Cindy's New Theory??!!

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I can't explain this new theory of Cindy's except to say that she is not able to accept the fact that her daughter is responsible... and she is hanging on to every shred of hope she can find. I know she is being ridiculous... but think about what she is facing... the death of her only grandchild and the loss of her only daughter as well. She is in this protection mode right now... Casey is going back to jail, and she can't even accept that. I don't understand it... but I can imagine that it is very hard for her.
I pray that they will find little Caylee today... I pray that same prayer every day.
But like some of you.... it makes me sad and frustrated when the family makes it all about Casey instead of this precious child. My emotions are all over the place and have been from the beginning. When will it ever end?
I know ahead of time people will call me crazy too, but I am not convinced at all that Caylee is dead.
The first day I heard about this case and saw the pics of Casey clubbing, I thought, oh yeah, that baby is dead. Then I started researching and changed my mind.
I have said all along that unless they can prove beyond a doubt that the car was under surveillance 24/7 I will not believe there was a dead body in it prior to it being abandoned by Casey at Amscot.
Wouldn't it have been much easier for Casey to just push the car into a lake somewhere if it contained damaging evidence?
I don't want to rub anyone the wrong way or create animosity towards myself for having a different opinion that the majority of posters here, but I still stand by my belief that there is a serious lack of evidence in regards to Caylee being dead.
And that really bothers me because the poor child will almost have to lay down and play dead if she wants to be found at this rate.
:rolleyes:Now that is quite a s t r e t c h:rolleyes:

I wonder if there was any evidence of the trunk forcefully being opened..I don't recall hearing anything about that. I guess someone went and got the keys from the tow yard and opened the trunk?

Not bashing anyone but how does one get a body in a trunk with no keys?

I understand everyone is grasping at straws in regards to the family..but at some point reality is going to come knockin'. JMO.
I wonder if there was any evidence of the trunk forcefully being opened..I don't recall hearing anything about that. I guess someone went and got the keys from the tow yard and opened the trunk?

Not bashing anyone but how does one get a body in a trunk with no keys?

I understand everyone is grasping at straws in regards to the family..but at some point reality is going to come knockin'. JMO.
Why is it being suggested someone needed to "break" into the trunk? Why is it assumed there was only one set of keys to that car? How hard is it to have a key made?
As hard as it is to cut Cindy some slack while she's running around talking about faith and f'ing this and f'ing that, consider this....

Here's a 50 year old woman who has been in a long term marriage.
In the short span of 4 years, she discovered her daughter wouldn't be graduating because of a half a credit mixup, her husband filed for a divorce in his midlife crisis,
she found out her unmarried daughter was having a baby, she became a grandmother and fell in love with this baby only to find out that after almost 3 years this baby is now dead.

Is she having trouble excepting reality? Yeah.... her reality is a nightmare.

I have many issues with this woman about the way she talks and acts, but my sense of faith and inner spirit guides me to keep in mind that Cindy Anthony is responding to events totally out of her control that would crush the average person.

I don't agree with her actions, but I understand why she's so mad.

Life has been dealing some crappy cards and she's no bluffer.

As many problems we face in life, there is always someone out there (like Cindy) who has problems to face that we can't even imagine.

So when you get disgusted with her (like I do), take a deep breath and send her a prayer for strength.
It will help her and you at the same time.


Well, life as she knew it changed June 16th, it has been chaos since.
Im just surprised that when Casey came home, she did not question her and try to figure out where Caylee was. I thought that was the point of getting her out, SO SHE COULD TALK.
She is in the shock/denial part. Next will come the anger. Im sure it will be at Casey, too.
There is just too much coming on right now, meetings with lawyer, media all over, etc How can one think straight> And she is probably worried she might say the wrong thing. I wonder if she read the 400 pages of stuff, I would think that would cause some anger......I dont know her, people handle things differently.
I do know one thing, in this family Casey seems to get away with alot, with them not questioning her since shes been home. :confused:
Why is it being suggested someone needed to "break" into the trunk? Why is it assumed there was only one set of keys to that car? How hard is it to have a key made?

Are you implying that someone who had access to Casey's keys killed Caylee? Why would Casey cover for that person and risk going to jail herself?

