Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #84

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Cindy Smith please contact TES and Tim Miller @ 877-270-9500! Thanks!
I apologize if this was already posted. See? They ARE searching and always have been.

For the second time in two days, Orange County sheriff's deputies and K-9 units performed a search for Caylee Anthony, the missing 3-year-old Orlando girl who was reported missing in mid-July but hasn't been seen since mid-June.

Orange County sheriff's deputies on Tuesday requested the assistance of Osceola County's K-9 unit and searched a wooded area near the home of Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony.

The search was called off and nothing was believed to have been found, Local 6 News reported

yeppers...makes (1) dive search thus far and (2) ground whatever might have been going on in the helicopter (if it really wasn't about some lost person unrelated to this case?) whatever else has been going on behind the scenes that we haven't been privy to...
The video shown last night on Greta when Cindy and George are walking to their car. (at least I think it was last night I was falling asleep) did anybody look at Georges face? It looked as if he were going to break into sobs at any moment. I believe its the one where they (George and Cindy) are leaving LE station . This is what causes me to believe they are just throwing a story out there.
because Casey was not far from Orlando very long if at all. phone records would indicated this. We also have epass/sunpass cameras that can be verified for her white car...Face it.

IF she left the area, she'd have to take the phone for records to indicate something. It's possible she didn't. I'm assuming Epass/Sunpass is like EZpass, would only work if she'd taken the interstate. Again, it's possible she didn't. From what I've seen, her friends have jobs. 6/16 was a Monday, nobody would have expected her at a club, and she probably could have stayed away for 10-12 hours without it really seeming odd.
Is there a link someone can give me to the Fathers Day video that was made when they visited the nursing home?? I think someone said they had it.
If Cindy and George won't come out with anything that would have been causing Casey to "move out", "travel", not be home any night after June 15th. They say everything was fine. Cindy and Caylee swam in the pool, Casey took her out of the pool. If nothing in the family dynamic changed, and no arguements were going on, then how did it happen that Casey was living at Tony's, stealing gas, ringing up a $724 phone bill, stealing from Cindy? These 2 situations can not co-exist. It isn't logical.

Everything can't be fine and then have everything we do know to be fact after June 16th.

ETA: I guess what I am trying to say is this, it was not critical til around July 3rd for Cindy to post on Myspace. She at somepoint and for some period of time was ok that THEY were gone. Yet the night of the 15th was not expected to be their last night in the house and on the 16th they didn't leave with trip stuff according to George. This one major inconsistency points to something very different than kidnapping and a families reaction to it.

:waitasec:I guess it all depends upon what one's definitions of "logical" and "normal" are... it's all so relative to one's own experiences...and we know that during times of grief these folks are having a really really really hard time...:waitasec: maybe they think the level of fighting they engaged in, whatever that actually happened to be, is normal...?
yeah, he's doing the only thing he can
do any of you think there are people out there who somehow missed the news missed her pic and are not aware of this whole story?

I don't think that and I doubt anyone else does either.

What he's doing by driving around with the billboard is keeping Caylee on everyone's mind.
As long as he's driving that billboard around and people see it, this case won't get pushed to the back burner like so many others are.
How often do we see the media decide that something isn't newsworthy anymore and then we never hear much else about it?
One major example is Taylor and Skyla from Oklahoma.
It's like the media just forgot those precious little girls were gunned down in cold blood like they were.
As long as Cindy and George are being up front with Law Enforcement, that - to me - is the most important thing. Don't get me wrong - I WANT to know what is going on and what is the truth and what isn't, but the Anthonys are not obliged - any more than the authorities are - to tell us the truth. (I WISH they would say nothing rather than give us half of the truth, but, alas, my wishes don't always come true!)

I think they have been truthful with LE the entire time.
Casey is not that creative really. If investigators just travel the areas that she traveled most often they could get an idea of where to look, which apparently they are starting to do. You know, drive between her parents house, universal, blanchard, tony's, the club. Attempt to think how she would think...She lived in that house since she was 3 and did not travel far away from there so chances are "Caylee is close."
I don't know, I'm not a detective but this is how I would go about it. I know they can do a better job than what it is currently going on. Also, where are all those volunteers??? Search dumpsters for one. Maybe she just stuffed her in a dark garbage bag and put her in the garbage as, terrible as that is frustrating. But I truly believe that a better job can be done in trying to find Caylee. I know detectives don't buy the Zanny theory.

I wish we all agreed, but we don't. Hey, it doesn't make us bad. We're still on the same 'side' so to speak. More importantly, I hope that it occurs to the habitual jailed liar that it's time to come out with the truth.
I put this on the other thread "what was she gonna do" or whatever its called..but I cannot get over the similarities between Casey and Melinda Duckett. Mind boggling. Sure-there are some differences...but same thinking. Am I the only one seeing this?? (just doing a mental check here!!)

I also think there are many similarities with the Trenton Duckett case. One thing that is odd: with Melinda Ducketts, her cell phone records were out in days, and I remember specifically on NG they had a map pinpointed where her cell phone had "pinged." Does anyone else remember this?
I'm wondering why we haven't seen anything like this with Casey yet. Surely LE has this information, why hasn't it been released?
I don't think that and I doubt anyone else does either.

What he's doing by driving around with the billboard is keeping Caylee on everyone's mind.
As long as he's driving that billboard around and people see it, this case won't get pushed to the back burner like so many others are.
How often do we see the media decide that something isn't newsworthy anymore and then we never hear much else about it?
One major example is Taylor and Skyla from Oklahoma.
It's like the media just forgot those precious little girls were gunned down in cold blood like they were.

So unless he rides around w/the billboard Greta, NG and Fox would drop the story? I think not.
I am with you on this why didnt she just call 911 and if she was at fault and it was totaly her fault she would just lie about that any way. she would not be sitting in Jail for that. There is really something strang with this family.:behindbar
I have been giving a lot of thought to the why? of this case. I'm having difficulty wrapping my brain around a lot of the things Casey has said...only giving credence to her words in hope that there may be some element of truth...but if she was truly afraid for Caylee's safety (though she was with a safe person?) and wanted to try to track her down on her own, I can't imagine how by the end of the first week, perhaps the second week that she wasn't flipping out of her ever loving mind with worry and fear. Then when you realize that YOU alone can't find this child, you reach out to those who can.
I believe Amy cause she was friends w/Casey until she figured out the type of person she really is. The affidavits are under penalty of perjury. I believe all the affidavits in this case to be true.

I'll believe Amy when she goes to the police and files charges against Casey for theft and forgery of her checks. Until then, Amy is just another b.s'er in the crowd, imo.
I put this on the other thread "what was she gonna do" or whatever its called..but I cannot get over the similarities between Casey and Melinda Duckett. Mind boggling. Sure-there are some differences...but same thinking. Am I the only one seeing this?? (just doing a mental check here!!)

hell no I see it too!
I think grandpa George is doing way more good by hauling a huge sign on the back of his vehicle and driving, than random searchers could ever do. At least George is creating awareness for anyone who MAY have seen this sweet baby, alive ... or not.
It's so very sad.
I really feel bad for George.
I do.

I'm sure I'd be doing it, too, since it's the only thing one could do outside of sitting down and talking bout this to the news, which is already & constantly being done by his wife... At least he can feel like he's doing something concrete for his grandbaby...
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