Chuck and Judith Cox file for custody

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I know, it's hard to remember people... and maybe in that courtroom it's even easier to forget why you are there.
But there are two little boys, who are 4 and 6 years old. Who right now are hanging out with Grandma.
Where are they going to be tonight?
We have no idea.
Has that even been mentioned?
I don't know, but we have certainly heard all about the legalities of live streaming a court hearing in Washington.

How about the legalities of protecting two little boys in Washington who are without their mother?
Who have been without their mother's family for 18 months?
How about we get back to what is important?
Maybe this should be closed to the public if it is either that option or this one.

What about them? Or is this just about the media?
Silly me... I thought this was about two little boys... not about cameras.

(And I, am a photographer. Yet, could not care less about cameras in this situation.)
so if no cell phones are allowed then no tweets. We will have to wait until after the hearing to learn the decision and what transpired. BUMMER

Media is excluded from the cell phone ban. (I think)
As for her father and the charges of voyeurism and possession of child *advertiser censored*, Graves said she has known for a long time that her father had a *advertiser censored* addiction, which is why she had moved to Utah to distance herself from him. The extent of his addiction, however, she said was "appalling" and "shocking."

Josh Powell on Tuesday told the judge he had no knowledge of his father’s activities and nothing to do with his wife’s disappearance. Calling himself a good father, he said his children have been happy, healthy and secure while living with him in his father’s home.

If his estranged daughter knew about SP's *advertiser censored* addiction, how come JP who lived with him doesn't? Either he is a liar or completely oblivious which isn't good for the children either.
:floorlaugh: BBM:

My brother belongs to this organization and he just turned 64 years old! He rides a Harley with all the extras on it such as double antennas on the back and everything else you can think of! I am laughing because he is as far from a Hell's Angels type as you can get!

Granted, some of these guys really are intimidating looking, but most all of them are just good guys trying to make a difference! He rides with a retired U. S. Marshall, and a doctor. Some of these guys are professional as is my brother. He still works in the pipeline business as an engineer. 6'2" and 210 pounds.

Sorry if off topic! I am just now catching up here!

Respect to your brother.

It's true, BACA is much more diverse than the HA or other 1%er groups, and is not an Outlaw group. I was invited to ride with them and I am a straight-laced suburban lawyer and father. Still, google some images and you'll see, they can be an intimidating bunch, especially in full colors and in groups. I wouldn't mess with them and if I was involved in any kind of child abuse, I'd kinda be concerned if they were lurking about.... :) They are to children as the Patriot Guard (of which I am a member) is to America's military, sort of a two-wheeled support group. Some are very tough, scary types, others not so. Another reason to respect them. I'm so glad they are there in that courtroom.

I don't know if it's ok to post these kinds of links (?), but here's a nice vid put out by BACA:

[ame=""]Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) NW Arkansas - YouTube[/ame]
so if no cell phones are allowed then no tweets. We will have to wait until after the hearing to learn the decision and what transpired. BUMMER

No cell phone for the public....the media is excluded in that. They can still tweet.
LOL, maybe he'll remember that when he's meeting with LE in Utah!

He made the offer, seems they're going to accept it!

LE will pay costs.


Oh, I'm sure those nice biker dudes will be happy to transport him to that LE office themselves!

Cripes...if the judge knew she was going to call break for lunch then I wish she would have put off everything until after lunch. Fark! Don't tease us!
KevinKIRO Kevin McCarty
Powell: "I don't have specific information on my sons that I intend to share today"
1 minute ago

Brooke4Trib Brooke Adams
Josh Powell: Media been known to misquote and take partial information and turn it on its head.
1 minute ago

KevinKIRO Kevin McCarty
Powell: "The media is already here... known to misquote and turn information on its head"
1 minute ago

Brooke4Trib Brooke Adams
Josh Powell referring to protective orders and restraining orders that exist between himself and the Coxes.

It sounds like the hearing is about him, and what people are saying about him, as far as JP is concerned, more than protecting the boys.
Is Jennifer providing the info to the court or to the public? If it's the public, she needs to stop it! Those boys need to be protected, and we don't need a play-by-play of what they're doing. She could be jeapordizing the placement if she's tweeting their every move. Uggghhh!

Just my opinion - thanks.

It sounds like the hearing is about him, and what people are saying about him, as far as JP is concerned, more than protecting the boys.

My thoughts exactly. This is all about him, always been all about him and don't forget it. :banghead:

Reminds me of Casey Anthony.

Very common for "bikers" to be steriotyped into notorious gang members. My old man has been a "biker" since he got his first bike when he was a very young teen and has never been affiliated. Our friends and fellow riders are from all walks of life including a County Homicide detective...:rocker:

Hey, it's some of these same people who show up at Fred Phelps' freakshows. I feel nothing but good about them - for that reason, if nothing else.

If his estranged daughter knew about SP's *advertiser censored* addiction, how come JP who lived with him doesn't? Either he is a liar or completely oblivious which isn't good for the children either.

That's it. I'm starting an Inconsistencies thread. Donjeta, if you don't mind, I'd like to copy this post over to kick it off?
Is Jennifer providing the info to the court or to the public? If it's the public, she needs to stop it! Those boys need to be protected, and we don't need a play-by-play of what they're doing. She could be jeapordizing the placement if she's tweeting their every move. Uggghhh!

Just my opinion - thanks.


No indication that Jennifer G is tweeting from the courtroom:

"I believe that the boys will be in a better place if they're not with Josh at this time," she said outside the courtroom prior to the hearing.
That's it. I'm starting an Inconsistencies thread. Donjeta, if you don't mind, I'd like to copy this post over to kick it off?

Sure, go ahead. I'll be glad to see the inconsistencies all in the same place.
My thoughts exactly. This is all about him, always been all about him and don't forget it. :banghead:

Reminds me of Casey Anthony.


Of course they remind you of each other. They are sociopaths and you are not. This IS about him and will always BE about him. It's not going to change. He's not going to start feeling bad about it or he would have done so WAY before now.

I know it's unbelievable cuz I've been looking at these types and waiting for them to "care" for years. I finally think I "get" it. :banghead:
Hey, it's some of these same people who show up at Fred Phelps' freakshows. I feel nothing but good about them - for that reason, if nothing else.
My son is a US Marine who is just getting back from a mission from the Middle East and will be re-deployed in the comming months...I loathe Phelps and his radicals for what they are doing to our fallen children...sorry to be OT.
I know it's unbelievable cuz I've been looking at these types and waiting for them to "care" for years. I finally think I "get" it. :banghead:


I know just what you took years and then I had an "epiphany."
BACA New story-Wisconsin @ youtube, explains they are a support system for victims and their families. How cool! Joshy boys escorts? Haha I dont care who it is Or what they drive, put the screws to him-this boy needs watching! I am lifting the Cox family up in prayer...please, do right by these boys! i just got back from watching a 5 yo boy, a freimds grandson that she is raising and thot and prayed the whole time for the Cox.
Do I think Josh knew his dad was doing illegal things? Yes.

But *advertiser censored* involving adults is legal. The estranged sister said she knew about *advertiser censored* and magazines but as I recall she didn't say she knew about anything illegal, just that she wasn't surprised to hear he had taken it to that level.

Until there is evidence Josh actually knew there was illegal activity, I think CPS needs to focus on his lack of job and ability to obtain his own housing. They should be able to buy plenty of time on those things. Who on earth would hire him?
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