Cindy's cousin speaks out about George's guilt

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DNA Solves
This revelation from a family member of CINDY Anthony's just further solidifies my opinion that the psychological predisposition in the family DNA was mutated to produce some truly trouble people. As each generation is produced the mutation further mutates causing the psychosis to keep getting worse. Finally reaching a peak with the tragic coupling of Cindy with George, another person with a mutated gene in psychological DNA. These two "off" people produce two that seems not to get the mutated gene, Lee, and then they produce a daughter who inherits both mutated genes...and a CRAZY CASEY is born.

See this is what happens when normal try to understand WHY a crazy person does anything...
you go off the rails too...

Bottom line: THE ENTIRE FAMILY IS NUTS to the millionth degree
During one of the doc dumps that included a TON of xerox copies of cards and letters received by KC in jail, there was one greeting card that was sent to KC offering support signed "Love, Aunt XXXX"....

Anyone recall who this aunt was? Was the envelope postmarked Texas? Does anyone recall where to find those doc dumps?

Don't know if this has been answered yet but that aunt was George's sister or SIL in Ohio, IIRC. Definitely not a relative of Cindy's, never heard of a cousin and not in Houston.
As soon as I started hearing/reading about the possibility that Casey would go to Houston to live with a distant cousin of Cindy's, I immediately thought that Cindy believes that she is still in charge and that Casey will do whatever she is told to do. NOT! It's been patently obvious (to me, at least) from the get-go that Cindy is a major control freak and bully who has always gotten her own way.

While I don't condone what Casey did, there is a part of me that knows that Cindy was overbearing and that Casey wasn't allowed to have an independent thought or to live her own life. Casey needs to be given the freedom that she deserves as an adult woman who is intelligent enough to control her own destiny without Cindy's controlling behaviors.

I listened to Cheney Mason's interview with Jean C. who asked him where Casey would go when she is released from jail. Of course, he wasn't going to divulge such information, so JC asked about whether or not she'd go home to her parents. CM hesitate slightly, then chuckled, and said, "No." I felt that his comment was definite and deliberate. Knowing now that Casey refused to see Cindy when she visited the jail yesterday (?), I think Casey will cut the apron strings and the ties that bind her to the Anthony lies and secrets. jmo

Somehow I just don't see Cindy allowing that to happen. Cindy is your true 'terrier with a T-bone'. I am awaiting her interviews over the next few weeks, and anticipate a dramatic change CA's demeanor.
Somehow I just don't see Cindy allowing that to happen. Cindy is your true 'terrier with a T-bone'. I am awaiting her interviews over the next few weeks, and anticipate a dramatic change CA's demeanor.

She better or she'll end up duck taped, double-bagged and in the swamp...
Cindy Anthony's Cousin speaks about George's guilt:


CIndy Anthony's cousin in Houston calls a Houston radio show to discuss a book being penned for the Anthony's explaining "the truth" to get Casey's side out there, and it sounds like Cindy's family believes Jose's opening statement - which they did not until after the verdict and they had a conference call with Cindy and them. Could be crap.

Interesting! Just wondering if we'll see George in court defending himself
anytime soon. Who knows what facts may come out soon. Could Casey
be a victim in all this??
If any molestation was happening in that family, it was probably initiated by ICA. It wouldn't be the first time a female family member behaved in such a way. She appeared to be precocious as a child.

Let's face it folks, ICA is a seductress. This is her MOD. She is into power and control and uses her sexuality as a weapon. Males are victims for her to use. When they stop gving her attention, she moves on. Money is power but she didn't have money so she substituted sex. If she gets out! It is my opinion that she was a precocious child and was their beautiful princess to show off to the world. Her family contributes to her narcissism. Cindy has no insight into what she has done. She and her daughter are one and the same.
Thanks wasn't enough! I feel the same way. I feel really sorry for this girl. And I pray for her. The thing is maybe none of us got it right and we will probably never know what happened. But, God does. And my God is a forgiving God. I only hope she turns to Him. If she did this and doesn't ask for his forgiveness, He will hold the final Judgement. And as for Caylee, she is in the MOST AWESOME PLACE EVER!

Thank you. I am beginning to feel the healing power of love creep, ever so slowly, over WS. :) :blowkiss:
Hey guys. I keep reading about her possibly going her and going there, but I could swear I read somewhere that she has 1 year probation to do for the check charges and will be unable to leave Orange County without permission from the court. I'll try to hunt that down. Anyone else read that?
When viewing the jailhouse tapes, esp the tape where KC goes on about everything being taken from her.


the dynamics strike me as a family walking on eggshells where KC is concerned. Also, early on I felt CA did not really know what happened to her granddaughter. Esp after listening to the September 2, 2008 phone call with the little girl from Tennessee ( [ame=]link[/ame]). That is, considering she was not advised the call was being recorded, nor advised that the call would then be broadcast to the world at large. I must admit, when I listened to that call, she simply did not sound like she knew *at that time* what happened to Caylee, that she very much believed Caylee to be alive, and she also believed her daughter to be the victim of being railroaded by LE.

That said, while they may have very well suspected something, I think the Anthony's dug their heels in as the public's outrage grew, and they ended up making up all sorts of reasons why KC could not have murdered her daughter. That is, I thnk when CA called LE, first to report a stolen car, then wrt to her missing granddaughter, never in her wildest dreams did she think Caylee was dead, much less murdered. So, what started out to be a battle of wills turned into not only a media nightmare but the revelation of a murdered granddaughter, and a daughter facing the death penalty.

