Cindy & George Pick Out Jewelry for Caylee - (Cremation Jewelry?)

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Just my opinion of course, but I say the Anthonys should be allowed to grieve and try to cope with the loss of Caylee (AND of Casey) in peace, and I for one will not engage in suppositions and slams about what Cindy may or may not have been thinking of when she asked George to do that.

I will keep him in my prayers, and ask that he be given peace within himself in his grief.

:clap::clap::clap: You've summed up my thoughts and feelings very eloquently.
I think they must be very distraught at not being able to bury their grandchild. Anything they do in preparation for a funeral probably gives them some comfort and feeling that it is going to happen soon. I don't understand the scrutiny over the jewelry for Caylee/CA. Admittedly, I only scanned the thread but it didn't seem nice. Maybe I missed something.
Funerals are for the living and if this is what brings CA comfort she is more than entitled to it.
It's in the police report and that is what the thread is about imo.
We put a check for a million bucks with my dad, some trinkets,a family picture and other odds and ends. The grandkids put all kinds of carp in with him.
Funerals and memorials are for the living not the dead and if someone wants to put jewelry in with Caylee,so be it. Maybe Caylee loved jewelry and it is making them feel good to put jewlery in with what is left of her. It really doesn't matter what condition she is in does it?

If it is not true, we will find out soon enough. But I don't for the life of me understand what is nasty about this at all.

I totally agree. It doesn't mean they are getting it for her to wear and if they feel better for putting some jewelry in that she would've liked, then who's to say otherwise.

When I lost my dad, 2 weeks later I went out and bought a grand piano. I'd always wanted one and just went and got it on a whim. People grieve in different ways.

Btw, I think that is an incredible idea to have put a check for a million dollars in with your dad!! That's so cool. Would he have gotten a kick out of that? I wish I would've done that with my dad-he would've loved it.

We had a service for my dad with full blown military honors. He would've loved seeing it. It was so moving-not a dry eye in the place.
It's in the police report and that is what the thread is about imo.
We put a check for a million bucks with my dad, some trinkets,a family picture and other odds and ends. The grandkids put all kinds of carp in with him.
Funerals and memorials are for the living not the dead and if someone wants to put jewelry in with Caylee,so be it. Maybe Caylee loved jewelry and it is making them feel good to put jewlery in with what is left of her. It really doesn't matter what condition she is in does it?

If it is not true, we will find out soon enough. But I don't for the life of me understand what is nasty about this at all.

I agree with Ms Bean, on this one. Tokens in the casket are not unusual, in the least.

And, as another poster pointed out, funerals are for the living.

I think George is very torn. Leave him alone.
Im not sure why this is even being discussed again. Its perfect normally to bury a loved one with a "token" of love such as jewelry, or pictures of loved one's. When my grandparents died, we filled the casket with all sorts of items, something from each of the grandkids, something special. As far as Cindy asking George to help pick it out.....well who else is she suppose to ask, they loved her the most and would know what would be appropriate.

I agree with the token of love part. But, shouldn't that token be something that the deceased person loved/treasured? Is it really
necessary to go to a jewelry store? Even if it was a heart or cross wouldn't it have more meaning if it was either hers or a family members?
I agree with the token of love part. But, shouldn't that token be something that the deceased person loved/treasured? Is it really
necessary to go to a jewelry store? Even if it was a heart or cross wouldn't it have more meaning if it was either hers or a family members?

The police report says "She stated she asked George yesterday to pick out some jewelry for Caylee for her funeral." Nowhere does it make mention of going to a jewelry store. I read it to mean she wanted George to pick out Caylee's most loved pieces.
First of all, I didn't see anywhere that they went to a jewelry store. However, if they did, what business is it of anyone else? Caylee was their granddaughter and if they choose to put every piece of jewelry they own or can buy in a casket with her to be buried or burned, it is no one's business but theirs. And as for the ridiculous concept that they intend to decorate her skeleton, that ranks right up there with the fantasy freak who want to believe that this grieving grandmother is trying to drive her husband to suicide. How about a little compassion for the tragedy they are living?
I agree with the token of love part. But, shouldn't that token be something that the deceased person loved/treasured? Is it really
necessary to go to a jewelry store? Even if it was a heart or cross wouldn't it have more meaning if it was either hers or a family members?
Why do we think they went to the jewelry store? I totally missed that.
I believe Cindy just wanted George to help pick out a few special pieces of family jewelry; Maybe a cross, charm bracelet or other special momento . I have 2 very young daughters and they love to wear Mommy's jewelry (& shoes) and I have pieces that are meant for each of them when they are old enough.
Right, she could have meant, go to Caylee's room to find jewelry (play jewelry) for her..
or they could have been giving her some of Casey's jewelry or Cindy's jewelry or heirlooms or ????? ....point is we have no idea and it is almost irrelevant at this point imo.
I posted something like this in the last thread:

When I first heard about this today I was taken aback at the thought. I thought why, what don't Cindy and George get? BUT then I thought about it more. In that funeral home is their little princess. She is just as beautiful today as she was on June 15th. They see the love of their life. They don't see just bones. They see her smile, her beautiful eyes, her hands which they used to hold, she is still their Caylee. IMO, they had a love for her that is beyond explanation. The kind of love that never ends. She is their princess and Princess Caylee will now be able to look like one through eternity.......
Don't you think it is morbid for her to ask him to pick out jewelry for Caylee, she should have placed anything she chose and spared George from this request. I have been sorry for their loss every day since Caylee has been gone. I think it is time,that they deal with the sorrow. We have all felt their pain with a loss of a loved one. The situations may be different but a loved one is a loved one. George is a stage of recognition,he see's and feels and is in denial no more.
Why do we think they went to the jewelry store? I totally missed that.

