Chuck and Judith Cox file for custody

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I find it interesting he posted these legal declarations and filings under "Josh" Powell.

Do you usually need to file court paperwork using your full and complete legal name?

I wondered that as well. Looking at the declaration he filed in his parents' divorce case, he used "Joshua." But, he is doing this pro se, so he may not have really thought about it.
It doesn't make any difference whether he uses "Josh" or "Joshua" in legal papers. Courts are not quite that...dumb? People file things all the time using their shortened names or whatnot.

If I sued him, however, I'd be sorely tempted to style the caption, "Just-a-Guy vs. Little Joshy Boy, the Weasel Murderer." I've always wanted to do something like that.... My law license keeps me sane. More or less.
I wondered that as well. Looking at the declaration he filed in his parents' divorce case, he used "Joshua." But, he is doing this pro se, so he may not have really thought about it.

Can you kindly tell us the gist of what he said in the declaration concerning his parents' divorce? TIA :)
Can you kindly tell us the gist of what he said in the declaration concerning his parents' divorce? TIA :)

Unfortunately, no. I can only see the docket with the titles of documents, but cannot see the actual documents.
Unfortunately, no. I can only see the docket with the titles of documents, but cannot see the actual documents.

Oh darn. But thanks for the reply. It seems I remember seeing that Josh first lived with his mom after the divorce, then later with his dad?

I am betting that his mom had the belief that the other children would eventually choose on their OWN to come to live with her eventually, being that life with HIM just had to be stranger than strange.

I know of another situation very similar in that way. Unfortunately, the kids, even though they had lousy 'parenting' with the father, came to LOVE adolescent life with NO normal expectations. As long as the father got to do his own thing, the kids were "left alone" to do whatever they wanted. No WAY were they going to move where they would actually be "parented", even for the immense other advantages.

The poor mother suffers from shock, depression, guilt, and PTSS to this day and the kids are both in their 30s now. :(
Oh darn. But thanks for the reply. It seems I remember seeing that Josh first lived with his mom after the divorce, then later with his dad?

I am betting that his mom had the belief that the other children would eventually choose on their OWN to come to live with her eventually, being that life with HIM just had to be stranger than strange.

I know of another situation very similar in that way. Unfortunately, the kids, even though they had lousy 'parenting' with the father, came to LOVE adolescent life with NO normal expectations. As long as the father got to do his own thing, the kids were "left alone" to do whatever they wanted. No WAY were they going to move where they would actually be "parented", even for the immense other advantages.

The poor mother suffers from shock, depression, guilt, and PTSS to this day and the kids are both in their 30s now. :(

I'm thinking the kids might have been threatened into saying they wanted to live with SP. JMO
Josh would regularly tell his boys that "Mom is mean" for going to church or putting them to bed. Wonder where he learned to do that? Dad, no doubt. I imagine SP's kids were told their mom was "mean" all through their childhoods.
I don't believe for a single moment that Josh didn't know about his father's stash, or the fact that he was using a powerful telescopic lens to take photos of his neighbor's recently. A person like that is likely to not only collect the images for his private viewing - but is likely to be speaking to others in a way that shows his character.

Josh shrugs off Steven's talk about Susan being very flirtacious with him. Josh agreed, Susan was very flirtacious and sexually open. Steven shared information about his *advertiser censored* stash, Susan's temple garments and other things with a woman who he had limited contact with. If Steven had such loose lips with an acquaintance - how on earth could Steven had kept his sickness private from Josh or the grandchildren?

Wasn't Josh concern about the strange artwork in the household - a poster with a sword into the genitals of a woman, or the noose with the papermache person? Would not a concern parent asked the owner of these items to keep them in their private room instead of the general living quarters where the children would be viewing them regularly?

You could very well be right Sunny. I'm now wondering if there are other nude pics..or.. of certain body areas of any of the others in the household that LE might have found?

I'm not leary of SA's testimony about what SP said to her or showed to her, but I sure think there is something hinky about her. If a man started talking to me about *advertiser censored*---and it became apparent he had a fixation with it....and THEN what he stated about Susan and his prize of her undies...I'd get very far away....and very fast. She states she didn't have a sexual relationship with SP....and at one time...later told him it would only be a relationship of friendship...I'm not sure I'm buying that. TBH, beside the red hair and plumpness, I think she looks alot like SP...take a close look at her features...the nose, mouth, eye shape, and eyebrows and even her teeth. Actually, it was the smile that me look closer. JMO
Saying Josh is "a very engaged father" could be putting the best possible spin on what others might see as a very controlling father, too. Even a puppetmaster can make it look like he's engaged and the puppet has freedom to choose.


The statement regarding the deck project I believe was embellished. IIRC, Jovonna even stated once... she or her son or both? agreed to watch the boys while Susan was at JP could work on that deck! Gwenabob may remember this too..?
You could very well be right Sunny. I'm now wondering if there are other nude pics..or.. of certain body areas of any of the others in the household that LE might have found?

