Cindy's BoA Checking Account

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Okay, if Cindy Anthony didn't know the first time 2,000 in one month went missing from her account that it was Casey and that this was a serious problem, then wow, what kind of denial she must have been in. I'm sorry, but this isn't petty cash missing. It's THOUSANDS of dollars EACH MONTH from her banking account. It doesn't matter how short of a time it went on - NO ONE should allow ANYONE to continuously steal THOUSANDS of dollars out of their account even ONCE, much less for almost three years. There is no way to make this any less than what it was - Casey robbing her own mother blind to make a living for herself. Twenty, fifty dollars here and there, not a big deal. THOUSANDS of dollars missing every month = HUGE DEAL!!!! BIG HONKING RED FLAG!!!!

There was a post earlier where someone added up what she stole in one month, and it came out to 1800 dollars, I believe (actually one said 1950 in a four month span, and another said almost 3,000 in the month of May 2008. So in any event, it clearly escalated over time). That is not something to let anyone get away with. Good Lord, what was Cindy thinking? Stealing money in that amount every month is NEVER okay.

She never seemed to have a problem figuring out that George was losing money so she had to be checking the account. If she claims she WASN'T aware, it's just another lie to protect her daughter. I honestly believe Cindy, just like her daughter, has a problem telling the truth.
Had Judge Strickland known 2yrs ago where this case would be at today, I think the day that he put Casey in jail, and said, "The trueth and Miss Anthony are strangers", he very well have included Mrs. Anthony in that statement as well.

I have sat here in absolute awe this last week while reading from time to time on this post topic alone, and, it boggles my mind ~

I cannot even imagine {well, yes I can and it still makes me shudder at the age of 55} to think what would have happened to my siblings or myself if we ever stole anything from our parents, let alone, to go to the scope that Casey did ~
Holy Buckets.
I honest to God think that she would have cut our fingers off if we ever went into her purse and stole money, or, started lifting and transferring cash from their checking accounts. It would NOT have been pretty, I know that even after all these years.
And, to tell the blanket lies, there wouldn't have been a bar of soap left in the house when she finished with us ~
We had a "healthy fear" of our parents, because we were taught right from wrong and knew never to cross that line, not to even nudge up close to it.

Cindy had already been run through the gambut with George's gambling or whatever he claims to have gotton in the middle of, and there is no way I will ever be convinced that Cindy was not on top of keeping a close on her money. I sure as heck would have been.
Thanks to all of the insightful posts that everyone has added to this thread. I've been trying to just read this thread topic over the last week, and, finished it this afternoon.
My head is literally bouncing and spinning from all of this. {I've not had time to even delve into the latest document dump}

So ~ Trying to remember things that people have posted, I'll just throw out some random thoughts.

In the first few pages, someone posted that Shirley P had a savings account of $14,000 which coincides with the same amount that we have speculated that Casey claimed to also have.
I wonder if she was getting ready to clean that account out and make her great escape if push would have come to shove? Great observation!For her to know the balance, she, had to have had access of that personal info as well.
Was that money in Shirley's account that Casey lifted the routing number from, or, a differant one? There was an account for Alex at the nursing home, and there had to have been a personal account from which the $50 birthday check came, because I believe the nursing home account was monitored by the facility to make sure expenditures were for AlexP's healthcare.
I also, like many of you, have taken a certain degree of liking to Shirley; however, at the same time, I also tend to want to keep my distance from her as well.
While it is true, that Shirley "seemed to speak freely to LE", we don't really know what true degree that conversation really was.
She did tell LE that Cindy had been to see her, and that she hoped that she didn't say anything that would upset Cindy. {not sure of the exact quote, but, in that vein, if I remember correctly}
Yes, she was upset and PO'd at Casey, but, Cindy is her daughter, and, I can see her protecting her just the same that we have seen Cindy lie and protect Casey.

