Cindy's cousin speaks out about George's guilt

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This thread is about CA's cousin, not Dr. Glass,who is a member here. :tyou:
Cindy Anthony's cousin sounds like she is telling the truth, to me. Perhaps SHE was lied to, and believed the lies. But I don't think SHE is lying.

I don't think she's lying either. But I do not believe the story she has been told. No way would Casey sit in jail for 3 years if this was true. This defies all logic and common sense.
This thread is about CA's cousin, not Dr. Glass,who is a member here. :tyou:

Hi Kimster.. I apologize for making a post about Dr. Glass. That post went into moderation -- so please don't post it. I made a mistake by replying to someone, and I do not want to derail this thread.
I asked this in the "Legal Questions" thread for our WS verified Attorney's but, thought I'd throw it out here, too.

Does GA have any future recourse against Baez and/or Casey for any future comments or written material (molestation/body snatcher) that could be slanderous to his reputation?

I thought I had read that one does not have recourse when accusations are brought out "during" a trial but, what about afterwards?

I hope GA fights vigorously to clear his name and makes whoever perpetuates this theory till the bitter end (monetarily).
Anything that comes from that family's mouth is one crock of *&#%
I listened to this earlier today....might have to go back to see if I got this straight:

they didn't agree with the verdict at first because they thought she was guilty

then someone (in the family?) called them to tell them that Baez's OS were true

they asked for proof and someone else (or same person idk) called them with proof

2 people, a man and a woman, have been taking notes during trial for a book

these people were hired by the family to tell the truth in the book

soon the world will know that GA did something (i guess what JB said he did in OS)

That is all I remember right now, and I might have got some of it wrong. I would like to know WHO called them and what the PROOF is. A confession maybe? From who?

Is this radio show the only link to what this woman said/claimed? Is it transcribed anywhere yet?

Whatever proof the cousin was provided, it must have been pretty solid. The cousin sounds like she totally believes the drowning theory and that George was in on it, now, where as she once believed ICA murdered Caylee. Crazy.
Who knows? Maybe GA is finally willing to fall on that proverbial sword Mr.Baez has spoken of. This will be spun in so many directions.
The sad part is that so many lies have been told who is ever going to believe anything?
I don't think she's lying either. But I do not believe the story she has been told. No way would Casey sit in jail for 3 years if this was true. This defies all logic and common sense.

Casey was charged with murder three months in; at that point, there were no more statements to police, her lawyer was not about to have her admit to Caylee's death in any way, since she had not even been found. And when she was found, it became capital murder. So really, IMO, the three years is not really an issue, because no one would have listened/cared to any version she gave after October 2008 when they were going for murder. It is not as though she could have offered up an accident scenario at that point. So really, she had three months, July-Oct 2008 to tell them it was an accident, not three years...
Oh isn't this just perfect. It's not enough that they lied to get her off, now they want to tell their "story" (another one!) to further line their pockets, but wait, this time it's the *truth* :rolleyes:

What a bunch of cr@p! I won't be buying it, that's for sure.
What is this so-called proof? A video? Picture? Audio recording? Casey's word? Baez's OS?
Hearsay? A note? a letter? The alignment of the planets? An internet site? A psychic prediction? Aliens? The jurors...?

The only way I would believe it and I mean the only way is if it came from George himself.
I asked this in the "Legal Questions" thread for our WS verified Attorney's but, thought I'd throw it out here, too.

Does GA have any future recourse against Baez and/or Casey for any future comments or written material (molestation/body snatcher) that could be slanderous to his reputation?

I thought I had read that one does not have recourse when accusations are brought out "during" a trial but, what about afterwards?

I hope GA fights vigorously to clear his name and makes whoever perpetuates this theory till the bitter end (monetarily).

You are right....I heard a lawyer talking today on HLN, I believe....he said that nothing can be done because it was brought out in trial....and he also said that if JB is asked about it now, he will probably refer to that as client attorney privelege....
What possible proof could come over a phone line???

I'm thinking someone may have been offered a cut from the book proceeds to go public with a claim that there is proof.

