Cindy & George Pick Out Jewelry for Caylee - (Cremation Jewelry?)

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maybe cindy honestly thought that it would give george something to do to make him feel better, make him feel like he was doing something nice for caylee.
i don't see anything morbid or malicious on cindy's part at all.
I posted something like this in the last thread:

When I first heard about this today I was taken aback at the thought. I thought why, what don't Cindy and George get? BUT then I thought about it more. In that funeral home is their little princess. She is just as beautiful today as she was on June 15th. They see the love of their life. They don't see just bones. They see her smile, her beautiful eyes, her hands which they used to hold, she is still their Caylee. IMO, they had a love for her that is beyond explanation. The kind of love that never ends. She is their princess and Princess Caylee will now be able to look like one through eternity.......

This is a very thoughtful way to explain things, thank you for your post. :)
I agree with the token of love part. But, shouldn't that token be something that the deceased person loved/treasured? Is it really
necessary to go to a jewelry store? Even if it was a heart or cross wouldn't it have more meaning if it was either hers or a family members?

It should be whatever the FAMILY wants to put in there. I for the life of me cannot wrap my brain around WHY people are bashing them for wanting to buy something special to put in their granddaughters COFFIN.
It should be whatever the FAMILY wants to put in there. I for the life of me cannot wrap my brain around WHY people are bashing them for wanting to buy something special to put in their granddaughters COFFIN.

I have no idea why my message was quoted since I did not do any bashing.
Maybe knowing that George was already in a deep state of depression Cindy could have
simply selected something to put with Caylee's remains. Who knows if Cindy wanted to push him over the edge as some sort of punishment for being selected by KC for the one on one jail house visits. Cindy seems like she would hold a grudge against George for not telling KC to pick her. Resentment makes you do horrible things just look at their daughter.
I have no idea why my message was quoted since I did not do any bashing.
I quoted you, because you pondered why they would "buy" something rather then put something in her coffin that was special to her. First we don't KNOW he was to buy something. He could have been asked to get some jewelery of hers for all we know.
My reply was simply that they are her grandparents and should have to right to put whatever they want to put in her coffin without it be dissected a million ways and "some" people not YOU, pretty much stating what they would do, and that would be the "better" or least "suspect way of doing it. I even saw people suggest this "suicide' thing was all staged and an act. These people get reamed no matter what they do.
I agree with the token of love part. But, shouldn't that token be something that the deceased person loved/treasured? Is it really
necessary to go to a jewelry store? Even if it was a heart or cross wouldn't it have more meaning if it was either hers or a family members?

I didn't see any report that CA sent him to a jewelry store. All I've gleaned from what I read so far is that she asked him to pick out some jewelry for Caylee's funeral.
Caylee may have even had her own little jewelry box or a few trinkets that she liked.
Nevertheless, I think we should let them bury her in the way that they see fit. We may love Caylee, but no where near what they feel, it's impossible.
JBean - respectfully...This has to be a nasty rumor or something. Caylee's remains are bones. What is the point of jewellery? The only realistic answers are bizarre and distasteful to say the least. Earrings - not possible. Necklace - not possible. Bracelet - not possible.

Jewellery??? Maybe she asked him to pick out a cross to put to rest with her remains? That's possible and realistic. Perhaps, one of her favorite charms or something that she liked to wear...OK...But the title of this thread invites negative comments if in fact, this is what happened.

I can't comment here on the subject matter except to say that I think that this is a nasty rumour or information that has been taken out of context.

IMO - Not worthy of a thread until confirmed.

I think (hope) we will see the majority of posts on this thread to be sympathetic and if not understaning, then certainly accepting. I think this is a time that the posters here on WS will shine, and show the Internet world what we are made of . . . and the huge collective heart that beats within our forum.

I don't think I have ever heard anyone say they thought otherwise than George and Cindy loved that child with all their hearts; now that they are forced to face the fact that their precious little Caylee is gone forever, those hearts are most assuredly broken. And I have seen the goodness in our posters, and have no doubt that we all identify to varying degrees with their obvious grief and pain.

I held my 3 year old grandson in my lap yesterday, and the thought crossed my mind that he is just a few months younger than Caylee. I was completely taken aback at the depth of sorrow I felt just thinking of him not being here anymore. I cannot imagine what the Anthonys are going through, and I hope for them both that they may find some comfort.

So tired of the straight line, and everywhere you turn
There's vultures and thieves at your back
The storm keeps on twisting, you keep on building the lies
That you make up for all that you lack
It don't make no difference, escaping one last time
It's easier to believe
In this sweet madness, oh this glorious sadness
That brings me to my knees

Arms of an Angel
maybe cindy honestly thought that it would give george something to do to make him feel better, make him feel like he was doing something nice for caylee.
i don't see anything morbid or malicious on cindy's part at all.