In Diane Fanning's book, she claims that Cindy was the Princess in that family ~ Much again like we have seen Casey treated.
Cindy's brother's had to pay for their vehicles and education, while she did not.
Dito to Casey in comparission to brother Lee ~ IIRC, LA was given the Pontiac, prolly because he had work ethic (maybe he had to pay CA/GA for it)...KC had to pay LA for the Pontiac even though it was in CA/GA's name.Perhaps this is why the request was made for the latest Ohio trip, maybe not so much to investigate Casey, as it is to look into Cindy's childhood to use as a hook for Casey in the end? There is nothing in Ohio that could have anything to do with Casey really, having had moved from there when she was 3yrs old. They are wanting to investigate the elder Anthony and Plesea traits, IMO. {Cindy and George and their parents - the grandparents were also from Ohio} I think the important matters are not so much from CA's side, as I think CA was probably a good child and she went to nursing school, had her act together way moreso than KC. I think GA is the key, KC seems to share the physical, emotional and temper traits that GA has. She may have gotten her smarts from CA (as dopey as CA can be, she is a nursing school grad, not for complete dummies).
I'm not suggesting that Cindy stole from her parents, but, again, we have seen so many traits of Casey's that mimic that her mother in regards to lies, mis-trueths, etc.
Perhaps this is one reason that Cindy seemed to disregard and cover these bank transactions that Casey did. I believe CA enjoys being a martyr, it is a way for her to continue, as an adult, to get the same sttention her parents gave her.
Didn't George at one time in one of his interviews say that they had to take a small loan out to cover the house payment because of Casey dipping into Cindy's account, and the house payment bounced?
IMO, yes, Cindy certainly knew what was taking place right under her nose.
But, it also smacks to me that Casey must have had something that she was holding over Cindy's head, and had her backed into a corner over something or another. CA confided a whole lotta personal stuff in her kids-Things about her marriage, for instance, that should maybe not have been relayed to KC and LA in the detail that they were. In sharing that info with KC, CA made herself look vulnerable as a person, and KC was quick to take advantage of the fact that her mother was not as in-control as KC thought while growing up-We all come to that realization about our parents as we grow into adults, that they have issues, too-KC took this to mean that everything that CA ever taught her was garbage-Remember what RG said about how KC spoke of CA during the time of CA's CA was a complete loser and horrible role model.
She HAD to have known about these transactions. Our bank has called us on the few occasions that we have had checks overlap when we've been promised payments from accounts/clients. Surely the bank had her cell phone number and knew where she worked, that they could have called to have alerted her to those large withdrawalls, esp the ones that took place on the same day??

{So many things to touch on - trying to remember everything}

George, and, his lack of an active bank account.
I seem to remember him telling LE that the money he had been setting aside for Caylee was by direct deposit, right?? Anyone remember that? Yes, true, he told the FBI this.
So, he has that, but, no checking account in his name. As brought up earlier by other's, I would guess that since he was not ever to "up and at em" in the job market", that eventually, any account that he may have had closed. Either for lack of a job, or, overdrafts. Once you show a habit of being a habitual offender of writing bad checks, they cut you off, and, it is near impossible to open a new one. Same for Casey I would guess; hence the first name basis with AMSCOTT for the both of them.

But, any way you slice this pie, the amount of money that Casey was taking is no small chump change, IMO.
They had to have known ~ And, I can't imagine that Cindy kept it between herself and Casey the way that we have seen her blow.

Last question or remark for now.
On those withdrawalls, is there a time stamp on them??

The reason that I ask, is because years ago, I worked in a Domestic Abuse and Violence Crisis Center.
We had a woman come in one time, and, after a few days of her being there, she was freaking out and crying that the bank had made a "mistake" and that they were claiming that she was overdrawn on her SAVINGS ACCOUNT.
I asked her HOW in the world can you be overdrawn on a savings account?

