Caylee has no representation :(

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It is the State Attorneys and Law Enforcements job to represent Caylee in court and see that justice is done for her. Even when noone in her own family will stand up and do so. And to be fair, so far they have been doing an admirable job of standing up for that little girl. the fact that none of her family is doing so will be readily apparent and somewhat damning in court.
It is the State Attorneys and Law Enforcements job to represent Caylee in court and see that justice is done for her. Even when noone in her own family will stand up and do so. And to be fair, so far they have been doing an admirable job of standing up for that little girl. the fact that none of her family is doing so will be readily apparent and somewhat damning in court.

It is also the job of the family to see that justice is done in Caylee's name.

It is not the job of the family to stand behind Casey and continue the BS.

If I missed this please let me know, but was there an attorney appointed to represent CAYLEE in court, the murdered victim in this family - Caylee Anthony who was found stuffed inside a plastic bag.

Her mother, Casey Anthony, is charged with killing the 2-year-old.

In numerous court appearances, all of the Anthony family was there to support the accused — Casey. No one represents CAYLEE.

Prosecutors said that it is highly unusual that someone is not present to represent the victim in the court appearances of charged suspects.

Apparently, the family is so overwhelmed and trying so hard to show a united front to the world that they believe their daughter and sister is innocent, they have overlooked the pitiful fact that no one is in court for little Caylee.

I don't understand why someone does not ask them about that?
This does not add up....If they believe that Casey is innocent why no representation for Caylee?

MODS i did not see this topic else where. If you feel you want to merge thread please do.

songline, I think I get what you are saying. And I understand. I have no legal knowledge or experience so I want to make sure it's known these are my opinions only.

It seems that only living children get legal representation in the courtroom. In this case the prosecution is expected to be the child victims advocate. I am guessing that you are thinking along the lines of not every prosecutor is highly moral and will keep the murdered child's best interests at the fore front. In other words, "let's make a deal" could come in and that may/may not be the full justice the murdered child deserves.

IMO sometimes money has to be considered-sometimes "making a deal" makes sense. But in Caylee's case, it is so widely known and millions of people are praying for justice for her, I just don't see any deals coming down the pike for KC. I am undecided on the DP(I will leave that with her jury), I'd have to be an actual juror in a case b/f I could make that kind of decision but I just have faith that these prosecutor's know that THIS case HAS to go to trial, no matter what the cost. The public's feelings and their deep desire for justice is too great to shortchange Caylee. They know they must make sure she gets the full measure of justice dispensed. And I do believe that these prosecutors are highly moral, in it for justice for Caylee, and they know that the public wants them to see this through to the end.

Don't worry songline.....Caylee may not have her family backing her up.....but she has MILLIONS of others, LE, and the prosecution.....she is not alone. She is not forgotten. And best of all....she has right on her side. Not to mention God. She is protected (now). Take heart songline.....she will recieve justice. All in good time. MOO
It has been said that KC has not sold the rights to HER story, and JB testified that there was no deals for his client Casey... However, who has the rights to sell Caylee's story? could this be a loophole? As in a story through Caylees eyes, including the murder, but just told from Caylee's point of view... Would KC be able to do that, JB, or GA and CA, because KC did sign her rights over to CA and GA for Caylee's remains, so could Caylees rights be sold? who has rights to things related to Caylee, her story rights, photos, name..ext. Does a parent have those rights? I hope I'm making since but this really stuck out at me today that no one was speaking of Caylee's rights.
UMMMM anybody??????

What I'm basically saying is can Casey, Cindy, George, Jose sell Caylee's story...who has the rights to Caylee's story?
I just feel the defense jumped through a huge loophole when stating that Casey has not sold her rights, but nothing was said about Caylee's rights and the thought of Caylee's rights being sold infuriates me..
sadly, the people who have caylees rights are the 3 people that are the reason she is dead in the first place :(
UMMMM anybody??????

What I'm basically saying is can Casey, Cindy, George, Jose sell Caylee's story...who has the rights to Caylee's story?
I just feel the defense jumped through a huge loophole when stating that Casey has not sold her rights, but nothing was said about Caylee's rights and the thought of Caylee's rights being sold infuriates me..

