Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #163

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I don't know if any of you have listened to this, a girl called LP and was talking to him about the case and why he was going to revoke the bond/bail etc. There is a thread here on WS also. In this conversation LP is talking away and is giving out scenarios and one of those is maybe Caylee fell off of TL balcony. That was the first time I have heard that theory, I hadn't even heard that theory on WS, anyone else?
Because some of also believe that individual posts as other people as well, so the "info" is still from him.

What is wrong with verifying that by looking around? It is now a moot point anyway because mysteriously that post has been removed if you follow the link.
Yeah, something like that! I was reading this:

Made me go hmmmmm.........

Well, that wasn't a very helpful website. Best bet would be to see what the Body Farm has in the way of decomp via insect activity. Google wasn't much help but then I have a migraine and not much patience. Worth looking into though. I would think that the body might support approx. 5 generations but have no scientific source to support that guess - only living on a farm and watching different stuff... sorry I can get pretty graphic.
I think it will be a dead issue tomorrow, unless the Anthony's do something stupid to keep the media around. The news from now on will be the announcement of additional changes and then a few night spots with the players and then nothing until the trial IMHO.

Yup prolly so but I am such a web cam junkie now LOL:Banane10:

I don't know if any of you have listened to this, a girl called LP and was talking to him about the case and why he was going to revoke the bond/bail etc. There is a thread here on WS also. In this conversation LP is talking away and is giving out scenarios and one of those is maybe Caylee fell off of TL balcony. That was the first time I have heard that theory, I hadn't even heard that theory on WS, anyone else?

Great interview and that was the first time I heard it too. Didn't know he had a balcony...I hope that girl is one of us,,,
What is wrong with verifying that by looking around? It is now a moot point anyway because mysteriously that post has been removed if you follow the link.

Exactly, you have hit the nail on the head.
I often wondered the same thing....the limited immunity would just put more pressure on the state to PROVE the case since they can't use her words, but so what, with her words they can finalize their investigation and gather all the evidence she needs, so the limited immunity would be pointless to her. I think her silence puts much more pressure on LE and the state to have to find the evidence instead of her directing it. However, even if she did tell them something who knows if it would be the truth.

Something else that bothers me....the limited immunity, when it first came out, the kept saying that if she would just say it's an accident. Like they were "priming her" to make up a story. Make up stories she is good at, so wonder why doesn't she just up and say "yea, it was an accident"? I guess because the evidence would point away from that, who knows with her...:confused:

The offer is contingent on the recovery of Caylee, which by effect would be Casey pleading guilty, there wouldn't be anything to prove in court.

If she still went to trial for some reason at that point, only her statement would be exempt. Forensics from the body would be fair game. If she lied in her statement, everything said is useable.

She couldn't say it was an accident like drowning or being left in the car, agree to plea out to negligence or a lesser charge, and then lead them to a body with a skull fracture.

She isn't going to lead them anywhere.
Interesting reading here about DID, although I really don't like wikipedia as a reliable source. I thought the mention of epilepsy under symptoms was interesting as I had heard mentioned in a post that JG took Casey to the ER earlier this year during an epileptic episode.

Yup it is interesting and I remember the ER trip being mentioned too. I am no professional by any means, but I just dont' see DID being in her resume of disorders LOL I see narrcacism (sp?) borderline personality disorder, and definately sociopath as described here
Forgive me for not having read everything in depth today, but you guys move so fast!!!! Amazing!!! Anyway, even if Casey has epilsepy, that in no way explains or excuses our current situation. Regarding Caylee falling from a balcony or any other accident - hogwash.
Well, that wasn't a very helpful website. Best bet would be to see what the Body Farm has in the way of decomp via insect activity. Google wasn't much help but then I have a migraine and not much patience. Worth looking into though. I would think that the body might support approx. 5 generations but have no scientific source to support that guess - only living on a farm and watching different stuff... sorry I can get pretty graphic.

Sorry to hear about your migraine, yike's those are terrible!
I don't think that the body was still in the car when GA picked it up from impound. I'm more wondering how much "material" could have been in there to support the lives of however many generations of flies.
PS....I love graphic......if ya want a better web site I'll send it along through PM. It is not for the faint hearted and I don't want to post it here.

Feel better soon!
I agree. Even if it were an accident and then she freaked out and tried to hide it surely she would have broke down by now and said as much! - The whole thing is just too bizarre!

Sorry You cannot think like her. She lives in the present and plots for a very short time frame in front of her. Once something is done it no longer exists for her - and may never have existed for her. She does not feel remorse for anything she does. No "normal" person can fathom the way her mind works unless they have been face to face with someone like her. She only would break down if it would benefit her in some way, not from any real emotion.
I dunno, I want so bad to believe it was an accident, but geez, why not call 911? I know she is "only" 22 but still, I just so bad want it to be an accident, yea, I am grasping! But I agree, it just doesn't fit :(

exactly 3 y/o no how to pick up the phone and dial 911 when somthing is wrong
If Caylee drown in the pool wouldn't there have been traces of chlorine in the trunk along with the dirt and decomp? (not that we know there isn't/wasn't since we are not privy to those actual results, but I would think if they found that out they would search accordingly? - right?)

or would have GA's cleaning job have taken care of chlorine?

Interesting theory of LP, wonder how he got there? - and that girl should have followed up with additional questions about that like "really, why do you think that?"
Yes I can certainly understand how they feel. I know the feeling of stress, but can't imagine it including the stress of loosing a grandchild.

this is true but why are they behind? because casey stoled from them and ran up charge cards and everything else so again it goes back to them protecting casey

If it's posted all over the net as the 27th at 6pm, and then they go back and say oooh maybe it was earlier. I don't think it would help much in court. jmo of course

edit to add: plus, the shovel is being said as borrowed on 18th of June and returned the same day.

I realize the woman said she saw the young woman with the Pontiac and the shovel on the 27th, but if a search produced a body, her error of the date becomes a moot point.

Although we know that Casey borrowed and returned a shovel from a neighbor on June 18th, it doesn't preclude Casey from borrowing, buying, or stealing a shovel at a later date.
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