Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #164

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I noticed that during CA's vacation from prison that she was meeting with JB for 6 hours each day (or just about each day), but her meeting with JB last night was just for one hour. Interesting.

It's not the same talking in jail as it is at the attorney's office. More than likely being at the attorney's office for hours was for business as well as to get Casey away from her parents.
And she had a month to think about the date she last saw her granddaughter before she made that statement. Who doesn't know the date and time you last saw your missing child?

EXACTLY! They should have been able to tell (at least Casey) down to the last minute!

I know that the last time I've seen my kids today was at 6:52. If something (God forbid) were to happen I'd be able to say that I left them at daycare with three witnesses beyond the three teachers who accepted responsibility for them at 6:52. These people will be there tomorrow and the next day, etc. They are not smoke, they will not vanish. There will be some proof they existed in the first place. Where's the pay stubs for her services? Ok, she was paid under the table? Okay, where's the proof you took money out to pay her? Oh, you didn't have a job? So, how did you pay this woman who took care of your child then? That's right, she didn't exist.
It sounded more like an example because he also said choked on candy. He probably has never even seen the building Tony lives in or he'd know that's really reaching.

Is Casey fell of TonE's balcony, surely someone would have seen something. How isolated can a balcony in an apartment complex be? Even late at night, people could be coming and going?
Cindy didn't freak out until the third phone call. Keep in mind, Cindy already had Casey's car back and the car smelled of decomp. Why didn't Cindy freak out in the first 911 phone call and say "my daughter car smells like a dead body was in it.

Remember Cindy's first 911 call wanting to have Casey arrested for stealing a car and money?
I am not 100% sure what your thoughts on this are. I am interested to hear what you are saying. Are you saying that you think Cindy and/or George were involved in Caylee's death...sans Casey? Please explain so I can think this through and try to understand where you are coming from.
Cindy didn't freak out until the third phone call. Keep in mind, Cindy already had Casey's car back and the car smelled of decomp. Why didn't Cindy freak out in the first 911 phone call and say "my daughter car smells like a dead body was in it.

Remember Cindy's first 911 call wanting to have Casey arrested for stealing a car and money?

OMG someone else actually thinks like me!!! I am not insane afterall.
Cindy didn't freak out until the third phone call. Keep in mind, Cindy already had Casey's car back and the car smelled of decomp. Why didn't Cindy freak out in the first 911 phone call and say "my daughter car smells like a dead body was in it.

Remember Cindy's first 911 call wanting to have Casey arrested for stealing a car and money?

IIRC, didn't Cindy leave the tow yard in search of Casey while George drove the Sunfire back to their home? If so, then Cindy probably didn't smell the car until she walked out to the garage.
Exactly. I'm getting the vibe that there are people in here who think Cindy and/or George was responsible for Caylee's disappearance and that makes no sense to me. Did they help cover up what Casey did? Probably. Were they directly responsible for Caylee's death? I don't think so. I'm kind of surprised people actually think that. If that were true and Casey were not involved you know she would have pointed the finger at her parents. She's not above that at all...But she's on the defensive. The grandparents did not do this. Maybe they helped cover it up, but they did not cause this tragedy to occur.

I don't think that its likely that the Anthony's had anything to do with the actual disappearance- Although I do find lots of inconsistancies like if Caylee was home with them that Sunday night, where was Casey. Why was one there without the other?
But I chaulk it up more to the Anthony family mantra (lie lie lie) rather than any of it fact.
It was taken from the trunk of the car. It had maggots and what-not inside of it. I don't remember where in the 400+ document this information is...but it is there because I've never gotten it out of my head. I thought they said they threw the bag over a fence or threw it away. I didn't realize LE even had the bag.

Edit: The bag was in the trunk when they went to recover the vehicle from the tow place.

Thank you. I knew about the maggot, pizza bag and I read the 400 pages. :D
IIRC, didn't Cindy leave the tow yard in search of Casey while George drove the Sunfire back to their home? If so, then Cindy probably didn't smell the car until she walked out to the garage.

I think Cindy went searching for Casey after the car came back to the house, when she found Amy's info etc., etc.
Silly question.....Why is Tony's name spelled TonE on here?
Leonard was just stating his belief as an accident. He said: She fell off the balcony or CHOCKED ON A CANDY BAR...etc.
He did not state he believed she fell off a balcony.:)
I think it boils down to this: If Caylee died by accident and no one else could be blamed for the accident occuring then I think the accident would have been reported. For instance, if she choked on a candy bar or fell of a balcony accidentally then someone would have called 911.

However, if Caylee was left in a hot car for a period of time and died "accidentally" as a result that's a different matter. What mother wants to go to the police and say, "My child is dead and it is because of something I did?" Additionally, if Caylee were medicated and left in the car, dying as a result, that would be yet another reason to cover up the death. I'm not saying I personally would react that way, but it seems more plausible then say...covering up something that could truly be construed as an "accident".
Remember Cindy's first 911 call wanting to have Casey arrested for stealing a car and money?

Which she has later stated that she just wanted to get LE to the house because the car wasn't stolen.
IIRC, didn't Cindy leave the tow yard in search of Casey while George drove the Sunfire back to their home? If so, then Cindy probably didn't smell the car until she walked out to the garage.

...and the thing that has always bothered my about the 911 calls was the fact that at some point DURING THE CALL you hear Cindy turn to George and TELL him that Caylee's missing. The communication in that household is non-existant at best!!! Didn't some period of time pass between these calls?? Do these folks live in the same house??
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