Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #77

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That sums it up totally. So sad when you have to deal with a family member who practices deceit constantly.:furious:
Also let's not forget that Casey was caught stealing cas cans and money from her mother during this time. You wouldn't be a tad concerned about what was going on?
maybe they are asking questions and not believing whatever she tells them for a change..

Indeed. I don't think that she wants to face them.

If I were them, I'd send word through Baez that either she agrees to the visit, or she can ask the court to appoint a public defender, because the money well is dry. (Although he's probably working pro bono for publicity).
maybe they are asking questions and not believing whatever she tells them for a change..

Yes, but it's just another coincidence that they start diving and Casey starts refusing to see her family. I think she has a motive for everything. It was just a thought. Trying to connect the dots on known facts.
There was some discussion earlier about Baez being a Public Defender or retained by Casey to defend her.

I heard Cindy say that Casey retained Baez as her attorney but when asked how Casey would pay for Baez (also Wash) Cindy just chuckled and said "don't worry about it".

If I remember correctly, Casey asked around in jail for an attorney and "up pops Baez, who was a former Public Defender.

I would think this is probably pro bono based on all the publicity and notoriety of this case.
I think Casey doesn't want to see her parents because she knows all her lies have come to fruition and that her brother hasn't been able to get anywhere with them. She is afraid to have either of them confront her on her whole false story so she is avoiding them. She hasn't told them one iota of truth. She knows her world is going to fall apart soon. She may also be afraid of letting on some portion of the truth should they tell her nothing is panning out. Basically she is guilty, feels guilty and can't face them. I don't know why they even want to see her. I wouldn't! Let her sit in there alone and stew about what she did. I really don't think she has the capacity to do that tho.
Casey could be playing a game of: "if you want to talk to me, get me out of here, first"... to push her parents into bonding her out.

That's a very good thought! I think Casey was harping on about Caylee's birthday so much in the hopes that her parents would bond her out for it. Now that the birthday has passed, she's got to try something else!
as a parent I REFUSE to allow my grown children to "blame me or their father" (who I divorced 17 years ago) for their bad behavior, my mother is a nut job has the in patient psych unit stays to prove it, alcoholic, doctor shops for Xanax, etc. etc. refuses to admit she is mentally ill and abuses any medication given to her, I have been in counseling off and on for 10 years each one told me and my brother the same thing get your mother out of your life, finally did this 2 years ago-my adult kids know if I messed up as a parent they need to "deal with it" QUIT BLAMING GEORGE AND CINDY-we all make mistakes as parents not an excuse for Casey's behavior

As for me, I'm certainly not blaming her parents ... and have no idea if she's a BP or not, but I've just been seeing many traits in her, that I had before medication.

And nobody can say ... how our childhood will affect us, nor can anybody say what goes on in the mind of another, the chemical make-up or reason for what they do.

Now I will say, a Narcissist is a different story than a Borderline, and that's another whole thing, but I just wanted to throw it out there ... perhaps to help others understand IF this is her disorder.
Casey could be playing a game of: "if you want to talk to me, get me out of here, first"... to push her parents into bonding her out. Or, as others have said: she's playing the control game... it's all she has on her side, right now, to try to show who is running this game.

Or it could be, and this is a long shot: she's not talking to them, in a way to prepare them for a reveal... she's ready to tell LE where Caylee is at. But that is a verrrrrrrrrrry long shot and given Casey's attitude though, I'm back to the first paragraph I typed: I think it's the mind games issue and bullying her parents through whatever way she can control them.
I also think the family will (or may) know exactly why...they probably picked up the phone to Baez after Lee was refused. They no doubt would use him to find out.
Casey could be playing a game of: "if you want to talk to me, get me out of here, first"... to push her parents into bonding her out. Or, as others have said: she's playing the control game... it's all she has on her side, right now, to try to show who is running this game.

Or it could be, and this is a long shot: she's not talking to them, in a way to prepare them for a reveal... she's ready to tell LE where Caylee is at. But that is a verrrrrrrrrrry long shot and given Casey's attitude though, I'm back to the first paragraph I typed: I think it's the mind games issue and bullying her parents through whatever way she can control them.
Let's say, hypothetically of course, that maybe getting rid of Caylee was partly because of the attention her mother gave Caylee instead of her. So naturally now she would be gloating in the fact that her mother has no idea where Caylee is, if she's dead or alive, and that would also fit in with coming up with this babysitter abduction to make them go on a wild goose chase. This would fit in with the 'mind games' and keep herself in control of the situation, that only she knows where Caylee is.
Just wanted to add something: One of the books about BPD is titled:

I Hate You, Don't Leave Me

That truly gives insight as to how they think ... feel, etc.
A lot of publicity and an appearance that Baez did really well for Casey, especially if he "gets her off," would do wonders for his career as a CD lawyer. He might be doing it pro bono for now. More power to him, he has to hang out with the woman.
Can anyone tell me if Casey left the keys on the abandoned car at the Amscot?

