"Caylee Is Missing" Myspace Discussions

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I understand everyone's frustration. The Anthony's make horrible choices and are absolutely clueless with PR. Where are I differ from many of you is that I don't read malice into it. I don't see an intent to profit. If we want to say that no family of a missing or murdered child can draw a salary from the foundation founded in the memory of their child, there would be virtually no such foundations and the fact is that many of these do excellent work. Many of the family members who are held up as exemplary (Mark Klaas etc.) draw a salary from the foundation and there is nothing wrong with being paid for doing work on behalf of a cause. The Anthony's are not there yet and I'm not sure they will ever be, but if they are, I'm not going to condemn it. I just think they'd have a lot of emotional work to do before they get there and their cause may not be missing or murdered children but rather a mental health cause much further down the road.

i know you stated that the A's aren't there YET but please, tell me, when did they even start? they've done nothing past selling t shirts and bracelets in a parking lot and a media blitz on their behalf not on behalf of their foundation.
let's not forget all the bad mouthing they did of LE and the search teams that gave their time and energy in search of this child, something that people the likes of Mark Klass would never stoop too, i'm offended you'd even remotely liken the A's to him.
Respectfully snipped...

The fact that this family has a poor record of truth and a darn poor record of thankfulness to those who tried to help is making most who know this family not only frustrated but down right angry. .

This is where our opinions differ as what you see as a poor record of truth I see as understandable denial and not wanting to accept finality until every last possible shred of hope is gone. I think that we may still see the thankfulness you speak of, at least I hope we will, but I do think that there are so many in this story who did wrong things or for the wrong reasons. It is because of this that I think the Anthony's situation is more exasperated and public. Things were handled terribly. They had a bounty hunter living in their house for crying out loud. Of course he had no other purpose but to exploit the case for his own personal gain. If you were writing this as a script no one would believe it. Do you know who I respect in this case? I respect two people and it's because they kep t their mouths shut and did the right thing. I respect Amy H and Tony L and that's about it. I have empathy for the Anthony's, but my respect is limited to those 2 people.
I am so sick of this repulsive family. They are totally devoid of both morals and couth. How many different ways can they continue to dishonor the memory of Caylee Marie. They never deserved her. They disgust me.
I respect two people and it's because they kep t their mouths shut and did the right thing. I respect Amy H and Tony L and that's about it. I have empathy for the Anthony's, but my respect is limited to those 2 people.

*respectfully snipped

Now this I am in agreement with 100%:)
i know you stated that the A's aren't there YET but please, tell me, when did they even start? they don't nothing past selling t shirts and bracelets in a parking lot and a media blitz on their behalf not on behalf of their foundation.
let's not forget all the bad mouthing they did of LE and the search teams that gave their time and energy in search of this child, something that people the likes of Mark Klass would never stoop too, i'm offended you'd even remotely liken the A's to him.

Read the rest of my post. I'm not sure the Anthony's will ever get there. What they thought was their cause (missing children) isn't. With time maybe, just maybe, they'll recognize some of this. I didn't liken the Anthony's to Mark Klass, but the fact is that until Caylee was found, she was a missing child and therefore the Anthonys were by default in that club that no one wants to be in. It's nothing to be offended about.
I understand everyone's frustration. The Anthony's make horrible choices and are absolutely clueless with PR. Where are I differ from many of you is that I don't read malice into it. I don't see an intent to profit. If we want to say that no family of a missing or murdered child can draw a salary from the foundation founded in the memory of their child, there would be virtually no such foundations and the fact is that many of these do excellent work. Many of the family members who are held up as exemplary (Mark Klaas etc.) draw a salary from the foundation and there is nothing wrong with being paid for doing work on behalf of a cause. The Anthony's are not there yet and I'm not sure they will ever be, but if they are, I'm not going to condemn it. I just think they'd have a lot of emotional work to do before they get there and their cause may not be missing or murdered children but rather a mental health cause much further down the road.

secretsquirrel, I respect your point of view.
IMHO it is hard for the public following Caylee's case closely to believe anything that the A's say. Maybe they should volunteer with a missing persons organization, health care would be a great idea, BEFORE requesting funds. They need alot of mental health help right now and should stay away from the $$. It's about Trust or lack there of in their case. If MB is behind it wth? she should have been gone a long time ago,she is not helping the A's "Image" at all. Sorry- did't mean to turn my response to you into my rant.(saving that for later:))
Oh WoW! I was on the first page....didn't see the latest news......unfreakenbelievable!...rather it is believable.GRrrrrrrrr/ I was posting to the tile of the thread and apparently went of track.

