Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #147

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Hmmmm.. possible...entirely unlikely... but hey

In the Welsh news article Waddles linked it says Tim Miller helped find Elizabeth Smart alive. I don't recall that. I thought some folks spotted her on the street.
Does some one recall?
Good mornin, my WS friends! Hope you all are well today! <raises her cup of coffee to ya>
That would be it. I grew up in what my girls now call A-town.

My parents were born and raised in Greenville. Actually Mom in Greenville and Dad in Taylors. Lots of relatives in the area.
Question: What advantage would it be to Casey to take that limited immunity deal?
From what I have seen it does not seem to offer much to her. What would Baez think?

I was thinking about you while taking my 2nd grade son to school this am. Today is "dress up like what you wanna be when you grow up day" and he is wearing is football gear...:)

Take a picture of him when he comes home later and send it to me. :)


ORLANDO, Fla. -- Officials at the Orange County State Attorney's Office said they're planning a 10:30 a.m. news conference about the Caylee Anthony investigation.

Authorities said they'll explain why Casey Anthony, Caylee's mother, should seriously consider taking a limited immunity deal being offered by prosecutors.

The deal will expire next week

The sooner the better - 10:30 prolly means Noon :rolleyes:
what happened to Beth? I don't get court tv anymore- have not for a couple of years.

Her mother is Beth and left no stone unturned. I remember her in Aruba over and over, walking door to door to door. SHe reached out EVERYWHERE EVERDAY. She was unrelenting trying to get answers. Still is to this day. Amazing woman and mother.
I totally agree and has nothing to do with Caylee missing anyway.

agreed.. but it reminds me of the lori hacking case where hubby mark was more concerned with his appearance on camera than in finding his wife.. IMO it adds to the sociopath theory~
Beth Holloway's daughter, Natalie, went missing in Aruba. Huge huge story and I agree, Beth should be mother of the years!

oh! my mistake, I thought you were talking about the anchor from Court TV- the other beth
I thought the Anthonys had a spokesperson now, so why is Cindy out swinging the hammer and talking to reporters. You just couldn't resist mugging it up again - could you Cindy? After all, its been about a week now, huh?
Question: What advantage would it be to Casey to take that limited immunity deal?
From what I have seen it does not seem to offer much to her. What would Baez think?

death penalty or prison
Casey is running to get out of the view of the media. In Florida, shorts and t-shirts are the norm here. Why should she wear a suit or dress to visit her attorney? I could see Casey being advised to dress appropriately in court, but not for a visit to her attorney or the corrections facility. There appears to be a lot of stuff in the backpack and this is an easy way to transport it without anyone getting wind of it.

lol, you never had my attorney. My case was merely a large scale civil one where I wasn't the defendant but a plaintiff. I was not facing a possivle death penalty and still I was told to behave in public as if I were on the stand testifying. All the plaintiffs were told what to wear and how to act. I watched my attorney make my late husband's ex-wife spit her gum into his hand in the elevator of the courthouse. I would have gotten raked over the coals for wearing to my attorneys office what Casey has been. Especially if cameras would have been rolling. Oh yeah, my attorney really had something against tennis shoes. I thought it was a bit much at times, but I played the game. He knew what he was talking about.
Good mornin, my WS friends! Hope you all are well today! <raises her cup of coffee to ya>

Good morning! Hoping today will bring all of us closer to some kind of closure for little Caylee.

Was there any real new news yesterday besides Cindy acting like a sociopath and the no news press conference? I know that LP/TP are revoking bail. Anything else?
We should take bets about anyone in the Anthony family helping in the TES search.

Since they won't be tending to Casey after tomorrow, and none of them have any real jobs to speak of, maybe, just maybe, they'll start looking tomorrow. I can imagine Tim from Equisearch asking the first question to the family - "So, where have you searched so far?"

Let's see, umm, ah, well, we've got "people" doing that.
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