Cindy mouths, "I love you" to Casey

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You said it very well, and I agree 100%. I don't understand why anyone would find it odd that Cindy still loves her daughter. Loving your child and accepting that she is a murderer are two separate things and one does not exclude the other.
This woman has been through He11, I'm sure her emotions are on a roller coaster and will be for a long time. And if Casey gets the DP... I think both George and Cindy will have a very hard time dealing with that. I would not wish that on anyone.

The feeling I get especially with CA is that when she does these little strolls in the courtroom and mouths I love you or in past TV appearances are the mixed signals. She has done this throughout the entire history of this case from day 3 maybe.

Here we are 3 years into the trial and still questioning the A's as to what will happen each time they make an appearance. Something so unreal here.

WS'er have read and know so much but CA's conflicting behavior in front of the jury is troublesome.

After this trial is all over no matter how it turns out CA and GA's behavior is so questionable. Still sensing another agenda. :twocents:
Matty29 ICA is a spoiled rotten petulant child said:
Matty29 said it so well. I was thinking there is little difference between SP (in San Quentin) and ICA. Both were indulged, spoiled, lived in fantasy worlds, lied exceedingly well. Both sets of parents unknowingly created monsters yet believed their children were smart, special, and loving. SP and ICA needed to erase the children that stood in the way of enjoyment and happiness.
At least when (not if) ICA is convicted, her family will know where she is - they hardly knew her whereabouts before. Plus, I wonder if they are really relaxing now knowing that there's a good chance no temper tantrums or yelling will be bouncing off the walls. :great:
I saw a side view of her lips -- not ideal for reading them but the people in front of her could. With her raised eyebrows, Casey was obviously questioning the truth of that.

Speaking of truth, I believe Casey's true motive is in her 8/14/08 quote I have seen several times on this forum: "I don't want to be one of those parents that has to deal with the possibility of knowing that their child is alive and that they're with someone else. The thought of that every day makes me sick."

Change that statement a little and you have: "The thought of Caylee with my mother makes me sick every day." She must have realized Cindy was serious about taking custody and decided Caylee would be better off dead. Plus I think she wanted to punish Cindy.

The underlying bits of truth that are sometimes in Casey's statements are fascinating. Remember the story that ends with the line: "There must be a pony in here somewhere."?
Woke up this morning with an OMG - the newspaper says no one can prove abuse happened so ICA has to take the stand..... can CA testify for ICA when CM asks leading questions during the defense case? Yes, I believe she may hold the key to the abuse issue...Has CA ever denied the abuse? I can't recall a single time she ever denied those allegations. She can testify ICA told her about the abuse many times, but she did nothing. She can say she lied about the pregnancy and accused JG of being the father because she feared it was GA. What do you think?
This disappointed me so much, because I don't see how Cindy and George can close their eyes to the reality of what their daughter did and what a lying monster she is.

But, then I had a totally crazy thought that this is actually a positive for the prosecution, given the defenses opening statement. The defense says, Caylee drowned and George yells at ICA "Your mother will never forgive you". Will this is obviously not true. She is mouthing she loves her, even knowing all the evidence. This actually helps the prosecution shoot a whole in the whole "why ICA would cover up an accidental drowning". Also not brining in the fight, and animosity helps the prosecution, so that it can't be anyones fault but ICA.

Maybe just wishful thinking on my part, but it is the only way I can reconcile the sobbing Cindy from the first testimony to this one at the end.
Interesting insights from Dr Glass :-

The old Cindy is back.. it's all about manipulation.
I think she lies just as often as ICA.

Thanks for the link. With the exception of one statement, I agree with everything Dr. Glass said.

Cindy was back in full form and back to her old self when she spoke of how her hair grows fast.

Cindy has never changed, IMO. Yes,it IS all about manipulation. She tried to manipulate favorable opinion from the public and jury the first time she took the stand. She was quite successful with the public. She wanted to build credibility in hopes the Jury will believe everything she says in the future.

I can't blame Cindy for still loving her child. No matter what my child does I will still love her no matter what. You just can't turn love off like that.....well I sure can't. I feel really bad for Cindy because she lost her precious Caylee.
I saw a side view of her lips -- not ideal for reading them but the people in front of her could. With her raised eyebrows, Casey was obviously questioning the truth of that.

snipped with respect.

