Caylee's "Mama" Doll

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Don't know if this has been stated and if so, forgive me.

The Elmo dolls all look like they are different versions to me. For instance there is a Tickle Me Elmo, there's an Elmo Live, there's a Pizza Elmo, etc. Perhaps people were buying her the different styles because she really liked Elmo?
Caylee had about 8 Mr Potathead dolls too.
I'm making my niece a doll and decided to make 2 so her doll would have a friend when my niece wasn't there. It makes me feel that maybe Caylees dolls all have families to compensate for her real life one.
A little OT for this thread but Caylees material health and wealth was certainly covered. No daycare, playgroups, Mom's and Tot's or any mention that Caylee had been baptized before she died. Really makes you wonder as the GP's run out for a second or third shot.

Getting back on topic. It was very telling for me that the doll, car seat and KC's wallet were all in the smell like death car, and GA the ex cop didn't feel fit to call 911 right then and there. Instead they washed and reclaimed the material goods.

My granddaughter had a duplicate doll as well. But blankies were what we had multiple of. One that was the only blanket she would sleep and nap with. Thankfully, I also made triples of it so one went into the washer while she slept with another. By three, she had it figured out what I was doing :) .


Tells ya everything about the A clans family values :mad: . Materialistic in everyway, shape and form :furious: all came before Caylee's needs did. And I suspect it was on a daily basis.
Don't know if this has been stated and if so, forgive me.

The Elmo dolls all look like they are different versions to me. For instance there is a Tickle Me Elmo, there's an Elmo Live, there's a Pizza Elmo, etc. Perhaps people were buying her the different styles because she really liked Elmo?

I believe they are different elmos too, and they do different things. IMO it's still pretty excessive... and I do agree with the other posters who say that the A's are very materialistic.

It's like, "Oh look, there is a new elmo out. Even though Caylee has 3 lets get her this one too."
cecy, I'm glad you replied because for the sake of the conversation I looked up the images. It looks as though I over exaggerated the mama dolls, but I do atleast count 2 mama dolls, and 1 cabbage patch. (


It was the excessive amount of elmo dolls that I was confusing it with... but either way, that's atleast 3 of the same doll... 2 in the bedroom that we can see and the one in the car. IMO that's still a little excessive to have more than one of the same doll. I do think that cindy tried to show her love for caylee by buying her stuff.

Here is the excessive amount of elmos for the sake of discussion.

O/T but in the first pic, I noticed that those beads that KC was wearing when she was trotting around on bond are hanging on the dresser. Not because she is religious, but rather she has no sense of fashion. :rolleyes:

Here's my take on the Mama dolls: If Caylee got upset when one was missing,they may have gotten multiples so they could always lay there hands on one.Especially if she was in 3 different vehicles,depending on who was watching her [KC,GA and CA ].I know people do that, on occasion ,with pacifiers,blankets and stuffed animals. Some toddlers just have to have their"lovies" or there's He(( to pay. Having multiples of an inexpensive doll makes sense to me :crazy: We've gone through multiples of the same toys with my avitar.He gets stuck on a certain thing and if it breaks we replace it or go nuts.
I find this over indulgence of buying so many toys almost abusive. From a mental health point of view of erly childhood learning and developement Caylee semmed to have a home enviroment of of over stimulous. Children of the age 2-21/2 latch on to single items s a form of comfort. This can be a blanky, doll, stuffed animal. When these favorite items or item can't be located you see anxiety ten fold. Part of the maturation of a child is letting them work through their little fears (or big fears in Caylee's life) and as time goes by the child separates from their favorite toy, showing that they are less anxious about the world around them. I actually wrote a story about a small boy who never ever went anywhere without his boo blanken. he was entering the age 8 and soon would be made fun of by peers. The boy did find without his boo during the school day but as soon as bedtime came he had to have the one lone piece left of the boo to sleep at night. He took his row boat out in the sound, knowing he was not allowed to enter those deep waters without an adult. He had his boo to keep him comfy. Waves, rain came down causing the boy to have to use his cub scouts training and in the process of trying to head towrds home lost the last piece of the boo. Long story short the boy had reached home and parents with citizens of the island welcombed him as they were panicked at his disappearence. Mom asked her son where is your boo? The son said, "I don't need my BLANKET anymore" He had reached his first step into manhood. Sorry O/T Should I have it published? LOL! Did this make since???
oh, guys, I dont know if this is OT but I was reading through this thread which I dont think I ever have before, and I just wanted to say if yall think those elmos are excessive you would have a lot to say about us - my 2.5yo loves trucks, I mean we eat sleep and breathe them and he must have two hundred by now. they're little and inexpensive, you know? ...except the baby sized police car out back....anyways..

I dont know that I would consider us to be terribly materialistic, he doesnt get literally everything he wants, it's usually down to a choice of one of two at each purchase, just he is so precious to us and it is such a little thing that pleases him? I dont know exactly what GA and CA's background were as far as poverty but seem to have money troubles later on, as a child I had few things as my family was extremely poor - we're okay now and maybe this is why I want my boy to have these things, I wonder if this is the As take too, or was anyways.