I don't either, in fact I think she may have over estimated him since he's been strong all along for her sake. I have seen men break when they try to shoulder all.
THANK YOU Sundance!!! When I got home from work and was reading this thread I was angry that people were posting such negative comments. I had started typing a reply, but, finally just walked away from the computer. What you have posted is EXACTLY what I was posting. I believe Caylee loved to play dress up and her grandparents adored this about her, yes, I remembered the pics we saw of her playing dress up, like most 2 and a half year old girls. I honestly believe this was the "jewelry" Cindy was talking about.

These grandparents have acted out of fear and sadness. After watching Cindy & George in the interview just released, they are obviously very, very upset. It broke my heart to hear Cindy crying. I will just get off my soapbox, but, will say I am very, very glad that Tricia is putting the negative comments about this particular part of a sad story to rest.

Spartanmom, thank you as well. I too felt for them during that video. For me one of the worst things was seeing George's face when he was watching Casey throw her little hissy fit - he just looked like a broken man.

:::sighs::: This is all just so damned SAD, it's just such a heart-breaking situation isn't it?

I wish Casey would just put an END to all of this and take responsibility for her actions.
Picking out some of the necklaces, bracelets and rings that Caylee especially loved...think about that little girl so smug and looking so very adorable. Of COURSE a loving grandparent might be comforted by the thought of Caylee being with pretty things she was crazy about.

You know I thought about this and if it was me and my
granddaughter was only bones I would buy the most beautiful dress and lay it
over her remains and I would probably buy jewelry and lay it over the dress.

When someone you love dies one of your last memories are of
them laying in the casket.
I see nothing "morbid" with them wanting to make her as beautiful as
possible jewelry and all!


My oldest brother drowned 2 years ago, and at the funeral home during the visitation I put a disposable Bic lighter in his front shirt pocket under his suit coat.

Though it may have appeared silly to some, my brother was someone who was always saying "Let me get a light from you". Even though he carried a Zippo lighter forever, it always seemed to be out of lighter fluid, or need a new flint or something. I used to laugh at him about it all the time.

My point is that the lighter meant little or nothing to anyone but me, but for some strange reason it made me feel better to have done it.

Not unlike the American Indians who long ago used to put their friends' and relatives' weapons with them so they would have them in the next world, I wanted my brother to have a lighter with him.

The article sounds to me like Cindy wanted George to pick out something for Caylee in this same manner. I did not take it to mean that she wanted him to BUY some jewelry, or that she wanted some jewelry to WEAR at the funeral, but to CHOOSE something to put with Caylee.

We have all seen the photos of little Caylee with beads and necklaces and the like draped around her neck, with hats and sunglasses . . . I think that she, like all little girls, liked to wear jewelry, and this is just one of the scores of details that you try to remember during times of loss. So that you don't have to think when it's over "Oh, I wish I had remembered to do this, or oh I meant to do that. . "

I have enormous empathy for Cindy and George both during this time, and especially for George - I told my friend months ago that I thought George would be the one to crack under the pressure once they had to face the fact Caylee was gone forever.

I say this is a time to be gentle and kind, and all be thankful that we are not in their shoes. I think this is certainly a time to adhere to the "Do unto others" rule.

Just my opinion of course, but I say the Anthonys should be allowed to grieve and try to cope with the loss of Caylee (AND of Casey) in peace, and I for one will not engage in suppositions and slams about what Cindy may or may not have been thinking of when she asked George to do that.

Another thing I thought of after reading the report is maybe he didn't get the job he was applying for and that may have been the proverbial straw for him.

I will keep him in my prayers, and ask that he be given peace within himself in his grief.

You guys be good to one another - remember, Caylee is watching.


I added special things to my grandfather's casket as well. Trinkets that would have been meaningful to the 2 of us. I suppose it is sort of like the ancient Egyptians preparing their dead for the next life.
I don't find this weird @ all. As much as I normally despise this family-on this-I'm going to give them a reprieve. I cannot imagine having a granddaughter that needs to be laid to rest and having my crazy daughter's attorney holding her remains for ransom. They have had a lot of time to wait and think and if CA wanted to feel like they were somehow moving forward by buying Caylee something shiny and pretty, I can't say I blame her.
:clap::clap::clap: You've summed up my thoughts and feelings very eloquently.

