Children taunt bus monitor and make her cry

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IMHO the lady is not at fault but the school system that put her on that bus is at fault. I hope the money raised for her insures she doesn't have to go back to that job.

How is the school system at fault? A person should be able to work without being bullied. What do you expect employers to do? Refuse people jobs because they are not tough enough and thus might be bullied?
I don't think that a woman, of any age, should be monitoring the back of a schoolbus. This should be a job for men. IMHO The most truly disturbing thing was the sexual references made and the fact that these cretins felt it was OK to touch her.

I am pretty sure discrimination against females because they are females is illegal. And certainly shouldn't be advocated anywhere at this day and age. I think it's absolutely wrong to even suggest that a woman shouldn't be monitoring school bus because this is a job for men.
Maybe it's not a matter of whether women should or should not be monitoring middle/high school buses but whether THIS woman should have. I don't know. Maybe it had already started out as a bad day for this lady and in normal circumstances she would have handled it differently.
Maybe it's not a matter of whether women should or should not be monitoring middle/high school buses but whether THIS woman should have. I don't know. Maybe it had already started out as a bad day for this lady and in normal circumstances she would have handled it differently.

I just want to clarify that, for me, it is a cultural and familial thing. In my family, either of my grandmothers would not be in a position that someone could abuse them in this manner, or any manner. If someone had ever spoken to either of my grandmothers the way this lady was spoken to there would have been hell to pay. Between the 2 of them they had 11 sons and 38 grandsons who would not allow it. This is my opinion from the way I was raised.

It hurts me that this lady was treated this way and it WAS NOT HER FAULT. She was assaulted verbally and, I believe, physically assaulted by these 'kids'. It hurts me that she was in that position in the first place. The onus is 1000% on the 'kids' that did this to her.

If there is no respect for a grandmother then hope is lost. IMHO
How is the school system at fault? A person should be able to work without being bullied. What do you expect employers to do? Refuse people jobs because they are not tough enough and thus might be bullied?

They are the employers. IMHO
I would think that this will inspire the school to put cameras on the buses. I dont think these children are too young for charges regardless of whether or not those charges are dropped...Some school children in my brothers area were just busted for possession of marijuana. They were 12 and in middle school.
How is the school system at fault? A person should be able to work without being bullied. What do you expect employers to do? Refuse people jobs because they are not tough enough and thus might be bullied?

Truthfully, yes. She not only could have been injured, but she was responsible for other children's safety and well being, too. I could not, at my age, mid 50's, go back and do what I did in my 30's and early 40's. I recognized my inability to be able to perform in certain aspects of my job anymore (breaking up fights for instance) and stepped down even though I loved what I did. It's not a matter of discrimination, IMO, but common sense and qualifications in these instances.
I apologize for not watching the video-what did the bus driver do?

Nothing. But, I didn't watch either and I don't know if the bus driver could even hear what was happening.

I agree. Although the driver may not have know what was going on in the back of the bus, which is why there is a bus monitor sitting back there. I did hear on a report this morning that Karen really didn't hear all that was said. She wears a hearing aid. It wasn't until she was at the police station yesterday and they played the whole video that she heard all that they said to her.

The lack of respect just floors me. I was always taught that you respect adults, especially elderly adults. To the point where I never, and to this day do not call my friends parents by their first names. It is always "mr. X or Mrs. X". Senior citizens deserve respect just because of the fact that they are seniors!!

I'm hoping that the parents of these kids are absolutely mortified. I'm waiting to hear from them to see what their reaction is. I pray to God they don't defend them.

She heard enough. According to reports, she began to weep after they taunted her saying her kids all killed herself because she's so ugly (one of her sons actually did commit suicide ten years ago). I also read how she had a purse with inspirational words on it and she just clutched it and said, "I try to live by these words. I really do." That just made me drop my head into my hands and bawl. A grandmother!!!!! They kept taunting her after she began crying!

I don't think that a woman, of any age, should be monitoring the back of a schoolbus. This should be a job for men. IMHO The most truly disturbing thing was the sexual references made and the fact that these cretins felt it was OK to touch her.

if this is what students are like nowadays, maybe we need cops patrolling. I hate these kids. I hate them. And the description shows they were escalating. I have no doubt they would have begun hitting her next.

They are little Nazis. This is how the Nazis began, with group bullying and shaming which began to escalate.

And now that I read more of what they actually did, I can see that, due to their sexual threats and touching, they likely can face some criminal charges. I hope so.

The money raised, IMO, shows that people are tired of how society is turning. They are tired of parents who refuse to parent effectively; they are tired of schools and courts allowing these type of kids free reign; they are tired of an impolite society. Let's hope these kids are made examples of...but my guess it will just be another slap on the wrist until we see them on America's Most Wanted or a wanted poster at the post office.

It's the only thing that gives me hope. It is now up to $222,000.00! I donated a little bit. I do think the donations are a form of protest, a form of speaking out and against such brutality.

I just want to clarify that, for me, it is a cultural and familial thing. In my family, either of my grandmothers would not be in a position that someone could abuse them in this manner, or any manner. If someone had ever spoken to either of my grandmothers the way this lady was spoken to there would have been hell to pay. Between the 2 of them they had 11 sons and 38 grandsons who would not allow it. This is my opinion from the way I was raised.

It hurts me that this lady was treated this way and it WAS NOT HER FAULT. She was assaulted verbally and, I believe, physically assaulted by these 'kids'. It hurts me that she was in that position in the first place. The onus is 1000% on the 'kids' that did this to her.

