
DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
IDI perhaps??

Hardly. Brothermoon is still on other forums, and he is a committed RDI.

Eagle1 was and still is a fence-sitter.

Sissi was IDI, but got thrown out after multiple warnings.

The other two I don't know.

Much as you might like to think, Murri, we don't play favorites around here. You once referred to me as "the big kahuna of RDI" (yet never said WHY), but believe me, if I broke the rules, my Irish butt would out of here and fast.
SuperDave,could you tell me where Brother Moon still posts?
I am fascinated by his posts.
I also wanted to say how much I respect everyone here that has been posting so long and I'm so impressed by your knowledge of the case and your dedication to it.
I hope your book will be published soon ! I have to admit that the accident followed by staging theory seems just as unconceivable to me as the unknown intruder theory.
I also want to say that I admire the IDI's that are posting here and go against the majority.It's important to me to hear their opinions as well....
SuperDave,could you tell me where Brother Moon still posts?
I am fascinated by his posts.

Moon's over at Topix. He's in good company.

I also wanted to say how much I respect everyone here that has been posting so long and I'm so impressed by your knowledge of the case and your dedication to it

Thank you, cici. I try very hard.

I hope your book will be published soon!

It just might be.

I have to admit that the accident followed by staging theory seems just as inconceivable to me as the unknown intruder theory.

Well, you might be a bit disappointed with me, cici.

I also want to say that I admire the IDI's that are posting here and go against the majority.It's important to me to hear their opinions as well....

The broken ornament probably doesn't mean all that much per se. It is common to find a broken ornament or two in a home after decorating the house. Patsy talked about using purple in her Christmas decorating theme that year instead of the traditional red and green. I think she even bough a purple holiday dress for JB that year, possibly the one we see her wearing in the photo taken at the R Christmas party on the 23rd. The dress looks very dark, almost black, but it may actually be purple.
I think Patsy using that old saying concerning purple/Christmas was another of her attempts to cast blame upon something other than herself. She had heard all her life that you DO NOT use purple to decorate your home at Christmas (thought I had heard all the old wive's tales, but this one was new to me). Yes, it was something about the color purple inviting death. The only room that she used purple in was JonBenet's. Wonder if she thinks/thought that someone else would have died had she done any other room in purple. HOGWASH! Pure and simple.
"In a strange and unexpected way, I had unconsciously woven death into the fabric of our Christmas celebration, and, of course, couldn't have imagined in my wildest nightmare how that 1996 Christmas season would end for us. I couldn't help but feel that there had been a premonition in my selecting purple ribbon for our Christmas tree...."
"In a strange and unexpected way, I had unconsciously woven death into the fabric of our Christmas celebration, and, of course, couldn't have imagined in my wildest nightmare how that 1996 Christmas season would end for us. I couldn't help but feel that there had been a premonition in my selecting purple ribbon for our Christmas tree...."

I do get your meaning Claudi, kinda like when she opened the My Twinn doll and her first thought was of JonBenet lying in a coffin. That was way over the top. Patsy either spent hour after hour thinking of these,(gosh I dont even have a word for them),deep spiritual reasons (lack of anything better), or she killed her daughter and these statements make it look premeditated. I don't know what happened there, but whatever it was, there is no doubt in my mind that it was very avoidable and Patsy knows/knew every detail.
BTW, have you posted your theory in the theories thread? I would love to read it.
I guess this has nothing to do with your post cici, but reading back was interesting:

BrotherMoon - banned
Eagle1 - banned
sisi - banned
TessaRing28 - banned
DebE -banned

Why were these people banned? I have a theory very similar to theirs, but have never posted it for fear of being banned. I am PDI.
Why were these people banned? I have a theory very similar to theirs, but have never posted it for fear of being banned. I am PDI.

Long, boring, rambling theories that explained little, except to the Poster.

Great if you liked Freud, literature, etc. Otherwise Off Topic.

Nobody is going to ban you for posting a PDI theory.

Thanks UKGuy!

Well, my theory is psychology-based, but I do think there is merit to these type of observations. I've been reading and studying the JBR case for years and years, this forum for nearly a year. I will work up the courage to post soon.

Nothing wrong with a psychology-based theory, how do you explain a mother allegedly asphyxiating her own daughter?

I suspect Patsy, let's say, had issues, and I reckon BR inherited them by default?

Let's hope I'll be reading your theory soon.


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