That was my thought too, the eyebrow raise was like "really?....really?"
It is the same CA, it will always be the same CA, she loves her daughter, no matter how much we want her not to (and even tho we know we couldn't turn on our kids), it is that ICA is SO repulsive we want CA to turn on her, the public just demands this of CA and she can't do it.

After all of this is said and done and ICA put away for however many years (or life or DP) she will be in court for YEARS and YEARS to come, and CA & GA will be there for her sitting in the back, hoping for her to acknowledge them someday. But when they are not in court CA and GA (whether together or divorced, and I sure hope GA leaves to find some peace somehow in his remaining years) will become very wealthy writing books or signing off on movies about this case, TL, AH, JG and RM have moved on with their lives, they will go on to have children, get married, travel and live FULL lives, LA and Mallory will have more Grandbabies for CA & GA to spoil while ICA rots in jail. That is justice right there. Her looks and her charm fading every year as she sees only 1 hour of daylight a day. And even in her fantasy jail world of flirting with guards, and risky letter sneaking, and snack eating, its prison, its horrible, but because she is so crazy, its not so bad for her, for us it would be intolerable, because we are sane. Which is why we are on our computers, watching TV, planning vacations, sitting out side on beautiful days, having wine with our mates, and raising the children we love more than life itself (fur babies included).

So, really in the end, we, the pubic, we do win, she is going to jail, we just don't know how long and CA & GA will be there for her in some capacity while they spoil Lee's children and that right there is going to burn ICA's as.s til she dies, someone else taking her spotlight, because once Lee starts having children, those letters from CA will become fewer and fewer and CA & GA sitting in courthouses on beautiful sunny days when there is a Grand-child to love will also become fewer and fewer. That is the ultimate punishment for ICA being ignored by her parents and that is what eventually will happen as life goes on for US on the outside. What she does on the inside...that is her problem. Today, I am taking my children to the beach, and I am sure all of you are doing other wonderful things that ICA will NEVER do again (or will when she is an old, ugly broken woman).
Interesting insights from Dr Glass :-

The old Cindy is back.. it's all about manipulation.
I think she lies just as often as ICA.

The sayings..."The apple doesn't fall far from the tree".."Monkey see Monkey do, Monkey does the same as you"...all seem to ring true..

Of course Casey hates her mother with a vengence. Cindy belittles, chastises, degrades and punishes Casey for the doing the exact same thing she does everyday. Dr. Glass is spot on.
Yes CA loves her child but they do not have to accept what she has done nor do they need to make out like it is ok, IMO. If I were in this situation, yes I would love my child but I would never forgive her for taking away my grandchild and I would not buy any of the excuses she used.
I think the only semi-responsible thing KC tried to do was to say she wanted to give Caylee up for adoption. But Cindy would not let her. In that case, Cindy & George should have adopted Caylee right at birth to take over full responsibility of her. Instead, Cindy made KC have the child, took over when convenient, but then chastised KC for not being a good mother. You can't have it both ways. Not defending KC or putting Cindy down, just stating how I see it. They were in a constant power play before Caylee, then once she came along, she was their human pawn. Very sad...
I think the only semi-responsible thing KC tried to do was to say she wanted to give Caylee up for adoption. But Cindy would not let her. In that case, Cindy & George should have adopted Caylee right at birth to take over full responsibility of her. Instead, Cindy made KC have the child, took over when convenient, but then chastised KC for not being a good mother. You can't have it both ways. Not defending KC or putting Cindy down, just stating how I see it. They were in a constant power play before Caylee, then once she came along, she was their human pawn. Very sad...

I sure agree with this statement.
I think the only semi-responsible thing KC tried to do was to say she wanted to give Caylee up for adoption. But Cindy would not let her. In that case, Cindy & George should have adopted Caylee right at birth to take over full responsibility of her. Instead, Cindy made KC have the child, took over when convenient, but then chastised KC for not being a good mother. You can't have it both ways. Not defending KC or putting Cindy down, just stating how I see it. They were in a constant power play before Caylee, then once she came along, she was their human pawn. Very sad...

My husband and I were just having this discussion last night as we were watching *cough* 16 and pregnant *cough*... If my daughter got pregnant at fifteen and didn't know if she should give the baby up for adoption or raise it herself I would totally volunteer to adopt the child myself. (Of course barring any circumstances that would make me unable to give the child the best life...) If my daughter was okay with that I would do it without hesitation. I agree that they should have done this because essentially strong arming Casey into raising Caylee was just a disaster waiting to happen. A child should not be a punishment IMO.