I do know this whole case full of drama sickens us all but not everything about everyone can be all bad, I dont know, I guess I am just saying that caylee didnt even get three years, the least she could have is elmos and mama dolls and potato heads and a playhouse.
oh, guys, I dont know if this is OT but I was reading through this thread which I dont think I ever have before, and I just wanted to say if yall think those elmos are excessive you would have a lot to say about us - my 2.5yo loves trucks, I mean we eat sleep and breathe them and he must have two hundred by now. they're little and inexpensive, you know? ...except the baby sized police car out back....anyways..

I dont know that I would consider us to be terribly materialistic, my nephew doesnt get literally everything he wants, it's usually down to a choice of one of two at each purchase, just he is so precious to us and it is such a little thing that pleases him? I dont know exactly what GA and CA's background were as far as poverty but seem to have money troubles later on, as a child I had few things as my family was extremely poor - we're okay now and maybe this is why I want my boy to have these things, I wonder if this is the As take too, or was anyways.

I do know this whole case full of drama sickens us all but not everything about everyone can be all bad, I dont know, I guess I am just saying that caylee didnt even get three years, the least she could have is elmos and mama dolls and potato heads and a playhouse.[/quote]
True, and I definitely agree to some extent.
I spoil my nephew like crazy. When it comes time for bday, xmas, etc.. Me and my family have said... "What do you get for the boy who has everything?"

I have bought my little guy everything under the sun... because I do love him and want him to have whatever.... but I do stop to a certain extent (as do the rest of my family) and fortunately for us, he accepts that we won't buy him certain things, and he moves a long.
If he has this or that, I don't buy it for him. I do say no fairly often, as do the rest of us who are closest to him in our lives, because you know how kids are. They see anything and they want want want.

I don't want to say that I'm better than the A's in that regard.. but we do know how to put a stop to the excessive buyng that kids demand. If he has one, he has them all......and we're not going to keep buying the same thing just to appease him. There's a balance that we keep and the adults are satisfied and so is he. He has never needed an excessive amount of toys to keep him happy. He's actually very content just being with his grandma and myself (auntie).. around family members where we play ball.. play with the dogs.. play with my skateboard and drums.. guitar.. etc...
When we say no to something.. he moans just like kids do and moves on.

JMO and I'm sorry if I went OT a little bit.
Regarding the excessive toys ... I just hope that the A's do something totally unselfish and donate the majority of them (after keeping a select few that were particularly sentimental) to children less fortunate. With that many toys, all of them surely weren't near and dear to Caylee and it would be wonderful to add a little joy to the life of a child who cannot afford them. Would be lovely to see a photo in the news of the A's presenting those toys to a shelter.
I find this over indulgence of buying so many toys almost abusive. From a mental health point of view of erly childhood learning and developement Caylee semmed to have a home enviroment of of over stimulous. Children of the age 2-21/2 latch on to single items s a form of comfort. This can be a blanky, doll, stuffed animal. When these favorite items or item can't be located you see anxiety ten fold. Part of the maturation of a child is letting them work through their little fears (or big fears in Caylee's life) and as time goes by the child separates from their favorite toy, showing that they are less anxious about the world around them. I actually wrote a story about a small boy who never ever went anywhere without his boo blanken. he was entering the age 8 and soon would be made fun of by peers. The boy did find without his boo during the school day but as soon as bedtime came he had to have the one lone piece left of the boo to sleep at night. He took his row boat out in the sound, knowing he was not allowed to enter those deep waters without an adult. He had his boo to keep him comfy. Waves, rain came down causing the boy to have to use his cub scouts training and in the process of trying to head towrds home lost the last piece of the boo. Long story short the boy had reached home and parents with citizens of the island welcombed him as they were panicked at his disappearence. Mom asked her son where is your boo? The son said, "I don't need my BLANKET anymore" He had reached his first step into manhood. Sorry O/T Should I have it published? LOL! Did this make since???

Oh ,I LOVE that story!
My son is almost 8,but has mental retardation and autism. He doesn't have a ton of "stuff" ,but when he needs that one thing he can't be comforted with anything else.I think it's called perseverating. Toddlers can be the same way,especially when their routine is constantly changing.They need that one constant to hang on to.
I really do love your story KK and will take it to heart. Is it a book I can buy?
Regarding the excessive toys ... I just hope that the A's do something totally unselfish and donate the majority of them (after keeping a select few that were particularly sentimental) to children less fortunate. With that many toys, all of them surely weren't near and dear to Caylee and it would be wonderful to add a little joy to the life of a child who cannot afford them. Would be lovely to see a photo in the news of the A's presenting those toys to a shelter.

