Caylee Memorial 2-10-2009 #2

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I'm sure both the G's will have lots to say in their next 'media blitz'....'s already been posted the G's were not there.

I was going to ask if the G's were there b/c someone else said they were. According to Jesse's myspace message they weren't welcome. Sad.
Okay, I really was thinking she had another child. I don't think that was the proper sentence structure. If I was a grandma, it would be:

God blessed me with 2 amazing children and an incredible granddaughter.

I don't know what to think about how she seemed so happy talking as well. I felt so sad for that little girl and all the people there to grieve. I find the only 'appropriate one' was George. But that's just my 2cents.

I hope I never know what should or shouldn't be appropriate under these circumstances. God help them all.
That probably how the names Lee & Cindy came out. My first grand son could not say "grandma" when he was less than a year old. My daughter & I were trying to teach him to say that & finally she said "say laurie" Laurie is my name, he tried but it came out LeLe & it's been LeLe ever since. The 2nd born also calls me that & my 3rd born grand son is only 2 mo old but I suspect I will be LeLe to him as well. Funny thing, now all my friends kids, my dauhters friends kids, call me LeLe & thats just fine as the nick name LeLe, given to me by my first grandson, to me, means love.

I understand about 'nick-names', I have two actually......:)

I also understand that adults often 'give' small children nic's....

Some here just seem determined to bring 'code talk' into evertything any of the A's say.
A truly beautiful, humbling, compassionate service for Caylee Marie Anthony. My thoughts & prayers go out to the Anthony family.
I couldn't help but notice how fat the little brown teddy bear was. I wondered if perhaps they had placed an urn with Caylee's ashes inside the bear so they could have her remains present in the church. I hope so, because it would seem fitting to have her ashes there. That's what I would have done.
I couldn't help but notice how fat the little brown teddy bear was. I wondered if perhaps they has placed an urn with Caylee's ashes inside the bear so they could have her remains present in the church. I hope so, because it would seem fitting to have her ashes there. That's what I would have done.

That's a very touching thought.
Okay, I really was thinking she had another child. I don't think that was the proper sentence structure. If I was a grandma, it would be:

God blessed me with 2 amazing children and an incredible granddaughter.

I don't know what to think about how she seemed so happy talking as well. I felt so sad for that little girl and all the people there to grieve. I find the only 'appropriate one' was George. But that's just my 2cents.

I hope I never know what should or shouldn't be appropriate under these circumstances. God help them all.

I've seen a few posts commenting on Cindy's demeanor being inappropriate, but I just assumed she was a bit sedated. God knows I'd need to be if I were in her shoes.
It was a beautiful service, and I really hope it helps everyone to heal from this tragedy, and most of all, the Anthonys.

I think Lee referred to Caylee as CMA because to say her name would've caused him to break down so this was his way of getting through a most difficult time.
Please stay on topic discussing Caylee's Memorial, NOT who or who wasn't invited to attend.

I couldn't help but notice how fat the little brown teddy bear was. I wondered if perhaps they has placed an urn with Caylee's ashes inside the bear so they could have her remains present in the church. I hope so, because it would seem fitting to have her ashes there. That's what I would have done.

I think you may be right, as the teddy bear was right next to the candle and picture frame. It was also wearing a shirt with a shamrock on it.

I thought it was a beautiful memorial. I've been sitting here crying for the last three hours and couldn't even post until now.

God bless you, Caylee Marie.

How many of you think that Biaz should have been at the Memorial today? What is wrong with certain people? Someone please tell me that I am not crazy for feeling that he should have paid respect for that poor little baby girl? It would've been the decent, right, kind thing to do. Just my opinion.:furious::hand::banghead::(:snooty::mad::furious::no:

He said yesterday that he would not be attending because it is his duty to honor the wishes of his client...or something like that.
I thought this service was just a beautiful tribute for a precious child. I actually have a new respect for family with the strength they found to get through the service. The music, the flowers, the words, all so lovely and spoke to my heart. I don't think I could have found the courage that this family did today. My prayer is that they now can find peace.
You mean Baez? Duty to his client not to attend . . .
Baez has made it clear from the beginning that his focus was on his client..That means that Caylee took a backseat and so does her family.
He also has mentioned that he will do what his client asks of I am assuming that she didn't want him to attend either.
I think you may be right, as the teddy bear was right next to the candle and picture frame. It was also wearing a shirt with a shamrock on it.

I thought it was a beautiful memorial. I've been sitting here crying for the last three hours and couldn't even post until now.

God bless you, Caylee Marie.


That makes two of us.

As for the teddy bear, I agree. Both George and Cindy kissed the teddy bear.
...i think he should have been there out of respect...and KC should have wanted him to go.

Greetings fellow Wsers!:) This is my first post after months of just enjoying this community of people who not only love a good mystery but love to see justice prevail. It always amazes me how so many good folks are willing to invest in the lives of people they don't know. I love reading from pros who enlighten me on how LE works and about the law in general and to all doctors, psychologist, lawyers etc. who help me understand things I don't with great accuracy, thanks. Especially thanks to all you who are not pros but care deeply. Now, what would make a lurker post? I wanted to say a few words about Dr. David Uth, pastor of First Baptist-Orlando. Dr. David pastored for many years in my home town. The kind, gentle, soft spoken, compassionate man we all witnessed today is a true representaton of who he 'is". I was thrilled when I learned that Dr. David would be offering spiritual guidance to not only a family but a community and nation of mourners for little Caylee. He is wonderful at that. He was not my pastor but pastored many of my friends and I have visited the counseling center that he was instrumental in getting started during his tenure in my home town. We met only a few times but he always remembered me. That is significant considering how large his congregation was. He was hard to replace and we still love for him to come "home" to visit. Now back to lurking! You guys are great. Mods if I have done this wrong then delete it and let me know how to do it better next time.
How many of you think that Biaz should have been at the Memorial today? What is wrong with certain people? Someone please tell me that I am not crazy for feeling that he should have paid respect for that poor little baby girl? It would've been the decent, right, kind thing to do. Just my opinion.:furious::hand::banghead::(:snooty::mad::furious::no:

I DO TOO:mad:He should have been there.

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