Caylee Marie Anthony - 2 - missing for a month before mother contacts authorities!

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I think they are covering #1 if they disovered this on the 12th Why not go to police on the 12th not 16th? I def could not sit for 4 days knowing Zac (my g-baby) was missing?
yeah that is a reasonable viewpoint, i usually go too far in trying to be sympathetic to people in situations like this.

i do think that she is in a very tough position and that she has tried to do the right thing at least some of the time, but definitely agree that painting the picture that everything was perfect and normal with casey up until the last few weeks looks like it is obviously untrue and definitely could have had an impact on the investigation.

i did not see where she tried to say casey has been helpful to the investigation, but i did see where she tried to claim that she has been emotional over things (as quoted above)
I think they are covering #1 if they disovered this on the 12th Why not go to police on the 12th not 16th? I def could not sit for 4 days knowing Zac (my g-baby) was missing?

It appears from the affidavit, that the report was filed on July 15th and the arrest occured on the 16th.

ETA: I'm not quite sure where the July 12th statement fits in either.
yeah that is a reasonable viewpoint, i usually go too far in trying to be sympathetic to people in situations like this.

i do think that she is in a very tough position and that she has tried to do the right thing at least some of the time, but definitely agree that painting the picture that everything was perfect and normal with casey up until the last few weeks looks like it is obviously untrue and definitely could have had an impact on the investigation.

i did not see where she tried to say casey has been helpful to the investigation, but i did see where she tried to claim that she has been emotional over things (as quoted above)

ANTHONY: Well, I want the public to know is this a beautiful little girl and what I want the public to know is if you see her, to pick up the phone and to call. And -- I don`t care what city, you know, where you`re at, if you think you`re going to get your friend in trouble or whatever you pick up the phone and you call anyway.

This little girl is our entire life. And I still believe she`s alive because I do not believe that my daughter did any harm to her child. My daughter has been nothing but a loving mother and I have seen that for the last three years.

The only thing that raised a red flag to me is the fact that Casey could not tell me where she was at. I do not know why. Casey may be dealing with this in her own way. She may not be able to -- I don`t know. When something tragic happens, our, you know, we don`t know how we`re going to handle it.

I know how I would handle it now at being the age that I am. But a 22-year-old does not always make the right decisions. I cannot answer. No one knows what the person`s going through. I mean what they`re doing, you know, when something tragic like this happens, and I saw Casey break down.

I saw Casey cry. And a lot of people are stating that they haven`t seen it. I did see it. Casey spent the night with me. Well, the night was over. It was all day with me from Tuesday to Wednesday, you know, I was with her for several hours.

Casey created the Caylee Marie Anthony missing MySpace page. Casey was instrumental in connecting a lot of what -- a lot of what we`re doing right now, you know? And her efforts -- those efforts have not been shown on the camera.
It appears from the affidavit, that the report was filed on July 15th and the arrest occured on the 16th.

ETA: I'm not quite sure where the July 12th statement fits in either.

meaning not know where it is? or what I said? Sorry not understanding.

If u meant where I found it this is where I found the 12th

On July 12, police said, after not seeing Caylee for some time, her grandparents got concerned and confronted Casey and convinced her to go to the sheriff's office.

Also if my g-baby was with me for 2+ years I would not wait 5 weeks to see them? But will give benefit of doubt I guess??
Ack! Even her hired attorney had a smirky smile, when asked if his client has given him the whereabouts of Caylee. He can NOT hold back information can he? If he does know where she is?

Yep Technically he can. Under the Lawyer client privalege, I think there have been several cases in the media, where a lawyer will not release ANY info, even if a person is in danger, because his first and formost priority is his client, and noone else.
But can he say I don't want to be your lawyer or can't ethically be your lawyer knowing you did this to a baby? And quit?
^ugh, i did see that actually but sort of tuned out what she was saying when she started rambling about how she had seen casey cry.
regarding the post grandma made about caylee missing, maybe she was told by her daughter that she wasn't going to be able to see her again, as an excuse to hide that the baby was gone. to me it looks like both the daughter and granddaughter disappeared for a while and grandma couldn't find them. and she was very mad at her daughter and was very concerned for her granddaughter. wondering where they were, hence the 'caylee is missing' tag.

it's pretty obvious that casey is not right in the head. she's almost or definitely sociopathic to lie and steal and have no emotion regarding her daughter. i really believe she killed caylee, unfortunately. we have seen this happen so many times and can't believe a mom would do this, but they do. over and over. my guess is casey was very pissed off at her mom because she thought that she loved her granddaughter more than her, and she decided to 'leave'. and in the process decided to take away what her mother loved most as some sort of revenge. as well as she figured caylee perhaps was interferring with her lifestyle and she was realizing that on her own it wasn't going to be so easy afterall. she couldn't live with caylee and grandma, and she couldn't live with caylee without grandma. so she removed the cause of her jealousy and burden.

about the shovel being borrowed for an hour, maybe they did dig and needed to use the shovel to get down to an area that was difficult to dig through without it. hence the short period of time it was used. this would mean that the boyfriend was involved if i recall correctly he knew about it right?

i think grandma is in total denial. and she is covering for her daughter. i bet there is SO much we don't know about this situation and the dynamics of the relationship between mother and daughter and granddaughter. you know the seven phases of grief. this woman is definitely in the denial stage. i think we can all agree there is no outside kidnapping. and due to the obvious psychological issues casey has regarding her lying, stealing and lack of emotion. she is capable of anything, including killing her own child.

caylee is a beautiful child. i hope i am wrong. but if you use occam's razor, or the most likely outcome of this, i'm afraid i don't feel it's going to have a good ending.
meaning not know where it is? or what I said? Sorry not understanding.

