Cheyvonne Molino

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Check this out! There was a Pittsburg Planning Commission meeting on July 14, 2009. One of the items on the agenda was the use permit revocation for 1215 Willow Pass Road. Garrido spoke on behalf of Molino.

He really thought everyone was going to be "impressed" with his discovery! Obviously not many were, so he had to get the masses to pay attention. The only way he could was to get arrested and have the complete story come out. I bet he's going to talk ... he has to, unless the jailhouse psychiatrists get him dulled on meds.

I can't remember if this meeting was before or after PG set up a tent outside of J&M?? He needed Jim Molino. I can't figure out what Jim got out of it??? He's not the type of person to do something just because he's nice and I can't imagine he would need that many business cards!
The address that Cheyvonne gave during that Pittsburg Planning Commission meeting, 2150 Pleasant Hill Road, is the same as MOLINO'S RAVIOLI.

Shades of those pies in Sweeney Todd? :innocent:

Check out the location on Google Maps. What do you think those white "structures" are?,+pleasant+hill,+CA&sll=37.941952,-122.081356&sspn=0.000349,0.000583&ie=UTF8&ll=37.941926,-122.081336&spn=0.000698,0.001167&t=h&z=19&iwloc=A
I don't understand it either. What happened to the days of when the girls and Garrido would bring bottled water by on hot summer days to her and her staff members? According to her, the girls also liked Hannah Montana, wore "normal" clothes and (as you mentioned) had clean hair. Oh, yeah, and there was that little discussion about the business card photo which was brought to her attention "over 10 years ago".

Now she is talking like she never heard or saw anything concerning them until Garrido suddenly wanted them to come to this party? If that is really what she said and not an error in reporting, then she is doing some serious backpeddling!

she's covering her behind just like the parole officer, the police department and anyonelse who might have had a han (indadverdent or not) in prolonging jaycee and the girls ordeal.

i wonder if she knew he wsa a RSO and she knew she should have reported him beign with small children.
I hadn't seen this video before where they're interviewing Jim Molino, from way back on August 28. (Someone needs to wipe the smirk of his face as he's talking about a murdered, impaled "woman", note he used the term "girl".)

Anyway, do you think PG decided to perhaps give himself up because the wrecking yard where other victims may be buried is about to lose their permit and get closed down and he knew that would be his downfall? And what pray tell, was he doing there 2 or 3 times a week? Even if he was working as a person delivering water (which I hadn't seen or heard of anywhere except from Cheyvonne Molino's interview), you don't do that two or three times a week to the same location! And why, I wonder would he set up a "religious tent" from which to preach, at a freakin' Wrecking Yard??? Does the place hold some sort of ritualistic warm spot in his heart???? Were there people there who perhaps attending some of his earlier backyard parties whom he was specifically trying to "reform"? Weird! :waitasec:
I hadn't seen this video before where they're interviewing Jim Molino, from way back on August 28. (Someone needs to wipe the smirk of his face as he's talking about a murdered, impaled "woman", note he used the term "girl".)

Anyway, do you think PG decided to perhaps give himself up because the wrecking yard where other victims may be buried is about to lose their permit and get closed down and he knew that would be his downfall? And what pray tell, was he doing there 2 or 3 times a week? Even if he was working as a person delivering water (which I hadn't seen or heard of anywhere except from Cheyvonne Molino's interview), you don't do that two or three times a week to the same location! And why, I wonder would he set up a "religious tent" from which to preach, at a freakin' Wrecking Yard??? Does the place hold some sort of ritualistic warm spot in his heart???? Were there people there who perhaps attending some of his earlier backyard parties whom he was specifically trying to "reform"? Weird! :waitasec:

maybe this place is where all the serial killers in that area dump bodies. could be a mafia-type dumping ground for all we know.

as for the thing about him having other potential followers, i've made comments on that before. if there are, i wonder if jaycee and her family would be in danger. dont put anything past brainwashed "religous" fanatics
Were there people there who perhaps attending some of his earlier backyard parties whom he was specifically trying to "reform"? Weird!

