Cell Phones and LISK

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Maybe the perp is somewhat familiar with certain people who may, or may not have a pacemaker and tricks the women ( and LE) into thinking that is who is calling them?
speculation, imo.
CPH doesn't have a pacemaker and there isn't a shred of evidence to suggest that gets had ever hired a prostitute.

I believe he has/had a so called implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), not a pacemaker. I think the newer models can act as both, however an ICD continually monitors heart rhythm and can send low or high energy electrical pulses to correct an abnormal hear rhythm. Pacemakers only give only low energy electrical pulses to restore regular heartbeat. They are planted underneath the skin. ICDs are inside the chest. At least that's how I understand it.

In my opinion LISK did not make any of the girls leaving their cell phones and/or purses at their places. He is a stalker and opportunist. He picks his future victim by unbeknownst criteria to us by either looking them up on social media/Craigslist/backpage etc. or by personally encountering them ( social services/ housing/ health related places/ schools/colleges etc.).

He may or may not correspond or initially meet them to make a final decision. He may feel empowered by being the one deciding upon their fate. He then will be stalking them and will be deriving the same empowered emotional stage by just watching them. If the opportunity arises, he will snatch them.

However, I believe, that LISK may not always had/have the means to snatch and kill due to perhaps logistical issues like a vehicle. I am just throwing it out there ( yeah it won't stick for long, I know..). He may not even had the money to pay the girls. Quite contrary to the belief 'LISK may be a good earner'.

I think it is much simpler and the fact these women have resorted to sleeping with many strange men a night is a big red flag pointing in the direction that they are not going to make smart decisions in other areas of reasoning. If they need drugs and money badly, and a man offers a large sum of cash, but insists he is an okay guy but with a high level job and family, his worry is pictures and privacy issues with phones. He may make it an ultimatum. If desperate for money, drugs, or both, it was a very impulsive mistake that they paid for with their life. Many people never believe it will happen to them.
Hi, I'm new to websleuths, I was just wondering if anyone could send me a link of information and evidence on lisk.... thanks guys
Hi, I'm new to websleuths, I was just wondering if anyone could send me a link of information and evidence on lisk.... thanks guys
Hi and Welcome to WS!

Here's the main LISK forum link.

The LISK forum contains many, pages of different topic threads. Within each thread are many more links with info and evidence @ LISK. You just gotta start reading through them. The sticky threads have alot of links also. Hope that helps. Maybe someone else can do better?
Can anybody please give me a rundown of any info that was presented in the KS episodes about the phone ping on Fire Island (from Maureens phone).... was this discussed or explored..

Asking because I can't view the show here in Australia till February. ...

I think this would have been a great lead for police to have followed ... as there are historical records of cell tower locations/providers in the location that the phone pinged in ..... could have narrowed down an area serviced soley by that tower.
I have enjoyed reading everyone's ideas. Without much information released I am afraid he will never be caught. The lack of information makes people's imaginations and theories go off into wild ideas and off the actual trail. These women's phones may not have been seen as their protection. How will a phone protect any of these women? They are going to be placing themselves unclothed in a sexual position in which they are then at the complete mercy of a stronger man. The phone isn't going to protect them. If the john offered alot of money and sounded normal and honest he did not trust phones with privacy, the girls may have not thought of the phone as important if it was supposed to be a quick hook up, possibly a tryst in the car and back.
I know there has been discussion going back and forth as to whether or not LISK asked the women to leave their phones behind or not. A thought occurred to me. Who wouldn't want someone with a phone? Could it be that LISK states there will be someone else in an apartment or house that he doesn't want to take a chance the girls phone will ring? I hope I'm explaining that correctly. For example, if the wife is going to be in the house at the same time as LISK and the women, he may ask the women to leave their phones behind so the wife doesn't hear the phone ring. Likewise, it could be LISK lives with his parent(s) and doesn't want them to hear. I'm not saying this is the exact scenario but it COULD be likely that is how he lured them to his place without causing them alarm without their phone.

Another scenario might be a job in which the phone cannot be heard by the boss. I'm not saying a boss would truly be there~~but~~it is possible he tells the girls they will be there to trick them into leaving their phones behind. IE: security guard at a bank or something along those lines?
The clue could be that it was mentioned that by placing a new ad, the phone immediately began to ring constantly.. He may have told them, I am paying you good money and I am not going to listen to your phone ring the entire time. ??? That would not have sent any red flags because it is true with their number being publicly out there for johns to call.
I have enjoyed reading everyone's ideas. Without much information released I am afraid he will never be caught. The lack of information makes people's imaginations and theories go off into wild ideas and off the actual trail. These women's phones may not have been seen as their protection. How will a phone protect any of these women? They are going to be placing themselves unclothed in a sexual position in which they are then at the complete mercy of a stronger man. The phone isn't going to protect them. If the john offered alot of money and sounded normal and honest he did not trust phones with privacy, the girls may have not thought of the phone as important if it was supposed to be a quick hook up, possibly a tryst in the car and back.