Thanks FaerieB. I think there are a lot of posters here who feel like us. Come over here, I have some crayons in my backpack; we will color a picture.
A few of the posts on this thread also bring memories of my own father's passing when I was 17. He too had a full honors military funeral at Arlington Cemetery. Since I'm the "baby" of the family with much older siblings spread all over the world at the time, I got into high gear calling siblings back to VA, assisting Mom with memorial services to funeral services including all the awful specifics of having to pick out caskets even down to the kind of lining and pillow you want in it. I remember looking at the funeral home director and actually saying out loud, "a pillow, are you serious?!?". Again, remember I was 17 - obviously an outspoken teenager lol. My point here is that for four days I didn't grieve - went in the motions being the perfect military daughter and made sure Dad went out with a bang. I can still hear family and my high school friends whispering about how I hadn't yet cried and wondering how I could smile. I think back and surely I had to wonder myself what was wrong with me - I'm devastated yet at the same time appear to be "fine".
UNTIL - at the very last memorial service I had to use the bathroom which was located downstairs. I opened the door to ensure I was prim and proper for a military daughter, held my head up high and BAMMMMM. The funeral home had the exact same wallpaper that my Dad had just put up for my Mom in the bathroom at our house. From that point on I remember very little about the following days.
I do remember that my sister had buried one rose for each grandchild - she and I went up to the casket to say one last goodbye and now that it had "hit" me what was going on all week I was panicked because I didn't think of burying him with anything. Those that grew up with military parents will understand how in their dress uniforms full with medals, ribbons and shiny brass - you didn't touch the brass! So at the casket, my sister and I without saying a word to each other, reached down and each put a thumbprint on the name tag located on his uniform. We got a little giggle out of that. I also remember that being the ice breaker my Mom needed to quietly whisper that she was so appalled she forgot Dad's underwear and was burying the man without skivvies! Then looking down over Dad crying, while quietly laughing with us (hysteria at this point on all our parts I imagine) saying she felt stupid for having him "laid out" with his glasses on. At the burial site she whispered that he was being buried for eternity next to a church and the man never would go to church so we got him there. I (again, quietly) said no Mom, you didn't and pointed to the bar located right next door.
Long story I know and thanks for letting me share - I had forgotten all of that so very therapeutic. The point is every one grieves in different ways. Losing a loved one may not "hit" you right away and in Caylee's horrible circumstances - well I just don't think that any one has the right to judge. No matter the "cooky" (for lack of a better word) details we've all been reading for several months now. Them having to pick out jewelry just may have been GA's breaking point - just as the funeral home's wallpaper was for mine. Could there very well be other factors involved in GA's mindset at the time yesterday - absolutely and time will probably tell. I respectfully and strongly disagree with those that don't think an "event" can trigger a meltdown.
And had I have been older at the time, I definitely would have found something special to bury Dad with even if I had to go out and buy it new. Ya'lls stories have made me smile from the $1M check down to the snickers bar! So sweet!
For all we know to date, Caylee did have a necklace on when she involuntarily left this world. Although it's a personal item that I am sure would eventually be returned to family - if found at the site she was found, it would surely be kept for quite some time to be used as exhibits in the trial. So maybe going out and buying something new for her isn't all that strange if we look at it that way. She was a princess who no doubt like many young girls, loved shiny, pretty, princess things.
And the picking out jewelry to either go into an urn, a coffin or be displayed at a service is their right as their grandparents. No matter what the terrible circumstances are (or what we may or may not agree about the family) - they do have the right to grieve and definitely have the right to buy one last gift for their princess if they want.
How many of us would for her and we didn't even know her.
(sorry for rambling lol)
Beautiful post that bears repeating.

My Mom always had a tissue tucked in her hand. At the funeral home when I saw her, I put a tissue in her hand for her. I took alot of comfort from doing that.

I pray for George, Cindy and Lee. I pray that their heartache will ease and they may find some peace in their lives eventually. :rose:

TruthSeeker, come over here with us, you can have the red crayon 'K?

I totally know what you mean about putting the tissue in your Mom's hand. Strange the things that bring us comfort during times like that. . . everyone is different, and everyone's the same. And I know that you know that on a certain level, your Mom is still here with you . . . she's just in another part of 'the house' right now. And she's got a tissue. :)

Peace be with you.

My oldest brother drowned 2 years ago, and at the funeral home during the visitation I put a disposable Bic lighter in his front shirt pocket under his suit coat.

Though it may have appeared silly to some, my brother was someone who was always saying "Let me get a light from you". Even though he carried a Zippo lighter forever, it always seemed to be out of lighter fluid, or need a new flint or something. I used to laugh at him about it all the time.

My point is that the lighter meant little or nothing to anyone but me, but for some strange reason it made me feel better to have done it.

Not unlike the American Indians who long ago used to put their friends' and relatives' weapons with them so they would have them in the next world, I wanted my brother to have a lighter with him.

The article sounds to me like Cindy wanted George to pick out something for Caylee in this same manner. I did not take it to mean that she wanted him to BUY some jewelry, or that she wanted some jewelry to WEAR at the funeral, but to CHOOSE something to put with Caylee.

