Caylee has no representation :(

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Is there a legal precident for a guardian ad leitem for a deceased child? Sorry if this has been addressed, I just haven't seen it.

not that I'm aware of...I'm a Guardian Ad Litem in my state and have never heard of it. We investigate abuse/neglect etc for living children, work with DSS and report findings and make recommendations to the court. Attorneys (which I am not) are hired for custody cases, volunteers that are appointed such as myself are not allowed by the court in those cases. Hope that helps...
I believe that once this trial starts there will be family/friends coming out in support of Caylee. I'm sure CA's brother (Rick, I think) will be there and sit directly behind the pros, just to shove it in CA's face (remember his emails? He tried to get her to see the light...). it would be fantastic to have LP, and even Mark K there for Caylee (whoever else was barred from the memorial/tribute to CASEY speech)

Or wouldn't it be great if Tony L showed up and sat behind the Pros, for CAYLEE.

I am sure that once this goes to trial, Caylee will have plenty of representation.
Is there a legal precident for a guardian ad leitem for a deceased child? Sorry if this has been addressed, I just haven't seen it.

I have been wondering about this since the beginning. I know that guardian ad litem are often appointed in family court cases to insure that the child's interests are represented when those interests may conflict with other family members'.

And I understand that the state of Fl is technically representing Caylee's interests in seeking justice for her in this criminal trial. But it seems to me that they cannot represent her interests as it pertains to family members who would profit from her death (her little "estate") since they are the same family members who represent the defendant.

Perhaps this is an unusual case in that regard, but perhaps it is also time to either extend Son of Sam laws a bit to include this circumstance, or appoint someone to guard anyone from exploiting a deceased victim if that exploitation benefits the accused. Particularly if it occurs before the trial.
Ms.Heather said:
I believe that once this trial starts there will be family/friends coming out in support of Caylee. I'm sure CA's brother (Rick, I think) will be there and sit directly behind the pros, just to shove it in CA's face (remember his emails? He tried to get her to see the light...). it would be fantastic to have LP, and even Mark K there for Caylee (whoever else was barred from the memorial/tribute to CASEY speech)

Or wouldn't it be great if Tony L showed up and sat behind the Pros, for CAYLEE.

I am sure that once this goes to trial, Caylee will have plenty of representation.

I agree ~ while it may seem to people that the Anthonys are dominating the courtroom and headlines right now, the evidence against Casey is much more potent and powerful. Add a big crowd inside and outside the courtroom, with reporters from all over the world - which is my guess how it will play out - and the Anthony's will be totally outnumbered. Then it's a whole new ballgame.

In a murder trial, the victim is the focus of attention, not the grandparents. And they won't be off the hook because they will have to testify about all the evidence taken from their home, and because Cindy is the one who called 911 in the first place.

The Anthony's will be in the hot seat and every time they go out to the water fountain, the press will be waiting for them. They may not get arrested, but they will be under a microscope for the whole trial.
Caylee has representation and it is the State of Florida. These are pre-trial hearings. You can bet that when the trial begins, people will have to take numbers to get into that courtroom. There will be plenty of people there for Caylee.

Btw, GA does wear his Caylee button to every hearing. I don't know what more can be expected of the man to show his support for his grandaughter. Perhaps he could stick a Caylee button on that wife of his too.

I understand your point about Caylee having representation by the state but I think it's important to have family/friends who knew Caylee sitting behind the prosecution. It drives home to the jury that not only was Caylee's life taken but the lives of many others were destroyed as well. Sadly I don't think the people closest to her (CA/GA/LA) will do that but I sure hope Shirley, Rick, Tony, Jesse, and every other person who got to know Caylee show up to support the prosecution of Casey. She deserves at least that much.

As far as GA showing support. I'd rather see him tell the truth (that was not pizza in the car and he knows it). Wearing the Caylee button doesn't take away his lies to the public. The very public who searched all over the place for his granddaughter. And honestly, I believe he knew all along that she was deceased and continued to collect donations in her name. Disgusting.
I bet her great grandma will be there for her.
I can almost bet those buttons will not be allowed to be worn at the trial. At the Danielle Van Dam trial the family and friends were banned from wearing their buttons even if they were in the hallways of the courthouse.

I'll bet you are right (nothing in front of the jury for sure).
I would expect that courtroom to be full and every seat taken, whether on the defendant's side or the prosecution's side. They will grab any seat not taken just to get in IMO.

I don't think TonyL, JesseG or anyone that will be called to testify can be in the courtroom until after their testimony. Legal eagles will have to weigh in here. It might be different for the grandparents since it is their daughter on trial?
Perhaps this is an unusual case in that regard, but perhaps it is also time to either extend Son of Sam laws a bit to include this circumstance, or appoint someone to guard anyone from exploiting a deceased victim if that exploitation benefits the accused. Particularly if it occurs before the trial.

Perhaps it is time to enact a National Law in this regard that would be upheld by the Supreme Court.

Also, when someone is on trial for murder, perhaps those monetary benefits obtained by the accused could be held in suspense until the outcome of the trial is known. I doubt all the dream team experts and lawyers would be racing to defend Casey if this were the case.
I understand your point about Caylee having representation by the state but I think it's important to have family/friends who knew Caylee sitting behind the prosecution. It drives home to the jury that not only was Caylee's life taken but the lives of many others were destroyed as well. Sadly I don't think the people closest to her (CA/GA/LA) will do that but I sure hope Shirley, Rick, Tony, Jesse, and every other person who got to know Caylee show up to support the prosecution of Casey. She deserves at least that much.