A phone in and of itself does not protect anyone once they are physically restrained, no. However, any time surrounding that, having your own phone with you does make people feel more connected and comfortable. I know I personally go basically nowhere without my phone and haven't since the late '90s when having a cell phone became the norm and if someone asked me to leave my phone behind, it'd immediately raise my suspicions. If I were a sex worker knowing I'm going to be in such a vulnerable position, it'd worry me that much more that someone was asking me to leave my security blanket at home.
I am more comfortable with my phone too. I wonder if he used the excuse that he had problems with the constant ringing from johns calling. If he sounded and seemed normal, educated, and friendly, they may have had their guard down, especially if there was big money.
The ONLY reason that I would EVER leave my cell phone behind is if I had known and trusted the person. If some of them left all of their possession's behind (purse, phone, etc) it tells me that they thought they were meeting someone (that they knew) on the fly. Maybe for drugs or a loan? Many times, these men will offer to help financially. They were all easily lured and did not stick to their usual protocol. For someone in their profession, who is usually on high alert at all times, knowing what COULD happen, I am convinced that the SK got to know these girls and had met them all before he killed them.
I am more comfortable with my phone too. I wonder if he used the excuse that he had problems with the constant ringing from johns calling. If he sounded and seemed normal, educated, and friendly, they may have had their guard down, especially if there was big money.
They did seem to feel comfortable with him. I am armed at home if there was to be an intruder. I would also be armed if I ever decided to hook. Gun, mace, or a zapper.
I am more comfortable with my phone too. I wonder if he used the excuse that he had problems with the constant ringing from johns calling. If he sounded and seemed normal, educated, and friendly, they may have had their guard down, especially if there was big money.

I'm not buying it...

Phones can be put on silent...

There was so other reason the phone could not be present...
The ONLY reason that I would EVER leave my cell phone behind is if I had known and trusted the person. If some of them left all of their possession's behind (purse, phone, etc) it tells me that they thought they were meeting someone (that they knew) on the fly. Maybe for drugs or a loan? Many times, these men will offer to help financially. They were all easily lured and did not stick to their usual protocol. For someone in their profession, who is usually on high alert at all times, knowing what COULD happen, I am convinced that the SK got to know these girls and had met them all before he killed them.

I agree with you completely on this, AC_Lucky1. Building trust, especially a familiarity with their routines, perhaps appealing to their needs to build that trust, enticing with access or rides even, then finally luring at just the right moment, alone, unseen, off their guard, the final time, all seems possible.

If something like this did happen, it struck me that considering how well it may have been planned for, then would he use his own car? Could he have been using a rental on these occasions to minimize his risks? If he did use a rental, I imagine it wouldn't have been from LI, as that would've been easier to trace with corresponding dates, so could he have rented cars in CT, NJ or NYC even, for initially grabbing the women, then his own car, later to dispose of their remains. It would make sense that he wouldn't want to be seen with them alive and recognized, if he's familiar with the area.

Then there's this whole thing of selecting the women. Could he have been canvassing or scoping, getting to know many women, then focusing on the ones that he could grab most easily, like a salesman would approach making sales?
If the ladies had their phones with them you could track them by the pings from different cell towers. This would lead law enforcement close to the crime scene, possibly. And if there are VIPs involved in either the "party" or the "crime" their own cell phones would be pinging off the same cell towers & they would have a greater risk of being caught.

This is one of the reasons I believe that someone high up in politics, law enforcement, media, finance etc could be involved because nothing is being done to find justice for these ladies & their families.
If the ladies had their phones with them you could track them by the pings from different cell towers. This would lead law enforcement close to the crime scene, possibly. And if there are VIPs involved in either the "party" or the "crime" their own cell phones would be pinging off the same cell towers & they would have a greater risk of being caught.

This is one of the reasons I believe that someone high up in politics, law enforcement, media, finance etc could be involved because nothing is being done to find justice for these ladies & their families.
I agree. LE can track the ladies cell phones through the towers. They would need subpoenas to track VIPs phones. I dont think they have grounds to do so.
If the ladies had their phones with them you could track them by the pings from different cell towers. This would lead law enforcement close to the crime scene, possibly. And if there are VIPs involved in either the "party" or the "crime" their own cell phones would be pinging off the same cell towers & they would have a greater risk of being caught.

This is one of the reasons I believe that someone high up in politics, law enforcement, media, finance etc could be involved because nothing is being done to find justice for these ladies & their families.


Emerson, and thank you for joining Websleuths and sharing your thoughts.

This idea seems to prevail surrounding the LISK case. It's speculation that makes a lot of sense. Certainly, LE seems to have done zilch to squelch the idea. You may be right. If it is the case, then the well to do perps may also have the interest and the means to advance theories and leads as potential red herrings into the investigation, as would a single well to do well placed individual. Could that be another reason LE has been so tight lipped?

A sophisticated sex ring theory may also be a good way to distance the crime from those who may feel vulnerable, not to fear individual johns. Then again, one thing that may have served well to gain trust with the women to leave their phones behind, for the reasons you so succinctly state, Emerson, would be that they felt safe being driven to a group of men, assuming safety in numbers.

If you'll recall, Josh mentioned in the first Websleuth radio podcast, broadcast after "The Killing Season" two first episodes were shown, that Suffolk County LE stands out as one of few that has its own PAC (Political Action Committee) which would be a great cover bribes and influence. Doesn't do much for their credibility, combined with the poor information sharing, followup with the victims families, in fighting, etc...
Solid clue that hasn't been explored...

Maureens phone pinged off a cell tower on Fire Island .....weeks after she disappeared....someone was using her phone to check on voicemail messages...

Have police sourced historical data of cell phone towers available at the time to establish a radius ..... where the killer was??

I have done a search.... there are sites.... so mainland Patchogue wouldn't hit off water tower fire Island. ....but someone on Fire Island itself would....

Really finding it hard to believe that with resources.....we plebs don't have..they cant source an accurate spot that the phone was switched on from.

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