Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #140

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NG is on the phone right now with Jane Velez-Mitchell! TOO funny she had to call in to her show while on vacation!!!!!
I cant really excuse LP at all at this point. He acts as if all of this news is a REVELATION of some kind. Its not like we didn't know that Casey was a liar before the documents were released. We knew alot about her behavior when he bailed her out. I think he's just now trying to save his reputation with all that has gone down in the last couple of days.

I still feel the same about him....sickening that he got her out of jail and has been enjoying his media sleepover ever since. Just sickening.

honestly I really do not think that George had anything to do with Caylee's disappearance…

the way he is reacting when they told him that Caylee was dead… that is the first time I seriously saw the first truthful emotion out of a Anthony…

as a mother of a two year old… when my father sees my daughter is incredible of how much love he gives to her… I kid you not since the day my daughter was born my father has literally called me every morning and every night to check on Jianna just wanted to know how she was…

I mean trust me the love for a grand daughter is more than the love of the daughter… they were the only ones who gave Caylee proper living and they are just guilty of letting Casey make decisions for Caylee…

Ask you parents now what if you stole or killed they won't stop loving you yes the love will change to another kind of love but your always going to stand by your child and yes I do believe they are in denial that Caylee is dead… but really are they ready to cope with that and close this chapter of their life without Caylee…

its too much… I sit her typing while my daughter plays and yes I cant see myself doing what casey has done or the lack of what she has done to recover her daughter. but keep Caylee in your payers and keep your faith and Caylee will come home.
No No No. Respectfully, an immunity deal is not a plea deal. Immunity deals are concerned with how testimony or evidence coming from the defendant will be used. LE is now putting all of their evidence out there -- that they have gotten without Casey's help. They are identifying their evidence vs what evidence they may first learn from Casey.

There's "blanket immunity" -- you won't be prosecuted for any crime connected with your evidence.

There's "Limited immunity" also known as "use immunity" -- you won't be prosecuted for evidence that originates with you but LE reserves the right to prosecute for evidence LE independently discovers.

A PLEA DEAL -- decides what the plea will be to each charge -- guilty, not guilty or Nolo Contendre (No contest). A plea deal generally also nails down the maximum penalty for which the defendant may be sentenced. For example, if the maximum allowable punishment is the death sentence, they may agree to an LWOP -- Life Without the Possibility of Parole or something like 25 years with credit for "good time."

So, an IMMUNITY deal only addresses evidence and prosecution flowing from evidence that flows from Casey originally. It does not limit them from using their own evidence, going for maximum charges based on their own evidence and going for a maximum allowable punishment (penalty) based on their own evidence.

Scott Peterson never told where Laci's body was in exchange for a lesser charge. These liars are like that - they continue to lie in the face of overwhelming evidence. Forget that it might bring her parents some peace; forget that it might give some peace to anyone but her.
NG on the phone saying: "Connect the Dots People!" "She moved and up and down a stripper pole people" She also said to prosecutors: " Do not give immunity!"
No No No. Respectfully, an immunity deal is not a plea deal. Immunity deals are concerned with how testimony or evidence coming from the defendant will be used. LE is now putting all of their evidence out there -- that they have gotten without Casey's help. They are identifying their evidence vs what evidence they may first learn from Casey.

There's "blanket immunity" -- you won't be prosecuted for any crime connected with your evidence.

There's "Limited immunity" also known as "use immunity" -- you won't be prosecuted for evidence that originates with you but LE reserves the right to prosecute for evidence LE independently discovers.

A PLEA DEAL -- decides what the plea will be to each charge -- guilty, not guilty or Nolo Contendre (No contest). A plea deal generally also nails down the maximum penalty for which the defendant may be sentenced. For example, if the maximum allowable punishment is the death sentence, they may agree to an LWOP -- Life Without the Possibility of Parole or something like 25 years with credit for "good time."

So, an IMMUNITY deal only addresses evidence and prosecution flowing from evidence that flows from Casey originally. It does not limit them from using their own evidence, going for maximum charges based on their own evidence and going for a maximum allowable punishment (penalty) based on their own evidence.

Thank you so much for this information!! It makes sense to me now. And I hope they do not give her a plea deal.
Okay--so if I'm to understand your explanation-- should Casey provide them with the location of Caylee's body--they can use all the evidence they've gathered up until the discovery of said body. However, they will still need to connect the dots to the body without Casey's statement and cannot use her statement against her. If I'm wrong then please correct me as I'm willing to glean any information and education regarding the law.