Well, when the cops came calling for her, she admitted to me that she had scammed the bank.
She made a large deposit at around noon at the main bank, then went back to the main bank to withdraw minutes after the 3PM cut off period of the day.
She then proceeded to go across town to the drive through bank, showed them the deposit slip from earlier in the day, and, she cleaned it out, thereby overdrawing it.
Course, she didn't get away with it, but, she told me that she had pulled this at a few banks before this one caught and stopped her.
Maybe Casey had a simular switch and bait thing going on? Thankfully a lot of that is changing now, with the ATM's that are envelope free and the holds on large/out of state check deposits, these kinds of scams can be reduced. Since a new law prohibits banks from charging overdraft fees on debit/credit transctions that were already approved, my bank has gone back to cashing every check that comes through, so that if they do overdraw me, they can collect the overdraft fees-Banks gotta make their money, I guess, my point being that a lot of them will let you take the money or will clear checks when the money is not there, to let you overdraw so they can collect fees (especially on accounts with a minimum balance requirement)...what a system!
Anyway, GREAT comments everyone = Thanks so much for always tearing these documents apart, and, reposting video clips.
Makes my head spin just thinking about the twisted, convulted ways all of the Anthony's think.

Red by me, excellent post!

For brevity's sake, I won't copy your excellent post again, but I think you make some really, really good points. :bow:

Cindy, apart from her ability to hold down a job and make a living, seems to exhibit some really immature behavior herself. I think she did have inappropriate boundaries with regard to what she told Casey (probably Lee too) about George in order to get "support" from them.

And, the more I think about it, taking George off of her account served another purpose other than the obvious one - it gave Cindy more control over what she chose to let George in on regarding Casey's behavior. She certainly didn't like it when he made his little fact finding excursion to Sports Authority.

for my friend, Count Cheney Mason...mock Casey Anthony trial, WTH? The bank is the least of the Anthony worries.
Have faith Count, even Mason felt that there will be a guilty verdict, Casey will get life or there will be a plea and get it over with.

TWA: In the last video did you notice as GA and CA are walking out of the police station/jail (not sure where they were coming from) that CA is carrying a folded t-shirt. Have to wonder did she bring the shirt for KC to wear? It seems a little strange for her to be carrying the shirt as she is leaving.
Can you imagine, in order to access all of her phone records, Lee had to pay over seven hundred dollars (American dollars) to reinstate Casey's account that was being closed by the service provider for non payment..

As you say, can you imagine? Think this through for yourselves. Caylee was missing they have found KC and they are listening (and supposedly believing) her story about Zanny the Nanny. So one of the first things they do is immediately pay a very large sum of money to the phone company in order to free up KC's phone, and therefore gain access to her phone records yourselves (you being Lee and CA). Is this what you do when you believe that you are dealing with the MoTY who is completely Innocent in all of this, and meerly the victim of a tragic kidnapping? Or is this what you do when the person sitting in front of yous story, once again, does not add up. And you just know they are in some way responsible for the missing child?

As someone else said above. The numbers tell the truth. While the A's may have trumpeted their support for KC from very early on, and told many lies to serve this purpose. Their actual actions, looking at expenses, looking at numbers, looking at hard data, pretty clearly leave the impression that they fairly quickly came to the same suspicions and conclusions as the rest of us.
You're right faefrost. Wouldn't LE have been able to get the cell records despite the unpaid bill?
My younger brother stole from my parents bank account when he was strung out on drugs (he was 18 at the time). They pressed charges (it was about $2500) as did the bank. He was thrown in jail, beaten badly, bailed out after a few days, and changed his life around. At the time I was terrified for him and angry with my parents. It doesn't work for everyone. But it worked for him. We can only wonder if it would have changed this situation. I agree that CA is immature. I don't think she was capable of raising children into adults. This enabling of ICA with the BOA thefts is just one example. I've really enjoyed this thread. So many well researched and thought out posts. The title made me think "ugh, bank statements, boooooring..." (no offense Numbers!) but holy cow! Great stuff in here!
As you say, can you imagine? Think this through for yourselves. Caylee was missing they have found KC and they are listening (and supposedly believing) her story about Zanny the Nanny. So one of the first things they do is immediately pay a very large sum of money to the phone company in order to free up KC's phone, and therefore gain access to her phone records yourselves (you being Lee and CA). Is this what you do when you believe that you are dealing with the MoTY who is completely Innocent in all of this, and meerly the victim of a tragic kidnapping? Or is this what you do when the person sitting in front of yous story, once again, does not add up. And you just know they are in some way responsible for the missing child?