I don't know:crazy::crazy:
When I was here this morning I read something about them being in a jewelry all of that thread is gone.
Am I in trouble?:chicken:
Don't you think it is morbid for her to ask him to pick out jewelry for Caylee, she should have placed anything she chose and spared George from this request. I have been sorry for their loss every day since Caylee has been gone. I think it is time,that they deal with the sorrow. We have all felt their pain with a loss of a loved one. The situations may be different but a loved one is a loved one. George is a stage of recognition,he see's and feels and is in denial no more.
I don't see it as morbid. We really don't know enough about them to make this judgement. Maybe it was a thing that GA and Caylee shared. Maybe it was GA who brought jewelry home to his little princess. If GA was the one Caylee expected to receive jewelry from it would be appropriate for him to be the one to pick it out for her. It may have even hurt GA if he weren't asked to picked it out. We just don't know.

My oldest brother drowned 2 years ago, and at the funeral home during the visitation I put a disposable Bic lighter in his front shirt pocket under his suit coat.

Though it may have appeared silly to some, my brother was someone who was always saying "Let me get a light from you". Even though he carried a Zippo lighter forever, it always seemed to be out of lighter fluid, or need a new flint or something. I used to laugh at him about it all the time.

My point is that the lighter meant little or nothing to anyone but me, but for some strange reason it made me feel better to have done it.

Not unlike the American Indians who long ago used to put their friends' and relatives' weapons with them so they would have them in the next world, I wanted my brother to have a lighter with him.

The article sounds to me like Cindy wanted George to pick out something for Caylee in this same manner. I did not take it to mean that she wanted him to BUY some jewelry, or that she wanted some jewelry to WEAR at the funeral, but to CHOOSE something to put with Caylee.

We have all seen the photos of little Caylee with beads and necklaces and the like draped around her neck, with hats and sunglasses . . . I think that she, like all little girls, liked to wear jewelry, and this is just one of the scores of details that you try to remember during times of loss. So that you don't have to think when it's over "Oh, I wish I had remembered to do this, or oh I meant to do that. . "

I have enormous empathy for Cindy and George both during this time, and especially for George - I told my friend months ago that I thought George would be the one to crack under the pressure once they had to face the fact Caylee was gone forever.

I say this is a time to be gentle and kind, and all be thankful that we are not in their shoes. I think this is certainly a time to adhere to the "Do unto others" rule.

Just my opinion of course, but I say the Anthonys should be allowed to grieve and try to cope with the loss of Caylee (AND of Casey) in peace, and I for one will not engage in suppositions and slams about what Cindy may or may not have been thinking of when she asked George to do that.

Another thing I thought of after reading the report is maybe he didn't get the job he was applying for and that may have been the proverbial straw for him.

I will keep him in my prayers, and ask that he be given peace within himself in his grief.

You guys be good to one another - remember, Caylee is watching.


Beautiful post that bears repeating.

My Mom always had a tissue tucked in her hand. At the funeral home when I saw her, I put a tissue in her hand for her. I took alot of comfort from doing that.

I pray for George, Cindy and Lee. I pray that their heartache will ease and they may find some peace in their lives eventually. :rose:
I took it to mean that they were going to attempt to adorn the skeletonized remains with jewelry, which I still maintain is macabre and grotesque, given the circumstances. But as it has been pointed out that they may have meant to simply include a favorite necklace or other piece in the casket with the remains, and if it brings them some small measure of comfort, so be it.

I'm sorry but I'm still at the macabre and grotesque stage because I believe that everything Cindy does is for sympathy for herself. "I'm buying jewelry for my beloved Caylee (who I haven't even bothered to bury yet) so feel sorry for me." quote not hers.
Don't you think it is morbid for her to ask him to pick out jewelry for Caylee, she should have placed anything she chose and spared George from this request. I have been sorry for their loss every day since Caylee has been gone. I think it is time,that they deal with the sorrow. We have all felt their pain with a loss of a loved one. The situations may be different but a loved one is a loved one. George is a stage of recognition,he see's and feels and is in denial no more.

When my son died, the best and most helpful advise I got (from another parent who had lost a child) was:

Don't let ANYONE tell you how to grieve.

It is a personal thing and different for each of us.

This is what I now say to person who has lost a loved one.

Until you have walked in those shoes, you are not in a position to tell someone how to grieve or what to do. I mean "you" collectively. As far as what George is feeling, unless you have talked to him directly about his feelings, I don't think anyone should presume to know what he is thinking. JMHO
I agree with the token of love part. But, shouldn't that token be something that the deceased person loved/treasured? Is it really
necessary to go to a jewelry store? Even if it was a heart or cross wouldn't it have more meaning if it was either hers or a family members?
So do I and both my parents were buried with things special to them, and not things purchased after their death. :( I have known people though that aren't really "hit" with the reality of a loved ones death until choosing what they'll wear at burial or seeing their loved one in the casket. So maybe this simple request to select jewelry affected GA this way. MOO

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