Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #89

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Fox caught up with George. He believes his daughter. "We know you kidnapped our granddaughter. You are being watched." He said it again.

Phil Keating - Cindy just arrived. Phil won't even go up to her, but changed their minds and are going over. cindy came down driveway. Asked about her meeting with LE.
She says its a relationship building experience. (Oh, for gawds sake). Can't say where
Casey was at. They are trying to piece it together. LE said only Casey can give them a starting point. Cindy was not at the presser. Any way to push Casey to get more info?
Cindy believes Casey has told them everything she knows and she doesn't know where Caylee is at. She says the investigation is not at a standstill. LE cannot go forward on
a kidnapping case because all they have is an apartment that was vacant for 120 days.
Cindy can't comment because she did hear press release.

Cindy stood there looking at the ground, looking up at Phil Keating once in a while, licking her lips.

LE says they don't want private investigation. They don't really have any control over that unless private investigators step over the line into illegal activity.
Ambush interview on cindy fox right now

I didn't see it that way. Cindy strolled down the driveway to talk to the Fox reporter. She could have closed the garage door, and gone straight into the house.

Just my opinion, of course.
Fox caught up with George. He believes his daughter. "We know you kidnapped our granddaughter. You are being watched." He said it again.

Phil Keating - Cindy just arrived. Phil won't even go up to her, but changed their minds and are going over. cindy came down driveway. Asked about her meeting with LE.
She says its a relationship building experience. (Oh, for gawds sake). Can't say where
Casey was at. They are trying to piece it together. LE said only Casey can give them a starting point. Cindy was not at the presser. Any way to push Casey to get more info?
Cindy believes Casey has told them everything she knows and she doesn't know where Caylee is at. She says the investigation is not at a standstill. LE cannot go forward on
a kidnapping case because all they have is an apartment that was vacant for 120 days.
Cindy can't comment because she did hear press release.

Cindy stood there looking at the ground, looking up at Phil Keating once in a while, licking her lips.


They are trying to change the timeline and still interject a babysitter/kidnapping.
OK...she says that they're getting more than 50 TIPS DAILY ON THEIR CELLPHONES?

WTF? Why aren't those being forward to LE? Why are she and George out interviewing tipsters themselves??

I don't like that at all. Because what if someone called and said they saw Casey near a dumpster or something. I doubt the Anthony's would call that in to LE.
LE says they don't want private investigation. They don't really have any control over that unless private investigators step over the line into illegal activity.

I would guess that what they mean is that they feel the family should NOT be using private investigators and that their (the investigators) are hindering LE investigations
I didn't see it that way. Cindy strolled down the driveway to talk to the Fox reporter. She could have closed the garage door, and gone straight into the house.

Just my opinion, of course.
OK...I'll go with that. Live and impromptu on national television.
Tell it! amen!

I like that investigator speaking on FOX right now!
There is, actually, many reason why someone would have seizures be it drug related or an existing condition. That is why I would like to know what caused it. I do not think that anyone has said she was a drug addict. I am sure they have probably tested her at this point. One thing is for sure, if she has been having chronic seizures, despite whether or not they are intense or miniscule, then she might have a legitimate reason for her behavior.

I respectfully disagree ... I personally think there is NO legitimate reason for her behavior mentally ill or not ... however, I do think that they are attempting to lay the groundwork for an insanity defense! IIRC on one of Casey's profiles .... it listed her favorite TV shows as CSI and Law and Order. These shows have plot lines that are very similar all of the time... I think that she believes that by sticking to her original story ... even when it is found to be false, her mental state will mitigate the circumstances of her crime ...

again JMO
Fox caught up with George. He believes his daughter. "We know you kidnapped our granddaughter. You are being watched." He said it again. (snipped)

Isn't this blatantly against what LE just asked for them not to do publicly?

I know these people are suffering, but can't they just be stopped from spouting nonsense legally?
Reporter from Orlando: Cindy is emotional about a lot of things. Caylee's bedtime is hard, they tend to get very emotional.

She believes in her daughter...doesn't believe Casey did any harm to Caylee. Deep down in gut believes Caylee is alive.

