Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #76

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and she also craves attention !!!.....even if she has to lie to get it.

If I was this family, I would stop all phone calls/visits, & maybe even any comments to the press re: anything about Casey......let her sit there for awhile w/no one to lie to except Jose.

I agree Dot. Sitting in a single cell in County Jail...

is much worse that in a prison general population.
Not sure if my memory is correct but it seems to me I read somewhere that Casey is a high school drop out. Not that this is so terrible as many young people who don't finish high school go on to enroll in a community junior college or private technical or advocational training school thereby increasing their earning potential and job satisfaction. Casey lived at home with her parents. A considerable advantage she most likely resented rather than appreciated given her age and the fact that as a 22 year old single mother, her needs and wants came second to those of her child. Clearly, she's not stupid. Just ignorant of how transparent she is to those who believe where there's smoke, there is fire.

OH, here is another one....I've posted it a few times.

Why didn't the grandparents EVER meet ZG? It has been stated that ZG was the babysitter for Caylee for over one year. They had no tele number or never met her, which is VERY strange to me. Did Cindy and George pay for this babysitter and if so, could Casey have just told them about ZG and took the babysitter's money and pocketed it.

This is the STRANGEST thing for me as a Mom. I don't live with my parents, but they live a few blocks away. They are involved with the daily lives of my children and several times have had to pick them up/drop off from daycare if I had a late meeting or was out of town for a conference (as they would keep my kids). They know all my kids' teachers.

I just find it very weird that GPs never met the nanny for a year and GM says it's cuz she never came to the house. My parents are my emergency contacts at my kid's schools and have been called at least twice when the school couldn't reach me if one of my sons was sick and had to be picked up.
To me the fact that she doesn't wanna see Lee says a lot.I think she is ashamed ,she can't play with him like she's playing with gm and gp.IMO she can't watch him in the eyes and LIE like she usually does.
and she also craves attention !!!.....even if she has to lie to get it.

If I was this family, I would stop all phone calls/visits, & maybe even any comments to the press re: anything about Casey......let her sit there for awhile w/no one to lie to except Jose.

I think they should release a statement to the public and to Casey through Jose, that unless Casey has specific information on how to find Caylee they will not be communicating with her, that they are going to focus there energies on finding Caylee from more reliable sources not a codespeak?, lying, cold, rude, Casey. If Casey does have pertinent specific information pass it on to LE and to them thru Jose. Done now they can focus on Caylee and quit wasting energy on Casey Crap.
This is the STRANGEST thing for me as a Mom. I don't live with my parents, but they live a few blocks away. They are involved with the daily lives of my children and several times have had to pick them up/drop off from daycare if I had a late meeting or was out of town for a conference (as they would keep my kids). They know all my kids' teachers.

I just find it very weird that GPs never met the nanny for a year and GM says it's cuz she never came to the house. My parents are my emergency contacts at my kid's schools and have been called at least twice when the school couldn't reach me if one of my sons was sick and had to be picked up.

EXACTLY.....this makes NO sense to me whatsoever! I mean, if Casey had a husband or other family members like in-laws, it MIGHT be understandable, but George and Cindy were the only other folks for backup help, other than Lee. I just don't believe this situation!
I wish I am wrong, and all of us still hope we are wrong. And while most of us hate to be wrong in other insignificant daily matters for things like this I will be jumping up and down if we are wrong.

As for her being not the brightest cookie no she isn't. But the think is I do believe Casey does exhibit certain traits of the sociopath/narcissist spectrum and they do believe they are much smarter than people around them. They have no clue how they come off to others. Some of them are very intelligent and get away with double lifes etc, but some of them just aren't. Casey just isn't. But I think she did believe she will get away with it. And she still believes she will get away with it. :bang:

Plus I think Casey did not have any plan b. She just thought the police will accept her version and put this ''zanny'' on America's most wanted list and everyone will go on their merry way. How dare you and me and police and her parents doubt her story? How dare all of us make such a terrible injustice to a suffering mother? How dare we question her motives for looking at bars for the missing child? :bang: Casey wasn't prepared to be asked so many additional questions, like take the police to previous locations this zanny was staying or what time she received phone calls, what time she made phonecalls, to take the police to her workplace.

It is a waste of time trying to explain with our logic Cayse's logic. With our logic you don't harm a child or not report a child missing for 31 days. Starting from that everything else is just a moot point really when it comes to Cayse's actions afterwards.