If there is no respect for a grandmother then hope is lost. IMHO

BBM. You said it. I have no hope for the futures of those monsters. Whoever raised them, failed. By this age, character is pretty much set. Yes, we all made mistakes at that age but this? Harassing a grandmother? It's beyond the pale.

I truly hope that all the media attention, the dozens of bouquets she has received, the money, etc., helps restore her faith in humanity.

As for those creeps, they have no place amongst humanity, IMO. They should be in juvenile hall. They are going to end up in prison anyhow. :twocents:
I guess I am a little gobsmacked by the belief that she should not be in that job if she couldnt take some kind of abuse/confrontation/disrespect.

How about the kids shouldnt behave that way? It is no different than my friend who was sitting on a bench and was surrounded by a bunch of threatening teenagers. Because they thought they could get away with it.

The victim did nothing wrong. She is not to blame and I am not sure I would quarterback her response. She cried because they were beastly and she is human. I bet she is in that job because she loves children. The children had the pack mentality. Which means whatever bullying program they have at that school is not working. Not by a long shot. And their parents are failures. Now that I will agree with.

The school's responsibility imo is having the logical appropriate response when an employee is attacked and the attackers are students. I guarantee you that the parents of these kids will overwhelmingly protest that their darling was not the ring leader and cant be blamed for peer pressure yada yada yada.

The school will hopefully pay to have these children home schooled for a year rather than subjecting any other school employee to this kind of treatment. Let these parents spend some quality time with their offspring. Then they will get it.
I'm God smacked here and will tread lightly - they were transporting young children in a school bus, not hardened criminals to and from jail. To suggest that she was not right for the position and that only men should do this is a knee jerk reaction which I can not follow.

She was wise enough to not engage these jerks - if she had spoken back to them, or had touched one of them - it would be a whole other story for her I'm sure. People could say she is the adult, dealing with children and should have known better, i.e. "sticks and stones".

I’m glad this little monster had a need to show off his video - it’s indicative of the type of thinking these days - no boundaries, just an “I will do what I want, when I want, to whomever I want, and then make sure everybody knows about it”. Dharun Ravi is another example, and he has thousands of people convinced he is the victim of a vendetta – not the cold hearted bully that he is IMO.

The outpouring of support in words, flowers and $$$ is refreshing, and reminds me that there are more good people out there than bad. I think public shaming is a wonderful thing – and my head will explode if one or more of their parents gets on their soapbox and starts excusing away their precious snowflake.
Now if the tables were turn and the aide was harassing these kids what would have happened to her? I think this kids need to get what ever they do now for bullying.

They should be suspended from riding the school bus for a year. Let their parents have to take their little snotty butts to school.

I only seen the news clipping of the video and it broke my heart.
I couldn't watch either - not after reading the descriptions. The descriptions of what those bully's said were enough to bring me to tears!

I'm in my 40's, and I'm just astonished at how more and more children seem to disrespect and misbehave in the most horrible ways. Back when I was in school we got paddled and heck...I can remember being punished two different ways that would NEVER fly today. My second grade teacher put clothespins on our tongues if we talked to much, or talked out of turn, or talked back! Yes! CLOTHESPINS on our tongues! PAINFUL as all get out! She also had a paddle in the classroom. The paddle had a holes cut out so when she popped you - on your bare bottom I might add - you got blisters. Yes, I know...these punishments were a bit extreme, but nobody died or suffered life long trauma from any of it. I think kids need to be held responsible when they misbehave or disrespect. What's that old saying "Spare the rod, spoil the child" - I think there's some truth to that.
This story is the best example of today's youth and the huge disservice parents are making. Kids today are just bad. Of course not all of them, but my dd is 12 and I have seen first hand examples of similar stories over and over again. Permissive parenting, and being your child's best friend is out of control! Not to long ago I witnessed a 40 something "mother" cussing at 12-13yo's on her daughters facebook account. It was outrageous! But you know she had to stand up for her special little snowflake, by threatening to beat up other kids.

I'm not into corporal punishment but my children would never talk to anyone like these kids behaved. I'm so sad for this woman and I hope these kids get a swift kick in the you know what!
Oh and I am in my early 30's and you better believe if I would have EVER spoke to an adult like that I wouldn't be sitting her today. Not because my parents spanked or beat me, but because they were smart enough to teach me to respect people and know that consequences happen!
In many school districts now, parents of habitually tardy or absent students face detentions or other punishments along with their children.

I say each parent of these evil spawn be sentenced to a month of bus monitor duties.

And the children need to be EXPELLED. Not suspended. Not coddled and counseled. Send 'em to a school full of little s*its just like 'em. Only bigger and meaner.

I am sorry to feel this way, but unless serious tough love action is taken on both these potential violent criminals and their sorry excuses for parents, they will, without a doubt grow up to be rapists, child abusers and worse.

Honestly, I think the die has been cast and it's already too late. But I hope I'm wrong. I have never seen anything so hateful from children.
I am appalled. Never in my life have I seen anything so vile, disgusting, and cruel.
Weighing in late....(and haven't read through all the pages, so forgive me if this has already been said):

These kids should be kicked off the bus, and their parents forced to find another way to get them to school. Maybe then their parents would become (positively) involved in their kids' lives...because I guarantee you, they aren't now.
Oh my word. I just watched a few minutes of the vid. and that was enough for me. I seriously don't understand how any child could be so disrespectful. It's horrifying to me :(

I want to remind everyone that WS is a victim-friendly forum and the bus monitor is clearly the victim here. Posts that even suggest that the bus monitor was at fault for whatever reason and brought this on herself are not allowed.

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