Cindy & George on TODAY SHOW 10/22/08

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CA- "if you look at the timeline, things just don't add up"
OMG, this woman is insane. The TRUTH is, if you look at the timeline, nothing CA is saying adds up. These people are extremely screwed up...sorry, the grieving and denial stage theory no longer "adds up" for me. They know she is dead, they know Casey did it, and they know what they are doing...trying to save Casey. Period.
why do they even bother to have A on? THey dodge questions they dont want to answer. They say the same garbage every interview, It is obvious this is not going to change. Its a waste to have them on TV. huge waste.
Honestly, I dont like CA either. But Im honestly getting sick and tired of people condeming these people for holding hope, as slight as it might be..

None of us have seen the evidence proving Caylee is 100% dead. Yes, LE has said this and that and I have no doubt that there is evidence. What if it was your child or grandchild and there was mountains of evidence proving the child was dead, but....

There could be a 1% or 2% chance the child is alive?? Would you not hold hope and search, would you not want the exposure these people have to find their gd.
There is no doubt they Love this child as much as any of us love the children in our families. Would you give up on your child with any tiny bit of hope?

Now with the tiny bit of chance the child is alive, (as hopeless as it seems) would you just throw your hands up and accept your child murdered someone?

I have no doubt that Caylee is playing with the Angels, I have no doubt that KC did it. But for one moment put yourself in the A's shoes. We dont have to like them or how they acted, it's bad... but Im really tired of people condeming them for holding hope when any of us would do the same thing.

The only problem is that by them publicly denying their daughter's culpability they are encouraging KC to continue lying. They are lying too, they sat there with straight faces and said that never once had they considered that Caylee was dead. Come on, how could they NEVER have considered it. Why do they never plead with "the kidnappers". If they would stop supporting this baloney and tell their daughter that the only way she could possibly redeem herself even a tiny bit is to give them the ability to bury their grandaughter, then maybe we could all have some closure. KC continues to believe she can fool a jury primarily becaus her parents are buying her load of crap so why shouldn't everyone else.
There was a dead body in the car. CA and GA and LA all know this. They all smelled it. Who was it if it wasn't Caylee.
They absolutely know Caylee's in heaven, they know it beyond a shadow of a doubt. They are not in denial, they are trying to save their sick f*#!k of a daughter.
George says:

"There's too many things that add up to My grandaughter's still out there."

Right. TES hasn't found her body yet.
If there is anything else, I 'm missing it...

After Cindy said:

"Poor Casey"

I was deaf for a few minutes.
Didn't the photographer at fusian verify the date of some of the pics?
CA- "if you look at the timeline, things just don't add up"
OMG, this woman is insane. The TRUTH is, if you look at the timeline, nothing CA is saying adds up. These people are extremely screwed up...sorry, the grieving and denial stage theory no longer "adds up" for me. They know she is dead, they know Casey did it, and they know what they are doing...trying to save Casey. Period.

Why is it so hard for people to believe CA doesn't want to search for a body because she believes Caylee is alive? WHY???? This woman is going through he** along with her husband and everyone wants to put them in a straight jacket. I can't belive the stuff I am reading. I come to this website to find answers and mostly what I see are posts bashing the gparents.

Speak up!! I bashed the A's along with the rest... But I was wrong!! It's easier to go with the flow than point out the flaws.

There's a whole thread on those who believe Caylee is alive. Dont you think they see the holes in the story... And CA has a more valid reason to find every little hole. Her GD and Daughter's life depend on it.
NO BODY, is good enough for them

If there is no search for a body, and if Caylee is never found then the gp's can continue to be in denial because she was never found. In their minds then just maybe she is alive. For them this might easier to cope with this than to know the truth. I can't begin to imagine what they are going through.
Honestly, I don't like CA either. But I'M honestly getting sick and tired of people condemning these people for holding hope, as slight as it might be..

None of us have seen the evidence proving Caylee is 100% dead. Yes, LE has said this and that and I have no doubt that there is evidence. What if it was your child or grandchild and there was mountains of evidence proving the child was dead, but....

There could be a 1% or 2% chance the child is alive?? Would you not hold hope and search, would you not want the exposure these people have to find their Gd.
There is no doubt they Love this child as much as any of us love the children in our families. Would you give up on your child with any tiny bit of hope?

Now with the tiny bit of chance the child is alive, (as hopeless as it seems) would you just throw your hands up and accept your child murdered someone?

I have no doubt that Caylee is playing with the Angels, I have no doubt that KC did it. But for one moment put yourself in the A's shoes. We don't have to like them or how they acted, it's bad... but Im really tired of people condemning them for holding hope when any of us would do the same thing.

