Caylee has no representation :(

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Now wouldn't it be rich if Dad George or anyone else of the extended Anthony family showed up that first day of the formal trial and SAT behind the Prosecution. I would love it for George to have put up a front for his daughter all this time only to show his redemption by showing his non support of her. I think his testimony is compelling and to have to sit behind that monster would be heartbreaking knowing what his heart/soul says to him. No wonder he wanted out.
I have a feeling that only Cindy's Mom will be sitting on the prosecution side for Caylee.
Everytime I watch a pre trial hearing in this case, I feel sad that Caylee has not one person from her family sitting on "her side" in the court room. C & G choose to sit behind their daughter everytime, and it sickens me, this beautiful child deserved more. Maybe by the time trial comes, there will be a lot of people sitting on Caylee's side in the court room, I hope so.
While I completely agree with your post, I think what enervates people is that they still vehemently deny Casey had anything to do with this. I think most of the public would be far more compassionate if they came out and said that they acknowledge what happened was wrong and horrible but they can't not support their daughter because she is all they have left, or because she is their daughter or whatever reasoning they might have. If they are not willing to admit that Casey has something or everything to do with this, why aren't they going after Caylee's killer? It absolutely speaks volumes about what they truly think, but it angers the rest of the public, because their behavior has been so duplicitous and while that is certainly not as heinous as the act of murder itself, it still reveals absence of character in my opinion.

Before I had to deal with a severely bipolar kid. I had a different moral code too.
I have kept my mouth shut at times to save her butt. One NEVER knows what we may do for the love of our children. BUT having said this I also say that NO WAY would I have misguided the search team NO WAY.
They definitely helped the time laps, they definitely made it impossible to find the body while there was still flesh on the bones to test properly. That act IMHO was calculated. It was a plan that would only serve Casey's case, but it could not honor the baby on any level at all.
I understand them being in a tough place and that they do not want to throw Casey under the bus.
I do not and can not understand not giving the search team some help Caylee's garment or giving an investigator the dogs brush instead of the baby's brush.
That I do not understand.
The only way I see all of that and the car washing too is : the "A" family did not want Caylee found for a long, long, time. No body, no proof of anything.
I think that is obvious from everything we can look back to.
I just wonder how they will get away with that?
I hope that the prosecution has large photos of Caylee everywhere in the courtroom and that they constantly refer to Caylee making sure the Jury sees Caylee as a REAL innocent, little girl, and NOT just a piece of forensics .

Let's face it the whole Defense team will be throwing all sorts of spins, theorys, etc. but, I doubt they will ever humanize Caylee.

Another thought, wouldn't it be wonderful if Rick and Shirley and family were to sit BEHIND the procecution.

I read somewhere where BC stated that CA was very upset at the things SP told LE (that KC hated CA more than she loved Caylee).... Ya gotta love that Shirl!
The minute their precious g'baby was found, off went the FIND CAYLEE tee shirts that they had been parading around.

If they had left them on, people would have criticized harshly them for it. They were criticized by some for wearing them at all, instead of realizing the baby was already dead. (Personally, I feel they were in denial and clinging to hope and I can't judge them for that or say what I'd do in their shoes.)

I respectfully submit my opinion that no matter what the A's do at this there will be criticism.
[quote="songline, post: 3457031"]THANK YOU ALL FOR JUMPING IN HERE :blowkiss:
I do not know [U]exactly[/U] what the laws are; nor what exactly I really want to see: but I do want someone there FOR CAYLEE and not for any of the other Anthony's.

I do know the state is going after the person who killed Caylee; 
I appreciate all of you who are helping me understand exactly where I am going with this.
[COLOR="Red"][B]the Prosecutors said that it is highly unusual that someone is not present to represent the victim in the court appearances of charged suspects.[/B]THAT MEANS TO ME: that even the prosecutes feel that CAYLEE should be represented.[/COLOR]

I too would be in the cour room if Idid not live in NYC. but I did not mean well wishers. 
I do mean someone who will be there in her behalf as a speaker for her rights.
And I still think I mean an attorney.[/QUOTE]

(text changed to red by me)
Could you tell us where/when it was that the prosecution stated this? I'd like to read it to see the whole context as I am still confused about how this would play out legally, and whether that's what the prosecution meant.

But what I mean is, (hypothetically) if the A's did hire someone to "represent Caylee," an attorney, social worker, or someone else, how would that play out legally in court? Would that person be given an opportunity to speak? (I'm thinking not. But I really don't know, Which is why I like to read/hear the context in which the prosecution made this statement to see if they were referring to legal representation. This is apparently what you believe they meant Songline?

I'm not from Fl, but I had assumed, as another poster pointed out, that Caylee had all the legal representation available, i.e. the prosecution, MS, OSCO, etc. If FL allows for an additional form of legal representation that Caylee does not yet have, what is it? Does anyone know?

As another poster mention, there are two issues being discussed on this thread: Emotional/symbolic representation (as in where the A's sit in court or the type of respresentation Caylee has from all of us here at WS and other places) and actual legal representation in the courtroom.
Legal representation, or the lack of it, is the question songline raised.

Personally, I feel that Caylee has the representation of the entire state of Fl. (However, if there was some other legal representation possible, then by all means she deserves everything possible.)

I know mant disagree with me on this, but I personally don't think that (on the part of the A's) attempting to support their daughter KC and supporting Caylee are mutually exclusive. I think they are trying to do both (don't shoot me folks), however misguided they may be in the face of all this tragedy.
That said, it would be wonderful if people in Fl, or those who can afford to go, would attend the trial in emotional/sybolic support of sweet little Caylee.

