Caylee has no representation :(

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Hey! I posted this on the 'cashin in' thread but thought it may belong over hear as well........

Say for instance, Amy or TonE, or one of KC's past school teachers she may have been close to, or a former co-worker decides to tell their story in a book, BUT dedicates said book to CAYLEE, and all of the other child victoms of crime and DONATE the proceeds to an organization (reputible) such as TES or Center for missing and exploited children.

Remember Ann Rule wrote about T. Bundy, she was sitting near him working at a call in center for something like either a suicide hot line or the like I can't remember it now. I think the book was called the 'stranger beside me' or somthing like that.

Anyway. These folks (KC's 'friends'),were not directly involved in the crime. Here they were, living there lives and in walks Hurricane KC. These folks have been Casey's victoms as well. And I hope that they have the support they need to get through this unthinkable tragedy. They did not ask for it. They will live with it the rest of their lives.

I think that is how it should be done if it's going to be done. (w/ the proceeds)

I hope something good can come out of this horrible situation. Making Caylee the poster child for crimes such as these commited against children. Knowing the in's and out's of various inside stories may help folks better understand how to see the 'red flags', and other signs, that might help prevent another child from becoming a victom.
And at the end of the book, maybe they could print the names of the organizations who help Child victoms of violent crime such as the ones named above and also add the names of some good help centers/organizations for mothers young and old who feel like they might have the feeling and thoughts of hurting their child, a place they can turn to for help and feel safe.

I know one thing, this story has changed my life. Instead of getting the laundry done, I take my girls for a walk, old family conflicts are now being resolved. And I hope to be able to finish my degree in psychology. So that I can get into social work like I had planned before my second daughter was born with autism, so I need to be with her a lot now. I know I'm like way off topic by now. I apologize.

I just wanted to see how ya'll felt about it in that instance. If they do it in the name of Caylee and FOR CAYLEE, while at the same time helping others that will unfortunately have to go through something like this.

I understand that the state is speaking/seaking justice for Caylee. But from what we have all sumised, there is not one person from her FAMILY, that has her back, if you know what I mean? I know this will be different at the trial. (I hope) But what can we do as a cyber society that has adopted this adorable child?

I can work in the evenings mostly after the girls have gone to bed. Whatever I can do to help get the chilren who no longer have a voice. Advocacy. I will look into this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks ws'ers. You rock!

WHAT A GREAT POST!!!:) :blowkiss:
It is also so refreshing to see you use it for good in your life.
Yeah... that was a beautiful post.

I can't go out and force the family to go out there and represent Caylee any better than they already have. I'd like to shake them all, tbh.

Granted, we only get glimpses of how the Anthonys really feel... Of course they miss their granddaughter and niece. It was already stated in the thread that, yeah... they lost two members of their family. You can't argue with that.

I don't care about how batsh#$ CA might be... It's not an easy position for anyone to be in.

Re: LA .

If it were me in that situation, and my sister killed her child... I would be inconsolable. I would have to swallow the bitter pill and spill anything I knew to LE. I would be in total shock and terribly sad.... but I'd drag her in to proper authorities asap.

Lol.. My wife is less merciful than me... She's stated that she would take her sister out to an open field and beat the truth out of her... if such an occurrence happened.

I still maintain that the prosecution, along with well-wishers/protestors give support to baby Caylee.
To me, George and Cindy are trying to cling onto all that they have left, and the unfortunate reality is that is each other, Lee and Casey. I don't think that means they don't support Caylee - I think they're just very emotionally stunted at the moment.

Had a total stranger been the murderer of Caylee, it would of course be very easy for them to want revenge, to inflict suffering and pain and to punish that person. However, we are talking about their very own daughter, so a very different set of issues arises.

While I completely agree with your post, I think what enervates people is that they still vehemently deny Casey had anything to do with this. I think most of the public would be far more compassionate if they came out and said that they acknowledge what happened was wrong and horrible but they can't not support their daughter because she is all they have left, or because she is their daughter or whatever reasoning they might have. If they are not willing to admit that Casey has something or everything to do with this, why aren't they going after Caylee's killer? It absolutely speaks volumes about what they truly think, but it angers the rest of the public, because their behavior has been so duplicitous and while that is certainly not as heinous as the act of murder itself, it still reveals absence of character in my opinion.
While I completely agree with your post, I think what enervates people is that they still vehemently deny Casey had anything to do with this. I think most of the public would be far more compassionate if they came out and said that they acknowledge what happened was wrong and horrible but they can't not support their daughter because she is all they have left, or because she is their daughter or whatever reasoning they might have. If they are not willing to admit that Casey has something or everything to do with this, why aren't they going after Caylee's killer? It absolutely speaks volumes about what they truly think, but it angers the rest of the public, because their behavior has been so duplicitous and while that is certainly not as heinous as the act of murder itself, it still reveals absence of character in my opinion.

