Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #165

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I agree!

This woman sits back and allows everyone to spend their hard earned money, and valuable TIME searching for her child,
while playing mind games & knowing all along where she left this child.

Unfortunately, if she is capable of killing her child, I doubt she has any concern for what we or her parents feel. JMO
Baez has retained a Public Relations firm to market him to all of the medica outlets. Everytime you see him on TV other than a newspaper reporter on the street he is being paid and I am very sure it is far more than he made in his law practice last year.
The Anthonys have retained the same firm and aare being paid and perked for all of the appearances.

I don't know why anyone would pay them for thier lies, by the time this is over they will have just a hard of time as Micheal Jackson getting a paying gig!!!!! Shame LE can't lock up GA & CA for being stupid.
Baez has retained a Public Relations firm to market him to all of the medica outlets. Everytime you see him on TV other than a newspaper reporter on the street he is being paid and I am very sure it is far more than he made in his law practice last year.
The Anthonys have retained the same firm and aare being paid and perked for all of the appearances.

omg - that seems so wrong that the A's are getting paid.....:eek: Is that a normal thing?
Baez has retained a Public Relations firm to market him to all of the medica outlets. Everytime you see him on TV other than a newspaper reporter on the street he is being paid and I am very sure it is far more than he made in his law practice last year.
The Anthonys have retained the same firm and aare being paid and perked for all of the appearances.

And I didn't think I could muster up any more disgust... :furious::furious:
She did that neck nuzzling thing to Baez when she left the jail after bonding out. Yuck is right. There is a myspace link to an informal interview with LP where he makes some statements about Casey's behaviors.

There is a video of KC walking out of JB's office and darn near getting clotheslined by crime tape and she is hanging on to RD's arm for dear life and he is trying to pull it away and she is haaannnggging on, RD had to literally pull his arm almost over his head for KC to let go of his arm. I watched that and bout fell off the couch laughing. I tried to find a link of the video and couldn't...maybe someone else has one. I looked in media threads.

I think that Casey was a good mom, in other people's eyes. Casey liked to have other people to think she was doing good in all areas, i.e, like the great job at Universal, the 15,000k in the bank, the going to college, the plan to take over her parents house.
But, I also think she was careless and negligent and Caylee died. Casey did not do the right thing, the reasonable thing, and call 911. She decided to lie. It is what she was used to doing.

If her psych eval. in agreement with what we have all been theorizing, then she was "a good mother" only when she had an audience. Poor, poor child
Baez has retained a Public Relations firm to market him to all of the medica outlets. Everytime you see him on TV other than a newspaper reporter on the street he is being paid and I am very sure it is far more than he made in his law practice last year.
The Anthonys have retained the same firm and aare being paid and perked for all of the appearances.

Let's not forget the free publicity he gets. One high publicity case doing it for free, lot's of new clients paying in the future.
I read in anothe rpost he is getting paid big money for talk show appearances

Not to say he couldn't be. But I think it's unethical for an attorney to receive certain payments on a case they are currently handling. It could get him a sanction or disbarrment from the State Bar. Payments to lawyers have to be clear cut with no indication of hinkyness whatsoever.
possible sighting of Caylee -- from Tim of EquuSearch...check out the thread...
Unfortunately, if she is capable of killing her child, I doubt she has any concern for what we or her parents feel. JMO

If she is capable, how many parents do you know can randomly move thier childs corpse around in the trunk with no regret!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If is not the question it is how and where she put her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Baez has retained a Public Relations firm to market him to all of the medica outlets. Everytime you see him on TV other than a newspaper reporter on the street he is being paid and I am very sure it is far more than he made in his law practice last year.
The Anthonys have retained the same firm and aare being paid and perked for all of the appearances.

They are getting paid for their appearances? They are making money off of their grandchild???

OMG, I would pay the media so I could continue to beg and plead for the return of my grandchild.

At a loss for words.....again:furious:

I really detest what they are doing, only word I can find is sickening...physically sickening.:mad:
I don't know why anyone would pay them for thier lies, by the time this is over they will have just a hard of time as Micheal Jackson getting a paying gig!!!!! Shame LE can't lock up GA & CA for being stupid.

Sadly, I think it's because so many people are willing to watch them do it. Many viewer allow for sale of commercial airtime. Remember how much was paid for 30 seconds during the Super Bowl?
Negligent Homicide. That would be a reason not to call 911 would it not?

Omg, I must be such a thick skinned evil monster but my knee jerk reaction is that Casey wanted to get rid of Caylee so she could be a 22 year old party girl with no responsibilities. I don't buy that one at all. And besides, there was no evidence of a drowning when LE looked.
I didn't mean to direct that at one individual. I've just seen a lot of posts about leaving Caylee in the car and it being something that Casey might do on a regular basis. I also remember hearing or seeing in docs that Casey had a quick temper, so IMO I think she could very easily lashed out and killed her child.

