Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #141

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I don't usually write personal things here but, I know about adoption too.
I gave up my son almost 40 years ago, I was never allowed to even see him. Have searched and searched but no luck ever finding him. I try to get comfort knowing I did the right thing.


There are people here who can help you!!!
I remember the first case I followed like this and it was so difficult. The range of emotions was extreme. I think we interject our own feelings, our own fears, and see ourselves in that "what if" situation when we get so involved. I had to learn to step back, stay more objective, and realize that my life...while it is touched by such sorrow and sometimes such removed from what is going on here.

You can't dwell on all the missing and the dead. You can't submerse yourself in the remorse, the anger, and the injustice. You have to walk away because you need to preserve yourself for your own children, your family, and your life. So you learn to hold your children a bit tighter, to give them that extra minute of your attention, and to keep in mind how precious time really is when it is spent with those you love. You learn to live a deeper life and as Christine reminds us daily...You learn to walk in this world differently than ever before.

How eloquently you have put this SS. Kudos for the right response that is needed at this time to old and new WS'ers.
FBI could mean.
Prostitiution, Money laundering, Child *advertiser censored*, Baby Brookering, Kidnapping, Drugs a lot of them, Fraud, Insurance Scaming, Interstate Car Theft. off the top of my head there is other stuff but I don't see things like terrioism. Since the GP's asked for the FBI way back when they may still be envolved but I would think that if there has been no colobrationg evidence to support that they would drop it back in the lap of the locals. I will have to try to find out but I thought that the FBI only came in for certain types of crimes and if those crimes crossed state lines with the exception of Kidnapping due to their manpower and resources. If anyone else knows anything would appreciate imput.

My personal opinion is that this meeting with cindy and the FBI might have something to do with bank fraud. In those documents released the detectives asked a few of her friends if they ever noticed her with a bankcard from I think Bank of America and Wachovia. Now after seeing that casey told Amy that she was going to be taking over the house, I wonder if she tried or was even successful at taking out a loan on that house by pretending to be cindy.

I don't think that the FBI would be involved in this case with it's current circumstances of a dead toddler at the hands of her deviant (oops) mother. There is no evidence of a kidnapping, and barring that the only other reason for their involvement is a to investigate a Federal crime and fraud, especially bank fraud is a federal crime.

I am sure Cindy has other problems of obstruction of justice and whatnot but I think the OCSD would still be the investigating authority for those issue's. JMO..of course
Everyone, including Cindy's brother Rick (if ya choose to believe that's who was doing the posting) says that Casey and Lee are tight. To me, that says something, ya know?

Yeah, that has crossed my mind ever since he dropped out of the public eye. Does he have involvement or is it that he disagrees with his parents.
I have been lurking for several weeks following this case. Now, with the news today I wanted to write to say "There but the grace of God go I." I also wanted to say thank-you to all of you for caring so much about this little girl. My husband and I adopted our two beautiful granddaughters a few years ago. However we had to wait until the law thought the kids were being abused/negected enough to even get the authorities involved. We were told since we were providing all of the financial/emotional care for the children that the children could not be considered neglected.It really is very hard for grandparents to keep the grandkids without consent. I was even threatened with arrest for kidnapping. Meanwhile my daughter who is bi-polar was abusing meth, which caused her to turn manic, yet she still had an amazing ability to make everyone else think she was great. Eventually DCF took the kids and placed them with us. Five long years and financial ruin later, we have two beautiful children that were saved from the possible ending poor Caylee endured.(we had to hire an attorney to keep the state from letting her get the kids back) Our girls suffered abuse by others entrusted with their care, because of the state failing to act. Through out the 5 years of one courrt date after another I saw the PARENTS having the rights and the children are possessions with no rights.We were a normal family and had another daughter that we had no problems with, but this one had a serious mental health problem for which she refused treatment. Now 8years later my daughter has been clean for 6 years, is under a Dr's care and is also doing well.
This type of situation causes incredible stress in the home. The mother of the child will never give custody up to anyone as long as she can use the child as a money tree. I dropped my daughter off at greyhound with a one way ticket out of state and told her I never wanted to speak to her again, nor would the children until a Dr. confirmed she was clean and in treatment and on meds. I think for poor Caylee it's too late. Mental illness and drug abuse destroys families, we were one of the lucky few that made it out okay. God bless you all for all off your devotion to helping Caylee.
Girl, you are preaching to the choir here! We have a whole thread of Cindy's "inconsistencies" as we so politely call them!! They are still adding up. Her total is going to be astronomical by the time this is over!

