Children taunt bus monitor and make her cry

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I haven't watched the video and can't. It's enough to read everyone's posts. This was a cellphone video but why wasn't there a bus video as well? I guess all busses don't have them yet?

They need to be made to get jobs and donate every single cent to her 'vacation' fund.

It's no wonder those who work in the education system are losing their patience (and minds).
I wont watch the video, but I would like to share a story. I have a friend here who is an American citizen but is originally from the Middle East. She and her family fled an oppressive regime. Our sons play soccer and I was running an awards ceremony at the end of the season when I looked over and found her surrounded by a bunch of teenagers on bicycles. She wears a hijab and they were making horrible noises and threatening her.

I couldnt get over there fast enough and these were big kids. I told them to get out of the park and that they werent ever ever ever to treat another adult or child in that fashion. That I expected them to know enough to be respectful of everyone they encountered.

They left the park. Just me and words against 7 big kids....bullys are so weak. It takes nothing to disburse them. I am just an average person. I didnt raise my voice.

Now I am not saying they wont every bully another person, sure.

I am not saying this for any recognition, I am saying it because it takes one person to stand up and stop it. I have seen it happen over and over and over again. Three brave people stopped the maiming of Reginald Denny during the LA riots.

We have to teach our children this.
I apologize for not watching the video-what did the bus driver do?
This whole thing is just disgusting. I'm embarrassed that I'm from here. I, too, couldn't watch/listen to the whole video. It is all anyone here is talking about. The police & school are supposed to release their investigation findings late this morning. I hope the punishment will be severe. All I keep thinking is what if that was my mom or grandma? And what bothers me more is that no one else heard this and tried to stop it? I know they were in the back of the bus, but if there were other kids there that saw/heard what was going on and didn't do anything then that is just as bad.
This whole thing is just disgusting. I'm embarrassed that I'm from here. I, too, couldn't watch/listen to the whole video. It is all anyone here is talking about. The police & school are supposed to release their investigation findings late this morning. I hope the punishment will be severe. All I keep thinking is what if that was my mom or grandma? And what bothers me more is that no one else heard this and tried to stop it? I know they were in the back of the bus, but if there were other kids there that saw/heard what was going on and didn't do anything then that is just as bad.

I really want to know what the bus driver was doing. I assume the bus driver was the only other adult on the bus. I would think they would have pulled over and assisted. :banghead:
I really want to know what the bus driver was doing. I assume the bus driver was the only other adult on the bus. I would think they would have pulled over and assisted. :banghead:

I agree. Although the driver may not have know what was going on in the back of the bus, which is why there is a bus monitor sitting back there. I did hear on a report this morning that Karen really didn't hear all that was said. She wears a hearing aid. It wasn't until she was at the police station yesterday and they played the whole video that she heard all that they said to her.

The lack of respect just floors me. I was always taught that you respect adults, especially elderly adults. To the point where I never, and to this day do not call my friends parents by their first names. It is always "mr. X or Mrs. X". Senior citizens deserve respect just because of the fact that they are seniors!!

I'm hoping that the parents of these kids are absolutely mortified. I'm waiting to hear from them to see what their reaction is. I pray to God they don't defend them.
I don't think that a woman, of any age, should be monitoring the back of a schoolbus. This should be a job for men. IMHO The most truly disturbing thing was the sexual references made and the fact that these cretins felt it was OK to touch her.
I don't think that a woman, of any age, should be monitoring the back of a schoolbus. This should be a job for men. IMHO The most truly disturbing thing was the sexual references made and the fact that these cretins felt it was OK to touch her.

You were lucky. My DIL substituted at a school where the kids cussed and taunted her. They joined around her and sang the "I like big butts" song and refused to mind anything. She had just had a baby so she has extra weight and that was fodder for them. They also sexually harassed her. She called the principal in who told her if she could not control her class she did not need to be there. He said this in front of the students. She came home in tears and is out of the teaching field she had oriented all her college classes around. Never had she taught at such a horrible school. She said she was running into this kind of problem more and more often And she usually taught emotionally handicapped children with behaviour problems. So she was used to dealing with difficult children.
It is a sign we are not raising our children right.

Well, that administrator needs to be fired. Our admin would NEVER have done something like that, especially in front of students. Anyone who deals with kids knows better than to ever empower negative behavior in that manner.
I am just checking in here-are some saying the victim is at fault for being a target? That she and the bus driver are ineffective, hence....


Those boys were touching her body and she was not able to stop them. What if she had been raped? These kids were beyond being brats and bullies, their actions were completely innappropriate towards a woman, especially a senior citizen. Would they be as disrespectful to a man? Would they make comments about c*mming in his mouth or ask if he was a double d flab? A woman should not be put in the position of being ridiculed like that. These jerks have to be treated the way they act, like low-lifes. I was raised to not be disrespectful to seniors and that women should not be disrespected. I guess that what happens with being raised in a military family. If it had been my mother on the bus it would have been cleared, those thugs would have been standing on the side of the road, waiting for police. It is not behavior for women, especially senior women, to be subjected to.

If a woman is put in that position of having to monitor a bunch of jerks like these kids then give her something to defend herself with. I kept waiting for her to take out a cell phone and call police. It has been stated in subsequent articles that she didn't hear most of the taunts but clearly she felt the touches. The situation was out of her control and that is not her fault, it is the fault of the school system.
And his mother sounds ineffectual and weak.

The fact is, this bully posted this video online, not to reveal what had happened, but to further victimize an innocent, elderly lady. He's as much a creep as the ones who actually spoke. But, he'll get away with it. Most of them will.

I hope the principal expels ALL of them, including this creep, from not only the bus, but from school. And they should all be sued for harassment.

