Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #76

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OK sleuthers!

Please list your top three unanswered questions, aside from where is Caylee.

1. What family dynamic changed the night of June 15th or June 16th that caused her daughter and her granddaughter to cease staying at their house any night thereafter?

2. By tracing the money that has been stolen, does it show involvement in Caylee's disappearance (payoffs, transfers)?

3. Do you have any information TODAY that changes any of the things you wrote in your MySpace posting in your account there on July 3rd?

4. Do Casey's phone records support any of the things that she has told you and that you are repeating?

5. If you feel law enforcement is not handling this case the way that you believe they should, have you contacted Texas EquuSearch, The Polly Klaas Foundation, and/or The Jessica Lundsford Foundation?
I agree, Casey is not real bright. She does not plan ahead. She just reacts.

Example: When she was confronted by LE about her employment at Universal she continued to lie. THEN she agreed to go with LE to show them her private office and her coworkers. She walked down a hall and then just admitted she did not have an office!

That tells me she was just mentally FROZEN and could not come up with any other new story.
I like that phrase "mentally frozen", and I think it suits Casey. I think she was not a quick enough thinker to answer the questions LE was throwing at her and now she is stuck with all her dumb answers on record.

I have done the same thing as young teenger, "Vicky, whose beer is that in the back seat of your car"? "Ummmm, it is Jenny's I was keeping it for her. "Who is Jenny????? I had to keep the lie going and eventually I was busted. There was no Jenny and I was not a quick enough thinker to pull it off. Grounded for life........
"Right here, I don't think is the ideal place for her not because we don't want her in the house and everything but we may have to hole her up somewhere in a safe house," Cindy Anthony said.

Safe from whom? Is my question......

I said this theother night about this safehouse comment:

With the media encampment and LE dropping by isn't the Anthony house the safest house on the planet?
I have thought about this thing of Casey "going to work" for some time. A parent (or anyone living in the same household, for that matter) would surely be aware of that person's income. I mean, my kids were always happy it's payday or almost payday. They would have a period of not needing to "sponge from mom" (right after pay) and then need money. We discuss wages, payments due, etc.

Is ours' the only family that does that?

Lili totally agree my 21 year old and I went to Ikea yesterday she mentioned several times what her budget was for the trip and how much $ that would leave for her for payday (I paid for everything but that was a treat and she was thrilled) I know both of kids budgets, income etc. and you are right many times they are borrowing $20 to get them to payday I just can't buy that Cindy didn't know she wasn't working (if she wasn't I still believe she had a source of income)
1. I want clarity on the gas can issues, so I count this as one question. Did Mr. A "recover" them from Casey/the car trunk on 6/24, as he stated in an interview, or were they in the trunk of the car when it was recovered from the impound lot, as was reported very early on in the case?

2. What evidence is there as to the chain of custody of the car: when the car was left at the Amscot lot, that it was/was not moved from there after that, by Casey or anyone else, until it was towed away to impound on June 30; and what happened to it thereafter, until it was in the hands of LE?

3. Where was Casey and what was she doing, saying to people, spending, spinning, etc. from June 16- July 16? Not a very big request, huh?

3B. DNA/trunk/dirt test results.
OK, Sarge, let me give this a shot.

1. If George looked in the trunk of the car on June 24th, why didn't he get the odor when he opened up that trunk, if Caylee had already been placed in there.

2. Has LE figured out the whole situation with the ladder on the pool and the gate.

3. What is the forensics from that trunk....which I don't think we will get anytime soon.

4. From June 15 to June 24th, had anyone seen Caylee. I'm wondering if any of Casey's friends had seen her...and LE has not released that information. If Caylee had already been deceased before the, around the 15/16th, why was there no smell. Also, does George remember seeing any slacks and boots in the backseat of that car on the 24th.

5. Why did Casey take those cans. If she was out of gas somewhere, I could understand her physically taking them. If she was just low on gas, why didn't she just pour the gas into her car, like it seems she did before, and put the gas cans back??
OK sleuthers!

Please list your top three unanswered questions, aside from where is Caylee.
1. Why didn't the cadavor dogs search inside the house?
2. Why aren't the DNA results back?
3. Why aren't all the jailhouse calls put out for the public to hear?
OK sleuthers!

Please list your top three unanswered questions, aside from where is Caylee.
1. Why did Casey really borrow the shovel and back her car into the drive way?

2. Did Casey EVER say the name Zeneida Fernandez Gonzales (all three names) as referenced as a nanny to anyone other than Cindy for the past 1 1/2 years?

