Caylee Marie Anthony Memorial Thread

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Happy Birthday Caylee Marie.

I'm sure you had the most awesome birthday any 6 year old could want...enjoy your birthday with your new friends, sweetheart!

I'm so sorry you're not here...but happy you are in the place that I and many others long to be one day.
Sad isn't it. Caylee's only relatives at the memorial looked completely out of place except when standing near a microphone or camera.
Happy Birthday Caylee Marie,

I will always remember your big beautiful eyes, your beautiful smile and your sweet little voice. Keep singing sweetie because you are our Sunshine. Happy Birthday
I watched some of the memorial live on HLN and some of the raw video footage on WFTV. I think it was a nice memorial to celebrate Caylee's 6th birthday. And it must have been very difficult for Cindy and George to go down to Suburban Drive in the area where Caylee was found,. Perhaps it's healing for them to be able to go there because I don't think they have been down there since Caylee's body was found. I'm glad that people were kind to them and that everyone was there to honor Caylee and her 6th birthday.
I don't have any fancy pics or songs to post for you baby girl.. all i have is my heart.. and It's breaking. You deserved a chance in this world.. losing your first baby teeth, Christmas mornings, Easter egg hunts, graduating kindergarten, middle school, becoming a young woman, secrets with friends, a first crush, your prom, college, falling in love, your own children.....
To name just a few wonderfully awesome experiences you deserved :hug: precious Caylee. Tell Jesus I said hello.
I KNOW you're in a better place .....
Happy Birthday
I watched some of the memorial live on HLN and some of the raw video footage on WFTV. I think it was a nice memorial to celebrate Caylee's 6th birthday. And it must have been very difficult for Cindy and George to go down to Suburban Drive in the area where Caylee was found,. Perhaps it's healing for them to be able to go there because I don't think they have been down there since Caylee's body was found. I'm glad that people were kind to them and that everyone was there to honor Caylee and her 6th birthday.

It's nice to see a bit of compassion for George and Cindy, especially on Caylee's birthday which I'm sure is a very difficult day for them. No matter what anyone wants to think about them, underneath it all they are and always will be the grandparents who love Caylee more than anything in the world. I wish more people could have found a bit of kindness in their hearts today. Caylee would have wanted it.
It's nice to see a bit of compassion for George and Cindy, especially on Caylee's birthday which I'm sure is a very difficult day for them. No matter what anyone wants to think about them, underneath it all they are and always will be the grandparents who love Caylee more than anything in the world. I wish more people could have found a bit of kindness in their hearts today. Caylee would have wanted it.

I might not agree with some of the stuff CA and GA has done but I do believe they really loved Caylee. Im sure Caylee Birthday was really hard for them.
It's nice to see a bit of compassion for George and Cindy, especially on Caylee's birthday which I'm sure is a very difficult day for them. No matter what anyone wants to think about them, underneath it all they are and always will be the grandparents who love Caylee more than anything in the world. I wish more people could have found a bit of kindness in their hearts today. Caylee would have wanted it.

I can't presume to know what Caylee would want and no one else can either, IMO. I would think that Caylee would have preferred to have a family that stood up for her in the name of truth and justice.
I can't presume to know what Caylee would want and no one else can either, IMO. I would think that Caylee would have preferred to have a family that stood up for her in the name of truth and justice.

Perhaps she would have, that doesn't change the fact that she loved her grandparents and she loved them. I think it is VERY safe to presume that she wouldn't want George and Cindy attacked on a day when they were already in so much pain. Children are not vengeful or judgmental. They just love unconditionally.
Perhaps she would have, that doesn't change the fact that she loved her grandparents and she loved them. I think it is VERY safe to presume that she wouldn't want George and Cindy attacked on a day when they were already in so much pain. Children are not vengeful or judgmental. They just love unconditionally.

No, they're not. Too bad the same can't be said for Caylee's grandparents.

As I said, I can't presume to know what Caylee is or isn't thinking and I will reiterate what I said in another post some time back. That is, I find it offensive when one uses what a dead child may or may not be thinking in order to validate their own personal opinion.

I can't presume to know what Caylee would want and no one else can either, IMO. I would think that Caylee would have preferred to have a family that stood up for her in the name of truth and justice.

No, they're not. Too bad the same can't be said for Caylee's grandparents.

As I said, I can't presume to know what Caylee is or isn't thinking and I will reiterate what I said in another post some time back. That is, I find it offensive when one uses what a dead child may or may not be thinking in order to validate their own personal opinion.


I can't presume to know what Caylee would want and no one else can either, IMO. I would think that Caylee would have preferred to have a family that stood up for her in the name of truth and justice.

No, they're not. Too bad the same can't be said for Caylee's grandparents.

As I said, I can't presume to know what Caylee is or isn't thinking and I will reiterate what I said in another post some time back. That is, I find it offensive when one uses what a dead child may or may not be thinking in order to validate their own personal opinion.



Can I assume from your confusion that you think there is a contradiction in my statements?

Those are MY feelings. I don't attribute them to a dead child's thoughts or feelings.

We are all posting our feelings. Perhaps posters who don't like to be challenged... should not throw stones? :twocents:
It's nice to see a bit of compassion for George and Cindy, especially on Caylee's birthday which I'm sure is a very difficult day for them. No matter what anyone wants to think about them, underneath it all they are and always will be the grandparents who love Caylee more than anything in the world. I wish more people could have found a bit of kindness in their hearts today. Caylee would have wanted it.

We are all posting our feelings. Perhaps posters who don't like to be challenged... should not throw stones? :twocents:

The above does not sound like an opinion to me.

If you have a problem with my posts, please take it up with a moderator.
The above does not sound like an opinion to me.

If you have a problem with my posts, please take it up with a moderator.

Of course it's an opinion, I thought that was obvious. I didn't hold a seance or anything and get the words directly from little Caylee.
Anyway, to get back on topic...

Rest in peaceful oblivion of all wordly ugliness, sweet Caylee. I'm glad you'll never be subjected to it again. You deserved so much better.
I really don't know where to put this comment. There really seems to be two different threads with birthday wishes for little Caylee. I have already posted my birthday wish for precious Caylee.

This being the Memorial thread; I have to say that it really bothered me to see GA and CA at the Memorial site on Suburban Drive. IMO, they showed up to illicit sympathy and GA mentioned other missing children. Caylee was never missing and they know it. This, IMO, was to have a photo op for the future unveiling of their new foundation. I resent it. I do not forget that there was a time they very much resented that location being a draw for people wanting to go by and just remember Caylee.

Sorry for the rant. I am probably too much of an unforgiving person, but I still have no sympathy for GA and CA. It is my opinion that this was little Caylee's day and those two should not have been there.


You couldn't have said it any better. My sentiments exactly. It turns my stomach just to look at them.

Merry Christmas Caylee Marie.. you are so very loved and missed little one..

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