Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #76

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Wonder if LE could plant an informant in the jail to befriend Casey. Just to talk to her concerning benign subjects such as her favorite beaches, stores, etc.. u know girl talk. I'm convinced that she would give clues to this situation. Again my theory, that within all her lies is a strand of truth.
I don't think Casey thought about the police involvement much at all. She was avoiding her parents and their wrath. It seems apparant that her and Cindy have a very hot and cold relationship, and they are her complete means of financial support. She must have thought she could buy herself time when she went home that night. Cindy calling the police was probably really on her idea of how the night would go. She told them over and over again they could see Caylee in the morning. She may have planned on "dissappearing" again as soon as she could get out the front.


Unfortunately for Casey.... she never had the chance to 'escape' once her mother called 911.

Also, let's remember Casey's circle was probably getting VERY SMALL now.... Amy was pissed at her & Cindy or Lee might very well have called a few of Casey's friends to ask them if THEY had any idea where Caylee was.

Once word was out that Casey 'lost' Caylee.... I bet the phones in Orlando burned that night.

So where does a person like Casey go to run away.... no car, no money & friends who are calling each other to gossip about this news... Casey stole from Amy AND her daughter has been missing for a month.

I think Casey already knew her goose was cooked. I bet she tried to call TonE that night from home & couldn't reach him.... I doubt she wanted to face ANY friends or family who knew & loved Caylee.

TonE... with a car... who already rescued her once when she said her car 'broke down.'
The bad thing about the "nanny did it" lie is that the police have had to waste a lot of time and energy searching for a person who doesn't exist. Casey will be held accountable for these lies.
I completely agree, definitely think filing a false report should be a felony with severe punishment. :behindbar
It does mine too. I don't think she'll be getting out of jail anytime soon though.

Even if she did, and the Anthonys tried to relocate her to a "safe house," the media'd be on her like Valtrex on Paris.
Wonder if LE could plant an informant in the jail to befriend Casey. Just to talk to her concerning benign subjects such as her favorite beaches, stores, etc.. u know girl talk. I'm convinced that she would give clues to this situation. Again my theory, that within all her lies is a strand of truth.
That probably could work if she wasn't isolated. I'd think any changes in conditions in the jail now might make her suspicious though.
She's a bad liar IMO,all her lies were discovered second two.

she is a horrible liar

she buffaloed her parents and others BUT once someone started asking and verifying anything -- it crumbled into the sea
1. How did Casey know the exact spelling, full name, & make of car as the ZG that was at the Sawgrass Apartments on June 17th?

2. With a month to plan a story, why was Casey unable to come up with a single plausible lie?

3. Why would her parents turn her into LE, tell officers on the scene that she is lying, then suddenly become her biggest supporters? They have put themselves in danger of joining their daughter in jail.

Has it been stated what the real ZG drives? I haven't heard that anywhere. And does the real ZG use the hyphen of Fernandez?
she is a horrible liar

she buffaloed her parents and others BUT once someone started asking and verifying anything -- it crumbled into the sea

You know what I was thinking,in some way it's good for her that she's in jail,she can refuse visits which means she can refuse answering the family's questions and stuff and she's protected from the media.I bet she feels safe for now.But it won't last long.
I would like to know if Casey was at the house on the 24th June like George said,did he leave before or after Casey.
sorry guys but i'm feeling a little too lazy to try to search for it..anybody know what time the visit is scheduled for today and how long its supposed to last?

I can just hear this visit now:

Cindy: Casey you said Caylee would be home for her birthday.

Casey: Well, she would have been if you didn't TELL the whole world. You scared the kidnappers & now they won't ever bring her home. It's all your fault, Mom.

Cindy: My fault? Casey, how do you know this if you are locked up & have no contact with the kidnappers?

Casey: I can't believe I'm wasting my time talking to you. You don't believe me, nobody believes me. It's like you blame me & all I ever did was try to find her. And I would have found her if you didn't get me locked up. I was so close to her & then you went & ruined everything.

Why didn't George or Cindy return any of the many calls from Casey?
You know what I was thinking,in some way it's good for her that she's in jail,she can refuse visits which means she can refuse answering the family's questions and stuff and she's protected from the media.I bet she feels safe for now.But it won't last long.

it wont last long

i wonder if casey ever told the police what kind of auto the phantom baby sitter had ?
I can just hear this visit now:

Cindy: Casey you said Caylee would be home for her birthday.

Casey: Well, she would have been if you didn't TELL the whole world. You scared the kidnappers & now they won't ever bring her home. It's all your fault, Mom.

Cindy: My fault? Casey, how do you know this if you are locked up & have no contact with the kidnappers?

Casey: I can't believe I'm wasting my time talking to you. You don't believe me, nobody believes me. It's like you blame me & all I ever did was try to find her. And I would have found her if you didn't get me locked up. I was so close to her & then you went & ruined everything.

it wont last long

i wonder if casey ever told the police what kind of auto the phantom baby sitter had ?

She didn't even know where the "nanny" was living,if I recall correctly.:rolleyes: She's trapped in her own lies,IMO.When LE will have enough evidence and all the test results back,she will HAVE to talk and it will all be over for her IMO>
I know I've read a few times that Casey isn't very smart. I for one really think she is very smart. Do you know how much it takes to keep track of all the lies?? And we have no idea how many more are to come. She has a lot of time to build on what she has already said and I think she just might come out of this free. Not that I belive her. I don't but, I have family who has the same lie problem and she always gets away with it. The more time alone the bigger the lies.

I'm only an old grandma who has a hurt heart for this little girl. May she be found soon and put to rest.

I agree with you...i'v lisened to her on the tapes...Casey is very well spoken, articulate...once she cleaned up the swearing act...(i'm betting her lawyer told her how that was coming across to the public! and she didn't know she was being recorded at the time)...she is matter of fact, calculating...she's not so smart that she will spoof the LE and FBI but (IMHO) she's been doing these spins for a l-o-n-g time and she's good at it....

i do wish that someone would shut Cindy up, the "mother of the year" comment makes her look like a fool.
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