Cindy's New Theory??!!

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The first stage if grief is denial. LET THEM GRIEVE. STOP prosecuting them for grieving. Don't listen to their words if it offends you so much. She does not want to think Caylee is dead. No one does. I cannot blame her. I would try to come up with every way imaginable that my little one was alive as well. This is what she is doing. She is only wanting someone to agree with her to make her feel better. Let her be.
I can't understand why they haven't confronted Casey either.

I often tell my son...When it comes to the welfare of my grand-child, I could become your worse enemy.

I have a grandson too and I cherish him more than I ever imagined possible. He is a gift from heaven. If I thought for a moment my son had harmed him or even been irresponsible with him I would turn into one pi$$ed off grizzly bear. I love my son but that grandbaby is perfection.
I have been very critical of the grandparents, but I have been softening up trying to put myself in their shoes.

I have a 17 year old daughter who is a little rebelious at times but I love her to pieces and I think I would want to believe she is incapable of something so horrific that I would grasp to any thread of hope that my child was innocent. I suspect Cindy must also feel a sense of responsibility that *IF* her daughter *DID* harm Caylee, even accidentally (momentary rage) or by neglect (accidental death) because she (Cindy) pressured Casey to keep and raise Caylee.
My son stole a car and spent a year in jail. At first I did not want to believe he'd do something like that either. In fact, the car belonged to people I have known all my life. Very embarrassing BUT facts are facts. To continue to make excuses and believe stories that don't make sense would not have helped. He did wrong. I did not make excuses for him. He tried to feed me lies too but when what you are hearing does not make sense you must ADMIT TO YOURSELF that your child is lying to you.

Someone needs to give this girl a dose of reality and let her know they WILL NOT back her up no matter what... that she has lost the trust of her family... that her stories are not believable... that unconditional love and support is no longer available and she is on her own with these lies.
Being an outsider to this case, its easy for me to assume that Caylee is no longer with us at the hands of her own mother. Faced w/ this situation being the grandparent of the missing child I don't think I could EVER face the reality of my own daughter committing such a heinous, evil act upon her own child, no matter what the evidence was. CA is grasping at any theory to protect her own sanity.
Originally Posted by magnolia
I can't understand why they haven't confronted Casey either.

I often tell my son...When it comes to the welfare of my grand-child, I could become your worse enemy

How do we know they haven't confronted her in the privacy of their own home? I'm sure they have, but unfortunatley the home isn't bugged so we will never know what those conversations entail.
Denial your not alone,
Anthony Family, prayer continues for you all.
Caylee I pray angels are surrounding you and you will be home soon.
Hold onto God's hand and he will bring you all through this! He is faithful to us all.
There's no way that I believe Cindy believes these things. It's for the defense and reasonable doubt. She may be going through the stages of grief with denial that Caylee is deceased and could possibly be alive, but IMO, that's it. No way she doesn't believe it. Otherwise, she would never have called Casey a sociopath 3 weeks before the disappearance and they would never have looked under the playhouse and in the backyard for signs of foul play even before calling 911. I'm hoping that Cindy isn't purposely just trying to use every possible excuse and that is what she meant by saying to 911 that there smelled like a dead body had been in the dam$ car. Cussing when Caylee was the one missing was sort of odd and they did already suspect something.
How do we know they haven't confronted her in the privacy of their own home? I'm sure they have, but unfortunatley the home isn't bugged so we will never know what those conversations entail.

Cindy said they haven't. She said they have not talked about Caylee at all. Only telling Casey they love her and believe her:puke:
The most heartbreaking thing that sticks in my mind - that shows the frustration, pain and utter heart ache is when George and Cindy were heading into jail to visit Casey and reporter in their face ask "DO you think Caylee is dead"? And George SCREAMED out with every fiber in his being , "SHUT UP, SHUT UP"!

Makes me tear up to think about how difficult this has to be for them...
Someone "put a body in the car" and then removed it; the same car that was abandoned by their own daughter; and the holy irony that their granddaughter is missing!

Those people are delusional, irrational, psychotic, and no different than the daughter they raised. Things that make you go hmmm, like mother, like daughter.

Cindy needs a nice tall icy glass of shut the hell up.
Are you kidding me???????????? She honestly wants the American public to believe this?????????????

THat is very insulting to my intellegence adn I'm offended, once again, by Cindy Anthony!!!!!!!!!!!

I try so hard to have sympathy for her, but it's difficult when she refuses to acknowledge ANY facts that are not to her liking. I fear for her stability - her denial is wayyyy over the top imo. She will NEVER believe that Caylee is dead - even if they find a body in Caylee's clothes. She'll say that the kidnapper washed them and put them on another child.

If she wants to keep her sanity, she sincerely needs to open her eyes to the reality of the situation.

At this point, it does not even matter if Casey killed Caylee or not. What is so sickening to people is that Casey would drive around with a dead body (more than likely her own daughter) in the trunk of her car, then go out and party like there never was a daughter. This is the callousness that is beyond belief. moo
Yesterday on Nancy Grace, one of the producers was on site in front of the house speaking about Cindy. She said that when asked, Cindy said they have not talked to Casey about Caylee, the search, disappearance, helping - nothing - they are telling Casey how much they love her and they are commenting on the craziness going on outside their house. Casey then goes to the lawyer and that's where she talks - she has not been talking/helping her family at all. Then when Cindy was told Padilla was revoking the bond & Casey was going back to jail, Cindy's reply was "No she isn't". It's all about Casey as usual. Cindy is a delusional woman - she has completely lost her mind. Her brother Rick was on the message boards a few weeks ago saying that Cindy will not talk to anyone in the family. He said he is ashamed to be her brother and thinks she is the stupidest parent on the planet. He also said he wished he could have 5 minutes with his lying tramp of a niece to beat the truth out of her. When Cindy was pounding that NO TRESSPASSING sign into her yard, I envisioned myself pounding on her head with that hammer. I'm sad to say I don't have sympathy for her. Had she come out and maintained ALL ALONG that she has NO idea what her daughter is doing and to please come forward with any information on CAYLEE - had she NOT PUSHED DOWN OUR THROATS THAT CASEY IS A GREAT MOM, and will receive the award for MOTHER OF THE YEAR, the public would be 150% on her side. As it stands now, she is as low as Casey in my opinion.

