Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #146

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It is not just that she lied about her pregnancy for 7 months, but you can't tell me that her parents did not know that she was pregnant for at least 3 of those months and they perpetuated the lie.

Did they not even question that she looked like she swallowed a basketball?

No mom, I'm not pregnant I just ate something that caused my stomach to bloat and my feet to swell, honest.

Give me a break! Pregnancy is usually pretty obvious even early on with someone as small as Casey. I was showing by my 3rd month.

sorry - have to disagree here, as you couldn't tell I was pregnant until well into my 5th maybe they're stretching it a bit.. but it's possible.
he said probably both of us

Yeah, which is a non-answer.

All week long, Leonard's said it's Tony's decision. But today, Leonard said that he would send her back...

It's not clear whose decision it is. Still.
Hey Tony, has Leonard ever gotten on WS and 'lurked' to see what's being said? Just curious...
You are always so insightful! This mindset is a mystery to me. I wonder if she just thinks Caylee was something she owned, like it was her life to ruin or not. Without me Caylee would not have existed poof I made her disappear, what is the problem.

Casey has a detachment disorder- this does not allow her to feel as you or I might. Once Caylee was gone, she was gone and Casey never gave it another thought. Given what I know, what ever she did to her daughter, she blames her mom and dad for.

Caylee was never anything but a pawn to be used, to use as leverage against her parents, to get what she wanted.
Just the fact that Casey hid the body and lied about everything shows she knew what she did was wrong. She can't get out of it on an insanity plea. She is nutty but not insane. She knows she did wrong.

No. If he's any good he wouldn't at least.

He'd have to prove she doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. You have to be really, really out there for it to even have a remote possibility of working on a jury, especially the jury she is going to get no matter where they have the trial.
In this article it says that test results prove that Caylee is dead and that the mother disposed of her body. I understand they can get test results that can indicate Caylee's death -- but how could this writer say that any of it would prove (other than speculation, circumstatial, etc) that Casey disposed of the body? I don't mean along the lines of Cindy saying tons of people had access to the car...anyone could have put a dead body in ther. And, I'm not implicating the grandparents, but all members of that family did have access to the car and I don't see how that would conclusively show Casey disposed of the body or she'd be charged and in jail -- don't you think?
I think there are death threats- no doubt about it. But, it is the actions of this family that is causing these threats.

Agreed, the wishy washy answers are making people mad. Some can handle this, and others, gezzzzz! Another social phenominon!
I think the "death threats" are either made up by Cindy or a figment of her imagination. WHO in their right mind would call her on the phone and threaten her, or send her an email threatening her knowing they could be easily traced and prosecuted?

We know how she exaggerates every little thing.....and wants the cameras on her.......

My point exactly! I know that people are angry. Hell I am livid, but it takes a special kind of stupid to make phone and email threats. If all these threats were happening the courts would be jammed up with that stuff right now and we would be hearing about the arrests.
I dont doubt there was threats. People all over have watched and waited for this little angel to come home. Alot of angry people out there especially because its a child.

I also believe there have been threats. I've seen some very scary folks posting about this case on other boards (not here at WS) and have no problem at all believing they'd make death threats. The pizza delivery, the band singing the anti-Casey song, the protest plans, the Target card plan - that's all threatening behavior and I'm sure it gets worse from there.
I almost hate to say this but Casey loves all of this attention, as soon as everything settles down, and she's locked behind bars or worse, it will hit home, I hope!

I know, she loves the attention. It's just frustrating that she's too stupid to figure out who it's all about...Caylee. I agree, I think once she's back in her cell and knows everyone is calling BS on her stories, she will 'get it'.

Cindy said today "Casey will not go back to jail."

Does that mean:

A. She has someone else to take over the bond?
B. She is going to run with Casey?
C. They have some kind of suicide pact?

When did Cindy start living in reality? Casey didn't become crazy on her own.
That is the first thing I thought about too..........they found the blackjack.

We should think of around-about question to ask him and see if we get a hint. Like do you the blackjack could supply some solid clues? Any ideas???
Things should be middle of the road personal involvement other than handling the case should not be in play. How often has LE been thanked lately in regard to this case? The true ones having to dig and pry everything out? LE has been subtly called liars and facts cast early aside as though there is was little fairness in how they were and are handling this case. These are people with families as well going with sleepless nights. Where are the balancing factors. TES was denied early on, offered up by WS board members, now Cindy gets credit? Please someone explain to me if you can. Why so much sympathy is garnered for the adults/Anthony's with the out landish comments over and over to the media for all to see. My patience has run out. This is about a child not magic predictions by her family and pats on the back for them, a little late NO? What is so fair about this a small child left alone? Remember her last moments.
Yeah, which is a non-answer.

All week long, Leonard's said it's Tony's decision. But today, Leonard said that he would send her back...

It's not clear whose decision it is. Still.

right - the "probably" part is the tricky catch - so we don't know anything new, really, except that he says he'll share more when it's all over...presuming he means when they find Caylee.
After hearing Tony right now on nancy grace, this is leonard's call. He has every right to put her back Tony said. Tony may not agree but it's Leonard's call so we will have to see if Leonard wants to tick Tony off and put her back~!
I totally agree CW. We are big contributors to the circus. There is a webcam in front of her house 24/7 for God's sake.

Is it any wonder that Cindy is reduced to posting "No Tresspassing" signs in her front yard? She's experiencing horror unlike what most of us can even begin to imagine and all under the close scrutiny of the media 24/7. I hope she's under a doctor's care.
I do appreciate all your insight. Everytime I try to understand some of her actions within those guidlines, logic sneaks in and I can't wrap my mind around it. Just glad you're here to remind me. TY

one can not possible get into the mind and actions of Casey, unless one has a child like this. And even then, one can never understand it. I still thank god everyday that our grandkids did not end up on the news like this case, as that was my fear everyday. It honestly could be me you would be seeing on the news.
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