Otherwise put, if, as people believe, that KC and KC alone, was responsible for her daughter's death, then the Anthony's behavior is arguably understandable, and even, to some degree, and imho, forgivable.
IMO, most of the criminals in prison had a dysfunctional childhood. My family was a nightmare. I didn't go out and kill ANYONE, and I am a productive member of society, and so are my siblings. Casey's childhood was heaven compared to ours. Enough with the bleeding hearts.
Killing an innocent child to fulfill all your wants and dreams is evil, IMO.
You will please excuse me, but your post so upset me.

You have your opinion. That's all it is. I have mine and the poster has theirs. You do not know anymore than anyone else IF she killed that child. It's all everyone's right to form their own opinion. Your post upset ME. And as always JMOO.
Somehow I just don't see Cindy allowing that to happen. Cindy is your true 'terrier with a T-bone'. I am awaiting her interviews over the next few weeks, and anticipate a dramatic change CA's demeanor.

I respectfully have to dissagree. Casey is not a child, she is 25 yrs old, and as much as I think Cindy will vie for control, I just don't see it happening. I believe that during the 3 yrs. of separation, she has been led to believe by her defense team that she can stand on her own...even more so now that she, in her own mind, is a celebrity.

JMO, but, of course, I could be wrong...I certainly have been before. :crazy:
Good grief!! After reading that blog, I am :floorlaugh:. So ready and willing to buy into this garbage, they are. I hope for the author of this blog that Cindy explains one thing in her bombshell book of truths. If George secured the body and dumped it, why was Casey sneaking back to the house, backing her car up into the garage, borrowing a shovel?


Talk about DUPE licity.
KC will snub them, as she's already been doing for the past three years. After she's broke, destitute, and needs a place to crash, she'll come back home and make them miserable in person. jmo
Has anyone actually confirmed who this "cousin" is and how she has so much supposed info. I'm having a heck of a time believing her (well, actually, I don't believe her at this point). She's awfully talkative for someone who who's never been heard of before.
As soon as I started hearing/reading about the possibility that Casey would go to Houston to live with a distant cousin of Cindy's, I immediately thought that Cindy believes that she is still in charge and that Casey will do whatever she is told to do. NOT! It's been patently obvious (to me, at least) from the get-go that Cindy is a major control freak and bully who has always gotten her own way.

While I don't condone what Casey did, there is a part of me that knows that Cindy was overbearing and that Casey wasn't allowed to have an independent thought or to live her own life. Casey needs to be given the freedom that she deserves as an adult woman who is intelligent enough to control her own destiny without Cindy's controlling behaviors.

I listened to Cheney Mason's interview with Jean C. who asked him where Casey would go when she is released from jail. Of course, he wasn't going to divulge such information, so JC asked about whether or not she'd go home to her parents. CM hesitate slightly, then chuckled, and said, "No." I felt that his comment was definite and deliberate. Knowing now that Casey refused to see Cindy when she visited the jail yesterday (?), I think Casey will cut the apron strings and the ties that bind her to the Anthony lies and secrets. jmo

Expounding on this thought, I think the biggest tragedy here is that ICA wanted to give Caylee up for adoption. We know how that turned out. I am not excusing her murdering her child (which I fully believe she did) but it is just beyond sad to me that ICA knew she wasn't ready to be a mother but CA 'knew best'. :twocents:
Has anyone actually confirmed who this "cousin" is and how she has so much supposed info. I'm having a heck of a time believing her (well, actually, I don't believe her at this point). She's awfully talkative for someone who who's never been heard of before.

Scoot over.:innocent:
During one of the doc dumps that included a TON of xerox copies of cards and letters received by KC in jail, there was one greeting card that was sent to KC offering support signed "Love, Aunt XXXX"....

Anyone recall who this aunt was? Was the envelope postmarked Texas? Does anyone recall where to find those doc dumps?

Should be a link here
With as much as a control freak cindy is, she knew something was very wrong when casey left that house on Father's day Cindy put her head in the sand and didn't want to go there (typical behavior). She refused to answer ica's calls for first week.

IF cindy really wanted to know about Caylee, the answer was very easy. She could have picked up the phone and reported her car stolen on June 16. So what if it's a false report..she is not beyond that and this was a matter of life and death. She could have told the LE that and they would have covered it.

The family knew something very horrible happened and shut their eyes and denied. The towed car forced them into action...after all it was in their name. They had to do something. Their first thought though was to clean it.

Keep in mind, even when the LE arrived, they were not taken to the car. Also cindy was outside with an LE(after reporting caylee missing) and she told him to arrest kc on credit card fraud and had the receipts in her hand. SO even at the point of no-return, her mind clicked in cover-up mode. Cindy and casey are enmeshed and it is a very sick situation.
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) can explain a 23 year old living in a "fantasy world" of imaginary friends and in complete denial that her own baby is missing/dead...Interestingly, childhood sexual abuse is almost always found in persons with this disorder...I'm simply looking at the psychological profile here and not making excuses for Casey...she doesn't meet the legal standard for 'criminally insane' and therefore knew right from wrong...however, before you defend those parents remember...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree....also the meaning of 'borderline' in BPD describes a person who "ebbs" a fine line between fantasy and reality.

Social lady, do you have a link to substantiate these claims of symptoms with regard to BPD? TIA.

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