Caylee's BackPack was found in Caseys Car

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hey, maybe y'all can help me. i have googled white toddler backpack with monkeys, etc....i went to targets website(since kc loves to shop here) and i tried several others and i couldn't find ANY white kid backpacks. i found dora the explorer but none were white and only a few had "Boots" dora's monkey friend on them. sure would like to know where they purchased it so we could get a look at it?


I've had the same problem with Dora bp's.
I did find these 2,;jsessionid=3NES45IKOSS0QCQAAKQBABI?itemId=prod60910007&parentId=cat17310759&masterId=cat10130735&index=3&cmCat=cat000000cat5160748cat7680740cat10130735cat17310759
monkey bp

and of more interest because the cook show George was supposedly watching when he saw Casey and Caylee leave was Paula Deen or Rachael Ray, correct?
monkey bp ‘as seen on Rachael Ray’

The 2nd backpack is of blue background, but I have no idea if it was ever availiable with a white background. I also recall Lee telling police in taped interview, he's color blind, that's passed down usually, isnt it? Simple explanation of color blindness

Ok, granted, 2 unknowns,(bp availible bg colors and if George is color blind like Lee)

but 3 curious things, in my opinion--the above are possible and this bag was featured on Rachael Ray, and that's a possible show George was watching when he last saw Casey and Caylee. According to the interview on Greta.

i searched Dora the Explorer +Monkey backpack. came up with several pictures especially Amazon....I do remember something about a white-fur monkey backpack....George was very detailed in his description.

check Amazon.

could you give me a link, i tried all that and still cannot find a white one with monkeys. the funky monkey one comes in blue and pink.

Color blindness is hereditary. George is most likely is color blind like Lee. Makes me curious about his description of Casey's clothing.
I've had the same problem with Dora bp's.
I did find these 2,;jsessionid=3NES45IKOSS0QCQAAKQBABI?itemId=prod60910007&parentId=cat17310759&masterId=cat10130735&index=3&cmCat=cat000000cat5160748cat7680740cat10130735cat17310759
monkey bp

and of more interest because the cook show George was supposedly watching when he saw Casey and Caylee leave was Paula Deen or Rachael Ray, correct?
monkey bp ‘as seen on Rachael Ray’

The 2nd backpack is of blue background, but I have no idea if it was ever availiable with a white background. I also recall Lee telling police in taped interview, he's color blind, that's passed down usually, isnt it? Simple explanation of color blindness

Ok, granted, 2 unknowns,(bp availible bg colors and if George is color blind like Lee)

but 3 curious things, in my opinion--the above are possible and this bag was featured on Rachael Ray, and that's a possible show George was watching when he last saw Casey and Caylee. According to the interview on Greta.

awesome! thank you so much. i had found the second one i think you could get it in pink too? the first one could have been it it's the closest i have seen.:) great sleuthing.
Maybe this has been covered before, but I thought I read that the doll they found in the car was one that Caylee had with her at all times. It seems rather telling in one instance and yet I wonder why it would not have been put with her body.....
Deputy - GA said that the backpack with the monkey's was not in the car. That there was another one (black or brown)...He also said a couple of pair of shoes, slacks, babychair, purse, doll and a collapsible crate with coat hangers in it.

GA has lied a number of times in my opinion, so I would discount almost anything he said which contradicted what someone else said.
Well, i know that I couldn't tell you what my GD was wearing a month later. HHHHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

What I want to know if a rolling bag/luggage was purchased or is missing?
Maybe this has been covered before, but I thought I read that the doll they found in the car was one that Caylee had with her at all times. It seems rather telling in one instance and yet I wonder why it would not have been put with her body.....

Because casey is selfish and thoughtless? That bugs me to no end, too. It's enough to harm or lose your child but to send your child off in either instance without their favorite lovey...beyond cruel, imo.
Well, i know that I couldn't tell you what my GD was wearing a month later. HHHHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

What I want to know if a rolling bag/luggage was purchased or is missing?

me too, but I doubt Cindy would ever fess up. I also have a recall and not sure if I made it up in my mind or not....Casey when talking about the PR trip with Amy talked about her glorious choice of bags, or lack or worry in choosing because it was plentiful. (when Casey was still talking like she was vactioning in PR too)
awesome! thank you so much. i had found the second one i think you could get it in pink too? the first one could have been it it's the closest i have seen.:) great sleuthing.