After 4 years there is very little I have parted with yet.: ( We finally went through and changed my son's room a year ago. There was still a dirty clothes pile he left on the floor. It wasn't a shrine,I actually could barely go in it.It's just so final and it's your child's things. Please don't think the A's are selfish if they hold onto them. I don't agree with the way they have handled the case,but their personal grief is their own to deal with. There could be memories attached to each little thing.
There is no timetable on grief .
After 4 years there is very little I have parted with yet.: ( We finally went through and changed my son's room a year ago. There was still a dirty clothes pile he left on the floor. It wasn't a shrine,I actually could barely go in it.It's just so final and it's your child's things. Please don't think the A's are selfish if they hold onto them. I don't agree with the way they have handled the case,but their personal grief is their own to deal with. There could be memories attached to each little thing.
There is no timetable on grief .

Good point! [[[hugs]]] to you!
I had a favourite doll as a little girl, my Mary Jane dolly.. I took her everywhere with me. One day I was confronted by some big bad older girls.. I quickly grabed little Mary Jane and shoved her into a 'secret' compartment in the bottom of my doll carriage to keep her safe from them..I managed to get us both home safely, but forgot to remove the doll from her hiding spot, worse, I forgot she was hidden there..

When I couldn't find her that night, I was devastated.. sure the big bad girls had somehow stolen her away...I cried inconsolably, and the next day my big sister went and bought me another doll, which looked like my precious Mary Jane, but wasn't her.. it wasn't the same, but tasked with caring for a new doll I did my best to rise to the challenge, despite my sorrow over losing Mary Jane.

I named the new doll Sarah, and took care of her as best I could anyway, even if she was not Mary Jane..and in a week or so, learned to care for her, (turned out she was a happier and less demanding playmate than the first doll.. she enjoyed tea parties more, got along with my other toys better,and loved to go places, unlike Mary Jane who had to be talked into every little thing I wanted to do...although she would never replace Mary Jane, she was a very nice dolly.)

Then one day, I remembered!! I found my precious little Mary Jane, still hiding in the bottom of the carriage, and now I had sister dollies..

There is something to be said for having more than one of something that is irreplaceable, like Mary Jane..perhaps mama doll was duplicated for a similar reason.. doesn't explain all those potato heads and elmo dolls though.
Sorry if this has been written here, there may even be a thread for Mama that I am too dense to find.....But I noticed in the recent depo release that Mama doll had the life-like flapping eyelids, but in the picture of Caylee in KC's car, she is holding a doll with eyes that are molded closed-
Will the real Mama please stand up? Which one is the one Caylee actually always had with her versus one CA volunteered to police?

To see the pics, b/c I am having trouble posting them, so go to exhibit 15 in CA's recent depo to see the evidence doll, and here is the link for the second doll:
Sorry if this has been written here, there may even be a thread for Mama that I am too dense to find.....But I noticed in the recent depo release that Mama doll had the life-like flapping eyelids, but in the picture of Caylee in KC's car, she is holding a doll with eyes that are molded closed-
Will the real Mama please stand up? Which one is the one Caylee actually always had with her versus one CA volunteered to police?

To see the pics, b/c I am having trouble posting them, so go to exhibit 15 in CA's recent depo to see the evidence doll, and here is the link for the second doll:

Wow!!! Great observation!!!!!

From your link...


and a screen capture of the doll in evidence...

Wow ... just Wow!!!

Note: Mods please delete if it is not OK to post the photo!!!


  • Mama doll.jpg
    Mama doll.jpg
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Wow!!! Great observation!!!!!

Definitely two different dolls.
So, the A's are saying the one in evidence is "the" mama doll right?.
The one in the van pic is either just another doll which may be still with the A family, or is the mama doll and not the one in evidence.

The only thing that could be of importance here is if the Van doll is truly the mama doll as that doll may be somewhere else with other evidence (clothes?) dumped somewhere.
Wow!!! Great observation!!!!!

Definitely two different dolls.
So, the A's are saying the one in evidence is "the" mama doll right?.
The one in the van pic is either just another doll which may be still with the A family, or is the mama doll and not the one in evidence.

The only thing that could be of importance here is if the Van doll is truly the mama doll as that doll may be somewhere else with other evidence (clothes?) dumped somewhere.

I would check the attic with cindy's carseat for the real mama doll. It seems clear a few things were switched out of caseys car and replaced with similar objects. Casey's jailhouse visit with her parents is telling. "zanny had duplicates of everything" Hmm, so does cindy?
I would check the attic with cindy's carseat for the real mama doll. It seems clear a few things were switched out of caseys car and replaced with similar objects. Casey's jailhouse visit with her parents is telling. "zanny had duplicates of everything" Hmm, so does cindy?
The A's are going to say the doll in this pic isn't mama doll...just a doll she took that day.. which I don't believe, but.. Has mama doll ever been discussed in the interviews or anything with any of the A's that proves they are lying? I hope so! I can't recall much about that. Guess i'll have to go doc diving!

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