I think having a key made to a total stranger's car is pretty tough. I needed a locksmith to get me into my own car once and all of the documents I needed to prove that it was mine were in the car. They wouldn't do it. I had to wait for my husband to get home with the spare key. No amount of proof of who I was would get them to open the car or cut a key. No way, no how.

If you think Caylee is alive and it was another body in her trunk, why would someone go to so much trouble to put the body in the trunk and then take it back out? Why not just leave it there and let the car get towed and linked to Casey? And how does this jib with the DNA on the hair and the evidence of decomposition?

Just trying to follow your train of thought.

Thank you!!

I'm so sick of the bash cindy threads. She is in deep denial. She lost her granddaughter, and is about to lose her daughter.

I know she's making herself look foolish, but IMO all the bash Cindy stuff has got to stop.

I didn't start this thread as to BASH Cindy. I posted it to show that with all the new info she still has not even remotely began to accept it and start to face the reality of the situation.

I don't think that is healthly in any way or helping this situation at all. I am also a Grandmother so I do understand not wanting to accept that your Grandchild is gone. I would be devastated and, yes in shock and unable to accept it AT First BUT after 6 weeks I would definately (sp) be starting to face the truth and start the next steps in the grieveing process.

And I would still love and support my daughter thru it all while helping her to face the truth and consequences of what she has done.

This living in DENIAL is not helping anyone and certainly not getting us any closer to finding Caylee!!
As crazy as the things this woman says can make me, I consider her position in the light that probably the worst thing you can face is losing a child. If this woman were to come out of Anthony land and face reality, not only would she have to come smack dab into the cold, hard reality she's lost a grandchild who was, for all intents and purposes like her own child, she'd have come face to face with losing another as well, and maybe worse, her grandchild's mother who she raised and for whom she feels responsible, in ways that only mothers can. She'd have to deal with the shame and guilt (unwarranted or not) that she raised a lying, cheating, even murderous monster. God grant that we don't ever be in this woman's shoes. Many parents, I might even say most in her position, never seem to feel brave enough to venture outside the votex of denial. Cindy may be one of those. I think I can understand where she's coming from.
As hard as it is to cut Cindy some slack while she's running around talking about faith and f'ing this and f'ing that, consider this....

Here's a 50 year old woman who has been in a long term marriage.
In the short span of 4 years, she discovered her daughter wouldn't be graduating because of a half a credit mixup, her husband filed for a divorce in his midlife crisis,
she found out her unmarried daughter was having a baby, she became a grandmother and fell in love with this baby only to find out that after almost 3 years this baby is now dead.

Is she having trouble excepting reality? Yeah.... her reality is a nightmare.

I have many issues with this woman about the way she talks and acts, but my sense of faith and inner spirit guides me to keep in mind that Cindy Anthony is responding to events totally out of her control that would crush the average person.

I don't agree with her actions, but I understand why she's so mad.

Life has been dealing some crappy cards and she's no bluffer.

As many problems we face in life, there is always someone out there (like Cindy) who has problems to face that we can't even imagine.

So when you get disgusted with her (like I do), take a deep breath and send her a prayer for strength.
It will help her and you at the same time.



ITA - very well said!

also add that if she didn't know that George was cheating, that there is speculation of it now, by people putting that in their testimonies (tony, I think)
I feel bad for Cindy like many others here. I do understand the anger, the feeling that you just want to grab her by the shoulders and shake her into reality. But I do feel she is doing the best she can under the circumstances and my heart breaks for her and her family.

The only thing that she has done that really bothers me is that she has lied about why Casey left the house between June 15-16. She has been adamant that there wasn't an argument and we all know that is not true.

However, I do think she cannot allow herself to believe that her daugher killed her grandchild. It's like I cannot allow myself to believe that Casey killed Caylee on purpose. But since I'm not as emotionally involved, I can easily change that position if I am presented with evidence to the contrary.