If she wanted the car to be stolen it seems strange that she would allow Tony to pick her up from there. If she didn't intend for the car to be stolen is there any other reason that she might have left it there?

She must have known that the car contained evidence...she never asserted that ZG was in possession of the car at any time.
The smelly car: Do you think Caylee could have died in the car and it was the car that smelled pretty bad and not so much the trunk of the car? Could this be the reason George didn't smell much when he took the gas cans? Maybe the trunk smelled minimally and he is picking up smelly gas cans and probably madder n heck at Casey for stealing them. He grabbed them and did whatever he did with them. Didn't the cops get in the car to smell the odor? In fact, I never heard the trunk smelled. It was the car that smelled. When Casey came over with the gas cans the car hadn't been abandoned yet and George hadn't been in the car. Just an observation I thought I would make.

I don't think the odor in the car was nearly as strong as what has been reported. I think the car smelled bad when George picked it up but it wasn't until after they learned that Caylee was missing that it dawned on Cindy that the smell might be a "dead body" smell.

I spilled a full large size cappuccino on the floor in my car. After a few days in the sun it stunk to high heaven. It took over a year to get rid of the smell. While I believe that Caylee is deceased, I have doubts over whether the smell in the car came from her decomposing body. It simply doesn't fit with the timeline.
People with this diagnosis are so hard to deal with. They are extremely manipulative, they lie for no good reason, they stir up drama to put the attention on themselves. The cannot deal with a child who needs immediate attention, they cannot hold down a job, and usually cannot live on their own.

You may want to read the DSM IV description of BPD. It really fits with Casey Anthony.


Can we not generalize people unless you care a specialist in this field??? I have BPD and have 5 kids which I raise very well thank you. I am sometimes hard to deal with but isn't everyone at some point in their lives. It really isn't fair to just say things like this about people. These things are not true. I hold down a job and in fact held down 4 at one point to buy myself and my children a house and can in fact live on my own and have. Please don't just say things without knowing all the facts.:furious:

If you go back and read, I DID apologize and explained that I was comparing Casey Anthony's characteristics to those of someone I know personally who has been diagnosed with BPD as a severe case, who refuses treatment. I am very aware that many with this diagnosis can lead normal, productive lives.
I think Casey doesn't want to see her parents because she knows all her lies have come to fruition and that her brother hasn't been able to get anywhere with them. She is afraid to have either of them confront her on her whole false story so she is avoiding them. She hasn't told them one iota of truth. She knows her world is going to fall apart soon. She may also be afraid of letting on some portion of the truth should they tell her nothing is panning out. Basically she is guilty, feels guilty and can't face them. I don't know why they even want to see her. I wouldn't! Let her sit in there alone and stew about what she did. I really don't think she has the capacity to do that tho.

But that doesn't seem to fit her MO. If she is a habitual liar she wouldn't care, she would just continue as before. It doesn't sound like she cared about confrontation before she would just spin more lies. Is she capable of feeling guilty? If it turns out that she was responsible for Caylee's death she hasn't shown any guilt as of yet.
Just wanted to add something: One of the books about BPD is titled:

I Hate You, Don't Leave Me

That truly gives insight as to how they think ... feel, etc.

Read that book years ago aprilshowers, it is good indeed. It really makes a lot of sense.
I don't think the odor in the car was nearly as strong as what has been reported. I think the car smelled bad when George picked it up but it wasn't until after they learned that Caylee was missing that it dawned on Cindy that the smell might be a "dead body" smell.

I spilled a full large size cappuccino on the floor in my car. After a few days in the sun it stunk to high heaven. It took over a year to get rid of the smell. While I believe that Caylee is deceased, I have doubts over whether the smell in the car came from her decomposing body. It simply doesn't fit with the timeline.

If you don't consider the smell of a dead body bad maybe not
According to Cindy's Myspace comments, the lies and betrayal became evident after the birth of Caylee then got even worse. If Casey began acting strange after the birth, overspending, lying, etc., Cindy might could have took action and gotten an attorney for custody. We don't know if Cindy ever demanded that Casey take a drug test or if there were big problems with Casey lying while growing up. That could be one thing that Cindy could have done in the past 3 years , but she isn't even admitting how severe the problems are even now.
I'm of the thought though that the description of the odor might have originally come from George. MOO

I agree with you, he would know that smell as an ex LE...Did George ever say the car smelled like old pizza?
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