This message written by Cindy is very strange. My first impression was she knew for suspected Caylee was deceased. Her writing style is of the third person as if she is detached. She is angry and does not want to be found guilty of any wrong-doing because she has done all she could have done to raise the child.

She avoids the word "I" completely. She does not want to be held responsible for any wrong-doing. She came into my life suddenly and left suddenly is the gist of what I got out of it....meaning her birth and death.

Who is watching her now? She has never asked who was watching her before this?
I took it to mean that she hopes God is watching over her little angel now.

I nearly freaked out when I saw that they were selling the t-shirts and bracelets!!!! Reminds me of a limbo song.....'How low can you go?' :furious:

Whisperer, I posted a long time ago that I thought Cindy had been speaking of Caylee's birth and death in her July 3rd epistle (as I call it). That is immediately how it struck me when I was reading it for the first time. I will always think that.
Read the rest of my post. I'm not sure the Anthony's will ever get there. What they thought was their cause (missing children) isn't. With time maybe, just maybe, they'll recognize some of this. I didn't liken the Anthony's to Mark Klass, but the fact is that until Caylee was found, she was a missing child and therefore the Anthonys were by default in that club that no one wants to be in. It's nothing to be offended about.

she was never missing.

she was murdered by their daughter and dumped.

Their daughter "whom they desperately are trying to defend" knew all along where the body was.

I think that is why they aren't well liked by the public.
I agree that they'd be better served by working with another organization. Honestly what I'd like to see happen is for some time to pass, for them to heal, for Cindy to receive some counseling and for them to make peace with the fact that Caylee died at Casey's hands. I would love it if Cindy came out of this recognizing the pit she was in, being able to articulate about it and working with crime victims in a public way as she and George are victims. Caylee is the ultimate victim as she lost her life, but in many ways, so did Cindy and George when Casey committed that horrid act.
I agree that they'd be better served by working with another organization. Honestly what I'd like to see happen is for some time to pass, for them to heal, for Cindy to receive some counseling and for them to make peace with the fact that Caylee died at Casey's hands. I would love it if Cindy came out of this recognizing the pit she was in, being able to articulate about it and working with crime victims in a public way as she and George are victims. Caylee is the ultimate victim as she lost her life, but in many ways, so did Cindy and George when Casey committed that horrid act.

You have a kind heart, and I agree with you here!
she was never missing.

she was murdered by their daughter and dumped.

Their daughter "whom they desperately are trying to defend" knew all along where the body was.

I think that is why they aren't well liked by the public.

To them she was missing. No one should have to believe their loved one is dead without absolute proof. Look how much they had to accept by facing that fact. Is that even possible for a human to accept without irrefutable proof? I think people's minds can create walls and barriers to protect them and I think that's what happened here.
To them she was missing. No one should have to believe their loved one is dead without absolute proof. Look how much they had to accept by facing that fact. Is that even possible for a human to accept without irrefutable proof? I think people's minds can create walls and barriers to protect them and I think that's what happened here.