If u meant where I found it this is where I found the 12th

On July 12, police said, after not seeing Caylee for some time, her grandparents got concerned and confronted Casey and convinced her to go to the sheriff's office.

Also if my g-baby was with me for 2+ years I would not wait 5 weeks to see them? But will give benefit of doubt I guess??

Sorry, I meant I don't know where the report got the 12th. I've been searching and all I see is events started on the 15th?

I'm not sure if the gparents had anything to do with anything. But nothings adding up. I wouldn't be shocked to find out they covered up a fact or two.
i wish we had some confirmation that the grandmother actually wrote that above blog quote and that it was on that date (july 3rd).

just reread it a few times and it really does make her look bad if she did write that.

just one example - she said tonight that she never had any reason to doubt her daughter's word. well in that blog post she certainly seems to give good reason to question casey's word.

she also seems to express pretty clearly there that she doesnt think casey has any money or "future". she seems to express pretty clearly that she is concerned about where she is and how she could possibly be properly caring for caylee.

(growing less sympathetic here)
That does all make sense. Or even Caylee could of been crying for her g-ma since they were close and that might of upset Casey. One never really knows what goes on?
Here's my theory. Perhaps little Caylee wanted to go back to the g-parents becasue they raised her and they're all she's really ever known "parent-wise." Maybe Caylee would cry for them and Casey got extremely jealous. Maybe the g-parents even tried to get her to send her back. So perhaps she shipped Caylee off to someone. I don't think too far away but far away enough so that the g-parents couldn't find her. I do think it's odd though that the g-parents who raised her hadn't seen her in a month but didn't really question all of the excuses.

I think it's possible that Casey's parents did question her excuses privately, between themselves, but didn't voice their concerns to Casey for fear of Casey getting angry and telling them they would never see Caylee again. The grandparents may have been walking on eggshells around Casey for fear she would take the child away from them.

This is such a sad situation and certainly frightening for the grandparents. My heart goes out to them............
But can he say I don't want to be your lawyer or can't ethically be your lawyer knowing you did this to a baby? And quit?

Yep he can, but have you ever known a lawyer to turn down money???
Nancy Grace is reporting now. Looks like they moved over a toy plastic play house and are digging underneath of it. It's reported that the mother was seen there alone not too long ago, when the grandparents weren't there. It was the neighbor who saw her that led them to search there.

I'm watching the second repeat broadcast of Nancy Grace, as I missed the program earlier and the repeat, so now watching the midnight broadcast. I'm hoping and praying that LE doesn't find anything in the grandparent's backyard.
What does the below in bold mean?

Thursday, July 03, 2008
my caylee is missing
Current mood: distraught

She came into my life unexspectedly, just as she has left me. This precious little angel from above gave me strength and unconditional love. Now she is gone and I don't know why. All I am guilty of is loving her and providing her a safe home. Jealousy has taken her away. Jealousy from the one person that should be thankfull for all of the love and support given to her. A mother's love is deep, however there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most. A daughter comes to her mother for support when she is pregnant, the mother says without hesitation it will be ok. And it was. But then the lies and betrayal began. First it seemed harmless, ah, love is blind. A mother will look for the good in her child and give them a chance to change. This mother gave chance after chance for her daughter to change, but instead more lies more betrayal. What does the mother get for giving her daughter all of these chances? A broken heart. The daughter who stole money, lots of money, leaves without warning and does not let her mother now speak to the baby that her mother raised, fed, clothed, sheltered, paid her medical bills, etc. Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space. No money, no future. Where did she go? Who is now watching out for the little angel?

It sounds to me that Cindy (grandmother) and Casey (her daughter) didn't have a good relationship. Casey was jealous that her little daughter, Caylee, looked at her grandmother Cindy as her mother, and not Casey. Casey has not taken responsibility for her daughter, Caylee, and left the parenting to her parents, and then resented the fact that her daughter, Caylee, looked to them as her parents.

I suspect that Casey left her parents home with Caylee as a means to hurt them..........taking the grandchild that they loved away from them and not allowing them contact with her.

I hope and pray that Casey didn't harm Caylee. Maybe she gave the child to someone else to raise, as a means to hurt her parents. I really hope this is the case.

But, I have bad vibes about this.........I fear Casey harmed Caylee.
Been reading but had to comment on this. I noticed that too. Maybe I am being judgmental but I would have had a hard time keeping my composure.

I know exactly what you mean. She didn't seem to cry or sniffle or anything. I was bawling and I don't even know this little girl. Just the thought that she might be dead made me sick to my stomach. I think she is in such denial thinking her daughter would NEVER hurt Caylee,.. JMO

I am praying that the feeling I have is way off,.. but it doesn't seem likely
i dont know what to make of it, the grandfather went to police and told them he thought his daughter wasnt being honest and was withholding information, yet he also says she was a great mother and he could never imagine her doing anything to harm caylee.

it sounds like they have been given some reason to think that caylee was given away to someone as opposed to killed. but that may just be wishful thinking, there is just something in what they are saying that makes me think that someone has told them she is likely alive.

then again they are digging in the grandparents yard soooo...
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