Should Casey take their hand and take them to the body, LE can still charge murder, LE can still try the case based on evidence LE originally discovered. LE can use their own originally discovered evidence discovered AFTER Casey locates the body. What they could not use is forensic evidence located by a coroner's autopsy, for instance -- because that comes from the body that Casey found for them. Under the deal, LE could not use anything Casey said to them pursuant to the deal. See, if they make an immunity deal, ONLY the evidence Casey shows or tells them covered by the immunity deal is off limits to prosecution.

These are very tough legal concepts, Gigi, I applaud you for giving it the effort to understand it. Good for you!
Yes. That's what he said.

They both need to grow up. Its their fault shes hanging out at home right now instead of sitting in a jail cell breaking down everyday.

I don't feel bad for EITHER of them. Most of the information was already out when they jumped on their horse to rescue Casey under the guise of gleaning information. He and his media sleepover make me sick to my stomach and he is now changing his tune to save his reputation. He would have to be pretty dimwitted to not realize what a liar Casey was when he bailed her out.

I have no tolerance for either of the Padilla's and in fact they infuriate me even more now then they did weeks ago.

They accomplished NOTHING other than giving a potential baby killer comfort and a respite from jail.:furious::furious::furious::furious:
Thank you so much for this information!! It makes sense to me now. And I hope they do not give her a plea deal.
You're welcome, Tracy1. (Note for further topic: Plea deals have their place in our justice system.)
Nancy feels so bad for the hell the GP's are going through?! Huh? Wake up Nancy...they made their own hell and now must live with it. No pity from me.
I hope Casey stays right where she is at home with the family. Why...because Tim Miller will be here tomorrow and I want her to talk to him..see that he organizes a search. I want Cindy's venom coming out 24/7, as well as George's..according to her friends she had issues with both parents. I want her friends to see where all the partying and lying got Miss Casey. And mostly I want Miss Casey to see all the people that aren't so interested in her..but are interested in finding Caylee. In jail she is protected from alot of this the home she is not...friends can call..reporters are there, and hopefully Tim starts his search with a thousand people in their front yard!

Up until now this has been her all stops are out to find Caylee. She doesn't cooperate, which IMHO she won't....then everyone is finally focused on Caylee. In jail this B*TCH doesn't have to see what is happening, but at home if that is what is on TV in the front yard 24/7 ..well that's a different story.

Will she cave;;hell no! She isn't going to cave for months, new DP charges served, Baez doing his job motioning the court to drop evidence, charges , the end..many moons from will still be the same..Casey and Dp..then she will go for lesser admitting an oops where Caley is concerned.

Do I think that LE is hoping, George and Cindy are hoping ...that she now leads them to a body..yes! I don't think George or Cindy have anything more to do with this then the man in the moon. Please remember Casey is very, very sick..her daughter was in the way of her lifestyle and now she is with the angels in heaven.

Casey is not going to break until she has to inorder to save herself..right now that isn't going to happen..she still has legal counsel and motions to go through. Her parents house is where she doesn't want to be..remember she has not wanted them at hearings, not wanted to see them on visits...Baez can say that he doesn't want her talking..but I think she is such a b*tch she will eventually say what happened to her family..because she wants them to suffer..why should she suffer alone? Little nutball that she is..she will acuse them of pushing her to this..because in her life everything was someone else's fault...someone else's problem......Even in the liar's world she created.. everyone else was to blame.
No No No. Respectfully, an immunity deal is not a plea deal. Immunity deals are concerned with how testimony or evidence coming from the defendant will be used. LE is now putting all of their evidence out there -- that they have gotten without Casey's help. They are identifying their evidence vs what evidence they may first learn from Casey.

There's "blanket immunity" -- you won't be prosecuted for any crime connected with your evidence.

There's "Limited immunity" also known as "use immunity" -- you won't be prosecuted for evidence that originates with you but LE reserves the right to prosecute for evidence LE independently discovers.

A PLEA DEAL -- decides what the plea will be to each charge -- guilty, not guilty or Nolo Contendre (No contest). A plea deal generally also nails down the maximum penalty for which the defendant may be sentenced. For example, if the maximum allowable punishment is the death sentence, they may agree to an LWOP -- Life Without the Possibility of Parole or something like 25 years with credit for "good time."