(text changed to red by me)
Could you tell us where/when it was that the prosecution stated this? I'd like to read it to see the whole context as I am still confused about how this would play out legally, and whether that's what the prosecution meant.
I will try but I did read this a long time ago.
Not sure where to look.
If they had left them on, people would have criticized harshly them for it. They were criticized by some for wearing them at all, instead of realizing the baby was already dead. (Personally, I feel they were in denial and clinging to hope and I can't judge them for that or say what I'd do in their shoes.)

I respectfully submit my opinion that no matter what the A's do at this there will be criticism.
It is true that they will get criticized no matter what.
It is also true that nobody who has a Casey would actually be sure of how to deal with her. That is complex at best.
So I refuse to put blame on the parents.
BUT....they did do many things that invite criticism, when they washed the car, when they did not give the search team a garment of Caylee's and delayed finding the body when they gave investigators a dog hair brush and not Caylee's hair brush. These things as well as other things actually solicit criticism.
It is true that they will get criticized no matter what.
It is also true that nobody who has a Casey would actually be sure of how to deal with her. That is complex at best.
So I refuse to put blame on the parents.
BUT....they did do many things that invite criticism, when they washed the car, when they did not give the search team a garment of Caylee's and delayed finding the body when they gave investigators a dog hair brush and not Caylee's hair brush. These things as well as other things actually solicit criticism.

Yes, sadly, they have. I'm holding out hope that their motives have not been to hide or cover up anything, but that, rather, they have done these things out of confusion and heartbreak and desperation and denial, among other things. I realize I could be wrong, and I guess we'll find out one way or the other by the time this all ends.
Yes, sadly, they have. I'm holding out hope that their motives have not been to hide or cover up anything, but that, rather, they have done these things out of confusion and heartbreak and desperation and denial, among other things. I realize I could be wrong, and I guess we'll find out one way or the other by the time this all ends.
I actually do not think with ex LE dad they did not know what they were doing when they cleaned the car, when Cindy refused to give a Caylee Garment to search team or when she gave a dog brush.
IMHO I think she knew very well what she was doing.
They had a huge Heartbroke and with Casey more then just confusion I think it was also overwhelm.
I can not judge, or blame...I can say one thing.
I THINK that it is not easy to play fair but if they were to hire someone to stand for Caylee someone that has only Caylee's best interest in mind there would not be a conflict of interest.and only that way can Caylee get a fair trial.
right now nobody from the family is in court for her behalf.
Is there a legal precident for a guardian ad leitem for a deceased child? Sorry if this has been addressed, I just haven't seen it.
Maybe WE could represent Caylee?

Those of us who live close enough to attend the trial could do so, and wear
a purple ribbon for Caylee. We could sit on the SA's side of the courtroom, and while it may not be much, it is a gesture of support for Caylee.

It doesn't need to be an everyday commitment, just as we are able to attend.

Anyone interested?
Maybe WE could represent Caylee?

Those of us who live close enough to attend the trial could do so, and wear
a purple ribbon for Caylee. We could sit on the SA's side of the courtroom, and while it may not be much, it is a gesture of support for Caylee.

It doesn't need to be an everyday commitment, just as we are able to attend.

Anyone interested?

I'd love to do that, but live hundreds of miles away. I'm sure we have quite a few here that are local that will do just that. Caylee has touched all our hearts.

Good suggestion.:)
The fact that little Caylee has no representation is the saddest part of this whole case.
I'm 45 minutes away from Orlando and will gladly make the short trip, I'm also happy to make some purple ribbons for anyone who feels they may be able to attend. (no strings)

For this baby, who the entire family swears they adore, even fought over, to have no-one to just be 'there' and thinking of her ABOVE ALL ELSE, is too sad to allow.

I will be there.
Is there a legal precident for a guardian ad leitem for a deceased child? Sorry if this has been addressed, I just haven't seen it.

Caylee has representation and it is the State of Florida. These are pre-trial hearings. You can bet that when the trial begins, people will have to take numbers to get into that courtroom. There will be plenty of people there for Caylee.

Btw, GA does wear his Caylee button to every hearing. I don't know what more can be expected of the man to show his support for his grandaughter. Perhaps he could stick a Caylee button on that wife of his too.
Caylee has representation and it is the State of Florida. These are pre-trial hearings. You can bet that when the trial begins, people will have to take numbers to get into that courtroom. There will be plenty of people there for Caylee.

Btw, GA does wear his Caylee button to every hearing. I don't know what more can be expected of the man to show his support for his grandaughter. Perhaps he could stick a Caylee button on that wife of his too.
I wish I could be there. Yes the State of Fla. will be there for Caylee,in full force. I watch Dr. G..The medical examiner is a fantastic, loving woman.The other night she said she represents all no matter who they are,gives the deceased the respect they deserve.She said she speaks for the dead.I cried when she spoke of this,thinking of Caylee and her "loving" family.
Everytime I watch a pre trial hearing in this case, I feel sad that Caylee has not one person from her family sitting on "her side" in the court room. C & G choose to sit behind their daughter everytime, and it sickens me, this beautiful child deserved more. Maybe by the time trial comes, there will be a lot of people sitting on Caylee's side in the court room, I hope so.
In my perfect world THE ENTIRE COURTROOM IS BEHIND THE SA and only CA and GA possibly LA sitting behind KC.
Caylee has representation and it is the State of Florida. These are pre-trial hearings. You can bet that when the trial begins, people will have to take numbers to get into that courtroom. There will be plenty of people there for Caylee.

Btw, GA does wear his Caylee button to every hearing. I don't know what more can be expected of the man to show his support for his grandaughter. Perhaps he could stick a Caylee button on that wife of his too.

I can almost bet those buttons will not be allowed to be worn at the trial. At the Danielle Van Dam trial the family and friends were banned from wearing their buttons even if they were in the hallways of the courthouse.
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