Cindy's eulogy for Caylee

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off topic (slightly)

Tread lightly if you have no solid proof, we evicted the felon straight over to Forums for Justice to finish out their sentence. We do have some standards, they just aren't very high.

LOL...Okay- That was perfect timing....glad to see that misunderstanding cleared up....but,what a FUNNY page.
I think the last paragraph is clearly about money and the CFMA. The purpose they refer to, is imo, the CFMA and they have had the same "catchphrase" up on her site for a while now.

Plus, I find the para. odd...she was 2 years old...she should be playing in heaven, imo. The task of "looking over other children" has clearly been assigned to her by them for the purpose of raising funds for their new "charity", which will presumably pay the whole family their very own "Director's Salary".
My exact thoughts! This wasn't a eulogy celebrating Caylee's life, thats for sure. As far as the flowers go I'll cut CA some slack. Would you want to see flowers, plants after hearing Caylees body was found to have plants growing out of it? OOOee! The church adorned with bamboo plants, Hibiscus plants ect... wouldn't be too appropriate.
There are no words pure enough to use in a eulogy for an almost three year old, innocent, beautiful babe. I doubt any of us could find a way to humbly express Caylee's angelic and chaste spirit. I can't fault Cindy for not being able to either.

To say that posters are full of hate or spite for not wanting her to go free is what is, imo, absurd, and that is happening a lot here!

This thread is about the eulogy, we are allowed to discuss it, both sides. The eulogy refers to the establishment of the CFMA.

I don't see how the grandparents not assisting LE or stating the following has to do with the eulogy...

"I don't understand why so many posters don't want justice for Caylee and would rather see the grandparents happy and allowed to obstruct LE, than see Casey convicted. If she is found not guilty and released, imo, that will be a travesty, but given the posts I see here lately, it seems that's what most people want to see happen."
i don't see how ca could have been more specific - in lieu of flowers, send donations to the foundation. It doesn't, nor has it ever meant that no one send flowers, that flowers are forbidden, it is a suggestion by the family which appears in many, many death notices everyday.

Nowhere in that obituary does she ask that donations be made to the CMAF.
IMO....this isn't a eulogy for Caylee. It's a self indulgent, Cindy is in charge release for the media and potential jurors.
I think that Cindy could have written the most beautiful eulogy in the world
But because she is Cindy, And she is Casey's mother it still would have been picked to death.

Truly whatever happened to the compassion in this world ? Right now in Victoria Australia 108 lives have been lost and over 700 homes (and both rising in numbers) due to fires, horrific fires, people driving away and being burnt to death in their cars.
A MASS MURDER because this these were lit by arsonists - where is the outrage at these scum ?

Im sorry I just wanted to draw a parallel at how the world seems to have it priorities all wrong. The Eulogy that Cindy wrote is lovely. Eulogys are hard enough as it is without the being mindful of what she can and cant say, and I guarantee she would have liked to have said a lot more but can not because of *the public*

Its not fair.

I'd like to ask that everyone take a step back and find that wonderful thing inside of them called compassion that we all have and not get hung up on a word , a phrase , or anything else and allow these people their day to grieve publicly their beautiful little Caylee.

Personally I am beginning to think they should not have had a public memorial, not after seeing the way they have been picked apart

Question : is it normal over there to announce the Eulogy before the Memorial ? this strikes me as odd. Because if it wasn't discussed before the Day then no one would be talking about it ..Im not quite sure I understand why it was announced ?

WOW... Bless you for your compassion and thoughtfulness...I may have personally taken issue with an occasional post of yours, but totally agree with you on this one! Who would have thought? Just goes to show how we can agree to disagree and still think alike in many respects. My thoughts are with your nation during the current there any rainy weather due to help out with the fires?
(I will try to be good...but my fingers are really wanting to be bad right now!)

1. Here in LA we call this is an obituary not a "eulogy." A eulogy is spoken during a funeral or memorial service. Is this what it is called elsewhere?

2. Was it really necessary to diss mouners who have lovingly prayed, devoted time to searches, and followed this story from the beginning by saying "your grief is temporary?" Wouldn't it have been lovely if it simply read, "We are touched that so many grieve along with us for our Caylee?"

(Okay, I am excercising real restraint over these next 2 for my furious fingers...) :banghead:

3. Excluding EquiSearch in the list of thanks was disgraceful.

4. With non profit donation options overseen by experts like John Walsh of NCMEC or Mark Klass of Klass Kids, (both of whom fully cooperated with LE during their own tragedies, and implore others to do the same), why would anyone send one red cent to a foundation organized by a family who tried tirelessly to get the search for little Caylee's body called off?

:praying: RIP little Caylee
You are our Sunshine!
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