I agree. I don't think people wonder why no one supports Caylee simply because they don't get that the A's have lost "2 children" in their family, I believe people feel that no one is supporting Caylee because even her own beloved Grandparents are willing to deny evidence that points to the guilt of the one responsible for Caylee's death.
I strongly believe that when this case goes to trial, there will be many, many people in that courtroom who are there only to support and seek justice for Caylee. At this point in time, it is the SA's job to build as strong a case as they can to ensure that the murderer of this precious child spends the rest of her miserable life behind bars. From what I have seen, they seem to be doing a good job. I would not be surprised to see extended members of the A family there supporting Caylee and ONLY Caylee at trial. The rest of us can watch from afar and keep this child alive in our hearts. I also agree whole-heartedly with the above poster that it speaks volumes of the A's character, or lack there of, that they are denying KC's involvement while doing absolutely nothing to find the "real" killer.
I feel the same way. If anyone decided to show up to "be a presence" for Caylee at trial I think they would be the ones. I also feel that a few of Casey's former girl friends would be a nice addition. The ones that really sat for Caylee for instance.

How would you all feel if Leonard Padilla sat behind the prosecution as a voice for Caylee?

I think it would be AWESOME if they were all there for caylee. They seem to have genuinely cared for her.
If I am alive when this trial is over and I hear any of the Ant try to stand behind Caylee---after the fact---I hope I puke instead of throwing my coffee cup thru my TV. That would be a nightmare for me after all this time and the thangs we have seen them do and/or not do for Caylee.

Well-----time to quit posting for a few.:ban me:
The A's have lost two. But, only one had yet to make a statement as to how her life would turn out. The person she would be. The other has and continues too.

As for the other one, I would say good riddance to bad rubbish.
While I completely agree with your post, I think what enervates people is that they still vehemently deny Casey had anything to do with this. I think most of the public would be far more compassionate if they came out and said that they acknowledge what happened was wrong and horrible but they can't not support their daughter because she is all they have left, or because she is their daughter or whatever reasoning they might have. If they are not willing to admit that Casey has something or everything to do with this, why aren't they going after Caylee's killer? It absolutely speaks volumes about what they truly think, but it angers the rest of the public, because their behavior has been so duplicitous and while that is certainly not as heinous as the act of murder itself, it still reveals absence of character in my opinion.

I wish the "A" family actually came out to say: No normal person can do something like this. We did not know Casey had a mental disorder, but obviously she does.
We did not know exactly what happened but we do know that she had to be part of what happened. the 31 days, the car, etc..... That is what seems to make sense because they actually may not have known more, but they do know this: Casey is full of it every time her mouth opens. THAT they do know.

I have a bipolar daughter and I have gone beyond the call of duty for her.
She has made my hair stand up straight, and my hair is curly - hmmm.
I have done things I never thought I would.
BUT NO way would I have not given the search team a garment of Caylee to help the search, and no way would I have given the investigators the dogs hair brush.
No way.

AND no way would I have not gotten someone to represent Caylee in the court room
even IF I had to sit behind Casey....

THANK YOU ALL for your thoughts, and love for this baby. And thank you for all the kind PM's

I did wake up the night that Cindy called 911 in the middle of the night
hearing Caylee yelling "NO MOMMY NO!'
That memory is still vivid in my mind. Even if Casey gave Caylee to someone, i do not think Caylee wanted to go.

TO ALL OF YOU :blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:
The A's have lost two. But, only one had yet to make a statement as to how her life would turn out. The person she would be. The other has and continues too.

As for the other one, I would say good riddance to bad rubbish.IMO

:) as always you are a man of few words.
Of course legally the state represents KC. However, from a trial perspective, you can't deny the impact on the jurors of having to be in the same courtroom with both the killer and the family of the victim. We all still have pictures in our heads of Nicole Brown Simpson's family or Laci Peterson's family sitting anxiously through the trial. It is impossible not to look at the suffering and loss etched on the faces of these people and not feel the weight of what and who they lost.

Will the jurors get that from George and Cindy? I don't know that they will. I think it depends on how they see thier role in that courtroom. I think the jurors can understand them being concerned for KC, she is their daughter, despite the horrific charges against her.

