Cell Phones and LISK

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LISK made his victims leave their phones as he is fully aware of the possibility of being tracked via cell phone locations from cell towers, Wifi and GPS.

Speaking to the girls on more than a few occasions would help to gain their trust and he probably eludes or openly states that he is nervous as he works in law enforcement or politics and is very concerned about keeping his identity secret.

I suspect that if LISK is not a law enforcement officer then he is a lawyer or a banker.
LISK made his victims leave their phones as he is fully aware of the possibility of being tracked via cell phone locations from cell towers, Wifi and GPS.

Speaking to the girls on more than a few occasions would help to gain their trust and he probably eludes or openly states that he is nervous as he works in law enforcement or politics and is very concerned about keeping his identity secret.

I suspect that if LISK is not a law enforcement officer then he is a lawyer or a banker.

Yeah I've always felt this too, I can't think of any other reason they would leave their phones behind. speaking from experience in that business even just being asked to leave your phone behind by a stranger coming to pick you up & you are meeting for the first time that would definitely send red flags & I would decline.
He may have a powerful job & using that as an excuse but he must have already known them, i can't imagine them being that naive to have a complete stranger on Craigslist ask you not to bring your personal belongings they were pretty much street smart girls & probably would decline.

I wonder why Amber declined when he contacted her asking to meet at the same hotel he met Megan at, do you think he pretended to be someone else offering a different offer the second attempt? Or that she already knew him and he already was a client of hers & she just couldn't make it that day.

If she actually didn't know him and he didn't pretend to be a different person calling the second time seeming persistent to get her & specifically asking her to not bring belongings it doesn't make sense to me how she couldn't see that as danger unless she already knew him, also it's been said Melissa would often go to Long Island because she had johns up there. Sorry too much analysing lol
Yeah I've always felt this too, I can't think of any other reason they would leave their phones behind. speaking from experience in that business even just being asked to leave your phone behind by a stranger coming to pick you up & you are meeting for the first time that would definitely send red flags & I would decline.
He may have a powerful job & using that as an excuse but he must have already known them, i can't imagine them being that naive to have a complete stranger on Craigslist ask you not to bring your personal belongings they were pretty much street smart girls & probably would decline.

I wonder why Amber declined when he contacted her asking to meet at the same hotel he met Megan at, do you think he pretended to be someone else offering a different offer the second attempt? Or that she already knew him and he already was a client of hers & she just couldn't make it that day.

If she actually didn't know him and he didn't pretend to be a different person calling the second time seeming persistent to get her & specifically asking her to not bring belongings it doesn't make sense to me how she couldn't see that as danger unless she already knew him, also it's been said Melissa would often go to Long Island because she had johns up there. Sorry too much analysing lol

They were asked to not bring their phones because LISK DID NOT want a repeat of Shannan Gilbert's 911 call that went on for 20 minutes. I am pretty sure if Shannan hadn't had her phone and called 911 with it, we wouldn't know anything about LISK like we know now. Prob wouldn't even know the where abouts of Shannon either.
Also Peter Hackett obviously can't resist calling victim's family when the victim's cell phone is left behind.
They were asked to not bring their phones because LISK DID NOT want a repeat of Shannan Gilbert's 911 call that went on for 20 minutes. I am pretty sure if Shannan hadn't had her phone and called 911 with it, we wouldn't know anything about LISK like we know now. Prob wouldn't even know the where abouts of Shannon either.
Also Peter Hackett obviously can't resist calling victim's family when the victim's cell phone is left behind.