The money raised, IMO, shows that people are tired of how society is turning. They are tired of parents who refuse to parent effectively; they are tired of schools and courts allowing these type of kids free reign; they are tired of an impolite society. Let's hope these kids are made examples of...but my guess it will just be another slap on the wrist until we see them on America's Most Wanted or a wanted poster at the post office.
I understand what is being said regarding her age and sex, although I dont agree. I understand the point.

The children were using weapons. If it were an ethnicity issue, they would have used that imo. The suicide issue they raised is a great example. It didnt matter her sex and age-it was a weapon they could use that would hurt her.
I am just checking in here-are some saying the victim is at fault for being a target? That she and the bus driver are ineffective, hence....

IMHO the lady is not at fault but the school system that put her on that bus is at fault. I hope the money raised for her insures she doesn't have to go back to that job.
On the video we saw this lady position her purse in a protective mode and she was crying. How sad. What we saw is not the way you treat a grandmother. IMHO
The touching her part really pissed me off. The one little $hit who kept touching her needs a huge lesson in boundaries. That is a rapist in the making, and I do not feel like I'm exaggerating here. Males who feel they have the right to just invade a woman's space and touch her body like that seem to be becoming all too common. Added to the remarks about ejaculating into her mouth, and this is a prime example of what is referred to as rape culture.

I do disagree though that women should not be allowed to do the job - that puts e burden on the women. The burden should be solely on the parents and males to NOT perpetuate this type of thing.

Little brat is lucky it wasn't me. Second time he touched me I would've broken his finger. I seriously abhor violence, but there's no way at this point in my life I will sit back and take sexual taunts and invasion of my body that way. You get one warning, that's it.
Those boys were touching her body and she was not able to stop them. What if she had been raped? These kids were beyond being brats and bullies, their actions were completely innappropriate towards a woman, especially a senior citizen. Would they be as disrespectful to a man? Would they make comments about c*mming in his mouth or ask if he was a double d flab? A woman should not be put in the position of being ridiculed like that. These jerks have to be treated the way they act, like low-lifes. I was raised to not be disrespectful to seniors and that women should not be disrespected. I guess that what happens with being raised in a military family. If it had been my mother on the bus it would have been cleared, those thugs would have been standing on the side of the road, waiting for police. It is not behavior for women, especially senior women, to be subjected to.

If a woman is put in that position of having to monitor a bunch of jerks like these kids then give her something to defend herself with. I kept waiting for her to take out a cell phone and call police. It has been stated in subsequent articles that she didn't hear most of the taunts but clearly she felt the touches. The situation was out of her control and that is not her fault, it is the fault of the school system.

Unfortunately, she was too good hearted a soul to be in that position. To deal with kids who are so totally ignorant of proper behavior, you need to be a take charge, no nonsense type of person who, unfortunately but realistically, can intimidate those type of kids into some semblance of cooperation. Not only for the monitor's sake, but the other students as well. Kids like these do not play by society's rules nor can they be dealt with on the same level as other kids. I've seen some of the best programs spit these type of kids out 'cause there's just nothing that works. My prayers are always that they will find their way somehow and not end up in the system which is almost always the case.
I watched the whole video. It brought back memories of having to ride the school bus in middle school. The kids were relentless. I had cancer and so of course I looked different than the rest of the kids. There were a few older kids that wouldn't allow me to sit down. The bus driver only screamed at me to sit down because she couldn't continue driving until I did. When my mom called the school it angered the bus driver. The next day she stopped the bus short of the bus stop and wanted to know which kid reported her. It was a nightmare.

I'd like to see a video of all these kids crying (because of being expelled, punished at home by their parents, community service, etc.). Somehow I don't think corporal punishment would do anything to deter these kids from doing it again. Who raises kids like that????? Do they have grandparents? Would they like it if someone treated their grandparent like that???

They're disgusting and if I were the parent of any of them I would be crying right now wondering where I had gone wrong.

I can't wait to see what type of punishment is dished out. I'm predicting a slap on the wrist and the parents being on television defending their miscreants.
My 14 year old DD and I saw this on the news this morning.
I cried. She got REALLY angry.

She said, "Momma, you know how many kids just sat there and watched and did nothing? That's just as bad as doing it! I would have had to say something. That is just horrible."

It was a proud moment as a Mom for sure.

Bless this lady. She has endured so much heartache in her life. And now this. From a bunch of brats.

Breaks my heart.
The touching her part really pissed me off. The one little $hit who kept touching her needs a huge lesson in boundaries. That is a rapist in the making, and I do not feel like I'm exaggerating here. Males who feel they have the right to just invade a woman's space and touch her body like that seem to be becoming all too common. Added to the remarks about ejaculating into her mouth, and this is a prime example of what is referred to as rape culture.

I do disagree though that women should not be allowed to do the job - that puts e burden on the women. The burden should be solely on the parents and males to NOT perpetuate this type of thing.

Little brat is lucky it wasn't me. Second time he touched me I would've broken his finger. I seriously abhor violence, but there's no way at this point in my life I will sit back and take sexual taunts and invasion of my body that way. You get one warning, that's it.

I see future rapists. Speaking of that, I wonder how many rapists and start as bullies. I know rape is motivated by power and domination.

I read research article that 60% of bullies have a felony by age of 24. The younger they start bullying, the more risk for crime. No surprise right there.

Prevent Bullies Before They Become Prisoners - 60% of Bullies Have 1 Conviction by Age 24

I wonder if the likes of Jerry Sandusky, Casey Anthony, or Osama bin Laden started as bullies themselves. I know Sandusky was described as a friendly and well liked person. It comes to show we truly don't know them.

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