However, beyond their concern, if George and Cindy are seen as trying to shield KC from her own actions to an extent that they seem unconcerned with justice for Caylee, it just might backfire on them. If the jurors feel that no one in this family is truly concerned with justice for Caylee, it will likely - even if subconsciously - affect their deliberations.
I hope the Anthonys do read here...or someone who does represent them should read here.
I hope it will shame them into hiring someone that WILL represent Caylee. Even the State knows that this is strange.
It is also IMHO cold.
YAP they are between a rock and a hard place.
But they do say they loved Caylee so much.
DO THE RIGHT THING and hire someone.

I know there will be people from the public to sit there for Caylee and I do not mean all the people that mean well... that is not what I mean at all.
Yes the world does but we wont be there in the court room speaking for her behalf.

I know other people have already said this but...

The Prosecution represents Caylee. She's the victim here, and not the rest of the family.

The State doesn't really represent the Anthony family, just Caylee.

That's how it works in every trial, not just this one.

The Anthonys aren't willing to disown Casey or admit she is guilty, so they don't really represent Caylee, even though they are suffering from losing her. They are mixed-up and in denial.

But don't worry - there will be a huge crowd inside and outside the courtroom whenever this goes to trial. Caylee has thousands of advocates.

And I don't think the Prosecution will try to make the Anthony's look sympathetic at all. This trial will be about their willingness to believe anything Casey told them, and they won't look good. They also didn't try to get custody of Caylee when they could have, and they all waited 30 days before tracking Casey down to see what had happened to Caylee. So the Prosecution is not going to let any of them off the hook for that.

I think it will be apparent to the Jury that the Prosecution speaks for Caylee.
Hopefully the jurors will see through the bull.
As a previous poster said, it would be great if LP showed up for Caylee. In fact, I would love to see NG there, too, even though I know that's not possible. Any fellow 'sleuthers out there plan on going? I would go, but I live in NY. Maybe I can take a few days off and go. I swear I would sit outside the courtroom all night just to to be able to sit behind the prosecution.
Supporting Casey in court and trying to remember the beauty of Caylee is a contradiction that has us all confused. I go with the Narcisisitic enveloped persons
that they are, they are only focused on what is in front of them....Casey. Caylee
to them is gone and a bit worthless to them at this point. (sorry to be so crude, rip Caylee) But as friend of an Narcisistic person, I have learned, it is survival and what makes THEM happy. To every one else, they can just take it because they aren't ever going to do what the common sense thing is to do....there are no morality rules for them.

The minute their precious g'baby was found, off went the FIND CAYLEE tee shirts that they had been parading around. There is no way they are going to walk into court with anything that will show their memory of her. Can you imagine them sitting behind their daughter on trial with a tee shirts or anything that shows the image of Caylee on it? Since they sold themselves to the devil.....w/Casey's "credit card" they aren't allowed anymore to glow in the beauty of her young, innocent life. Goes to show us all how guilty their daughter is and how desperate they are to support her and NOT the memory of Caylee.

I say that Caylee WILL be there. She will be influencing the jury to see the injustice done to her through all the evidence. She will work through all persons there to tell her story and make sure that her justice is served.

I understand that G and C are between a rock and a hard place. If they sit behind the prosecution during trial, it could sway jurors toward conviction(like if her parents don't support her then how can I believe her to be not guilty?). But at the same time- seeing that Caylee has no family sitting behind the pros. REALLY bothers me. The only thing I can think of for them to do is for all the family to sit behind the prosecution when they are up to bat and then to move to behind the defense when they are up to bat. OR LA and Mallory could sit on one side, G and C on the other and then they could switch back and forth. I know it sounds crazy but they can't leave Caylee's side void of family and they can't look like they aren't supportive of KC(according to them). Thats the only solution I can think of. jmo
I understand that G and C are between a rock and a hard place. If they sit behind the prosecution during trial, it could sway jurors toward conviction(like if her parents don't support her then how can I believe her to be not guilty?). But at the same time- seeing that Caylee has no family sitting behind the pros. REALLY bothers me. The only thing I can think of for them to do is for all the family to sit behind the prosecution when they are up to bat and then to move to behind the defense when they are up to bat. OR LA and Mallory could sit on one side, G and C on the other and then they could switch back and forth. I know it sounds crazy but they can't leave Caylee's side void of family and they can't look like they aren't supportive of KC(according to them). Thats the only solution I can think of. jmo

Now wouldn't it be rich if Dad George or anyone else of the extended Anthony family showed up that first day of the formal trial and SAT behind the Prosecution. I would love it for George to have put up a front for his daughter all this time only to show his redemption by showing his non support of her. I think his testimony is compelling and to have to sit behind that monster would be heartbreaking knowing what his heart/soul says to him. No wonder he wanted out.
Hey! I posted this on the 'cashin in' thread but thought it may belong over hear as well........