And, as many have said, once Cindy believes the truth, she loses 2 loved ones and not just one. When that happens, it will be a very difficult day for Cindy - and the rest of the family.
You mean people don't put random decomposing bodies in trunks at tow yards all the time?? :waitasec:

Really this woman has lost her mind some days I feel bad for her and others well, my feelings are less than nice. The funny thing is she doesnt seem to realize how rediculous that theory sounds, wonder where Casey gets it from.....

You took the words right out of my mouth-- i could duplicate your post cos its my exact same feelings--- more excuses for Casey-- and this will likely be long drawn out when it comes to trial - that someone else put Caylee in the trunk.
Its a dishonor to poor little Caylee to continue taking up for Casey-- with scientific evidence coming back it is Caylee ;she still chooses to spin the idea that Casey is innocent --although she herself called her a psychopath.

I do sympathize dearly with the gp- they don't want this nightmare to be true... but instead of crazy comments like "maybe someone else put a body in the damn trunk ( wait , the "damn" wasnt used this time!)" she should sit down with Casey and tell her enough is enough-- enough" STOP coddling"/babying her and get to the truth---its not the public or "the imaginery babysitter "that took Caylee from them--
She really should put away the hammer and signs ( and ' come on some one else couldve put up those "no trespassing " signs) she wanted to get out there and mouth off- its hard to stay sympathetic for someone who has lost focus that an innocent little girl is dead-- her grand daughter --its a dishonor to her memory to keep this up and keep making up crap trying to convince herself and everyone Casey is innocent.

That being said still her anger and out of wack comments as a woman in deep pain makes me worry she's losing her mind with all this-- I think I would if i were in that position and that much pressure ., i do sympathize but enough excuses for Casey!
I have had such mixed feelings for Cindy, from sadness to rage to scratching my head wondering what was going through her mind. However, I have such deep sorrow for her. She is in such a state of denial I fear what will happen to her when she realized Caylee is dead. In the pictures it was very obvious that Caylee was adored by Cindy, and I am glad Caylee had Cindy to take care of her and love her in her short life. It is just such a shame how things played out. I think Cindy is also blaming herself for the fight with Casey and maybe if things turned out different on Fathers Day Caylee would still be alive. I guess Casey taught her an important lesson and that is not to mess with her. I just hope someone is there to catch Cindy when she falls. :(

I do not agree with anything she is saying or doing, I just really feel sorry for her. She might be a little off, but she did love that little girl, and she loves Casey.
As agravating as this whole case has been I continue to believe that none of us can honestly say that we would not act as Cindy has if faced with the same situation...we have not walked in her shoes. I do feel sorry for Cindy and thank God every day that I have never had to face the realities she is being faced with and I pray that none of us ever will.
Are you implying that someone who had access to Casey's keys killed Caylee? Why would Casey cover for that person and risk going to jail herself?

I think having a key made to a total stranger's car is pretty tough. I needed a locksmith to get me into my own car once and all of the documents I needed to prove that it was mine were in the car. They wouldn't do it. I had to wait for my husband to get home with the spare key. No amount of proof of who I was would get them to open the car or cut a key. No way, no how.

If you think Caylee is alive and it was another body in her trunk, why would someone go to so much trouble to put the body in the trunk and then take it back out? Why not just leave it there and let the car get towed and linked to Casey? And how does this jib with the DNA on the hair and the evidence of decomposition?

Just trying to follow your train of thought.
I am not suggesting that anyone killed Caylee:) I do not believe Caylee is dead. I can't venture a guess as to whose body was decomposing though. About 6 months ago I had to take my daughter to pick her vehicle up from the shop. She drove my car to the shop, I was a passenger. When she shut my car off, she pulled the key halfway out of the ignition and left it like that. When I got into the drivers seat and tried to start my car, I didn't know she left it halfway out and I twisted the key. She had to take me to Lowe's to have a new key made. No one asked me for any kind of ID or proof. It took about 5 minutes.
The fact that Casey's purse was found in the car (sorry, do not remember where I read that) leads me to believe that she misplaced/had it stolen prior to abandoning the car. I have seen the theories about her hoping someone would find it and think she was abducted too, but that makes no sense because she didn't try to hide. Hiding people don't frequent nightclubs, get pics taken and call people that are accessible to the people they are trying to hide from.
I have always felt that because Casey is a known liar and a known theif, she made herself an extremely easy and vulnerable target to someone with a lot more brains than she has.
As hard as it is to cut Cindy some slack while she's running around talking about faith and f'ing this and f'ing that, consider this....