I agree totally. I think for many here it's simply entertainment. It's nothing more than the latest reality show. Many people seem to have forgotten these ARE real people going through the most horrific event i can imagine. Lots of people here ALSO seem to lack the empathy and compassion for these grandparents. Even IF Caylee is dead and their daughter did it.........these grandparents had no hand in it.

For those that claim to love little Caylee and then go out of their way to bash her grandparents, just remember, no way can you love her more than George & Cindy. IMO it's a miracle neither has had a nervous breakdown, their very sanity is hanging by a thread....and it's obvious.
Not that this has any bearing at all on the denial the A's are going through or what KC did in the aftermath, but to answer your question, yes I went to a prescheduled birthday party a couple of days after, there are pictures of me laughing and having a great time. Why not, my baby wasnt dead, I was in deep denial, in fact I hired a babysitter for the event so we could go. Thank God I had another child or people would have thought I was even crazier than they allready thought. For the record, I went to the funeral but I dont remember any of it even to this day. It was 2 years before I found out where he was buried. Sick, I know.

Do I think KC's partying is a part of her own way to deny it.. OH HELL NO!!! Do I think GA and CA do things because they can't accept it and because if they dont they will go insane, YES.

Im looking for people to take a different prespective on some of the A's actions. I know CA said there isnt a handbook, but there isnt. My actions made people think I was a cold heared Biotch who didnt care. I cared so much I couldnt accept it.

What an awful tragedy to have to try and live through. I can't even imagine. But, the disgust and quite possibly the hatred that is being thrust upon these 2 individuals isn't completely unwarranted. I have gone over and over again the material on WS from the beginning of this ordeal henceforth and I believe the A's have been given more than enough respect and benefits of the doubt in this case. CA, with her increasingly bizarre behavior, denials of facts, and harboring the one person on the planet who can give her the answers she's so desperately searching for is what has lead me and from my reading, others to despise this woman.

Your story hits alot closer to home because you were your baby's mama, CA isn't. Grandparents love their babies but it ain't the same thing. She didn't carry Cayl's and give birth to her. It's as if she's providing all of the emotion KC should be exhibiting, for her. CA is a really unlikeable character.
The goal of the Anthony's (with coaching from Baez) is to create reasonable doubt in the eyes of the public. That is all they have left in a hope to save Casey. To dispute the scientific evidence and hope for a few jurors that bought into the spell they are trying to cast upon us. I for one, will stick to the facts and not fall for the crap. The facts speak volumes. I just hope the general public keeps a clear head and isn't swayed by the smokescreen. There will be those that believe they are "holding on to hope" and those that believe they are just plain lying. (most of us)
CA- "if you look at the timeline, things just don't add up"
OMG, this woman is insane. The TRUTH is, if you look at the timeline, nothing CA is saying adds up. These people are extremely screwed up...sorry, the grieving and denial stage theory no longer "adds up" for me. They know she is dead, they know Casey did it, and they know what they are doing...trying to save Casey. Period.

Do you honestly think the A's have time to sit and go through the TIMELINE? Come on. How do you know what they know? How does anyone on this website know what the A's know or what they are going through? Everyone on this site wants the A's to just admit they are wrong. Why would they do that? Why would they want to believe their Caylee is gone? I believe IF Caylee is gone and her body is found, the A's will come around but for heaven's sake give them some time.
Another thing, so what if they are trying to save Casey. What do you care? She is their daughter, not yours and they have every right to save Casey and Caylee. From what I have read here, no one really wants to keep Caylee's name in the public eye. It sounds like everyone wants the A's to shut up but they are the ones the media is concentrating on and therefore keeping the focus on Caylee. Seems to me they are doing exactly what they should be doing.
The goal of the Anthony's (withing coaching from Baez) is to create reasonable doubt in the eyes of the public. That is all they have left in a hope to save Casey. To dispute the scientific evidence and hope for a few jurors that bought into the spell they are trying to cast upon us. I for one, will stick to the facts and not fall for the crap. The facts speak volumes. I just hope the general public keeps a clear head and isn't swayed by the smokescreen.

lizzysf, you explained this so well!! I think this is what is bothering all of us about the A family's reaction. We are not sure if they have created this "smokescreen," as you so aptly called it, to try to fool us--or if they have created it to keep their own sanity.

Is it for self preservation or public confusion (an insult to our intelligence!)??
Second hand smoke and a child in the house?! Maybe the all quit smoking to look like a good family with a child in it. GA said nobody in the house smokes, thats why CA washed KC's clothes from the smelly car.