Say for instance, Amy or TonE, or one of KC's past school teachers she may have been close to, or a former co-worker decides to tell their story in a book, BUT dedicates said book to CAYLEE, and all of the other child victoms of crime and DONATE the proceeds to an organization (reputible) such as TES or Center for missing and exploited children.

Remember Ann Rule wrote about T. Bundy, she was sitting near him working at a call in center for something like either a suicide hot line or the like I can't remember it now. I think the book was called the 'stranger beside me' or somthing like that.

Anyway. These folks (KC's 'friends'),were not directly involved in the crime. Here they were, living there lives and in walks Hurricane KC. These folks have been Casey's victoms as well. And I hope that they have the support they need to get through this unthinkable tragedy. They did not ask for it. They will live with it the rest of their lives.

I think that is how it should be done if it's going to be done. (w/ the proceeds)

I hope something good can come out of this horrible situation. Making Caylee the poster child for crimes such as these commited against children. Knowing the in's and out's of various inside stories may help folks better understand how to see the 'red flags', and other signs, that might help prevent another child from becoming a victom.
And at the end of the book, maybe they could print the names of the organizations who help Child victoms of violent crime such as the ones named above and also add the names of some good help centers/organizations for mothers young and old who feel like they might have the feeling and thoughts of hurting their child, a place they can turn to for help and feel safe.

I know one thing, this story has changed my life. Instead of getting the laundry done, I take my girls for a walk, old family conflicts are now being resolved. And I hope to be able to finish my degree in psychology. So that I can get into social work like I had planned before my second daughter was born with autism, so I need to be with her a lot now. I know I'm like way off topic by now. I apologize.

I just wanted to see how ya'll felt about it in that instance. If they do it in the name of Caylee and FOR CAYLEE, while at the same time helping others that will unfortunately have to go through something like this.

I understand that the state is speaking/seaking justice for Caylee. But from what we have all sumised, there is not one person from her FAMILY, that has her back, if you know what I mean? I know this will be different at the trial. (I hope) But what can we do as a cyber society that has adopted this adorable child?

I can work in the evenings mostly after the girls have gone to bed. Whatever I can do to help get the chilren who no longer have a voice. Advocacy. I will look into this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks ws'ers. You rock!

You can look into CASA or Guardian ad Litem (varies by state) program - if it appeals to you, volunteer. You can do as much or as little as you are able. It is meaningful work and sometimes you find you can actually make a difference.

If I missed this please let me know, but was there an attorney appointed to represent CAYLEE in court, the murdered victim in this family - Caylee Anthony who was found stuffed inside a plastic bag.

Her mother, Casey Anthony, is charged with killing the 2-year-old.

In numerous court appearances, all of the Anthony family was there to support the accused — Casey. No one represents CAYLEE.

Prosecutors said that it is highly unusual that someone is not present to represent the victim in the court appearances of charged suspects.

Apparently, the family is so overwhelmed and trying so hard to show a united front to the world that they believe their daughter and sister is innocent, they have overlooked the pitiful fact that no one is in court for little Caylee.

I don't understand why someone does not ask them about that?
This does not add up....If they believe that Casey is innocent why no representation for Caylee?

MODS i did not see this topic else where. If you feel you want to merge thread please do.

Really! This is a great threat. So true.:yes:. Poor little Caylee is the one who had to pay, and pay dearly, with her life. And, I truly believe that her family knows, and have known for some time now that Casey is responsible for Caylee's death. They would never admit that:no:. It is very, very sad that they have chosen to play this part:shakehead:. Shame on all three of them. Oh I wish that someone, anyone, would ask them. Maybe they will at the depositions:praying:? I wonder if it ever crosses their minds (George & Cindy) why Casey could go ahead and actually killed little Caylee? The answer is becoming more and more clearer to me? I believe it is because she knew that basically, she could do whatever she wanted, and her parents will still love her, and eventually forgive her. And she was right. Their actions, especially Cindy's, says a lot in my book:tsktsk:. Thanks for letting me share my thoughts on this thread.
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