:tyou: Friday. :tyou:

I think of the "movie" where the child does disturbing things and has terrifying behavior such as: hurting animals, trying to kick the house keeper down the stairs..."dameon/Omen" type stuff. Then, there is the mother. She sees this behavior and when someone tries to say the child is off-she protects the child. She is there soothing the child for the sociopathic behaviors(much like Casey had D. Sims cuddle her)because of her own twisted mental/emotional state.

This is how I see Cindy. I understand that mothers love their children, they never stop loving their children no matter what they do. That is the definition of unconditional love and I believe that is the very purpose of a mother, to give unconditional love.

I did not receive and do not receive unconditional love from my mother, or father. The first time I have ever experienced what it is like is from my husband. If I do something that was clearly my fault, that say...hurt my finger in a small way, I will say to myself how stupid I am. He will say, "oh poor baby." It kills me! We have been married for twelve years and I am just now realizing he means it-really means it-even when I am blatantly wrong he still thinks I am great. I just asked him if I did what Casey did would he still love me, and he said he would still have love in his heart for me and be very sad that I did that.

He is a better person than I. I feel more critical than that, and that is because it was how I was treated. When I did something that was blatantly my fault my mother said, "it's your fault, you have no one to blame but yourself and you will receive no sympathy from me." And, get the same reaction even if it was not my fault. I realize that is why I get so upset hearing you guys say Cindy could have love, still for Casey. I am also not a mother myself, and I am sure that affects my perspective.

I keep on seeing in Cindy, my mother. Which is strange because I just got done saying how my mother didn't and wouldn't give me unconditional love-but I think that is what I am saying: I don't think Cindy now or ever loves Casey unconditionally. I guess I am thinking I know a mother like that when I see one-and I think I see one in Cindy Anthony.

To me, the most insidious behavior is passive aggressive. The person who in a sneaky way stirs the pot and then sits back to enjoy the show, because they are a person who enjoys the show. I know my opinion is colored from knowing people who know how to manipulate their family to create drama so they can enjoy being a victim.

I believe in eyes for lies, I have seen the micro smiles on Cindy's face during her media cameos. I have read the emails from Rick, Cindy's brother. And, I have read the emails that Cindy sent back. I think of Tracey stating Cindy was going through Caylee's pictures seeing how much money she would get from their sale. How neither she nor George ever looked anywhere for Caylee. How the OCSO told Cindy what she was doing was not helping Caylee or Casey but Cindy did not stop. I think of the "memorial" for Cindy treated the Grunds...even willing to lie and say Jesse was the father of Caylee and when confronted in her lie by Richard Grund all Cindy could say was that Jesse was "stupid enough" to accept it, well..."

I think, if there was a fight on the 15th what Cindy said to Casey was not, "I will take Caylee from you." I think what Cindy said to Casey was, "I will not take care of your (best ) mistake. And, that flurry of calls on the 16th, the next morning was Casey calling Cindy's bluff-and the then killing of Caylee in the very next moment was Casey making the next move.

IMO, this has always been the dynamic between these two women. Caylee is the only victim and the only one I care about. I don't want to be here saying I am "against" what people who are obviously loving believe to be true. But, I am. :bow:

Cindy's acting coach has helped her soften her image...and apparently it has worked. Kudos to them. :rolleyes:

People show their true character in the worst of times, not when everything is going good.

If I am wrong, then it is not a bad thing that Cindy loves her daughter.


This is an awesome explanation of what I was trying to say! And I'm so glad you found a husband like you have. :blowkiss:
Makes me think this is a cat-and-mouse game they've been playing for years.

CA calls ICA unfit mother, ICA takes Caylee away.
CA begs to see Caylee, ICA withholds her.
CA ignores ICA on the witness stand, ICA has meltdown.
CA mouths "I love you", ICA disses her.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

BRAVO!!!!! :clap: It usually takes me many paragraphs to make my point, and I'm truly awed when someone else can do it so simply, and yet so vividly.
This doesn't surprise me - I went and read Cindy's depo last night and it is very clear she fudged on some things and then flat out lied on one or two others. Very sad.

