Cindy Anthony's Time Card

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So what would happen if you forgot to clock out before you left to go to the doctor and you were injured or killed in an accident? Your saying that your employer is liable? Your still on the clock.I don't know if we will see if Cindy's time sheets really mean any thing unless some one from Gentiva can testify about time sheet details. I've worked enough jobs to know that each place has there own system and supervisors can have different time sheet requirements than rank and file.But Ca's time sheets don't reflect what she testified to so whats up with that?

Technically, that would mean I died on company time and there would be Insurance death benefits that would not be there for my family unless that happened (providing there are insurance benefits, which I do believe her company provides). Yes, they are liable.. if it happens on their clock..there are different tiers to the insurance benefits.

My step father had a heart attack and it happened at work (way back in 1977). The way his benefits worked, my mother got triple the amount of insurance as opposed to the rate she would have gotten had he died at home or in the hospital. Check your employee benefits, many work that way. I do believe a company such as the one CA worked for does too. Small companies who do not offer insurance may not.
I would think this would be an issue during rebuttal. I saw some radio station had a few of them and the day in question she has written down 10 hours and 48 for the week. They also had the week before and she had written down 44 hours. She claims she can't work O/T and there is a pattern proving she does.

They also had her phone records and no call to George in a panic shows on the records. That is also big.

As a nurse it would be important that her times are accurate in case there was a complaint or lawsuit down the line.
The state has added two Gentiva employees onto its witness list: Don Platt and John Camperlengo.

by Gabe Travers/ today at 9:57 AM

(forgive me if this has already been posted!)
So what would happen if you forgot to clock out before you left to go to the doctor and you were injured or killed in an accident? Your saying that your employer is liable? Your still on the clock.I don't know if we will see if Cindy's time sheets really mean any thing unless some one from Gentiva can testify about time sheet details. I've worked enough jobs to know that each place has there own system and supervisors can have different time sheet requirements than rank and file.But Ca's time sheets don't reflect what she testified to so whats up with that?

I work for a large company and I can tell you their reason for us clocking in and out is to ensure that IF an accident were to happen while we were traveling somewhere on personal business during work hours, the system cannot be held liable. That is the main reason we are required to submit leave approval for as little as 15's not about being petty. It's about the company protecting itself from lawsuits...

As far as CA...I think her medical logs and/or email will prove her wrong, as well as the fact that she testified that she was not allowed to log more than 40 hours on her timecard, yet every time card I've seen goes well beyond that each week. I believe we'll see that her company had a very set policy of just wanting to document hours regardless of salary or hourly employee status.
From the looks of it, the ONLY times she ever has only 8 hours is when it is holiday pay or "PTO" (Paid Time Off). She took the 14th off. I'm sure she will say she was confused. She seems to get confused in between bouts of better memory.
I was a salaried employee, did not get paid overtime unless it was
Sat or Sun - however, we were required to report our actual hours on the job. If I worked ten hours on Monday, that's what I had to report. If I took comp time and worked six hours on Tuesday, six hours is what I had to report. Reporting false hours was cause for termination.

I think Cindy just kept adding more and more to her testimony just dug her in deeper. She thinks she is smarter than what facts will prove.

Like mother, like daughter. I have always thought that Cindy comes across as condescending. Something just seemed "off" to me, and I always thought she was lying when it would benefit Casey. I think there was big conflict between Cindy and Casey in many areas, but I think that Casey had the most "power". I also feel that Cindy is instrumental in why Casey turned out the way she did. As a teacher, I have seen many parents mess up their kids because of never allowing them to be accountable, although not to this extent. (At least Cindy quit her gum chewing.)
I'm a little worried that the discrepancies between the two recovery programs (cache back and the other one) will nullify the searches altogether for the jury. Cache back revealed 84 searches for chloroform, and the other revealed only one??

I have to say, the "84" is a little over the top, IMO.
The state has added two Gentiva employees onto its witness list: Don Platt and John Camperlengo.

by Gabe Travers/ today at 9:57 AM

(forgive me if this has already been posted!)

I heard this earlier this week, as well. One is an IT person, the other is HR counsel. One is from Atlanta, the other from Kansas City, I think. But, both were from out of state (more difficult to get subpoenas) so the state moved on it immediately after CA testified to going home. I'm sorry that I don't remember where I heard it.

What fascinates me about all of the Anthonys is that they are not truthful about things that CAN BE verified. It's as if they think that just because they say it, it is fact, and will not be followed up on. How can you lie when there is a million ways to prove that you are lying? I think it is disturbing that none of them (except for Lee) have ANY regard for their credibility. The entire world knows that their word means absolutely nothing. This goes deeper than trying to save your daughter from the death penalty. It is just too easy for CA to lie. That scares me. GA has a more difficult time trying to lie. Of course, this is all my opinion.

Also, CA is on disability for emotional issues (possibly depression, anxiety, etc) brought on by the disappearance of Caylee. It's not a physical disability, but an emotional one. I don't know if it's a permanent disability or temporary disability. Temporary (in the state of FL is not able to work for up to 2 years). The amount of the disability payments is determined by your previous wages and the amount of time that you worked as an adult. GA's disability is workers compensation disability which is different than CA's. GA's is tied to his previous employer, CA's is not. It is my understanding that the only way CA could lose her disability benefits (if they are permanent disability payments) is if she works more than 20 hours a week. Under CA's disability standards, you can work, but only part time. GA (under FL workers comp disability) can NOT work at all. Hope this makes sense.