Well at all the religious functions I have been at there was never just a group of men and none ever highfive'd each other either. so from my point of view it had nothing to do with religion probably
Well at all the religious functions I have been at there was never just a group of men and none ever highfive'd each other either. so from my point of view it had nothing to do with religion probably
What I mean is, if PG believed he had indeed turned his life around (according to his new found religion), then maybe he set up his preaching tent at that location because he KNEW that there were people who worked there, or frequented there who were of the same mindset as he "had" been. Like maybe some of the creeps he'd had over for a backyard bonfire and God knows what else. Who were they and where are they now? He met them somewhere.
What I mean is, if PG believed he had indeed turned his life around (according to his new found religion), then maybe he set up his preaching tent at that location because he KNEW that there were people who worked there, or frequented there who were of the same mindset as he "had" been. Like maybe some of the creeps he'd had over for a backyard bonfire and God knows what else. Who were they and where are they now? He met them somewhere.

given what were finding out about that neighborhood, if they ever existed, i bet most of them still live in the area
I don't understand it either. What happened to the days of when the girls and Garrido would bring bottled water by on hot summer days to her and her staff members? According to her, the girls also liked Hannah Montana, wore "normal" clothes and (as you mentioned) had clean hair. Oh, yeah, and there was that little discussion about the business card photo which was brought to her attention "over 10 years ago".

Now she is talking like she never heard or saw anything concerning them until Garrido suddenly wanted them to come to this party? If that is really what she said and not an error in reporting, then she is doing some serious backpeddling!

Her interviews are full of inconsistencies. On one of the network morning shows she claimed that she watched the children grow up and later IN THE SAME INTERVIEW said she didn't know about them until a few months before this whole story came out. The interviewer just let it go by as if she didn't even notice the inconsistency.

Something is wrong with that woman and she may well know more than she lets on. On 1st look, that Garrido left Jaycee and the girls unsupervised at that party looked like he was really confident in his brainwashing of Jaycee and by then she was so brainwashed she could be in a situation like that and still stick with her "allisa" identity and say nothing. That may very well be the case but it might also have been that Molino knows more than she's letting on and they weren't really unsupervised because shewas watching them while they were at her house.

Another thing. About those photos. Doesn't it strike people as odd that those pictures were obviously taken intentionally from behind without the girls' knowledge? Why would she have done that? It's not like she was taking a picture of something else and they got caught in the frame or happened to walk by. It looked like she aimed to photograph them unawares.
(Unless, if anybody knows if the picture of the girls that has been publicly circulated has actually been edited by the media in a way that obscures if something else was in the foreground?)
Her interviews are full of inconsistencies. On one of the network morning shows she claimed that she watched the children grow up and later IN THE SAME INTERVIEW said she didn't know about them until a few months before this whole story came out. The interviewer just let it go by as if she didn't even notice the inconsistency.

Something is wrong with that woman and she may well know more than she lets on. On 1st look, that Garrido left Jaycee and the girls unsupervised at that party looked like he was really confident in his brainwashing of Jaycee and by then she was so brainwashed she could be in a situation like that and still stick with her "allisa" identity and say nothing. That may very well be the case but it might also have been that Molino knows more than she's letting on and they weren't really unsupervised because shewas watching them while they were at her house.