Cindy is a DRAMA QUEEN of the first degree imo. She goes out and is nasty and pounds no trespassing signs in her yard. WhY? What will it do - it does not give her permissions to shoot someone who sets foot on her property. All she can do is call the police and trespassing is a low priority call for LE. It would have be so much more mature and sensible sto just come in front of the cameras and kindly ask the media to leave them alone as they were under a great deal of stress.

IMO Cindy brought all this upon herself. She was so "thrilled" to be on TV at first and courted the media. Now she threatens to turn the hose on them and pounds "no trespassing" signs on her lawn. Pity the poor child that kicks a ball accidentally onto her property. She has handled everything VERY BADLY from the beginning. Her spokesperson is as delusional as she is. She wants to believe SHE is in CONTROL of all of this and she is not.

Cindy, if you are reading, you need to do a vast amount of growing up. People are rude to you becuase you are rude to them. Period. You get what you give. imo

Thank you!!

I'm so sick of the bash cindy threads. She is in deep denial. She lost her granddaughter, and is about to lose her daughter.

I know she's making herself look foolish, but IMO all the bash cindy stuff has got to stop.

If Cindy does not want to be bashed, she needs to stop being so rude to everyone. She has begged for all this attention and the minute it becomes something she doesn't like, she gets nasty. I don't recall John Walsh getting nasty wtih the media, nor Marc Klaas nor Sharon Rocha. It's possible to suffer a great loss and still bed a human being instead of a *itch.
Cindy said they haven't. She said they have not talked about Caylee at all. Only telling Casey they love her and believe her

I'm sure CA isnt going to tell us if they have. I find it hard to believe they haven't.
I wonder if there was any evidence of the trunk forcefully being opened..I don't recall hearing anything about that. I guess someone went and got the keys from the tow yard and opened the trunk?

Not bashing anyone but how does one get a body in a trunk with no keys?

I understand everyone is grasping at straws in regards to the family..but at some point reality is going to come knockin'. JMO.

It was never clear if Casey left the keys in the car or not. I am betting she did not becasue George had to get a key to open it. I believe that is what the tow truck driver said.
Where is the family spokesperson? Cindy should not be speaking to the media or giving them more tidbits, so they can sensationalize her.

she needs to sit down with another mother who has been through this hell....I keep wondering what Beth Holloway will be doing when she comes to town.
Of course they have confronted Casey!!!! They have confronted her since the minute Cindy "captured" her at Tony's apartment, and she has continued to "stick with her story" of Zanny the Nanny. Did you read the police interview when they had her in that room at Universal Studios???????? HOW THEY DID NOT HAUL BACK AND LAY THAT GIRL OUT WITH A PUNCH TO THE FACE IS FAR FAR FAR BEYOND ME. They continued to POUND that girl with verbal assault - probably for HOURS - and they got NO WHERE. Do you think she's going to crack & just fall to pieces with her Mom, Dad and Lee & finally spill her guts??? WHY SHOULD THIS TIME BE ANY DIFFERENT THAN ANY OTHER TIME SHE'S LIED - which is throughout her entire life!!!! When caught in a lie, she turns it around and makes the person confronting her look like an idiot. SHE WAS 7 MONTHS PREGNANT before someone finally got ahold of her DOLT parents & said - SHE IS PREGNANT TAKE HER TO THE DOCTOR!!!! The PARENTS BELIEVED what she told them, that she had not had sex & couldn't be pregnant. Denial runs DEEP and the history is long here.

OF COURSE SHE HAS NO IDEA WHERE HER DAUGHTER IS!!!! I wouldn't know either if I placed my child in a dumpster & it was hauled off to god knows where!!! THERE'S THE GRAIN OF TRUTH!!!
As agravating as this whole case has been I continue to believe that none of us can honestly say that we would not act as Cindy has if faced with the same situation...we have not walked in her shoes. I do feel sorry for Cindy and thank God every day that I have never had to face the realities she is being faced with and I pray that none of us ever will.

Sharon Rocha has walked in her shoes and handled EVERYTHING differently. She was honest and forthcoming with the media ON HER TERMS. She didn't jump in front of every camera pointed at her. And, in turn, the media respected her greatly.

Cindy has shown NO honest feelings - just anger. Where are the tears - she just accuses EVERYONE, except her daughter. She berates other people for not doing what she isn't doing. She alienates everyone. If she keeps that up, when reality hits, there will be no one there for her.

Many, many many people have been through great sorrow and bad conditions. Most people deal with it, the best they can. They don't go around accusing other people for doing nothing, nor threatening to turn the hoses on people, or swearing at everyone.

IMO Cindy has EARNED every bit of the bashing she gets. Her behavior is deplorable. George is just as bad - screaming at the media when they ask him a question, rather than a simple "no comment." Watch, the next step for them is accusing the police of planting evidence.

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