As someone else said above. The numbers tell the truth. While the A's may have trumpeted their support for KC from very early on, and told many lies to serve this purpose. Their actual actions, looking at expenses, looking at numbers, looking at hard data, pretty clearly leave the impression that they fairly quickly came to the same suspicions and conclusions as the rest of us.

My bold:

Great post! Which makes you ponder.....WHAT are they covering up because what is the point in pretending?
You're right faefrost. Wouldn't LE have been able to get the cell records despite the unpaid bill?

IIRC miimaa, early on the A's referenced to phone records they didn't have copies of.....I'm assuming these phone records are those records....

I thought the same thing you did at the time and my - again, "assumption" is that LE was already in motion to obtain those records and that requesting them from the A's was just formality. Like, "hmmmmm, what will they provide? Will they provide them at all?" all the while LE is obtaining the subpena or whatever it is LE does to obtain records from the phone company.
Mom who has 100% custody of the child, no father around, just her parents. She was 100% responsible for the missing child. If someone took her daughter she was 100% responsible to report it, not go to Blockbuster and rent some movies, not run to a neutral place such as her boyfriend's. And what do the A's have to hide.....the truth. And they do know what the truth is. They know exactly what happened on the night of the 15th, exactly. And who are they protecting now? CA's pride. How sad is that? Wake up CA. It's really not too late to do the right thing by your granddaughter. You can't save your daughter but you can do the right thing and help her get the help SHE needs, maybe save her from the DP and also find help for yourself. Blaming others at this point serves no purpose and juror's will resent the implications. jmo
Paying up Casey's cell phone bills to get those records {cause, yes, LE would have and did obtain them free of charge, or at most, copy fees}; served one purpose only, IMO.

The Anthony's wanted to have a head start on those phone numbers that were in those records, to call those people and scope them out and get a feel for what their relationship to Casey was.
And, everyone that had a phone number attached to those records, were eventually blamed for Caylee's disappearance in short order.
Jesse Grund
Amy H

Remember, the Anthony's, Cindy in particular, was working on short change, and, that was a huge chunk of money to put out at a time that they/she didn't have it really.
Other's have said that Lee paid for those records, but, even at that, it's no small amount.

I wonder if Cindy made of habit of borrowing CASH from her mother - money that at some point in time once she died, would be untraceable to the other siblings.
Shirley sure appeared to know ALOT about Cindy and George's personal finances, and, lack there-of.

I don't think that George ever borrowed money from his parents, but, he did hold down their sofa while he and Cindy were apart. Wonder if he paid them rent, or, if he just whiled his days away chugging beer and surfing......and not in the Gulf of Mexico. If memory serves me correctly {and admittedly, it doesn't all the time}, he was the one that left Cindy, and, he was also the one that wanted to reconcilliation. So, did his parents give him the boot and show him the door?
I can't recall any talk of him holding down a full time job during his time in Fort Meyers with his parents.
He did tell LE that when he left, that he gave Cindy "some money, and I should have given her more", he bought a car and paid on some of his bills and some partial payments on those credit cards.

Someone mentioned earlier that think there is a possibility that the Ohio requested PI trip is to investigate George ~ I'm sure that they will also do that while there, but, I still lean towards the main reason for that trip is focused on Cindy.
She has been the vocal, and, animated in this {swinging hammer's and all}, and, we have also seen how she dictated to her brother Rick in those e-mails.
Yeah, Cindy has some huge ego and control issues.

