Charlie Sheen And Denise Richards

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Charlie has "sexual issues" - so does Denise - she's the one who cheated with her best friend's husband.

She didn't cheat... she and Charlie had broken up months before and Richie and Heather weren't together either.
She didn't cheat per se.....but heck, what kind of friend dates their best friends ex? ;)
The letter Charlie wrote that is full of the 'jobless pig' quotes was most likely written while he was drunk, he sounds like a wasted idiot. The remark about his former mother in law being bald is very telling of what he is really like on the inside. :(

The letter Charlie wrote that is full of the 'jobless pig' quotes was most likely written while he was drunk, he sounds like a wasted idiot. The remark about his former mother in law being bald is very telling of what he is really like on the inside. :(


Well she is jobless and going after your best friend's ex is a bit piggish, IMO.
Charlie has "sexual issues" - so does Denise - she's the one who cheated with her best friend's husband.

How did she cheat???
Richie and Heather SPLIT and charlie is a total scum.....
How did she cheat???
Richie and Heather SPLIT and charlie is a total scum.....
Actually there has been some talk on other threads that something may have been going on between Richie and Denise - there was some reason for Heather to split from Richie so quickly and while he was away on tour. He heard about it from a reporter during an interview. Heather just hasn't taken the low road like Denise and tried to smear her ex in the media.
Actually there has been some talk on other threads that something may have been going on between Richie and Denise - there was some reason for Heather to split from Richie so quickly and while he was away on tour. He heard about it from a reporter during an interview. Heather just hasn't taken the low road like Denise and tried to smear her ex in the media.

It was because Heather found emails to Richie from his assistant. It had nothing to do with Denise.
Well she is jobless and going after your best friend's ex is a bit piggish, IMO.

Actually she has two very young children to care for so I hardly consider that jobless. As for getting together with Richie, although it was in poor taste, I hardly think the long ranting letter he sent her was called for.

They both need to stop the mud slinging but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Did anyone besides me see the episode of The Dog Whisperer in which Denise Richards tried to learn how to handle her three naughty pooches? It was great, I thought. She obviously loves her dogs and seems to be very patient with them. Maybe too patient! :)
Actually she has two very young children to care for so I hardly consider that jobless. As for getting together with Richie, although it was in poor taste, I hardly think the long ranting letter he sent her was called for.

They both need to stop the mud slinging but I don't see that happening anytime soon.


At least she can afford to be jobless. ;) She's not hauling Charlie into court constantly for money as some celebs do when they divorce.
As are her accusations that he's a pedophile and a sexual pervert! You can't unring that bell either (as you can tell from several posts). charlie has stated in interviews that he had all of his computers sent to the FBI for checking their hard drives to prove her accusations false. Guess what, you're not hearing that anything came back from that investigation....IMO Denise is relying on just throwing as much mud as possible and hoping some of it sticks.

I couldn't agree with you more, fundiva. IMO, those statements/accusations Denise made about Charlie are much more harmful than Charlie's ugly statements regarding her mother fighting cancer.

Don't get me wrong - both of them have slung loads of mud, but I think Denise is in the lead for public "down and dirty" - at least at this stage of the game.
Actually she has two very young children to care for so I hardly consider that jobless. As for getting together with Richie, although it was in poor taste, I hardly think the long ranting letter he sent her was called for.

They both need to stop the mud slinging but I don't see that happening anytime soon.


I doubt that's what he meant by jobless. I'm sure he meant talentless, therefore having no paying job. And please don't say that she works so hard, they have nannies. I give a lot of other moms out there much more credit than I do her.
I don't know what her morals are as far as boyfriends/girlfriends are, but everything I've seen written is that she's really caring about her girls, and loving; spending time with them.

Sheen's problems like gambling, *advertiser censored* and BAD TEMPER, are not good around young children. I don't know if has solved the *advertiser censored*/gambling problems; but if not I would want to have the main custody, and "one nanny" too, whom I could trust to look after the best for the children.

He sounds horrible, how does he have another nice girlfriend? Money? I dont know..... He reminds me a bit of OJ, but I guess he hasn't killed anyone YET. He is a talented star, but that doesn't mean anything in the "relationship" department.
No, Brad Pitt is really cool.

Did anyone read about him in Parade Mag?

I agree it is a terrible "environment" though, in general.
No, Brad Pitt is really cool.

Did anyone read about him in Parade Mag?

I agree it is a terrible "environment" though, in general.
Especially cool when he has a fling on set and then divorces his wife who has trustingly let him go film on location with Angelina.

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