Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #146

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You know the story about how Cindy and George didn't find out Casey was pregnant until she was 7 months along? I was wondering what happened when they took her to the doctor and it was confirmed. Did she act like she didn't know until then that she was pregnant? Or did she confess that she had been hiding it and lying about it? Just wondering how far Casey will go in her lies. I really thought she would have to break once the DNA came back but apparently she is still sticking to her lies. Only until she got to the office door at Universal did she admit she had been lying. Where is the door here?

It is not just that she lied about her pregnancy for 7 months, but you can't tell me that her parents did not know that she was pregnant for at least 3 of those months and they perpetuated the lie.

Did they not even question that she looked like she swallowed a basketball?

No mom, I'm not pregnant I just ate something that caused my stomach to bloat and my feet to swell, honest.

Give me a break! Pregnancy is usually pretty obvious even early on with someone as small as Casey. I was showing by my 3rd month.
Its too bad that LE doesn't rearrest Casey for murder in the next day or 2 so that Tony and Leonard can get out of the bail thing gracefully. That would be best all the way around.
EXACTLY!! See? She's loving this!! :furious:

It's ALL about CASEY!! How did this happen?? Baby Caylee deserves some respect for her short, little life. I'm hearing Obama talking in the background...about dignity and respect. That's what I feel Caylee deserves. All of this attention and worry and fretting over her probable killer disrespects Caylee and devalues her life....which was horribly taken from her.

ok...I'm done. Slinking off to clean my kitchen and thank God for my beautiful and healthy new grandson. And his parents who love him.

Casey feeds off of all this attention, which is why she needs to be locked up and forgotten!
I can't help but thinking once again to my situation. Amazing, how ONE PERSON has ruined so many peoples lives by her own selfishness.......just amazing. And I can promise you one thing- Casey does not even care, because she does not think she is doing anything wrong. The world is out to get her, she is right and everyone else is wrong. Someone asked if she was on any medication- while this information has not come out, I am almost positive that at some point in her life, she was on medication. Just as I am positive after the birth of Caylee, her behavior got worse, due to the hormones of being pregnant........and I bet someone in her family pleaded with her to go and get help, but she would not do that, because to do that would mean that she did have problems.

You are always so insightful! This mindset is a mystery to me. I wonder if she just thinks Caylee was something she owned, like it was her life to ruin or not. Without me Caylee would not have existed poof I made her disappear, what is the problem.
Yes, she is, but she's not wrong. Unfortunately, in some ways she really is a celebrity. The news media is camped outside her home day and night hoping to get a glimpse of her or a sound bite. And why are they there? Because of people like us who want to know every detail right down to what she ate for breakfast. Society is turning criminals into celebrities and, in the case of Casey Anthony, she's loving every minute of it. It's her due, don't you know?
I totally agree CW. We are big contributors to the circus. There is a webcam in front of her house 24/7 for God's sake.
I could go for that but then you have statements like "I guess I am a celebrity". Not normal thinking in any normal person's world.

And I really doubt that there have been a lot of death threats and don't think anyone is going to drive by her house and unload a clip.

I think the "death threats" are either made up by Cindy or a figment of her imagination. WHO in their right mind would call her on the phone and threaten her, or send her an email threatening her knowing they could be easily traced and prosecuted?

We know how she exaggerates every little thing.....and wants the cameras on her.......
Hi Tony,
Thanks for coming. Do you know if Casey is taking prescribed medications for a mental disorder?

Great question -- i thought. I did ask him about if there were any benzodiazepenes in the home that someone could overdose on (benzo's being things like valium, ativan, xanax, etc.) and he said that a search had been done on the home before Casey came and everything had been cleared out. Now, I don't know that this would include things like anti-depressants, mood stabilizers (things that could be used for bipolar, schizophrenia, etc)...those could also be taken at toxic doses enough to cause death, but if she was taken off of them immediately (if they cleared the house of all prescription drugs) she'd have massive side effects if not tapered off. I suppose someone could monitor the med intake (not allow her to keep it but provide her daily dosing -- like her lawyer or something) but it doesn't seem that Casey thinks anthing is wrong with Casey! So -- something in me doubts she'd get psychiatric help to that extent, perhaps only for things like ativan - or something she could say was for anxiety or to help her calm down, but not so much like the other medications where she might actually have to confront a bigger psychological order. And, many of the personality disorders, several of which seem very likely in her at least from what she has demonstrated publicly, do not respond well to medication (although combined with extensive, long term therapy can have some benefit.)
Good question. Not sure if Tim met Casey or not.