Supporting and Loving Casey as a mother is quite natural and expected, lending credence to Casey's lies is a whole other thing and what I personally fault her for. How Cindy do you respond to all of your daughters lies and lack of emotion regarding Caylee and what that might implicate has happened to your grandaughter?

Scheduled to see Casey tomorrow...said Casey probably won't talk to them...but just wants to go see how she's doing.

Is Casey upset with you for cooperating with LE as of late, calling them to give them receipts or further evidence that you feel may be important to get to the bottom of all of this? As I recall Casey has not visited or spoken to one family member since this day

Family is having communication with Baez.

Is "communication with Baez" really communication with Casey in lieu of visits and conversations that would be taped and possibly released?"

She's afraid if she goes in, she'll ask too many questions of Casey, and info that shouldn't get out will get out.

I think its the other way around, Casey is afraid that if Cindy comes in she will have to ANSWER too many questions and she does not have answers only lies. Time has passed and LE has more info than ever now. Casey does not want to answer to her lies. IMH

Four or five local news vans at the home now. People obsessed with the case.

People are "obsessed" with the case because he borders on the "fantastic" The public is stunned because of all of the antics, lies, inconsistencies, and showboating that has been going on since day one. Taking a page out of the Sharon Rocha handbook on how to handle the media in a time of tragedy to your advantage would benefit all of the Anthony's right now. You cannot complain about the circus if you are lending a hand in creating the circus in the first place.

Why aren't Cindy and George out searching? they are actually going to talk to people who have fed in tips.

Again, let LE do their job and cooperate in a normal way instead of cooperating and then telling the media that "you know who has your grand daughter" "they know they are being watched. " And by the way if you KNOW who has her why are you driving around with that billboard making a scene. Insinuating that you are running your own investigation is insinuating that that LE & FBI don't know how or care to look for your alleged kidnappers. Which i have a very hard time believing. Stop the games Anthony's, park your billboard outside of your daughters cell and don't move it until she talks. There are no kidnappers. Casey took Caylee away. Period.

Originally Posted by SelmaClue View Post
I will respectfully disagree that they just want freebies. Their grandchild is missing and George is unemployed. I beg y'all to cut them some slack. You're not walking in their shoes and neither am I and I thank GOD I am not.
That comment was made in jest, I'm sure.

and I totally agree with you hurts my heart the way the grandparents are being raked over the coals. Although I don't agree with the way they are handling their grief (I think they should have a PR person speaking for them), far be it for me to judge the way they handle their grief. Their hearts are breaking, and every day they hear more and more people tell them there is no hope left for Caylee to be alive...I can't begin to imagine how awful it is. They must feel like they are fighting against the entire world, and not only do they not know the wherabouts of their grandaughter - or even whether or not she is alive - they are very likely losing their daughter as well...I pray for them every day when I pray for Caylee to be found...
I don't like that at all. Because what if someone called and said they saw Casey near a dumpster or something. I doubt the Anthony's would call that in to LE.


I really hope LE has tapped their phone. :furious:
How can Cindy actually say something like this with a straight face? Does she mean that Casey has tolde them everything she can actually tell them without self incrimination, perhaps????? That might be a more accurate statement. :behindbar

I think Cindy can't bring herself to think the only other alternative...
I would guess that what they mean is that they feel the family should NOT be using private investigators and that their (the investigators) are hindering LE investigations

I hope they have the names of the "investigators" to watch what they are doing - in a live crime its a very thin line between "private investigating" and obstruction of justice, tampering with evidence, concealing a crime, even leading to accessory after the fact (if you're "cleaning up")

Not sure what the FL law is, but NY & fed have very loose accessory after the fact laws. All of these people should watch out - I wonder if that would get casey to talk, arresting good ole dad
Again, let LE do their job and cooperate in a normal way instead of cooperating and then telling the media that "you know who has your grand daughter" "they know they are being watched. " And by the way if you KNOW who has her why are you driving around with that billboard making a scene. Insinuating that you are running your own investigation is insinuating that that LE & FBI don't know how or care to look for your alleged kidnappers. Which i have a very hard time believing. Stop the games Anthony's, park your billboard outside of your daughters cell and don't move it until she talks. There are no kidnappers. Casey took Caylee away. Period.

totally agree! :furious::clap::clap::clap:
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