I don't think Casey thought about the police involvement much at all. She was avoiding her parents and their wrath. It seems apparant that her and Cindy have a very hot and cold relationship, and they are her complete means of financial support. She must have thought she could buy herself time when she went home that night. Cindy calling the police was probably really on her idea of how the night would go. She told them over and over again they could see Caylee in the morning. She may have planned on "dissappearing" again as soon as she could get out the front.
I have thought about this thing of Casey "going to work" for some time. A parent (or anyone living in the same household, for that matter) would surely be aware of that person's income. I mean, my kids were always happy it's payday or almost payday. They would have a period of not needing to "sponge from mom" (right after pay) and then need money. We discuss wages, payments due, etc.

Is ours' the only family that does that?

I think they believed she worked as an event planner... That wouldn't be 9-5 and it would be a convenient reason for her to go out clubbing and Cindy & George thought it was for work.

As for the money... it was spending money she needed... for that I'm sure a lot of guys bought her drinks.... and quite frankly, I don't think Amy was the first person she stole from.
"Right here, I don't think is the ideal place for her not because we don't want her in the house and everything but we may have to hole her up somewhere in a safe house," Cindy Anthony said.

Safe from whom? Is my question......
Good afternoon! :seeya: Cindy's said they're getting threats, I can't figure out who is threatening the family. If somebody took Caylee (which I don't believe) and has her, why would they be threatening her family? Why not just keep her and make no contact? The only thing I can think of is these threats aren't real, or it's somebody who thinks Casey murdered Caylee and is mad that Casey is trying to pin it on a Hispanic woman.
1. Why did Casey really borrow the shovel and back her car into the drive way?

2. Did Casey EVER say the name Zeneida Fernandez Gonzales (all three names) as referenced as a nanny to anyone other than Cindy for the past 1 1/2 years?

3. I would love to know if there were any cell phones pics of Caylee after June 16. And if not were there any other cell phone pics. My kids take cell phone pics daily, I am betting Casey did too.

since none of her friends know of this name, i don't believe she even mentioned it to her mom until the 911 call. i think going by the fact everyone has said whenever they asked where was caylee they've always been told "with the nanny" i think "the nanny" is all she's ever been called.

somehow casey found the info about ZG and used that at the time of the 911 call. i believe since she's a good manipulator she has her mom believing she's used that name thru the year and a half. Cindy is the only one who called her zanny not casey. casey used the whole name. i think because zanny rhymns with nanny that's how she labels her in her head. wanting to believe this person really exists.
I agree Dot. Sitting in a single cell in County Jail...

is much worse that in a prison general population.

Yep, if all communication stops, Casey will have no one to lie to, for the first time in years....JMO.
Does anyone know if the ZG that came forward about being the one from sawgrass apt connection is 26?
Good afternoon! :seeya: Cindy's said they're getting threats, I can't figure out who is threatening the family. If somebody took Caylee (which I don't believe) and has her, why would they be threatening her family? Why not just keep her and make no contact? The only thing I can think of is these threats aren't real, or it's somebody who thinks Casey murdered Caylee and is mad that Casey is trying to pin it on a Hispanic woman.

With the amount of coverage and interest in this case the family will hear from some wingnut public member(s).

Someone that really wanted attention, ala Mark Carr, could confess and distract all sorts of attention.

Regarding the safehouse comment, ss much as the public hates her I wouldn't want her in my house either. I'd be afraid someone would burn it down!
OK sleuthers!

Please list your top three unanswered questions, aside from where is Caylee.
These aren't really my top three but other questions have already been posted! :)
1) What did Casey do with the money she stole from Amy?
2) What did she buy with her mother's credit card?
3) Where did she come up with "Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez" as this so-called nanny and the Sawgrass Apts. as where she dropped off Caylee?
i want to know what was she doing at universal during her not for fun/not for work visit and at Blanchard Park when she might have lost her black jack?
Casey told her family she was working. Casey lies. Casey's family believes many or most of her lies til proven otherwise. They thought Casey had a job and took Caylee to the nanny every day. But there was no nanny and who knows what casey did every day. The only money Casey ever got ahold of was money she stole from her mom and from her friend. She had no money for a nanny. This Casey is a mess. Its like she was a fake person living a fake life. Cindy should never have let Caylee go off with her. She should have gone to court to get the child away from her just like she was always threatening to do. She thought she could get Casey to straighten out by using the threat of taking Caylee from her.

Agree 100%. And even if Casey did have a source of income other than working (a real honest job,) it must have been sporadic. Just doesn't make sense to this case.

And that thing Casey said to Lee, I believe, about going to Universal, not for work/not for fun. And he replied, "Gotcha." That really bugs me. He knows what she is talking about.
Sorry if I am....:eek:ther_beatingA_Dead back to my lurking mode.......:crazy:
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