This is an interesting point cause both maureen07 and melissa09 were the first to go missing of the gb4. Both of them must of had their phones cause the killer made taunting calls to maureens friend and melissas sister, plus the cell tower pings.. now shannon has her phone when she goes missing in may 2010... megan goes missing a couple months after shannon and her family doesnt receive any harrassing phone calls.. finally, costello goes missing a few months after megan and like megan, costellos fam/friends dont receive any harrassing calls.. so that theory about the killer making sure no phones are brought after shannons 911 call seems very relevant if its being assumed that the gb4 were also at some party in oak beach before they were murdered. Coincidence or?
This is an interesting point cause both maureen07 and melissa09 were the first to go missing of the gb4. Both of them must of had their phones cause the killer made taunting calls to maureens friend and melissas sister, plus the cell tower pings.. now shannon has her phone when she goes missing in may 2010... megan goes missing a couple months after shannon and her family doesnt receive any harrassing phone calls.. finally, costello goes missing a few months after megan and like megan, costellos fam/friends dont receive any harrassing calls.. so that theory about the killer making sure no phones are brought after shannons 911 call seems very relevant if its being assumed that the gb4 were also at some party in oak beach before they were murdered. Coincidence or?
Absolutely relevant and beyond me why law enforcement seemed to ignore even though it is circumstantial

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Hi everyone! New here so I might've missed it if someone brought it up...Are there maybe offices or something near Penn Station that the man who called Melissa's little sister could have been at? If the calls were early in the evening most people go home around that time so it would be more private than actually calling from Penn Station/Times Sq. If he was somewhere private like an office or an apartment above that area so the phone would've been able to be traced there but away from anyone who could've heard and out of sight of any cameras. I haven't finished reading this whole thread yet so maybe it was already brought up.
I think he has to be on camera somewhere during the calls. I truly believe they know who this guy is but considering it’s a homicide case they can’t prove beyond reasonable doubt. I also believe the killer is someone that is in a high position in society and exposing him would expose a lot and people in power may not want that. Now as far as getting these girls to go with him with out phones I think he only got two or three to do that. The risk is part of his mo, so these girls know who he is and have every reason to believe he needs to keep his identity privet. I also wonder if he even picks them up or had a accomplice pick them up. A similar case that people on here mentioned may have to do with lisk was with a transgender from East New York a witness said he was picked up in a nice car but by a Hispanic man, sounds very similar to the case but the killer could pay a illegal to go pick someone up they wouldn’t think twice.
Hi everyone! New here so I might've missed it if someone brought it up...Are there maybe offices or something near Penn Station that the man who called Melissa's little sister could have been at? If the calls were early in the evening most people go home around that time so it would be more private than actually calling from Penn Station/Times Sq. If he was somewhere private like an office or an apartment above that area so the phone would've been able to be traced there but away from anyone who could've heard and out of sight of any cameras. I haven't finished reading this whole thread yet so maybe it was already brought up.

The Hotel Pennsylvania is directly across from Penn Station on 7th Ave. and it's extremely affordable. It's not a luxury place but it's good if you want a decent place to sleep without housekeeping stealing your stuff. My kid and I have stayed there for a week each Christmas for the past decade and I pay between 700-950 dollars total for the room. Sometimes, you can book as same day for $99.00.

There are plenty of hotels in that immediate area with prices ranging from the Penn's budget cost to high end rooms. 8th and 30th on the other side of Penn Station are more residential, especially the further south you go. Broadway and 30th are Koreatown with hotels and shops. 30th to 23rd is mostly storefronts with more residential places the closer you get to Madison Square Park and the Flatiron.

There are a lot of office spaces in the Penn Station area, too; Penn Plaza is across from the Garden and there's a high rise at Penn Station/MSG as well.

Penn Station, though, that's an interesting animal. It's ridiculous during rush hours but I've also seen it empty and quiet in the evenings. Security is tight with lots of police, drug dogs, and National Guard.

Still, there are ways to make a short, quiet call there. PNC and a few other banks have storefront ATMs accessible only by their cardholders (same with the PNC next to the Hotel Penn and the Bank of America and Chase near Modell's and Penn Plaza from 7th to 8th on 33rd).