Here's a 50 year old woman who has been in a long term marriage.
In the short span of 4 years, she discovered her daughter wouldn't be graduating because of a half a credit mixup, her husband filed for a divorce in his midlife crisis,
she found out her unmarried daughter was having a baby, she became a grandmother and fell in love with this baby only to find out that after almost 3 years this baby is now dead.

Is she having trouble excepting reality? Yeah.... her reality is a nightmare.

I have many issues with this woman about the way she talks and acts, but my sense of faith and inner spirit guides me to keep in mind that Cindy Anthony is responding to events totally out of her control that would crush the average person.

I don't agree with her actions, but I understand why she's so mad.

Life has been dealing some crappy cards and she's no bluffer.

As many problems we face in life, there is always someone out there (like Cindy) who has problems to face that we can't even imagine.

So when you get disgusted with her (like I do), take a deep breath and send her a prayer for strength.
It will help her and you at the same time.



So when you get disgusted with her (like I do), take a deep breath and send her a prayer for strength.
It will help her and you at the same time.

Good post--

I have been praying for her and George and even Casey.
I have had such mixed feelings for Cindy, from sadness to rage to scratching my head wondering what was going through her mind. However, I have such deep sorrow for her. She is in such a state of denial I fear what will happen to her when she realized Caylee is dead. In the pictures it was very obvious that Caylee was adored by Cindy, and I am glad Caylee had Cindy to take care of her and love her in her short life. It is just such a shame how things played out. I think Cindy is also blaming herself for the fight with Casey and maybe if things turned out different on Fathers Day Caylee would still be alive. I guess Casey taught her an important lesson and that is not to mess with her. I just hope someone is there to catch Cindy when she falls. :(

I do not agree with anything she is saying or doing, I just really feel sorry for her. She might be a little off, but she did love that little girl, and she loves Casey.

This is where I am. I am frustrated with her, but I also feel terrible for her. This is typical of people who are grief stricken. They often do not make a lot of sense. They are in protective mode. Cindy's just happens to be extremely strong. But, then again, she is in an extremely unusual situation.
I just now watched the video of Cindy in her front yard, pounding into the ground the No Tres signs.
She looked straight at a reporter after being asked the question and said "Because Caylee is NOT DEAD!"

That look on her face as she said those words, so painful to see.
I saw the same look in my own Mother's Face when I 'took her grandson from her'.

My first-born son was the first grandson and the first boy born in 17 years. My son and I lived with my parents the first 6 months of his life while my husband was on ship (Navy).
I know the stresses of two women, one with a child, living under the same roof.

A few years after my husband and I were settled in a home, my husband was going to be going back out to sea.
Someone asked me if I'd be moving back in with parents while husband was gone.
I remember telling them me and my son would live in a burned-out car before we'd move back in with my parents.
No, I'm not proud of that statement but still, several years after moving from parents home the memories of living with them, the stress, the anger from everyone involved was still too fresh.

It wasn't until my son had a 30th birthday party that my Mom, in a very melancholy/sentimental mood, revealed to me that back in the day when my son was born, my Mom had actually felt my son was hers-that's how much she loved him! She doted over my son, not giving me the time I needed with my son. In her mind, because her love was so deep she felt I was just babysitting him, or that my son and I were more like siblings. She said when we moved out to be with my husband her heart was so broken she didn't get out of bed for months.

All this to say...
I know the love, the deep unadulterated love that Cindy had for Caylee. My own Mom had/has the same love for her first grandchild, my son. I saw it in my life, I saw it in Cindy's face when she lashed out at that camera person/reporter.

We all come from different experiences.
After seeing that video, my heart breaks for Cindy.
She won't, she can't, she's unable to come to grips with what's happened.
If she's avoiding reality now, I can only imagine what she will go through if/when Caylee is found and they tell Cindy they've found the body.
Even worse, if a funeral is held, I hope Cindy has a whole lot of emotional support from those close to her...she's going to need it.

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