The main lie that sticks out was that Cindy was sleeping with Caylee's "Teddy" and she had told Casey this, Casey being the spiteful little B* that she is went and raided the house and took it from Cindy. Teddy turned back up at the house 15 July, it probably came back with her stuff from Lee. Linda knew this story very well, hopefully she will be able to slip it into rebuttal some how or when Cindy gets back on the stand.
Interesting insights from Dr Glass :-

The old Cindy is back.. it's all about manipulation.
I think she lies just as often as ICA.

Thanks for the link. With the exception of one statement, I agree with everything Dr. Glass said.

Cindy was back in full form and back to her old self when she spoke of how her hair grows fast.

Cindy has never changed, IMO. Yes,it IS all about manipulation. She tried to manipulate favorable opinion from the public and jury the first time she took the stand. She was quite successful with the public. She wanted to build credibility in hopes the Jury will believe everything she says in the future.


The sayings..."The apple doesn't fall far from the tree".."Monkey see Monkey do, Monkey does the same as you"...all seem to ring true..

Of course Casey hates her mother with a vengence. Cindy belittles, chastises, degrades and punishes Casey for the doing the exact same thing she does everyday. Dr. Glass is spot on.

RespectfullyQuoted :tyou: eleni, ZsaZsa & magnolia

I totally agree with all of your statements. And, I agree with Dr. Glass's interpretation of Cindy's performance on the stand yesterday. Cindy herself is quick to say she and Casey are very much alike. For once, I believe her.

I feel Cindy's willingness to still lie for Casey goes beyond just feeling the unconditional love of a mother and wanting to express the sentiment. Still, Cindy chooses Casey over Caylee. Cindy made sure to get in that her mother and her older brother had been in that car... :shocked2:

I watched as Cindy poked her eye, rubbed her eyes in an effort to pull of another great performance. But she was unable.

When she leaves the stand, she immediately changes her tune towards Casey. Amanda Ober of WESH-Channel 2 reported that Cindy “did make eye contact with Casey and mouth the words ’I love you.’

Casey apparently just shrugged her shoulders which meant that she could care less what Cindy says.

Personally I find this behavior by Cindy extremely interesting and telling. Here is a woman who on the stand weeks earlier sobbed her heart out about Caylee . She spoke quickly without hesitation. She refused to even look at Casey. Casey in turn, cried in anger over her mother’s betrayal and cold shoulder.

Now whan Cindy leaves the stand she tells Casey she loves her. This gives us a glimpse of Cindy’s push and pull behavior with Casey. It is called ”Crazy Making”, “messing with one’s mind” and manipulation. Cindy has sent Casey mixed messages. It’s the I love you/ I hate you behavior that we see in many people with Boarderline Personality disorders. I am not diagnosing Cindy with Boarderline Personality disorder as she may or may not have this condition.
For those of you who say Casey was born a sociopathic monster, I say you may be correct. However, her abberant family environment may have helped exacerbate her genetic predisposition.
(end snip)

Mixed signals, crazy making, manipulation...this is what I also have seen from Cindy. This is what I recognize about my mother in Cindy. I recognize my grandmother. My mother in law. They are all "mothers, grandmothers" nice seeming ladies. They all would say they love their children...but there is a dark edge to that love that shows itself in the death of Caylee Marie. :twocents:

It is understandable that loving people, good loving mothers-would look for love coming from a mother to her child. That is exactly what Cindy wants you to see and believe. It is a game. I am not even sure what the name of the game is, I just know I couldn't play it. In my family, you play the game or you are shut out. In the Anthony's Lee plays the game, so he stays. Rick was not playing the game so he is out. You have to go with the reality they say is true. Casey was born with the temperment of a sociopath but was taught to be one by her mother. :twocents:

The puppet master is not the one who "does the deed", they manipulate the situation so there is drama and they come out receiving sympathy and seeming like a great victim. Munchausen by proxy is the closest thing I can come to explaining the behaviors I have experienced by people like this. Although instead of physical ailments being caused by the mother for attention I feel these mothers use mental illness.

I wonder if Casey will have Jose call her mother to the stand? :innocent:

Nothing is more trusting than a "Mothers Love".
And you know this how? My father's love was leaps and bounds beyond my mother's love but so what? It's the content of one's character that determines love, not gender.

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