LISK probably doesn't work in the city, he just he thinks it'd be hard to pinpoint a cellphone call from Manhattan's busiest spots: Times Square and Penn Station. He could take the LIRR or subway into the city, do his dirty work, and leave with millions of other faceless commuters.
I agree with everything you say in above post. I also believe that Lisk may definitely have a background in Law Enforcement but I also have a strong belief that he has spent some time in the Military as well. As his M.O. seems to be very structured, well thought out and planned or it did until Shannon made that 911 call and the Doctor started making calls on her cellphone. I am actually very surprised that the Doctor is actually still alive for those particular mistakes with all the publicity that came after Shannon's disappearance and death. I do agree completely with the possibility that he lives either outside the immediate city areas and do also think he lives in another State to help cover his tracks in what I feel he considers to be his areas of locating his potential or unfortunate victims. I've also considered if there is a history of abuse of some kind in his childhood or possibility of his own Mother being in the Sex Industry when he was a child. Also, I feel like he is a bit of a chameleon with being able to blend in with your average crowd that he works to NOT stand out. Also that he may definitely not have average features but be attractive enough to make women notice him and feel they can trust him. I've thought since the beginning that he may spend a lot of time playing cat and mouse and coming around these women talking to them, possibly buying them drinks or interacting with them on acquiantance level and getting them to let their guard down. Since the area on LI was found I also believe that he is smart enough to know to change routine and possibly even jobs and areas to avoid being detected. I believe it was mentioned on the Special about Lisk that he may very well be in a job now that allows him to travel frequently cross country or within multiple states. I remember in one of the Specials on TV that it was mentioned he could be a Truck Driver but I've often wondered if that was AFTER Shannon and the rest of the victims were found to break up his routine and still be able to have an income but also make it that much easier for him to expand his areas with victims. I've been extremely bothered by the West Mesa victims and the structured way that all the victims are found in one place and how they were hidden for long. Definitely have to wonder if he has had a hand in those crimes also or possibly someone he may know. Just as good people find their way to one another I am quite certain that there were and are avenues for him to find his way to someone that is as complex and also fragmented as he seems to be. One thing that I do feel strongly about is that I do not think that Lisk or those like him have counted on the advanced strides made with DNA Testing, Facial Recognition and more to come. I recently saw an article about Shannon's mother dying and at the hands of her younger daughter it made me extremely sad for this whole family. Yet maybe know her Mother can know what happened and who was in fact responsible for Shannon's death.
Does anyone else believe that Lisk may also have ties to other States with similar crimes with his possible M.O.? I'd be interested in your thoughts or information.

I don't think so. This is strictly my opinion and I think he's most likely a born and raised Long Island local, or so his comfort level indicates. He's been there for years, knows the lay of the land, and moves through the isolated areas with ease. He won't venture beyond his comfort zone because he's a control freak who'd lose control in a different environment.
I've thought he does seem to fit profile of having possible OCD and/0r extreme control type tendencies and behaviors with the need to keep returning to familiar territory with the other victims found in the same area as others on the LI area.
I don't think so. This is strictly my opinion and I think he's most likely a born and raised Long Island local, or so his comfort level indicates. He's been there for years, knows the lay of the land, and moves through the isolated areas with ease. He won't venture beyond his comfort zone because he's a control freak who'd lose control in a different environment.
Israel Keyes was a unique beast. Also used a victim's phone to lead the family to her body with a message attached that said "Ain't she cute?" Can you imagine the emotional and mind control he got outta that? Keyes had other victims he was willing to confess to in exchange for a quick death penalty date so his actions would not loom over his wife and daughter. The judicial system dragged their feet a little too slow for his liking, so he took his own life by slitting his wrists and carrying the secrets to his grave. He claimed to have been doing crimes as early as 1996, so the actual number of victims he truly had is unknown.
Keyes has always been an interest of mine but I think this is someone that grew up local to the area. At least for the GB4 I believe that.
I agree. There is a comfort zone that most won't go beyond. Especially when it hides the initial bodies for quite some time without being discovered, so why change it. This person knew that at this point of time, it was not a we'll frequented spot with ample time to dispose at night with no witnesses. If it worked for me, I wouldn't change until someone discovered my spot. Then I would need to change gears and think of somewhere new that also was not so crowded and popular.
OMG. I just came accross the story of that guy from long island that tried to fake his death but was found out to be alive. R.R. are his initials not only that but his son describes him as an "Abusive Alcoholic" he lived in massapequa at some point and worked out of 1 penn plaza which i googled and is about 1 block from where i over heard the famous phone call I would love to see this person in life i think he in jail now? has anyone else thought about this guy?

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