Money has always made this family's world go around. I remember George early on speaking about one of his brothers-in-law, not sure what side, but, that the guy could easily write a 6 figure check out to them to help and not bat an eye at it or miss it.
They certainly feel entitled, if nothing else.
I suspect they wanted to get the phone records so they could check on Zenaida's phone number- knowing it did not exist - for confirmation of what they really knew from day one... KC was a pathological liar and probably much worse.
Paying up Casey's cell phone bills to get those records {cause, yes, LE would have and did obtain them free of charge, or at most, copy fees}; served one purpose only, IMO.

The Anthony's wanted to have a head start on those phone numbers that were in those records, to call those people and scope them out and get a feel for what their relationship to Casey was.
And, everyone that had a phone number attached to those records, were eventually blamed for Caylee's disappearance in short order.
Jesse Grund
Amy H

Remember, the Anthony's, Cindy in particular, was working on short change, and, that was a huge chunk of money to put out at a time that they/she didn't have it really.
Other's have said that Lee paid for those records, but, even at that, it's no small amount.

I wonder if Cindy made of habit of borrowing CASH from her mother - money that at some point in time once she died, would be untraceable to the other siblings.
Shirley sure appeared to know ALOT about Cindy and George's personal finances, and, lack there-of.

I don't think that George ever borrowed money from his parents, but, he did hold down their sofa while he and Cindy were apart. Wonder if he paid them rent, or, if he just whiled his days away chugging beer and surfing......and not in the Gulf of Mexico. If memory serves me correctly {and admittedly, it doesn't all the time}, he was the one that left Cindy, and, he was also the one that wanted to reconcilliation. So, did his parents give him the boot and show him the door?
I can't recall any talk of him holding down a full time job during his time in Fort Meyers with his parents.
He did tell LE that when he left, that he gave Cindy "some money, and I should have given her more", he bought a car and paid on some of his bills and some partial payments on those credit cards.

Someone mentioned earlier that think there is a possibility that the Ohio requested PI trip is to investigate George ~ I'm sure that they will also do that while there, but, I still lean towards the main reason for that trip is focused on Cindy.
She has been the vocal, and, animated in this {swinging hammer's and all}, and, we have also seen how she dictated to her brother Rick in those e-mails.
Yeah, Cindy has some huge ego and control issues.

Money has always made this family's world go around. I remember George early on speaking about one of his brothers-in-law, not sure what side, but, that the guy could easily write a 6 figure check out to them to help and not bat an eye at it or miss it.
They certainly feel entitled, if nothing else.

According to the recent doc dump with George's time cards and employment applications he worked for South Seas Plantation while living in Ft. Myers. He listed his reason for leaving the position as "getting back together with his wife" (paraphrased).

I have the doc saved on my computer so I need to go back and find the link.
Mom who has 100% custody of the child, no father around, just her parents. She was 100% responsible for the missing child. If someone took her daughter she was 100% responsible to report it, not go to Blockbuster and rent some movies, not run to a neutral place such as her boyfriend's. And what do the A's have to hide.....the truth. And they do know what the truth is. They know exactly what happened on the night of the 15th, exactly. And who are they protecting now? CA's pride. How sad is that? Wake up CA. It's really not too late to do the right thing by your granddaughter. You can't save your daughter but you can do the right thing and help her get the help SHE needs, maybe save her from the DP and also find help for yourself. Blaming others at this point serves no purpose and juror's will resent the implications. jmo
BBM.:clap::clap::clap: Well-said. Except that we now know the real reason Casey didn't report Caylee missing is that she didn't ever want her found!:furious:
I suspect they wanted to get the phone records so they could check on Zenaida's phone number- knowing it did not exist - for confirmation of what they really knew from day one... KC was a pathological liar and probably much worse.