Can't wait for the Gentiva peeps to testify!!!!

I am nauseous listening to these people lie for their daughter. I am a mother of three girls. I would do anything for them but if one of them murdered my grandchild, I would not lie for them. Cindy obviously doesn't realize if Casey walks, it is Casey, not Cindy, who gets the movie and book deals. Don't worry Cindy...I'm sure she'll be glad to share. Not!!

Now....we all need to start a campaign with lifetime network that if they give these liars a penny more for a "made for television" movie deal, we will forever boycott their network and ALL of it's affiliates. Please someone help me get this ball rolling.
nope, it didn't work like that. we had to go online to enter our time. especially for cindy, as an "mcp" (manager of clinical practice), she was also a road warrior; she didn't just work in the office, she made visits to the clients' homes. even though they didn't pay us for OT, they still needed to know who was working where when. what if cindy went to a client's home and committed some error and the patient was injured, but it was after her 8 hour day so it looked like she wasn't working...see what i mean?
Thank-you for clarifying that! I thought she did home visits...
Nice, Mermaid. It's uplifting to see people really care about truth and justice for Caylee.

It is amazing how Cindy lies with such ease. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I wonder if maybe she thought because she was gone so long there would be no records but of course there are. She's a RN who worked for a large corporation. They need them for lawsuits and patient complaints.

Interesting that not 1 but 2 there from the company. I guess she will get up and just lie more but this really could hurt her daughter.
I have to say, the "84" is a little over the top, IMO.

So let's say the truth lies somewhere between the two. 42 is a lot and heck 6 is too many IMO. I hit WS lately about 40 times a day because it is of great interest to me. I hit tripadvisor about 10 times a day because it is of great interest to me (work related). I hit various other websites multiple times per day because the are also of great interest to me. I think the IT guy on the jury will lay that out for the others, how one could program could say one and the other say 84. But I believe the end result will be that they all agree that the chloroform website was of great interest to ICA.
I do not think George is collecting Workers Compensation. Reason is, there was talk way back when this case started that he had "received a settlement". Once a settlement has been reached, that ends the claim. So unless there was another claim after the knee replacement claim, he would no longer be eligible for WC benefits on that claim.

Anybody who has enough work credits (I believe it is 40 quarters - which would be 10 years. And they don't have to be consecutive.) may apply for Social Security Disability benefits after they have been unable to work for 5 months. Whether you qualify for benefits or not is up to the Social Security people and the parameters are fairly stringent. You must be unable to perform any type of work at all, not just unable to perform the type of work you did prior to whatever condition or injury you have.

Both mental illnesses and physical illnesses can qualify a person for SSD benefits.

Private Disability Insurance coverages are usually set up differently than SSD benefits. Often they are offered as a benefit by an employer. There is almost "automatic" entitlement to these benefits and they often don't have the qualification that you are unable to perform ANY work at all. You just have to not be able to perform the job you were disabled from. Some policies do have a clause that after a certain time period - usually 24 or 36 months - that you must be disabled from ANY type of work to be able to continue to collect. But in general, the private policies are more liberal in their determinations than Social Security is.
Mermaid: Was all charting done online? If so, there should be entries on lots of patient charts. Unless she claims a meeting.
Wouldn't CA have to log in and out to her computer everyday with her password? She is the only one that would have her password.
Regarding the 84 visits to the chloroform site, on the Anthony Computer thread, there was discussion by some of the very, very computer savvy folks that these numbers could have been "hits" to the site. And that "hits" can be different than "visits".

I am not sure that I understood everything they were talking about, but apparently doing things like opening a graphic can cause the computer to record more than one "hit" for that page.

Lots of good discussion by several folks who have very advanced IT skills. As I said, some of it was over my head. But they all seemed to be happy that one of the jurors is an IT guy.
Nice, Mermaid. It's uplifting to see people really care about truth and justice for Caylee.

It is amazing how Cindy lies with such ease. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I wonder if maybe she thought because she was gone so long there would be no records but of course there are. She's a RN who worked for a large corporation. They need them for lawsuits and patient complaints.

Interesting that not 1 but 2 there from the company. I guess she will get up and just lie more but this really could hurt her daughter.

I'm just worried because she was so intentionally vague with her responses. I probably was at home, if the searches were done then then I was home, etc. Can she get out of it by being evasive?
Wouldn't CA have to log in and out to her computer everyday with her password? She is the only one that would have her password.

One would think. Right now my manager is the only one with my password and since CA was the manager I don't think the others would have it other than her superior. But who knows, if she was playing games illegally by punching in or out for friends and they were doing the same for her, then IDK. It's possible but I highly doubt anyone there is such a tight friend that they are willing to come forward with that info. if true and risk losing their job. Personally I don't think that is true.
It is my understanding that every company big enough to have its own intranet would have a person who is the designated "System Administrator". Or at least they should.

The System Administrator would have the ability to bypass a password in order to enter a password protected account. And certainly LE is not hampered by passwords when they are using their forensic software programs to examine a hard drive.

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