We have all seen the photos of little Caylee with beads and necklaces and the like draped around her neck, with hats and sunglasses . . . I think that she, like all little girls, liked to wear jewelry, and this is just one of the scores of details that you try to remember during times of loss. So that you don't have to think when it's over "Oh, I wish I had remembered to do this, or oh I meant to do that. . "

I have enormous empathy for Cindy and George both during this time, and especially for George - I told my friend months ago that I thought George would be the one to crack under the pressure once they had to face the fact Caylee was gone forever.

I say this is a time to be gentle and kind, and all be thankful that we are not in their shoes. I think this is certainly a time to adhere to the "Do unto others" rule.

Just my opinion of course, but I say the Anthonys should be allowed to grieve and try to cope with the loss of Caylee (AND of Casey) in peace, and I for one will not engage in suppositions and slams about what Cindy may or may not have been thinking of when she asked George to do that.

Another thing I thought of after reading the report is maybe he didn't get the job he was applying for and that may have been the proverbial straw for him.

I will keep him in my prayers, and ask that he be given peace within himself in his grief.

You guys be good to one another - remember, Caylee is watching.


First, I can understand & sympathize with your post (from your standpoint) but, to me unless GA specifically requested to buy Caylee's funeral jewelry...I think it was in poor taste of CA to place one more burden on GA's shoulders.

Although I can't help but have sympathies for the A's...I do have a good deal of disdain for CA & for GA he has nothing but my sympathies.

It has to be a tremendous load to carry of simply losing his only beloved granddaughter, Caylee but, to add the burden of picking out jewelry for Caylee's funeral...that should have been left for CA or the both of them to do my opinion.

CA & KC are obviously cut from the same clothe and for some reason it feels like poor old George is going to be their whipping boy till the bitter end.

I can't help but feel like CA is as detached from the reality of losing Caylee as KC.

They don't seem to grasp how their actions and words can effect those closest to them.

I always felt this family was held together only by the loss of Caylee and now with the reality/evidence starting to come front & center...I predict each member of this family standing alone by the time of trial.

This is NOT a slam but, my personal opinion of the dynamics of the A family and the latest developments of GA.
You know I thought about this and if it was me and my
granddaughter was only bones I would buy the most beautiful dress and lay it
over her remains and I would probably buy jewelry and lay it over the dress.

When someone you love dies one of your last memories are of
them laying in the casket.
I see nothing "morbid" with them wanting to make her as beautiful as
possible jewelry and all!


Your post brought tears to my eyes because I have no doubt this is how CA and GA must feel. They don't see Caylee as 'bones' they see her as the light of their lives which was taken too early. She will live on in their hearts as the beautiful child we have all come to cherish deeply.

All of the negative speculation (because it is just that) is so disgustingly insensitive and it's staggering to me that so many people are so heavily invested in hatred and negativity.
I quoted you, because you pondered why they would "buy" something rather then put something in her coffin that was special to her. First we don't KNOW he was to buy something. He could have been asked to get some jewelery of hers for all we know.
My reply was simply that they are her grandparents and should have to right to put whatever they want to put in her coffin without it be dissected a million ways and "some" people not YOU, pretty much stating what they would do, and that would be the "better" or least "suspect way of doing it. I even saw people suggest this "suicide' thing was all staged and an act. These people get reamed no matter what they do.

First we don't KNOW he was to buy something
We don't know that he was not advised to go to a store either? It was stated he was going for a job interview.
Even Cindy is stated as saying, "she feels this may have been the cause
for his actions and his texts on not wanting to go on, where he still stands by Casey while deflecting dark blame back to her friends.

without it be dissected a million ways and "some" people not YOU, pretty much stating what they would do,
In all fairness, is this thread not to be able discuss varying opinions as well? Without concrete facts, its a discussions of views nothing less nothing more. Views of what makes it right or improper does not need to be beat into the head of another's view, to which another may feel its macabre either, especially in light of a child not yet put to rest after 45 days of being found as a skeleton and the family has already spoken of cremation. Its all sad yes but opposing views should not be attacked as being of no value either. In all fairness.
maybe cindy honestly thought that it would give george something to do to make him feel better, make him feel like he was doing something nice for caylee.
i don't see anything morbid or malicious on cindy's part at all.

Yes, I agree maybe CA thought it would help. When my BIL died my hubby wanted to contribute in some way but was not in shape to think of what to do, so I made some suggestions to him. I really think being involved with the process granted him some closure.

I think burying Caylee with her favorite jewerly or even a new engraved piece would be very healing for the GPs. But with GA maybe all it brought up were memories of happier times and was too much for him.

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