Cindy Anthony's Cousin speaks about George's guilt:


CIndy Anthony's cousin in Houston calls a Houston radio show to discuss a book being penned for the Anthony's explaining "the truth" to get Casey's side out there, and it sounds like Cindy's family believes Jose's opening statement - which they did not until after the verdict and they had a conference call with Cindy and them. Could be crap.

I listened to this call and I was just wondering if its more to prepare for their book sale! Not buying it. The book either.
but if JB continues and/or if ICA comes out with this he could sue. But one of the defenes to slander/defamation is truth and so GA would have to prove it wasn't true as the falsity of the statement is one of the elements that must be proven.

I asked this in the "Legal Questions" thread for our WS verified Attorney's but, thought I'd throw it out here, too.

Does GA have any future recourse against Baez and/or Casey for any future comments or written material (molestation/body snatcher) that could be slanderous to his reputation?

I thought I had read that one does not have recourse when accusations are brought out "during" a trial but, what about afterwards?

I hope GA fights vigorously to clear his name and makes whoever perpetuates this theory till the bitter end (monetarily).
Are we really to believe that Cindy's 2nd cousin was given inside information? She wouldn't even admit to her brother or parents that Casey was 7 months pregnant. But now Cindy or someone else is going to go for the incest with her? I rather doubt it. I heard this tape earlier.

Let me tell you if George allows anything like this and does hit the pavement I will have lost all of my faith that there is anyone who loved Caylee in that house.
Dr Lillian Glass is all over this in her latest post on her blog. She apparently is believing everything that this woman said and is putting it together with previous statements made by CA (unfortunately, one of the links she is using is wrong and hopefully she will fix it).

She also believed KH and she was only a player in this saga designed to cast doubt on GA <modsnip>. It worked, the jury bought it lock stock and barrel.
Here we go... NOW the family comes out of the woodwork to make a buck.

Couldn't find them before, never came forward before. Why weren't they supporting her throughout the last 3 years?

Now money can be made... now they show up.

Some people are just gross.

A nauseous circus ride's sets up GA :rolleyes: as culprit and meanwhile ICA the victim :innocent:

Cindy sets up a conference call to ALL relatives (not to exclude 2nd & 3rd & 4th cousins) in addition to any related interplanetary species.

Bring it on <modsnip> -- display your dysfunction for all the world to see :woohoo:
Whatever proof the cousin was provided, it must have been pretty solid. The cousin sounds like she totally believes the drowning theory and that George was in on it, now, where as she once believed ICA murdered Caylee. Crazy.

So... if the proof is solid and it is true and it proves that GA helped to obstruct an investigation into the whereabouts of his granddaughter, why has it not been given to the police yet? Why is GA not being arrested?

I think that if this is true, then the A's are thinking that the jury bought the accident story and if the jury bought it, then so will the rest of the world as soon as they get it all written up, polished and spit-shined with all the little details, etc. It is all just another lie. The only difference is that, in my opinion, the A's believe because the jury bought the story, so will everybody else IF they just provide enough details.

Not happening here. I don't believe it. I won't believe it unless GA is arrested for obstruction of justice, improper or misuse of a human body and what ever else they can throw at him.

Again - it is all illogical. Doesn't make sense. I also don't believe the person on that radio show is related to the family. I am of the opinion that this is a prank. Can't prove that, but the caller didn't ring true to me.

I don't think she's lying either. But I do not believe the story she has been told. No way would Casey sit in jail for 3 years if this was true. This defies all logic and common sense.

It is puzzling to imagine Casey serving three years in a jail cell and not spilling the "truth" with the drowning story and then not turning in her dad as the one who hid the body. That would make her the most unselfish, endearing daughter on earth. Sorry, can't see her fitting into that description.

But, when you look at this another way. Perhaps when Casey was claiming she did not know where her daughter was, she could of been telling the truth if it were her father who disposed of the body.

I would suggest there are still more lies going on with the core Anthony family. And it will continue.

As for the cousin speaking out, how can she believe Cindy: the woman who was impeached on the witness stand.

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