So, an IMMUNITY deal only addresses evidence and prosecution flowing from evidence that flows from Casey originally. It does not limit them from using their own evidence, going for maximum charges based on their own evidence and going for a maximum allowable punishment (penalty) based on their own evidence.

Thanks for sharing this. It's very helpful.
You're welcome, Tracy1. (Note for further topic: Plea deals have their place in our justice system.)

Themis, I know they do. Our system could not work without them. But in this case, with this defendant, I do not want her to be offered one.

Should Casey take their hand and take them to the body, LE can still charge murder, LE can still try the case based on evidence LE originally discovered. LE can use their own originally discovered evidence discovered AFTER Casey locates the body. What they could not use is forensic evidence located by a coroner's autopsy, for instance. Under the deal, LE could not use anything Casey said to them pursuant to the deal. See, if they make an immunity deal, ONLY the evidence Casey shows or tells them covered by the immunity deal is off limits to prosecution.

These are very tough legal concepts, Gigi, I applaud you for giving it the effort to understand it. Good for you!

Themis.. you seem very litigious..

Here is how I see it :

Casey probably had an incident with Caylee that was an accident in nature. ( i.e. accidental drowning, fall down stairs etc )

Had she called POLICE or EMERGENCY SERVICES immediately, is there anything she would have been charged with? IYO?
I'm not generally a supporter of the death penalty but do make an acception when it comes to children. They should be protected and avenged at all costs.

But I do think GiGi that Life without parole is sooooo much worse than the death penalty. There is no end to your misery that way. Casey would have to suffer for YEARS on end in a jail cell, growing old and becoming institutionalized. Did you see her after only 30 some odd days? She looked 100 years old when she got out.

I've always thought that LWOP is the best punishment for offenders like Casey.


I am always so back and forth on this very thing. I want them to rot in jail but at the same time our jails can be so accommodating, with education,rehab,visitation, recreation,exercise etc... that it sometimes doesn't feel like it's enough. With the DP, you know when you are going to take your last breath, sometimes you accept that, sometimes you don't. I know there are appeals and such but it seems like a crapshoot with your life. I don't know Shannon, I don't know what would be more tortuous but I do know that I want the most HORRIBLE punishment for Casey. I am so tired of parents hurting, abusing, neglecting and murdering their children. Just plain effing tired of it.
It's clear that LE wants Caylee's body in order to solidify their case. Decomposition in air samples is evidence of a dead body in the car trunk -- but does not identify the dead body.

DNA testing from the stains and hair samples taken from Casey's car might be linked to Caylee's body. But it is doubtful that the DNA results will establish a cause of death.

The cause of death is crucial to this case. Otherwise, we can't say for sure whether Caylee was killed because her head was bashed in with a hammer, or whether she was left in an overheated car for too long, or negligently given a lethal dose of drugs. Without Caylees' body, Casey might still claim that Caylee's death was purely accidental. Perhaps Caylee died from a sudden and tragic heart attack. Or perhaps Caylee was jumping on the furniture, pretending that the couch was a trampoline and fell, banging her head fatally. Casey might claim that Caylee's death was accidental, and that Casey then panicked. This version of events would also explain all of her subsequent lies as coming from an extremely panicked and traumatized mother. Casey might claim a subsequent cover-up for fear of never being believed.

Without Caylee's body, the prosecution's case is by no means bulletproof. LE still needs evidence of a cause of death.

I'm not suggesting that Casey is still home free. She is in a world of trouble, a lot more so today than yesterday. And those Fusian photographs will go a long way to counter the idea that Casey was panicked and traumatized. But the defense is not without options.
Nancy feels so bad for the hell the GP's are going through?! Huh? Wake up Nancy...they made their own hell and now must live with it. No pity from me.

I really don't think they knew. If they did know I don't think they would've even called the police. I feel terrible for them and I am sure they will blame themselves for the whole thing.
I agree they are very very odd but I believe they loved Caylee very much, maybe more then Casey even.
Themis, I know they do. Our system could not work without them. But in this case, with this defendant, I do not want her to be offered one.

:blowkiss: I pretty much thought you knew that. Completely understand your opinion too. I'm here watching this board too. :rolleyes:
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