Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #141

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That poor child didn't deserve what's happened to her. I fault Cindy for not recognizing that her daughter was not stable and motherhood material. She should have supported Casey's desire to have Caylee adopted. Caylee would still be alive, and living with good and loving family. I hope she didn't suffer at the hands of her "mother."

There are some that might say "Casey should have been put up for adoption also . . . "
Something about Yosemite Sam and a script. The fake nanny and her fake brother and a fake piece of paper. I don't know; I cannot repeat it because I fear it keeps it alive. It's bs anyway.

one word: huh??? lol.
Would someone be so kind as to call Capt. Nieves and tell him we need this information on the DNA cleared up:

Capt. Angelo Nieves
Orange County Sheriff’s Office of Media Relations

I would but my SIM card is in my blackjack I lost at the park so my phone won't work.

Well maybe it fell out of your pocket or it is in that centralized location at TonEz.:crazy:
Yes! They are more similar than different imhoo. Casey developed her personality traits from someone...and Cynthia is my personal bet.

Let's just take a peek at Beth Holloway or any other miriad of parents or grandparents with a missing child... Does Cynthia fit that bill? heeeeell no! She is more like doing a 'susan smith' or a 'melinda duckett'

A least Susan Smith cried (though I'm sure it was for herself and the fact that she was caught), ya know?
I'm just not ready to write murder, or manslaughter in regards to Cindy. If so that would make her 100x the monster Casey is. IMO.

IMO, she is scarier than Freddy Krueger. Seriously. Something is wrong that someone can have that much power over that many people in 1 family. They all act like they are scared to death of her.
I was wondering that also. And wondering if maybe he DID know but denied knowing it? How could he not know? :confused: And why was LE in his office if not to tell about the DNA? I don't get it.

He should know...if he was doing his job properly he'd have paralegals or secretaries printing out and saving to disc every story printed, or at least subscribe to a service that does it for him. IMOO
Drug Dealers aren't going to steal a little girl . . . do you know how hard it is to take care of a child? There is no way a drug dealer would have the tolerance.
my thoughts exactly swa! There are much better means to an end if that hypothetical would be the case!
How eloquently you have put this SS. Kudos for the right response that is needed at this time to old and new WS'ers.

"Can I get a Amen?"

I have followed other cases but new to WS and this case ESPECIALLY has touched me deeply in ways that are hard to express. I have some days where I don't post at all and just read.. Other times I try to type my thoughts and hit submit and then erase... And sometimes I cannot stand the crap that comes out of the Circus of Anthony's, that I scream! All in all, I appreciate what I have and it does put things in perspective for me. It is also opens my mind to hear the thoughts and theories of others...
I have been lurking for several weeks following this case. Now, with the news today I wanted to write to say "There but the grace of God go I." I also wanted to say thank-you to all of you for caring so much about this little girl. My husband and I adopted our two beautiful granddaughters a few years ago. However we had to wait until the law thought the kids were being abused/negected enough to even get the authorities involved. We were told since we were providing all of the financial/emotional care for the children that the children could not be considered neglected.It really is very hard for grandparents to keep the grandkids without consent. I was even threatened with arrest for kidnapping. Meanwhile my daughter who is bi-polar was abusing meth, which caused her to turn manic, yet she still had an amazing ability to make everyone else think she was great. Eventually DCF took the kids and placed them with us. Five long years and financial ruin later, we have two beautiful children that were saved from the possible ending poor Caylee endured.(we had to hire an attorney to keep the state from letting her get the kids back) Our girls suffered abuse by others entrusted with their care, because of the state failing to act. Through out the 5 years of one courrt date after another I saw the PARENTS having the rights and the children are possessions with no rights.We were a normal family and had another daughter that we had no problems with, but this one had a serious mental health problem for which she refused treatment. Now 8years later my daughter has been clean for 6 years, is under a Dr's care and is also doing well.
This type of situation causes incredible stress in the home. The mother of the child will never give custody up to anyone as long as she can use the child as a money tree. I dropped my daughter off at greyhound with a one way ticket out of state and told her I never wanted to speak to her again, nor would the children until a Dr. confirmed she was clean and in treatment and on meds. I think for poor Caylee it's too late. Mental illness and drug abuse destroys families, we were one of the lucky few that made it out okay. God bless you all for all off your devotion to helping Caylee.

Grandma welcome to WS. And bless you for being the type of Grandma that would step in to protect her grandchildren. I know that besides financially, that had to be emotionally difficult. You must have a lot of strength.
Please revoke the bail -- do the right thing TP.

I think someone pointed this out earlier, and I'm catching up, so maybe others have pointed this out again and again...

A bail bondsman's role is to protect the Constitutional rights of individuals who, while accused, are not yet proven guilty in court. His role is not to determine guilt nor innocence. His role is to ensure the accused shows up for his/her Constitutional right to trial with a jury of his/her peers.

While TP has the authority to revoke bail at any time for any reason, he likely wouldn't (and shouldn't) unless CA has become a flight risk or a danger to herself or the community. (In other words, new evidence isn't grounds for revoking bail unless it leads to one of the above conditions.)

I'm not defending CA, but I would rather see 100 CA's out on bail than have a single innocent individual sit in jail because a high-profile bail bondsman decided to act as judge and jury.
For all we know, the FBI could be asking Cindy what she did on June 15th and what time she went to work on June 16th.

FBI can ask any family member questions, but they certainly aren't going to discuss an on-going investigation with Casey or George.

Yes, I agree.

I'm wondering about that July 3rd post of Cindy's on myspace - and also, what LE may have found out from the analysis done on Cindy's laptop.
I'm trying to think this through -

The FBI got involved in the case because of the alleged kidnapping. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that the FBI would get involved just because Casey didn't want to talk to local LE. They have to have some jurisdiction.

Do you think it's possible that the reason for their meeting today was to tell the family that the test results are in and they are conclusive, which means their services would no longer be needed?

After reading the 400 pages of documents, it's my opinion that any additional illegal activity amounted to theft. If she did any of the other things she could have done, she wouldn't have needed to steal from everyone who trusted her. That's how she lived.

Thinking out loud again, it's conceivable that they did leak the test results, perhaps even with the blessing of LE in order to turn up the heat, so to speak. I would feel better hearing it from Greta's mouth but I don't automatically discount it because it was leaked anonymously. LE has been very methodical about how the information has been disseminated so it makes me think that they would have spoken publically to deny that the results are positive for decomp rather than issuing the very vague statement they released, which to me didn't support or deny anything.

so, I have heard 2 different things, is the immunity up tomorrow or Tuesday? Why would they give her more time?

I honestly don't think she will talk, she seems to follow her lies to the very end.

Also, I think they can put the "somebody else drove the car" defense to rest, the car had no keys in it when it was found, and Tony is star witness to her leaving it at amscot b/c he picked her up there. Can't say somebody hotwired it unless there is damage to indicate that.

casey is toast!
Well it appears she would do just about anything for money.

I have one more far out thought, that I hate to think about, it has crossed my mind that maybe there was some internet sex thing going on. Possibly even with Caylee. It has been mentioned by several people, that Caylee was almost "flirty" with men.
Since we know that the detectives found out about Casey being involved with the deputy that was fired from computer forensics, what says they didn't find out a WHOLE LOT MORE????
My bet is that they have
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