This has got to be so frustrating to you & Leonard. So much money put up & you'se can't find out anything / nor will Casey talk to you'se.

Casey is a whack job!
The best thing for this entire situation is for Casey to go back to jail, the media to leave, and for the family to get counseling. Casey sitting in jail is not going to make her tell the truth, because she never will, but Casey lives for attention and this needs to stop.
You are always so insightful! This mindset is a mystery to me. I wonder if she just thinks Caylee was something she owned, like it was her life to ruin or not. Without me Caylee would not have existed poof I made her disappear, what is the problem.

She takes no accountability at all! I think she's without a soul!
I thought that myself. Insanity from what, though? The partying and lieing do not explain insanity. I wonder how Baez could prove it?

No. If he's any good he wouldn't at least.

He'd have to prove she doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. You have to be really, really out there for it to even have a remote possibility of working on a jury, especially the jury she is going to get no matter where they have the trial.
Secondary/Neurotic Sociopath MOST DANGEROUS TYPE OF CRIMINAL Dysfunctional Upbringing, Pathological Liar, Anti Social, No Conscience, Intelligent, Manipulator, Drug/Alcohol Abuser, Charming, Emotional Thrill Seeker, Fearless, Promiscuous, Convincing Con Artist

do some research on this, and you will better understand Casey

I do appreciate all your insight. Everytime I try to understand some of her actions within those guidlines, logic sneaks in and I can't wrap my mind around it. Just glad you're here to remind me. TY
Do you have a clue as to how long it will be 'til this is over? And define over, please?

They really can't disclose anything until the trial is over for the most part. Remember, they're privledge to a lot of information that if they leak, they can be charged with interfering with an investigation.
It's agonizing to hear they have details they can't provide. But the good news is that if THEY know...the police know too.
Police need to make sure they hand her the right murder charge. It's very hard to get murder one.
They need a clear motive. The same people who say casey said she wishes she could go out and party, have also said she loved caylee very much.
My husband is a HUGE advocate for the death penalty. And last year he was actually on a jury with charges for murder one. He was certain the guy had every intention of killing his victims. But when it came time to hand a young man in his very early 20's the death penalty or life in weighed very heavily on him.
I think the "death threats" are either made up by Cindy or a figment of her imagination. WHO in their right mind would call her on the phone and threaten her, or send her an email threatening her knowing they could be easily traced and prosecuted?

We know how she exaggerates every little thing.....and wants the cameras on her.......

I think there are death threats- no doubt about it. But, it is the actions of this family that is causing these threats.
I am not so sure about that. They are saying that 'people' want to have a big demonstration in front of the Anthony house on Monday. That is one of the things Leonard is worried about and why he wants to turn her back in. It is said there are over 1000 people coming to this demonstration. I think that is silly to cause that rucus to the Anthonys. Just terrible. I hope they leave for the day and go to a hotel or something but I guess they can't because of Casey.

I think the "death threats" are either made up by Cindy or a figment of her imagination. WHO in their right mind would call her on the phone and threaten her, or send her an email threatening her knowing they could be easily traced and prosecuted?

We know how she exaggerates every little thing.....and wants the cameras on her.......
Secondary/Neurotic Sociopath MOST DANGEROUS TYPE OF CRIMINAL Dysfunctional Upbringing, Pathological Liar, Anti Social, No Conscience, Intelligent, Manipulator, Drug/Alcohol Abuser, Charming, Emotional Thrill Seeker, Fearless, Promiscuous, Convincing Con Artist

do some research on this, and you will better understand Casey

Great Adjectives, all the truth, I am impressed!
I made it back. Two things I really want to cover.

1) Cindy Anthony is a really nice person. I have had a very nice relationship with her for the past week and a half. She is really, really struggling. I know that it is unfair for me to jusge anything about her because I can only imagine what she is truly going through. She is acting strange but anybody in her position would be the same. I know that we see things and think why? but she has lost her granddaughter and could possibly lose her daughter as well. Please don't be the first to cast a stone but use your efforts to pray for a family in distress.

2) The screaming maniac on the show tonight had an out that I threw her way and she was more concerned about her own rhetoric than to shut her trap and run with it. I mentioned that somebody else could co-sign or be the guarantor on the bond. She made mention but then quickly chose another path for the show. Another bad journalist!!

Thought it was just me that feels that way about her. :clap::clap::clap:
The best thing for this entire situation is for Casey to go back to jail, the media to leave, and for the family to get counseling. Casey sitting in jail is not going to make her tell the truth, because she never will, but Casey lives for attention and this needs to stop.

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