For some reason, I thought they were talking about the "monkey" type backpack which was also a harness with a lead like thing on it. I thought I saw a picture of her with that at one time.


I spent over an hour (at work!) looking for such a backpack and found nothing. The closest was one in pink or blue with monkies all over it. I think it was called "Funky Monkey" or something like that.

Here in Virginia Target sold a white backpack with a brown monkey on it and a monkey keychain attached, or something like that that dangled. It was a Paul Frank backpack. I do not know if this is the one that Caylee had, but I mention it because in one of the interviews, George says it had brown monkeys on it.
Cindy cleaned out the car. So listen to her inteview, she's very detailed about it and its contents she found that day. Its about halfway thru her statement. Not sure if this is a he said/she said thing, because if you recall Cindy sent George back to work after the car was towed to their house. Also they, GA & CA removed the cars battery so no one will take the car while they were gone.
Interesting because the car was not TOWED to their house - it was driven by George.
Here in Virginia Target sold a white backpack with a brown monkey on it and a monkey keychain attached, or something like that that dangled. It was a Paul Frank backpack. I do not know if this is the one that Caylee had, but I mention it because in one of the interviews, George says it had brown monkeys on it.

He did say she bought it at Target I believe with her mothers money. I wonder about the pink sunglasses he also said Caylee was wearing on the 16th when she left, was their any mention of the pink sunglasses being in the car????:waitasec:

and of more interest because the cook show George was supposedly watching when he saw Casey and Caylee leave was Paula Deen or Rachael Ray, correct?
monkey bp &#8216;as seen on Rachael Ray&#8217;


Does anyone know exactly what show GA was watching on the foodnetwork that day? He said it was at ten minutes till 1pm (so 12:50pm ET) on June 16th. Off to search PD and RR's viewing times.
I am starting to think that not many of us knew about this Timeline interview done by LE on 08/04/2008....I am listening to it right now. Theres 2 parts in blue ustreambox

listen to the whole thing, you'll hear her talk about the car, amy etc

I could hardly believe this audio interview. Wow, Cindy throws just about EVERYBODY (except Casey) under the bus. Tony, Amy, Jesse, the cadaver dogs...sheesh.

The funniest part was at the end when she whines about having to swear/affirm the truth of her statement. She acts like she doesn't think she has to...tell the truth. (?)

By the way - this is the conclusion of the first interview - the one where she HAD to leave and Yuri talked to her for about half an hour. This is where she came back and finished the interview. I'm sure they didn't publish in in the media because she defames about a dozen people in it.

If you go to the link you'll see several video under the pic of Caylee. There are two blue squares. The first one is actually the second one from the left side and is long. The one farthest to the left is the last little part where Cindy is telling the officer that she didn't think she had to swear and that she didn't have to do it on Friday.

I wouldn't miss this audio interview. More insight.
Color blindness is hereditary. George is most likely is color blind like Lee. Makes me curious about his description of Casey's clothing.

I thought about that and then remembered that he had been in LE for 10 years. I don't think you can be color blind in LE.
hey, maybe y'all can help me. i have googled white toddler backpack with monkeys, etc....i went to targets website(since kc loves to shop here) and i tried several others and i couldn't find ANY white kid backpacks. i found dora the explorer but none were white and only a few had "Boots" dora's monkey friend on them. sure would like to know where they purchased it so we could get a look at it?


Probably discontinued as it would of been last year. Either check ebay or overstocks
GA has lied a number of times in my opinion, so I would discount almost anything he said which contradicted what someone else said.

I often think about that Greta interview, where C&G were sitting on the sofa, and wonder how many hours they spent rehearsing that incredible story they told.
By "little square" I mean the top left hand corner, of the rows of choices, where the 2 teal/blue boxes that say ustream inside are located. I right clicked on those.

Thank you MiraclesHappen - that did the trick. I hadn't seen or heard this statement before.

Thanks for the welcome, Susanlee. I was referring to the audio of one of Cindy's statements posted at the start of this thread, and I couldn't get it to play.

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