Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #133

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It makes the case much easier to prove to a jury.
Casey's credibility is ZERO.
How can Baez "sell" the jury on ANY theory, when everything out of Casey's mouth is a lie?

Yes, Casey's credibility is zero. But is was zero two days ago, as well. We already knew about all of those lies. Yesterday's documents gave us more context.
this statement stands out for me.
add to it that 'casey' was asking for money.

and i thought kia?sp reported that her man wouldn't allow his phone records to be turned over to police.

a few threads ago i asked what types of people would want to steal a child?
a woman who cannot bear children

The heck of it is that if Casey had gone to court with them she could have given temp custody of Caylee to them or given her up for adoption to them and there wouldn't be a thing that Cindy or George could have done. At least she could have as long as they didn't have bad criminal historys.
Reading through the transcript of the interview (in the third and last document) with Amy, I found 2 references to Lee's knowledge (or lack thereof) of "Zani the Nanny".

On Page 83
Question: Have you ever met this nanny?

Answer: No one has. I.. to my knowledge everyone I've talked to, no one has ever met or spoke to her. Her mom hasn't met her, her brother hasn't met her, no one's met this nanny.

On Page(s) 111-112
Question: Can you think of any other information that you think we need to know?

Answer: I've honestly been racking my brain and the only that I've even come up with and um, Lee actually agree that he don't. I don't remember ever hearing the name Zani come up. I remember her talking about a nanny, but I don't remember the name Zani coming up until about a month ago.

Q: Uh-huh (Affirmative)

Answer: And Lee said he was pretty sure that he didn't actually remember that name. And I was like there's no way you're gonna forget Zani the nanny? And I'm pretty sure it was about three or four weeks ago that I, I heard her say Zani a few times. And I was just thinking she was saying nanny, but it was like it really sounds like she's saying Zani. (talking low) But I guess she's saying nanny. And finally I asked her and she was like, no that's the nanny's name. And I was like that's funny. I think I would giggle every time I said it.

(There's more on the name "Zani the Nanny" on page 112)
A couple of things that were telling to me is:
* Tony's testimony that she seemed to be more into him very quickly and he was trying to pull away.
* Cindy telling Ryan that she lies and he didn't want him to get hurt and that she was a sociopath.
* That George AND Cindy went to get the car together. (since George had to go back to get money.) I was under the impression that George went to get the car when she went to get Amy.
* Jesse saying she deleted more than 200 pics of Caylee on the internet. And also that she needed to use his shower.
There is more but my head is swimming from the info and lack of sleep!

I have flip-flopped several times on Cindy/George, but this car thing really gets me to believe they are covering for Casey since the beginning (July 15th) and maybe sooner.
Also recall how on the 15th they brought the car home and parked it in the garage. Odd huh ?
I was actually impressed with the depth of this investigation. It seemed to me they have followed up on everything and gone down every avenue. And if this is only the part WE know about, well, I think Casey's goin down. Maybe not today, but she's goin.

She is going down and sooner than later. I also have an even BIGGER problem with Cindy and George more than I ever have. Did anyone else notice the tow yard convo by George? Waaaaayyy before the 911 calls when they supposedly figured out all of the information. "we found our daughter but our grandaughter is missing: What????? When did they find Casey? Cindy had not dragged her out of Tony's how did they know that Caylee was missing yet?


Cindy tells Amy "we have to find Casey or she could go to jail" Again, what does she mean by that? Why would Casey go to jail if the Great Grandparents charges were not happening and Cindy wasn't filing charges for theft. What is she referring to here?

She then goes and washes the pants and the knife from the car and her and george check out the backyard for "foul play" moving the playhouse and the pavers underneath. Checking all three sheds. If you have enough doubt (BECAUSE THE CAR SMELLS LIKE A BODY) and they obviously did. They were looking for Caylee or evidence of Caylee in that yard. They should have called LE IMMIDIATELY due to the circumstances. No wonder they lawyered up in the beginning. Have know idea how that was kept under wraps though.

They covered up for her waaayy before those 911 calls. I don't think that we will ever know for sure what they found in that backyard and car. And I seriously do not know how they are not in jail right now. The covered for Casey and tampered with evidence period. jmo
The funny thing, for me at least, is that I also went through all the documents. I was titillated as much as anyone here, and acquired even more insights into Casey. But on the other hand, I'm not so convinced that this new information makes the potential murder case any stronger than it was two days ago. The murder case is still circumstantial. I'm not so sure that much has changed.