3. I would love to know if there were any cell phones pics of Caylee after June 16. And if not were there any other cell phone pics. My kids take cell phone pics daily, I am betting Casey did too.
IMO, the only obstacle standing in the way of LE is Casey who would have us all believe she can't provide investigators with any viable, credible information to aid in finding Caylee for fear that in doing so, she would be putting Caylee "in danger".

While it may be the parents have simply been playing along with this charade in the hope of disarming any resentment Casey may feel toward them (all "they" care about is Caylee ...) they have to realize they are no closer to finding Caylee than the day they first learned she was missing and their daughter didn't tell them or LE because she was trying to find Caylee "on her own".

Bottom line - Caylee's birthday has come and gone along with the false hope she would be returned to celebrate this happy occasion. We are now looking for a 3 year old missing child.

The clock is running out. LE needs FACTS - not bold-faced lies, half truths, innuendos and cryptic messages captured on jail audio tapes to move the investigation in the right direction instead of circles.

The parents need to decide what's more important - finding Caylee or protecting Casey. I don't think there is any middle ground.


OK sleuthers!

Please list your top three unanswered questions, aside from where is Caylee.

1) What exactly was the events that precipitated Casey and Caylee not living at home anymore? Was it GP's angry with her behavior, Casey wanting her space. Why did the living arrangement change?

2) If Casey was planning on moving in with a girlfriend, where did she think she would get the money for rent? Did she have some sort of income from an under the table source or where was the rent coming from, rent would be at least anysort of welfare money she was getting at least, what about utilities, food, etc.

3) This is not really a question but, how does Casey get off in that particular myspace post to her brother teasing about getting her Dad a book How to Find a Job for Dummies for Father's Day, when she herself wasn't employed for several years, lack of respect for her Dad and hypocritical of her.

Ok by the time I hit send there will probably be a post to put this in a different thread so sorry if I am too late on the post.
OH, here is another one....I've posted it a few times.

Why didn't the grandparents EVER meet ZG? It has been stated that ZG was the babysitter for Caylee for over one year. They had no tele number or never met her, which is VERY strange to me. Did Cindy and George pay for this babysitter and if so, could Casey have just told them about ZG and took the babysitter's money and pocketed it.
Yes, it's the same in FL, but she would not need a rental agreement (I didn't when I applied). She could have given another address... But cash assistance would be very little, prob. a few hundred a month, plus food stamps.

But, Caylee could have been getting survivor benefits from Social Security...

Survivor benifits from who?
When my dad died :( it was clear he was my daddy... who is Caylees daddy? We have no idea as of yet, just maybes.:waitasec:
Will someone volunteer to put all those questions into ONE list.

I have a suggestion regarding what to do with the list.
I will try, Sarge....but don't know how long I will be here!

OK sleuthers!

Please list your top three unanswered questions, aside from where is Caylee.

1. I would like an accurate accounting of where Casey has at least slept from June 9th to July 15th.

2. Has Casey's behavior always been like this, or did it start up around the time of the pregnancy?

3. On July 15th, I would like an accurate account of what happened, where everyone was, etc. (Like I don't think Cindy picked up the car at the impound, I think it was George, and then Cindy didn't come into contact with the car until between 911 call #2 and #3, but have no idea if that is true.)

.... I just can't buy that Cindy didn't know she wasn't working (if she wasn't I still believe she had a source of income)

Agree 100%. And even if Casey did have a source of income other than working (a real honest job,) it must have been sporadic. Just doesn't make sense to this case.

And that thing Casey said to Lee, I believe, about going to Universal, not for work/not for fun. And he replied, "Gotcha." That really bugs me. He knows what she is talking about.
Sorry if I am....:eek:ther_beatingA_Dead back to my lurking mode.......:crazy:
1. I would like an accurate accounting of where Casey has at least slept from June 9th to July 15th.

2. Has Casey's behavior always been like this, or did it start up around the time of the pregnancy?

3. On July 15th, I would like an accurate account of what happened, where everyone was, etc. (Like I don't think Cindy picked up the car at the impound, I think it was George, and then Cindy didn't come into contact with the car until between 911 call #2 and #3, but have no idea if that is true.)


Very well stated questions Lanie.
Casey is a drama queen,

and she also craves attention !!!.....even if she has to lie to get it.

If I was this family, I would stop all phone calls/visits, & maybe even any comments to the press re: anything about Casey......let her sit there for awhile w/no one to lie to except Jose.
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