Butterfly, I think I'm a little confused about what the question is. IF Caylee owned any "rights" to anything, I suppose they would belong to her statutory heirs which, without looking at the statutes, I would guess would be Casey first (and Caylee's dad, if he's alive and could be identified). If Casey were disqualified by being convicted of her murder (and Caylee's dad were dead/unidentifiable), probably the grandparents--CA and GA, and the paternal grandparents if they can be identified.

But what "rights" of Caylee do you mean? She has not told any stories to be copyrighted (and can't tell any now :( ). She has not taken any photographs or videos to be copyrighted. The photos and videos taken by her family (and therefore belonging to them) have already been sold, because her family has no class. :furious: I hear people say her "name" was trademarked but that makes very little sense to me. Perhaps it was trademarked in connection with the sale of goods, e.g., the "Caylee Bear"? But those weren't her rights to begin with, as she wasn't the one selling the goods.

As I mentioned in the other thread, I think anyone could write "Caylee's" story without infringing on anyone else's legal rights.
We looked a bunch of this up early on but as a minor her images and her likeness would be controlled by her parent according to Florida statutes.
What I am saying is that children have rights too, they have the right not to be exploited. If I exploited my children I would be arrested. Caylee is being exploited, yes she is dead, but at the hands of the person who is suppose to protect her. If they simply sold her story from birth til the time she was killed and "created how it happened through the eyes of Caylee that two would be exploiting Caylee.
If my mother passed away tommorrow and I am her power of Attorney I have the right to sell her things, I have the rights to sell her story, If I wanted to. Granted I don't know how things where through her eyes but I have a pretty good Idea of her life .

SO could the defense sell Caylees story and not be lieing about not selling Casey's story.. rights whatever... and yes Caylee's name has been trademarked.. Why can't they appoint a representative to protect Caylee's name and memory.
well as far as i can see no one is sticking up for caylee's rights.....
and yes Caylee's name has been trademarked..

From what I can find, Caylee's name has not been trademarked. I did a search of the trademark database, and unless I did it wrong, nothing came up for Caylee Anthony, Caylee Marie Anthony, Caylee Bear.

If the Anthony's had a trademark on Caylee's name, we would know about it. A person who starts the process for a trademark is *obligated* to go after *everyone* who is using the trademarked name without their permission - and this is true even before the trademark process is complete.

This is my understanding of trademarking. I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV.

Now, they could go ahead and use the little TM by Caylee's name, but if they want to persue (is that the right spelling?) someone using it, they wouldn't have much of a case unless they registered it correctly at the site above.

And even then, with someone's name, it's a tough win. Movie stars win their cases because they have the bucks to win.
Sickens me that Casey has gotten so much money from Caylee's death--you can bet with her dream team,etc and with encourgement from them, she's believing she'll be acquitted and live the high life in some hideaway mansion someday. ( Caseys way of thinking)

My thought is she is in for a shock on judgement day; being sent to the big house.:O
well as far as i can see no one is sticking up for caylee's rights.....

The State of Florida and their State Prosecutors are sticking up for Caylee's rights. Along with Dr. G, FDLE, OSCO, FBI, CSI, most of Inmate Anthony's friends..all the law abiding officers, all the officers of the courts and much of the public will be defending Caylee's rights..JMHO

I wish I could attend this trial, I would walk in the courtroom each day with a huge poster of Caylee Marie..remember me? I am the victim, the only victim who has lost her life...everyone else is a sideshow..:angel:
It cross my mind this morning that if Casey is convicted there will likely be no one to honor Caylee by giving a victim impact statement before sentencing .

It will still be about poor Casey pend for a murder she didn't commit--the state ( and perfect strangers to Caylee to Caylee here) are the only ones who believe such injustice is being done to this child.
The State of Florida and their State Prosecutors are sticking up for Caylee's rights. Along with Dr. G, FDLE, OSCO, FBI, CSI, most of Inmate Anthony's friends..all the law abiding officers, all the officers of the courts and much of the public will be defending Caylee's rights..JMHO

I wish I could attend this trial, I would walk in the courtroom each day with a huge poster of Caylee Marie..remember me? I am the victim, the only victim who has lost her life...everyone else is a sideshow..:angel:

I feel the same way --sorry i didnt see post before i posted. Bravo to your post --we both need get our big ole" Caylees voice" here postors!
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