Sure she does, but I bet Casey's friends and acquaintances won't show up in court at all because some of them are probably still on the fence and don't know what to believe. Anyway, most of the seats in Court will be taken by journalists or bloggers. They'll probably have have a lottery for seats or pull numbers out of a hat or something.
I wonder if GA and CA will be allowed in the courtroom?

If they are subpoena'd to testify for the prosecution, are they allowed to view prior witnesses?

Not sure on the legalities but I 'thought' you couldn't enter the public gallery until after you had given your testimony?

My knowledge of the above is As Seen On TV :bang:
I understand what you mean! Maybe the FL law does not appoint an attorney for Caylee like they did Danielynn (sp) in the Anna N. Smith case but it seems to me that someone should be there to represent that child in her family. The only thing her family is doing is supporting her murderer and keeping the gravy train going! I would think that if they believe that their daughter is innocent they would have one of them sit behind KC and the other on Caylee's side of the courtroom. I think KC has something on them that they don't want out in the media. Just my opinion as always.

I hope during her trial the extended family like CA's brother, the friends that aren't on the witness list or after they testify will sit on Caylee's side. We know that CA and GA won't be sitting there after they tesitfy. They will always stand behind their daughter. This poor child was born into such a dysfunctional family that God had to take her away.
I understand what you mean! Maybe the FL law does not appoint an attorney for Caylee like they did Danielynn (sp) in the Anna N. Smith case but it seems to me that someone should be there to represent that child in her family. The only thing her family is doing is supporting her murderer and keeping the gravy train going! I would think that if they believe that their daughter is innocent they would have one of them sit behind KC and the other on Caylee's side of the courtroom. I think KC has something on them that they don't want out in the media. Just my opinion as always.

I hope during her trial the extended family like CA's brother, the friends that aren't on the witness list or after they testify will sit on Caylee's side. We know that CA and GA won't be sitting there after they tesitfy. They will always stand behind their daughter. This poor child was born into such a dysfunctional family that God had to take her away.

The child in that case was a live victim, whose 'best interests' needed to be served.
It pains me to say it, but Caylee has no 'best interest' to serve, only justice to be achieved so a Guardian ad Litum has no place in this case :mad:

ETA. Whilst GA may indeed be wearing a Caylee button, it will be offset by the fact that he is supporting the person who caused her demise.

ETA. Whilst GA may indeed be wearing a Caylee button, it will be offset by the fact that he is supporting the person who caused her demise.

I am so sad for this poor little child.

We support you Caylee. And there are others involved in this case that will as well.

I thought Annie would be one, but my hopes are shredded on that one after hearing her interview.

But Tony will be there, and there are many others baby girl. Yuri will be there for you. Amy. And many, many others.

OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH. I am so angry about GA and CA and LA.

I understand what you mean! Maybe the FL law does not appoint an attorney for Caylee like they did Danielynn (sp) in the Anna N. Smith case but it seems to me that someone should be there to represent that child in her family. The only thing her family is doing is supporting her murderer and keeping the gravy train going!
I would think that if they believe that their daughter is innocent they would have one of them sit behind KC and the other on Caylee's side of the courtroom. I think KC has something on them that they don't want out in the media. Just my opinion as always.

I hope during her trial the extended family like CA's brother, the friends that aren't on the witness list or after they testify will sit on Caylee's side. We know that CA and GA won't be sitting there after they testify. They will always stand behind their daughter. This poor child was born into such a dysfunctional family that God had to take her away.

That is a great post :clap::clap::clap:

Like you, I too believe that IF they actually thought that KC is innocent one of them would be sitting behind Caylee.
And IF KC is innocent she would appreciate that.

IMHO they do know the truth and selected to back KC because she is still alive, and the baby can't be brought back. But it is not right for KC to go on controlling this, no matter how sick KC may be she will never learn anything if they keep on covering for her.
You are also right that maybe God had to take Caylee away from them.

While it is hard to judge them right now because this is such a difficult time for them and I am sure they have made many mistakes because they too have no real clarity of what really happened.
It is always at the hardest times that we do get to see what people are really made of.
IMHO dysfunctional is not a rare commodity, for anyone. But their behavior has been more then just dysfunctional, it has been out right questionable at times.
I would like to ask GA and CA why one of them is not sitting behind Caylee.

As far as Danielynn and her appointed attorney - at that time she got her appointed attorney Larry was not yet declared her Bio Dad. DL needed someone to be looking out only for her best interest.
very different scenario, she was a live baby no parent at all.
I don't think Casey is holding anything over the Anthony's ..
Can't understand why some think she is .. :confused:

What could Casey possibly be holding over George and Cindy's head?
I don't think Casey is holding anything over the Anthony's ..Can't understand why some think she is .. :confused:

What could Casey possibly be holding over George and Cindy's head?

If she was holding something over them...
She would throw them under a bus in a NewYork Minute.

I doubt that they would think differently.
[ame=""]YouTube - A Messege From God To The Anthony Family[/ame]
Cindy Anthony Open your eyes!!! Caylee is Gone!.

[ame=""]YouTube - Cindy Anthony Open your eyes!!! Caylee is Gone!.[/ame]
Caylee's Cries are Heard in Heaven

[ame=""]YouTube - Caylee's Cries are Heard in Heaven[/ame]
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