*Did ya like the way I threw that one in there?! LOL

Would FBI even be allowed to discuss Casey's federal case with a mother. Casey is of legal age.
Just thinking with you. Maybe credit card fraud involves the FBI and Cindy.

For all we know, the FBI could be asking Cindy what she did on June 15th and what time she went to work on June 16th.

FBI can ask any family member questions, but they certainly aren't going to discuss an on-going investigation with Casey or George.
So when did you first suspect Casey killed Caylee? For me, it was the first news report that said "Tot's mom admits she has been missing for 31 days and she didn't tell anyone or call police." The rest has just been there to pile on to the avalanche of that initial disbelief. And yet, I don't think Casey will admit to anything EVER, immunity or not. It's much easier to blame it on the Invisible Man (I mean Nanny).

Part of me is holding out that the infamous dumpster holds the key, and that the dumpster in question is the one next to the Amscot. A dead body would likely still be evidenced there for a good while. In other words, they may not have a "body", but they have enough evidence of body somewhere other than the back of the car.

And I have to admit that as I'm writing this, I still can't bring myself to say "Caylee" instead of the body when describing this.

She cannot tell the truth. She believes the story she has told. It is like she has created a Second Life scenario for herself and that is her reality - especially if she has BPD or other. However, if she is a sociopath...another story.
FBI could mean.
Prostitiution, Money laundering, Child *advertiser censored*, Baby Brookering, Kidnapping, Drugs a lot of them, Fraud, Insurance Scaming, Interstate Car Theft. off the top of my head there is other stuff but I don't see things like terrioism. Since the GP's asked for the FBI way back when they may still be envolved but I would think that if there has been no colobrationg evidence to support that they would drop it back in the lap of the locals. I will have to try to find out but I thought that the FBI only came in for certain types of crimes and if those crimes crossed state lines with the exception of Kidnapping due to their manpower and resources. If anyone else knows anything would appreciate imput.

~~~important note I made to myself while reading the docs~~~

FBI was called in AFTER Kiomarie's call about hearing the child in the background, domestic issues, etc:confused:.... and the fact the child may have been in the process of being held against its' will in an abusive situation (hostage). Of course we know that in hindsight that this was not the same Casey...but by that time fbi was on the books.

Keeping all that in mind....fbi was most likely not called in on a fake puff of zanny in newyork air.... and may have never even figured (or were called in for) a crime over state lines.

Would FBI even be allowed to discuss Casey's federal case with a mother. Casey is of legal age.
Just thinking with you. Maybe credit card fraud involves the FBI and Cindy.

Well I would think that that the adult thing would be correct but if Casey was using Cindy's phone, address etc. Maybe that would make her a part of it and she would then become a 'states witness' or whatever the FBI would call it.
I discount the escort thing myself and the drug trafficking after reading the 400 pager. Besides, who needs to be a escort when you're juggling a passle of men already? :)

I think that is a polite way of putting what she did for a living during the day in the park.
Ditto your adoption comments nurse. I'm adopted, too, and feel grateful that I was able to be raised in a "normal" family so unlike the Anthony home. (But please don't tell my baby sister I called her normal!)
:blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:AMEN DUDE!
I hope Caylee didn't suffer and that she was not abused by the
monster that was posing as a mother.
Considering how perverted CA appeared in public I can only wonder.
I wish Cindy had let her daughter give Caylee up for adoption, she might have had a loving family and been happy and alive.
Very sad.
God Bless You Caylee :rose:

That poor child didn't deserve what's happened to her. I fault Cindy for not recognizing that her daughter was not stable and motherhood material. She should have supported Casey's desire to have Caylee adopted. Caylee would still be alive, and living with good and loving family. I hope she didn't suffer at the hands of her "mother."
I agree i'v been saying this since day 1---what pic did she delete from her profile. This could be very telling, even if it appears innocent. Many adults use the internet to "advertise" their kids but it appears innocent to the untrained eye.

LE would have been able to see what was deleted off the computer.
Drug Dealers aren't going to steal a little girl . . . do you know how hard it is to take care of a child? There is no way a drug dealer would have the tolerance.
I tend to agree, I was simply speculating about all the extra FBI that are now involved. It seems to be that they might have discovered something else.

I'm not from the USA, so would really appreciate knowing a bit more about significance of FBI being involved...I assume homicide/child neglect is not within their jurisdiction so they must be investigating some other aspect of the case that we don't know about yet???
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