If everyone else is like me, I like to expand on theories looking for the right one even if that is not what I think happened. I've posted on the trunk thing because I've heard of club people doing that with their kids. I do not however believe that to be the case.

I think that Casey is a sociopath just like Scott Peterson. Other than the fact that he is at least intelligent enough to pretend to cry over his "missing" wife and child, they are eerily similar.
I can't wait either. I think LE knew Casey would already be in jail for the checks when they officially brought the murder charges down on her. So they let John & Yuri be the ones to get the satisfaction of arresting her this time. For all they've been through with her.

Actually, I think they made the arrest for fraud due to Amy's funds with lightening speed. They have to establish the facts, obtain the documentation, this always takes time. Think LE found out about the fraud 7/16, made the arrest 8/29 I think. I think most of us would be amazed at how long it takes to have action taken on fraud through checks & credit cards, it is disappointing.
My question is if she was lying about going to work everyday and her parents believing her. If they were believing her, then she had to have some cash on hand to prove it for at least a year. It would have been a steady supply of cash. Where was she going, and where was she getting her cash?????? I am not sure if this has anything to do with Caylee, but it sure would speak to who Casey is, and how she managed to acquire money.:waitasec:

LOL! Keep in mind you are talking about the same parents who denied her pregnancy at 7 months with her belly button poking out. I don't think she ever had to show a dime, all she had to do is say she was going to work and they said ok.
Not to say he couldn't be. But I think it's unethical for an attorney to receive certain payments on a case they are currently handling. It could get him a sanction or disbarrment from the State Bar. Payments to lawyers have to be clear cut with no indication of hinkyness whatsoever.

Probally had a contract signed by KC athourizing such, being as he isn't getting paid by her, " to regain the lost moneys for this case or possiblly to raise moneies for future charges....
The defense never ever asked for this deal. This is what the prosecution was willing to offer.
The news conference with the State Attorney's office, the comment was that they(the State Attorney's office) was contacted by the defence(Jose Baez) about a possible deal. While technically they did not ask for the deal that was offered, they did request a deal.

There is another annoying fact to me. Baez kept saying they had not been contacted by the State about a deal. This was the night they were upset about the leak about the air sample, and was said in front of the Anthony's house. I am sure local 6 still has the video on it. Baez out and out lied. I thought it was common for a lawyer to use the "No Comment" card, or ignore a subject, but I would think straight out lying to the press, and thus the American people through the press would not be a good thing for his reputation.
I have wondered since then that if Baez has been feeding bad information to Anthony's, (just telling them what they want to hear) bad information to Casey(not sure if that would even matter at this point), and I really have to wonder what in the world he told Anthony Padilla. According to Padilla last night on Nancy Grace, Baez did not keep his word to him, and did not have a meeting with him that afternoon, after the noon press conference that Padilla would not revoke the bond. Padilla also noted that he had called one of his security people on Friday afternoon to see if Casey had to any of them since the noon press conference, and the answer was no. Padilla then told his nephew that they would go ahead and revoke the bond on Saturday morning. Which leads me to believe that Baez told Padilla that Casey would talk to him Friday afternoon, or one of his employees, which did not happen. (The last part is just what I gathered from his comments concerning his phone call to the security team.)

But they didn't request this deal. It's likely that the immunity Baez was unrealistically hoping for earlier in this case was much much broader than the Limited Immunity deal that expired this morning. Baez probably was hoping to exchange Casey's testimony for a promise from the prosecution not to add any other charges to the pending ones.

Or worse. Perhaps Baez was hoping -again unrealistically- for total immunity. In other words, that all pending charges would be dropped in exchange for Casey's cooperation, in addition to no future charges ever being made against Casey.

I wouldn't get too hung up over Baez's public comments. The public has no right, or entitlement to know anything about his defense before it's presented publically in a Courtroom. Baez might say things for tactical effect, just like LE might lie to the public about the status of their own ongoing criminal investigation. What's good for one side is equally good for the other. This is all a game of words that probably has little or no effect in Court.
Casey's only "private" residence was her car, and that is why I still believe everything happened in the car.
Has anyone heard if handwriting analysis was done on the form Zanadia filled out at the apt. complex and the handwritten report taken by the police? I know there was a theory out there that Casey had visited the complex and filled out that form, but if you look at the two documents, there are many similarities in the handwriting which lead me to believe that it actually was Zanadia that was at the apartment complex. The handwriting is nothing similiar to that of Casey. I would like to know, if Zanadia filled out the form and listed the two children, then it is consistent with what Casey said. I can't find any information where the police have said that Zanadia was or wasn't ever at that complex or if it was or wasn't her that filled out that form.
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