I'm not leary of SA's testimony about what SP said to her or showed to her, but I sure think there is something hinky about her. If a man started talking to me about *advertiser censored*---and it became apparent he had a fixation with it....and THEN what he stated about Susan and his prize of her undies...I'd get very far away....and very fast. She states she didn't have a sexual relationship with SP....and at one time...later told him it would only be a relationship of friendship...I'm not sure I'm buying that. TBH, beside the red hair and plumpness, I think she looks alot like SP...take a close look at her features...the nose, mouth, eye shape, and eyebrows and even her teeth. Actually, it was the smile that me look closer. JMO


Oh C'mon! The guy was honest. How often do you find that kind of honesty in a relationship anymore. It's not like he waited to tell her a long time into the relationship. I for one applaud his forthrightness and ability to show the world who he really is.
The statement regarding the deck project I believe was embellished. IIRC, Jovonna even stated once... she or her son or both? agreed to watch the boys while Susan was at JP could work on that deck! Gwenabob may remember this too..?

Yep! Josh WOULD NOT take care of the boys when he was home. They would get a sitter and Josh would come and go, doing as he pleased. One sitter even commented on how weird she felt around him. Once he came home with food and ate in front of them and didn't offer any or bring any home for the boys. She, the sitter, was expected to feed the boys.
Josh has referred to "protecting the boys" once before. He referred to it when discussing that LE talked to the boys. He used "protection" as an excuse to move away and refuse to talk to WVPD. i wouldn't be surprised if that is what he is also referring to in his declararion.

Some protector he is - he keeps his boys away from LE, but allows them to live with a pedo! :sick: :banghead:
Yep! Josh WOULD NOT take care of the boys when he was home. They would get a sitter and Josh would come and go, doing as he pleased. One sitter even commented on how weird she felt around him. Once he came home with food and ate in front of them and didn't offer any or bring any home for the boys. She, the sitter, was expected to feed the boys.

is there a link?
Josh has referred to "protecting the boys" once before. He referred to it when discussing that LE talked to the boys. He used "protection" as an excuse to move away and refuse to talk to WVPD. i wouldn't be surprised if that is what he is also referring to in his declararion.

Some protector he is - he keeps his boys away from LE, but allows them to live with a pedo! :sick: :banghead:

Too bad he didn't consider himself to be more of a provider than a protector of the boys. He didn't feel an obligation to provide financial stability to the family, even after periods of unemployment, he was unstable enough to blow off his new job to go camping at midnight on a whim.

Too bad he didn't provide emotional stability to his children - deciding that his desire to test out his new generator out in the middle of a desert during a blizzard was a higher priority to him than for the children to get a decent night sleep. Apparantly he claims he pulled stunts like this often - as anyone who knows him would attest to.

Too bad he didn't feel the obligation to protect his wife from his sleezy dad - despite her complaints about his inappropriate behavior towards her. Maybe if he gave some considerations to her feelings over his father's needs - she may be around today.
I keep checking hoping that there will be breaking news in this case. Pretty disappointed each time there isn't. :(
Prayers for the boys tomorrow morning. It's Sunday again.
It doesn't make any difference whether he uses "Josh" or "Joshua" in legal papers. Courts are not quite that...dumb? People file things all the time using their shortened names or whatnot.

If I sued him, however, I'd be sorely tempted to style the caption, "Just-a-Guy vs. Little Joshy Boy, the Weasel Murderer." I've always wanted to do something like that.... My law license keeps me sane. More or less.

I am humored by HIM using "Josh Powell."

Remember not so long ago when "Joshy boy" got so upset because "there is no person with the legal name Susan Cox Powell."

He was upset they were not using Susan's legal name in court... yet he doesn't use his own? :floorlaugh:

I can't remember mine half the time!
I keep checking hoping that there will be breaking news in this case. Pretty disappointed each time there isn't. :(

I have that same hope, Ronso.

I keep thinking there might be a break if the cops can offer the father a better deal, dropping some of the charges, if he comes clean about Josh and the night Susan went missing. I think there is a possible bargaining tool included in the arrest and charges of Josh's father. I'm hoping for that.

I keep checking hoping that there will be breaking news in this case. Pretty disappointed each time there isn't. :(

I'm thinking right now LE has so much information to sort through that it might be a while longer before we hear anything new. They continue to build their case against SP and determining if JP was truly involved in that mess, too. They've got whatever they got from the two recent searches in Nevada and Utah to go through. They're coordinating the interview with JP and the FBI (assuming it hasn't happened, already). Not to mention other interviews and re-interviews now that they can put some puzzle pieces together.

All parties seem to be laying (is that the right word?) very low these days. Still, I think they are onto it like flies on flypaper. It will break by the end of the year - just my prediction.

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