Yes, I have to agree with you there. A WHOLE LOT of insight on "the Casey dynamic". But nothing that tells us or leads us to when, where, or how. Why could easily be proven (or deduced from theother 3)

I am confused too about Amy/Ricardo's relationship..anyone?

Yes, it seems we were all led to believe they were bf / gf - yet she talks kinda like they aren't. I found her descrition of his personality kinda funny - how he is - oh what word did she use?- like he is relly laid back and don't care about nothing. She seems to harp a lot on that and how it bothered Casesy.

A local talking head was saying that the info released will probably not include any info that will be used for possible homicide charges. The docs released were related stricty to the child abuse charges. He said LE will be careful to not show their hand.

YEPPERS!!!! I want to see the "rest" of the interviews. Sure, they named some new names and posted a WHOLE LOT of people talking. But.....were are the recorded interviews of Cindy and George? No big huge transcript from either of them. Or Lee. Why is there not a copy of JG's retraction of "hearing Caylee in the background" phone call? The posted interview he tells about the phone call for the first time. Then we were told her retracted at least part of it. Where's that interview?

It makes the case much easier to prove to a jury.
Casey's credibility is ZERO.
How can Baez "sell" the jury on ANY theory, when everything out of Casey's mouth is a lie?

Her credibility was already ZERO. This just kinda rams it home. Still really doesn't answer the million dollar questions. And it opens up a whole 'nother million more.
She can't go outside, the reporters will see her and film her.
As long as media is there, she will remain indoors with the blinds pulled down.

her back yard is all fenced in. very private. she may even be able to skinny dip!
Thanks, I did not know you did not need a passport. My son goes to Canada every year and know he had to get one I think it was last year. Thought maybe you would now have to have one for Mexico.

That rule is supposed to change in Jan. 2009. If you travel from the US to Canada or Mexico, you have until Jan. 09 to get a passport. If you travel to any of the Caribbean Islands (except Puerto Rico), you have to have a passport now. Puerto Rico if flying there directly from the US, just 2 forms of ID. Anywhere else in the world, a passport is required. Husband travels frequently with the Govt., and I always book his travel, so I had to check all this stuff out not too long ago..
Staying inside would be the smart thing to do. But she's still allowed 150 feet. Don't the Anthony's have a ten foot fence?

one of the talking heads said that she wasn't allowed to go outside. She was suppose to stay in the house unless she had permission to leave. Don't know how true it is though.
A couple of things that were telling to me is:
* Tony's testimony that she seemed to be more into him very quickly and he was trying to pull away.
* Cindy telling Ryan that she lies and he didn't want him to get hurt and that she was a sociopath.
* That George AND Cindy went to get the car together. (since George had to go back to get money.) I was under the impression that George went to get the car when she went to get Amy.
* Jesse saying she deleted more than 200 pics of Caylee on the internet. And also that she needed to use his shower.
There is more but my head is swimming from the info and lack of sleep!

She jumped right out of one relationship into another. Overlapping even from what the interviews sound like. She was very needy and wanted to be in a serious relationship. I don't think with who mattered so much. She wanted to be away from her parents and she needed a man to take of her because clearly she wasn't able to take care of herself.
She is going down and sooner than later. I also have an even BIGGER problem with Cindy and George more than I ever have. Did anyone else notice the tow yard convo by George? Waaaaayyy before the 911 calls when they supposedly figured out all of the information. "we found our daughter but our grandaughter is missing: What????? When did they find Casey? Cindy had not dragged her out of Tony's how did they know that Caylee was missing yet?


Cindy tells Amy "we have to find Casey or she could go to jail" Again, what does she mean by that? Why would Casey go to jail if the Great Grandparents charges were not happening and Cindy wasn't filing charges for theft. What is she referring to here?

She then goes and washes the pants and the knife from the car and her and george check out the backyard for "foul play" moving the playhouse and the pavers underneath. Checking all three sheds.