That's all well and good. Everyone has their own psychology. But don't make a crusade out of asking for donations to search and then NOT SEARCH.
Read the rest of my post. I'm not sure the Anthony's will ever get there. What they thought was their cause (missing children) isn't. With time maybe, just maybe, they'll recognize some of this. I didn't liken the Anthony's to Mark Klass, but the fact is that until Caylee was found, she was a missing child and therefore the Anthonys were by default in that club that no one wants to be in. It's nothing to be offended about.

not everyone that has a child go missing creates a foundation for missing children, the A's did, Mark Klass did. by default you likened them to him by saying that M, Klass draws a salary from his foundation so it's not wrong for the A's to do it to...the difference being, Mark Klass actually WORKS, while the A's peddle their wares.
and FWIW, i did read the rest of your post, you said they aren't there YET and maybe never will get to where Klass is, you infer they have at least begun. what i'm saying is they haven't even started! (and don't believe they every will)

agreeing to disagree and moving on now.:)
I think many of us (not me...lol) were thinking a kinder, gentler family will emerge after this and were praising the new attorney for making them look better. It is time for him to "jump" ship. This family is evil....they are the "Family of the Lie"

Sadly I do agree with you.

I was filled with sadness and empathy for the A's after Caylee was first found. Not that I am not sorry for their loss. I just don't see a kinder or gentler nor more honest family. I am sorry but I simply do not buy into the crock of bull about the reason for immunity! If they honored their baby Caylee they would immediately go to LE and with clear intent fully cooperate, and of course clear up all CONFLICTING STORIES AND STATEMENTS. JMHO
I agree that they'd be better served by working with another organization. Honestly what I'd like to see happen is for some time to pass, for them to heal, for Cindy to receive some counseling and for them to make peace with the fact that Caylee died at Casey's hands. I would love it if Cindy came out of this recognizing the pit she was in, being able to articulate about it and working with crime victims in a public way as she and George are victims. Caylee is the ultimate victim as she lost her life, but in many ways, so did Cindy and George when Casey committed that horrid act.

Yes, I agree with that. I do not believe what they are doing now is appropriate. Maybe if perhaps, they actually did things like ACTIVELY LOOK FOR CAYLEE, it would look better to a lot of people.
That's all well and good. Everyone has their own psychology. But don't make a crusade out of asking for donations to search and then NOT SEARCH.

But that's the reality they were living within. How can you expect them to operate in any way except for the reality they were living within. If they thought and needed to think she was alive, of course they wanted to search for a live Caylee and I do think they did that. They followed up on the crazy tips that fools kept feeding them and that kept their hope alive and kept the possibility alive and kept feeding them, allowing them to continue that reality. I just don't think it's as sinister as others do. I think it's sad.
not everyone that has a child go missing creates a foundation for missing children, the A's did, Mark Klass did. by default you likened them to him by saying that M, Klass draws a salary from his foundation so it's not wrong for the A's to do it to...the difference being, Mark Klass actually WORKS, while the A's peddle their wares.
and FWIW, i did read the rest of your post, you said they aren't there YET and maybe never will get to where Klass is, you infer they have at least begun. what i'm saying is they haven't even started! (and don't believe they every will)

agreeing to disagree and moving on now.:)

I don't demean Mark Klass. I have my own personal reasons for not thinking he's the ultimate spokesperson for missing children, but when Polly went missing he handled himself perfectly and he does do GREAT work for the cause and he does a lot of it.

SecretSquirrel, You are a kind person, BUT have you looked at the page?

"Checks Payable to "Help Find Caylee Marie Anthony" The Anthony Family??

SHE HAS BEEN FOUND!!:confused: This is SUCH a Disgrace & they have no shame! No wonder their daughter doesn't either!

On the left of the page, Ironically, an advertisement reads Pimp My Profile

It should read "Pimp My Grandaughter" $10.00 sorry couldn't resist:bang:
But that's the reality they were living within. How can you expect them to operate in any way except for the reality they were living within. If they thought and needed to think she was alive, of course they wanted to search for a live Caylee and I do think they did that. They followed up on the crazy tips that fools kept feeding them and that kept their hope alive and kept the possibility alive and kept feeding them, allowing them to continue that reality. I just don't think it's as sinister as others do. I think it's sad.

I respect your opinions, ss. You have a very kind heart. Unfortunately, I am of the belief that this family was not "in the dark" throughout this whole fiasco. They both knew what they smelled in that car and that both made that clear in statements that have been made public. I also believe that, little by little, this truth is coming out.
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