could through bank statements ect, prove that my mother was not financially supporting us. I have to show some income or else they assume she is footing the bill and will not give welfare of any kind. Also you have to give proof of address in the form of a utility or rental agreement, I have a phone line... but do you think casey had one of these? Welfare is not easy to obtain, they do an analysis of bank statements, account history, paystubs, tax filings, ect. Also if you are on welfare they have mandatory programs where you have to attend career training and/or job counseling/hunting sessions for a certain amount of hours per a week, but they will give a childcare allowance for the time spent. Just my experience in Cali.
Pizmex said:
"Early in this case, a news story reported that Casey told two people that Caylee was missing, before telling her family. The report didn't identify the two people, or indicate when they were supposedly told."

Now THAT blows my mind. That she would tell two people the child was missing and no one pushed her to do anything? Or called Cindy? Or anything? Dang if I wouldn't have called 911 myself.
I have a feeling that information came from Casey - weren't the people the Jeff Hopkins who used to work at Universal but who told a WS member that he saw Casey once -at an alehouse- in the past year?

I think the other person was Juliette Lewis. Maybe Casey sent her a fan letter asking for an 8x10 and mentioned that her daughter was missing.
She wasn't reported missing for a month, what could they have found in a dumpster that would relate to Caylee? Very odd.

This is pure speculation on my part.
Maybe clothing or maps/driving directions (to remote locations), or paperwork from Sawgrass apartments.
Hey Guys/Gals!

Has anyone heard Blink around this morning?

I am wondering whether the dumpster is the one near the elementary school that LE took dogs to and found nothing. Would they include info about things that didn't pan out?

I've seen Blink posting pretty frequently today.
As a part of Casey's small inner circle, I'd like to know what Amy has to say. I'm looking forward to seeing her testifying on the stand!

Her statement to LE may be in the papers that were released today.
Here is a screenshot of the dumpster from the video:

Thank you. But it has nothing to do with anything. LOL.
You ask why we're discussing this, yet you argue with everyone who states an informed opinion on the topic.

I work with a commission that assists women with obtaining benefits for their children. I'm not speaking with zero experience on this topic, nor basing the information I'm presenting on an anecdotal situation based on what one relative's experiences might have been.

Section 8 housing does not just cover slum situations. Many people who own homes accept Section 8 because it's a guaranteed rent payment that is never late. Lots of single-family homes are Section 8 eligible. Check out the Orange County website--there's a list of some decent homes there that accept Section 8 vouchers.

A lot of people who apply for state and federal benefits are decent, good people. I hope we're not going to perpetuate a stigma about that.

All I'll say on this topic...unless you wish to continue the discussion.

Amen , glad you said this, I too work in the field and have seen the same situations ( some section 8 is reallly nice, better than my 1st apartment)
Hmm... I take my words back. I want to read those police interview transcripts.

My heart sank when I saw that dumpster. To just toss her away like a piece of trash. :( If that is indeed how she disposed of Caylee, then I'm going to assume her death was no accident. There's just something about throwing your child in a dumpster... I don't know.. it makes me want to cry. It sounds dumb and I can't figure out how to spit out what I'm trying to say, but you would think if it WAS an accident, she DIDN'T mean for Caylee to die, she would have at least buried her instead of throwing her away.

If she had any motherly feelings towards her child she couldn't treat her with such disrespect I think is what you are trying to say?

Her behavior afterwards has that same air of disrespect. I have seen many a person more upset about losing their dog than what Casey has done.
Thank you. But it has nothing to do with anything. LOL.

It's a screenshot from the video that everyone was asking about.

Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Just seem to want to be nasty to everyone in this thread.

Almost any adoption attorney could facillitate this.

Forgive my ignorance. Would this need to be worked out over a period of time or could you just find the atty. and get rid of the child right away.
Is there a period of time in which to change your mind? Seems like this would be a legitimate way of doing things. If someone got Caylee thru these means - they would have no fear of stepping forward - right?
This is pure speculation on my part.
Maybe clothing or maps/driving directions (to remote locations, or paperwork from Sawgrass apartments.

For the police to have found it they would have had to have been chucked on the 15th of July though? Casey didn't have any forewarning they were going to be called, Amy brought Cindy to her and they left with her. Curious to see what it is because the time line doesn't make sense to me. Unless this is where the July 9th date comes into play?
Except.....who was decomposing in the trunk? In my opion, sold stolen or lost children do not smell like decompostion.

I do not discount the dogs.
They are reliable. Period. Especially two different dogs and two different handlers.
Add in the fact that Casey dumped her car for some reason...and I for one doubt it was because of a smelly pizza.
Why care about Amy? Let's see, she's got first hand knowledge of the case from June 15th till the day Casey was arrested.

Exactly. And apparently didn't ask any hard questions, even though they were roommates, and she hadn't seen Caylee in a month. Everyone keeps saying they'd be satisfied with their room mate saying she was with a babysitter, family etc. After a couple of days of those sorts of excuses, I'd be asking a lot more questions. I mean it's a 2 year old that is missing, not a CD or something. I don't get why Amy didn't think it odd that Casey wasn't with her own daughter for a whole month.

Amen , glad you said this, I too work in the field and have seen the same situations ( some section 8 is reallly nice, better than my 1st apartment)

Yeah, landlords who receive Section 8 vouchers are required to allow a housing inspector on site twice a year. Those inspectors are thorough, and they make a list of stuff that the house owner must fix. Even stuff like a rip in the screening on a screen door will end up on the housing inspector's list.
Yeah. That's just the one they shot.

But it's chilling to think that something that cold and disgusting might have been Caylee's grave.

Why do you find that disgusting? Would it have been better if she was strapped into her car seat alive and sent into a lake? While living and breathing and fighting for her life but strapped down, as Susan Smith did to her sons?

Break time for me.
Re: Cindy's rambling bamboo discourse:
Yes Casey has been taught well how to lie by Cindy.

Casey's been taught how but not "well". :)

It was laughable to me when Greta aired the bamboo discussion because we have bamboo in our Orlando yard as well and what Cindy was gesturing to on the ground was not bamboo but a **WEED**! [And the bamboo sure as heck is not as invasive as discussed--at least our variety is not.]
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