Another thing. About those photos. Doesn't it strike people as odd that those pictures were obviously taken intentionally from behind without the girls' knowledge? Why would she have done that? It's not like she was taking a picture of something else and they got caught in the frame or happened to walk by. It looked like she aimed to photograph them unawares.
(Unless, if anybody knows if the picture of the girls that has been publicly circulated has actually been edited by the media in a way that obscures if something else was in the foreground?)

how can she have "watched them grow up" one minute and then ony knew them a few months the next? no wonder she no longer posts on here.
the thing about that party is, i have yet to hear that jaycee atteneded. i believe it was only the girls. garrido could afford to bring them out in public more often cause they know nothing of what happened to jaycee and think there life is normal. this adds a little sauce to my theory that maybe jaycee set up her own rescue. maybe by this point she was already showing signs to garrido that she couldnt be trusted in public anymore
What I mean is, if PG believed he had indeed turned his life around (according to his new found religion), then maybe he set up his preaching tent at that location because he KNEW that there were people who worked there, or frequented there who were of the same mindset as he "had" been. Like maybe some of the creeps he'd had over for a backyard bonfire and God knows what else. Who were they and where are they now? He met them somewhere.

Maybe the whole thing wasnt even about religion at all. Like it was about religion if some people walked by, like a front, but maybe he was there for some other reason. I dont know why but it does seem really strange and even stranger that he picked that location..i bet there is more to it then we know.:waitasec:
What I mean is, if PG believed he had indeed turned his life around (according to his new found religion), then maybe he set up his preaching tent at that location because he KNEW that there were people who worked there, or frequented there who were of the same mindset as he "had" been. Like maybe some of the creeps he'd had over for a backyard bonfire and God knows what else. Who were they and where are they now? He met them somewhere.

I think you are right on, Billylee. If you read the Molino's comments about who they hired - ex-cons - that makes sense. Garrido had some connection with the Molinos beyond printing their business cards and why would they have wanted PG around, when they thought he was a bit weird (paraphrasing Cheyvonne's comments), unless they somehow benefited.

Years ago, I went to J&M looking for a body part and I was shocked by the riffraff hanging out there. Most were Hispanic men that made gross gestures and comments (in Spanish) to me and my friend. The place was really creepy! I definitely felt it wasn't a safe place for women to be so we left without getting the part.
Maybe the whole thing wasnt even about religion at all. Like it was about religion if some people walked by, like a front, but maybe he was there for some other reason. I dont know why but it does seem really strange and even stranger that he picked that location..i bet there is more to it then we know.:waitasec:

I think PG called it "religion" just like satanists call their beliefs "religion" - definitely not the mainstream definition.

He heard voices and needed to believe they were God speaking to him. Although, later on I'm wondering if he didn't think he was the second coming or at least had first-hand knowledge that could/would change the world, relieving us of sexual predictors forever.
Good observation about the picture. Usually one snaps a picture when at least one close-up person is looking at them. Odd indeed.
I think you are right on, Billylee. If you read the Molino's comments about who they hired - ex-cons - that makes sense. Garrido had some connection with the Molinos beyond printing their business cards and why would they have wanted PG around, when they thought he was a bit weird (paraphrasing Cheyvonne's comments), unless they somehow benefited.

Years ago, I went to J&M looking for a body part and I was shocked by the riffraff hanging out there. Most were Hispanic men that made gross gestures and comments (in Spanish) to me and my friend. The place was really creepy! I definitely felt it wasn't a safe place for women to be so we left without getting the part.

And to think that Garrido took the young girls to a place like that many times.
And to think that Garrido took the young girls to a place like that many times.

well the riff raff they saw there couldnt possibly be worse then the riff raff that brought them there could it? lol
I'm so happy that whatever circumstances brought Chevy-chic to silence have occured. Chevy-chic, if not defending the victims in this horrific crime, is appropriately subdued and shut up. Most appropriately, by her own lawyers - I'm sure...And given the "snippet" that we've seen - it's quite clear what she's made of!

I'm so happy that whatever circumstances brought Chevy-chic to silence have occured. Chevy-chic, if not defending the victims in this horrific crime, is appropriately subdued and shut up. Most appropriately, by her own lawyers - I'm sure...And given the "snippet" that we've seen - it's quite clear what she's made of!


she might sue us for definition of character.............. :waitasec:

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