Maybe not now, but CA did smoke because I thought at the time they threw out the stuffed animals people had given them, it was very strange to say they smelled of smoke considering she smoked.
You took the words right out of my mouth. I would never sit here and judge someone going through this ordeal on national television. None of us know how these people feel unless we go through it ourselves. I'm so frustrated with how people on this site constantly put these people down for what they believe and want to be true. It's very sad and disheartening. I would hope nothing ever happens to anyone here and they would have their lives played out in the media.

Kooba you feel that way because you think Caylee is still alive and that's fine that's you're right. Of course you simpathize with them.
For those of us that believe that LE are the good guys and tell the truth, we believe them and we believe that the A's are supporting a murderer and that's our right.
I know this, if one of my family members "lost" a child and didn't report it at all. If I then reported the missing child after smelling the smell of a dead body in that person's trunk and then that person lied and lied and cussed at me and was indicted on first degre murder charges by a grand jury, I would not be running around telling the world how great of a parent that person was on national tv. They go on and on about what a great daughter she is when they have testified that she repeatedly lied and stole from them even as an adult. I'm going to stop now.......
Absolutely agree, but I dont think they can believe their child could do this anymore than you can convince me that one of my own children could do this. The only thing they really denied is that their child is capable of murder, They know she is a thief and lier and admitted that. watch me deny my kids are capable of doing something like that... I'd be a whole lot more vocal than CA!! Watch this mamma bear protect her cubs if someone was telling me my kid was able to do this to a baby. I dont care what you tell me, there is no way my kid could do this. Could you believe your child is capable of murder? Now take into account, NO One is giving you a body to prove this baby is dead... Now your going to defend your child cause there aint no way, and you got proof no body, so your going to search for a missing baby!! Give me a mike and a forum and Im going to not only defend my kid, I want that baby's picture everywhere!

Im not saying they are not in total denial, or that KC didnt do it!!! Im not suprised they dont believe it... How may condemned serial killers parents said, oh yeah, I knew my kid was capable of that?

As far as the leads, there is no doubt in my mind they are getting them. There are sick people who would be more than happy to lie to make the A's more crazy and make them look worst than they make themselves look. Not to mention, Ive seen a few kids that I took a double take on, including a BFF who's daughter is uncanny just like Caylee.

I like you! You're logical and rational and have the ability to put yourself in Cindy & Georges shoes:clap::clap::clap::clap:

Don't expect to convince anyone that already have bashed them beyond belief! I feel like I'm beating a dead horse here lately.
Absolutely agree, but I dont think they can believe their child could do this anymore than you can convince me that one of my own children could do this. The only thing they really denied is that their child is capable of murder, They know she is a thief and lier and admitted that. watch me deny my kids are capable of doing something like that... I'd be a whole lot more vocal than CA!! Watch this mamma bear protect her cubs if someone was telling me my kid was able to do this to a baby. I dont care what you tell me, there is no way my kid could do this. Could you believe your child is capable of murder? Now take into account, NO One is giving you a body to prove this baby is dead... Now your going to defend your child cause there aint no way, and you got proof no body, so your going to search for a missing baby!! Give me a mike and a forum and Im going to not only defend my kid, I want that baby's picture everywhere!

Im not saying they are not in total denial, or that KC didnt do it!!! Im not suprised they dont believe it... How may condemned serial killers parents said, oh yeah, I knew my kid was capable of that?

As far as the leads, there is no doubt in my mind they are getting them. There are sick people who would be more than happy to lie to make the A's more crazy and make them look worst than they make themselves look. Not to mention, Ive seen a few kids that I took a double take on, including a BFF who's daughter is uncanny just like Caylee.
It would all stop if they asked their daughter if she killed Caylee. They know her well enough to read between the lines of her lies and deceit. They have not asked or demanded she tell them. CA said that herself on national television. They don't need a body. They need to hear it from Casey is all. The proof Caylee is dead is readily available to anyone looking for it, but they refuse to even ask their daughter because it will interfere with her defense (again, CA said this).

How many condemned murderer's parents go on press junkets all over the country and spew obvious lies told by the murderer? I can only think of one. They do not have to do this publically...they choose to! Every interview they do is by choice and they are getting paid to do. Do you hear them begging for Caylee's life to be spared from the people who supposedly have her?! Not once! Do you hear a sense of urgency in their voices to return Caylee?! Not at all!

I would not want to believe my child were capable of something horrific either, but I would also have a responsibility to my grandchild to dig to find the real truth. It would kill me to know, but it would eat me alive to ignore the facts of what happened to my grandchild and not to act on HER behalf. Which is worse?
Maybe not now, but CA did smoke because I thought at the time they threw out the stuffed animals people had given them, it was very strange to say they smelled of smoke considering she smoked.


Local news has shown Cindy, smoking. I don't have a link.

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