They covered up for her waaayy before those 911 calls. I don't think that we will ever know for sure what they found in that backyard and car. And I seriously do not know how they are not in jail right now. The covered for Casey and tampered with evidence period. jmo

I agree with everything you've said...Somethings hinky with Cindy and George.... moo
I apologized if this has been discussed already. There are quite a few things that stand out to me but one small thing is her deleting pictures and posts on her web pages. I just don't understand this action of wiping out all recent posts on her myspace account and deleting pictures of her and her daughter. Can anyone find a rationale reason for this? Obviously rationale is not a term to be used in conjuction with her but it really has been bothering me. Her hiding her actions is not what innocent people do in my opinion...

Out of sight out of mind? Over and done with? The end of that part of her life and the beginning of a new life?

I don't know why, but others have done it.
i know what you are saying BUT

circumstantial evidence is extremely powerful

its as good as anything else

sometimes and in this case. it is overwhelming


I agree. I'm not saying that the prosecution can't win a circumstantial homicide case against Casey. I'm only suggesting that maybe, yesterday's documents don't add much more to the homicide case than there already was. It's the theory of diminishing returns. We already knew of the existence of a few people who thought Casey was a habitual liar. Adding a few more witnesses to repeat the same opinion (same stuff/different day) might not make Casey out to be any more of a murderer than she might have been two days ago. There's also the possibility that some of that testimony might not even be permitted on grounds that it's prejudicial. The theory is that it would not be fair to determine whether a defendant committed homicide just because she told lies in matters entirely unrelated.
I was going to go out and buy a blank calendar- and do what the detective was doing each time he spoke with one of caseys friends and work on it this weekend, and then I realized that there are so great people here with graphic knowledge who could do this and fill in all the info and post it here.

Anyone willing to do that???
Yes, it seems we were all led to believe they were bf / gf - yet she talks kinda like they aren't. I found her descrition of his personality kinda funny - how he is - oh what word did she use?- like he is relly laid back and don't care about nothing. She seems to harp a lot on that and how it bothered Casesy.

Amy described Ricardo as "ambivalent".
She is going down and sooner than later. I also have an even BIGGER problem with Cindy and George more than I ever have. Did anyone else notice the tow yard convo by George? Waaaaayyy before the 911 calls when they supposedly figured out all of the information. "we found our daughter but our grandaughter is missing: What????? When did they find Casey? Cindy had not dragged her out of Tony's yet. And how did they know that Caylee was missing yet?


Cindy tells Amy "we have to find Casey or she could go to jail" Again, what does she mean by that? Why would Casey go to jail in the Great Grandparents charges were not happening and Cindy wasn't filing charges for theft. What is she referring to here.

She then goes and washes the pants and the knife from the car and her and george check out the backyard for "foul play" moving the playhouse and the pavers underneath. Checking all three sheds.

They covered up for her waaayy before those 911 calls. I don't think that we will ever know for sure what they found in that backyard and car. And I seriously do not know how they are not in jail right now. The covered for Casey and tampered with evidence period. jmo

Very good points Shannon, very good. I really want to compare the transcript testimony Yuri gave about who he got the garbage bag back from. I'm pretty sure he said George. So did George try to give Yuri some random unstinky trash to throw LE off? I really need to hunt this down. Real life is interfering!
Thanks, I did not know you did not need a passport. My son goes to Canada every year and know he had to get one I think it was last year. Thought maybe you would now have to have one for Mexico.

California native here raised in Chula Vista, we like to call it Northern Tijuana (TJ for short) You can ride the trolley to the border and walk across with no problem, all you need is a valid American drivers License. On your way back, you declare you are a citizen and show them your ID.
I have flipped flopped alot on this case. I have been angry with George and Cindy and then I have felt really bad for them. After reading the documents,.. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK NOW!!!! I just hope very soon that something BIG BREAKS, so they can bring Caylee home, hopefully alive instead of dead.
the child was gone and she didn't want a reminder or new potential boyfriends to see her with a child she no longer had. Sorta what you do when you are no longer friends with someone or dating someone, it is strange but people go on to myspace and remove all evidence of them.

She jumped right out of one relationship into another. Overlapping even from what the interviews sound like. She was very needy and wanted to be in a serious relationship. I don't think with who mattered so much. She wanted to be away from her parents and she needed a man to take of her because clearly she wasn't able to take care of herself.

I see this all the time, it's not so much a relationship, it's a place to stay! Honest, young girls get in a bind for whatever reason and if they have issues like Casey does, they convince themselves they are in love and will do what they have to , and trust me, they always have someone else lined up before they leave the current guy.
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