Possibly, but once again think about it. THEY PAID OUT $700 That is not a trivial sum of money. Not for something that you could theoretically go to the primary source for. KC. They wouldn't pay $700 because "oh no KC lost THAT sim card so couldn't remember the phone number!". They (or you or I, or any reasonable person) would only pay out that much to back check KC's story. They knew she was lying and were investigating around her lies. It is the only reasonable conclusion that can be drawn from that. Just as CA's bank statements show a patern of abuse by KC and an enabling by CA, up until it stopped. Immediately at which point Caylee is never heard from or seen again. Very very chilling. These simple paper printouts tell a much different more believable story of that family and of what happened to Caylee, far more clearly than all the wagging jaws of her family, and their constant lies.

Oh and to the above question. No LE would not have had to pay KC's phone bill to see the records. I suspect that LE had them in hand by the morning of the 16th. Probably within an hour of them making a call to the telco. This was an active missing child / "kidnapping" case. The telco would have erred on the side of giving LE whatever they wanted as quick as they could, and let any needed paperwork or judicial sign offs catch up in a day or two. YM probably had the records waiting for him on his desk when he got back from his little walk with KC at Universal. If he hadn't already seen them.
I am afraid I must have gotten myself all twisted around and confused. I was reading with great interest at the link sleutherontheside posted above (thanks SoTS!) when I realized that it appeared to be an application George had filled out on June 17, 2008. On that application he says he is not currently working. Didn't we think he had a job then? Wasn't it the 16th (the day before) that he left for work after saying goodbye to Casey and Caylee (and watching his fav tv program)? Am I all mixed up? Do I have the years wrong? Or misreading the application? Please help ~ because George wouldn't lie, would he? page 137/23118
I am afraid I must have gotten myself all twisted around and confused. I was reading with great interest at the link sleutherontheside posted above (thanks SoTS!) when I realized that it appeared to be an application George had filled out on June 17, 2008. On that application he says he is not currently working. Didn't we think he had a job then? Wasn't it the 16th (the day before) that he left for work after saying goodbye to Casey and Caylee (and watching his fav tv program)? Am I all mixed up? Do I have the years wrong? Or misreading the application? Please help ~ because George wouldn't lie, would he? page 137/23118

For some reason George saw the need to lie on that application. Big surprise there huh? He didn't even list his current employer at all IIRC. The name of his employer escapes me @ the was another security company tho. Did he lie because he didn't want them contacted or did he lie about it because that's just what he does?..toss up for me..but leaning towards because that's just what he does..Apple/Tree..
As you say, can you imagine? Think this through for yourselves. Caylee was missing they have found KC and they are listening (and supposedly believing) her story about Zanny the Nanny. So one of the first things they do is immediately pay a very large sum of money to the phone company in order to free up KC's phone, and therefore gain access to her phone records yourselves (you being Lee and CA). Is this what you do when you believe that you are dealing with the MoTY who is completely Innocent in all of this, and meerly the victim of a tragic kidnapping? Or is this what you do when the person sitting in front of yous story, once again, does not add up. And you just know they are in some way responsible for the missing child?

As someone else said above. The numbers tell the truth. While the A's may have trumpeted their support for KC from very early on, and told many lies to serve this purpose. Their actual actions, looking at expenses, looking at numbers, looking at hard data, pretty clearly leave the impression that they fairly quickly came to the same suspicions and conclusions as the rest of us.
I've been giving this a lot of thought lately. Very...and I mean very early on, it seemed as if Cindy was willing to look at the truth...but then there was a dramatic change...and everything said was the wackiest stuff I ever one could wrap their brains around the garbage that was being spewed. I'm thinking that their personal friend/attorney (P. Kelly) must have had a good talk with them...set things out for them to clearly see...that Casey could very well be given the DP for killing her child. I saw his name on a witness list (can't remember which side)...but then IIRC it was was removed. Bottom line...I do believe they know in their heart of hearts that Casey killed Caylee...JMHO

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