Cindy's New Theory??!!

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Cindy is an ENABLER. That is her role in this family. She has enabled Casey to live a life where there are no consequences to her actions. Unfortunately
allot of society's youth have been raised this way. It still amazes me that todays youth feel that they are entitled to this type of life. Yes, Casey has a personality disorder but Cindy has enabled her to take it to the extreme.
If I was Cindy I would be in jail now for slapping Casey around until I found out where my Grandchild was.

The frightening part about this case is that I know of a Grandmother who is raising her grandchild while the mother partys non stop. She refuses to keep
a job and expects everyone else to support her. She is a habitual liar and if she does not get her way she threatens to take her child from the grandmother. The grandmother is so afraid that she will take the child she
she enables her to live this life style. What ever happen to tough love.

Tough love went out the door with corporal punishment, the pledge of aligiance & prayer in schools and 'One nation under God"...and the current attitude of children that no one can tell them what to do became a way of life when we allowed the government to teach our children that they could report their parents for disiplining them. The Casey Anthnonys of the world are the product of our loss of control.
Tough love went out the door with corporal punishment, the pledge of aligiance & prayer in schools and 'One nation under God"...and the current attitude of children that no one can tell them what to do became a way of life when we allowed the government to teach our children that they could report their parents for disiplining them. The Casey Anthnonys of the world are the product of our loss of control.

Monsters like Casey Anthony and their enablers LONG preceded the Pledge of Allegiance, prayer in school and even the Christian religion. Think Caligula. They have always existed and sadly always will.
I suspect that Beth Holloway will speak to her for a very short period of time and then RUN home.

Beth Hollway should not give this family one ounce of decency. If Beth is here with TES to find Cayleee, she should know by now that they are a total hindrance to this investigation.

NO ONE can knock the truth out of anyone in that family. They're sick indeed.

I didn't sift throught the whole thread to see if anyone posted this.

Thank you for posting this Deb! I had not seen it. I will admit to Yelling and Screaming that the computer as I listened to it and my blood is boiling right now!!!

To all those who are disgusted with this thread and tired of the Cindy bashing - Please skip this post! I just have to vent here.

First I want to say that I am a Grandma of 6 and when this case first broke I felt so bad for Cindy as one Grandma to another. As this case has progessed, Cindy has many, many times make me want to reach thru the screen and slap her, if for nothing else than to bring her back to reality!! She is not helping this case at all. And by that I mean - not helping to find CAYLEE. (She's not helping Casey's case either but that I don't care about)

Her RANT yesterday while she was putting up the signs was her own doing!! There are plenty of Bodyguards and others that could have put up those signs. SHE CHOSE to go out there in front of the cameras and give her speech!! That makes it open for discussion in my book.

How can she say the decomp smell was not in the car when it was towed?? She then asked the reporter if they have read the documents. Has SHE read them??? I have read them and if I recall correctly, it says the tow truck driver didn't smell anything but he had a cold - not that it wasn't there.

She then goes on to say you can't trust anything that the media says. The only thing we can believe is what comes straight from the LE or the Anthony family. Is she Kidding me??? The documents proved to me that 99% of what the media has reported the last 6 weeks is the truth and 99% of what the Anthonys have spewed has been BS!!!!!

And then again with the Noone is looking for Caylee speech. I think the the public would be more than happy to look for her if we knew where to look!! We would also be more motivated if she was leading the way!!! Why hasn't she gotten in her car, billboard in tow, and went to GA, KY and every whereelse that there has been a sighting??? If I thought the LE was ignoring sighting for my Grandchild - you can bet I would be!!!!!!!

I am sorry if I have offended anyone.............This case has just worn me to the quick!!!!!!!!!!:furious:
Yup... poor Casey and that bad luck. No one since Scott P. has had luck that bad.

Casey is out of jail now and able to help look for Caylee but I haven't seen that happening. I suppose it's because she's limited in where she can go. Too bad she doesn't trust her parents, brother, lawyer, LE, the Padilla's or TES enough to tell them where she would be looking if only she had the freedom to do so.

I'm sure that will be the next excuse!!! If you let me off of house arrest, I can lead you to Zanny and Casey. I'm sure they are hanging out at Fusion tonight!!!!!!!!
And then again with the Noone is looking for Caylee speech. I think the the public would be more than happy to look for her if we knew where to look!! We would also be more motivated if she was leading the way!!! Why hasn't she gotten in her car, billboard in tow, and went to GA, KY and every whereelse that there has been a sighting??? If I thought the LE was ignoring sighting for my Grandchild - you can bet I would be!!!!!!!


Maybe Cindy considers Joseph Jordan & his crew AND the people from TES to be a bunch of nobodies.

I'm sorry, I just do NOT believe Cindy WANTS Caylee's body to be found. I think it's the LAST thing she wants because she knows that will only make things worse for poor, misunderstood Casey.

And as cruel as this sounds, I now believe Caylee is probably better off resting in peace wherever she is now & not being brought back to the family who's first order of business is in protecting the who made Caylee vanish.
Wouldn't it be great if Cindy grabbed the media attention and asked for whoever has Caylee to please bring her home... to please contact them... to assure them that Caylee is okay? To say that she knows Caylee is missing her poppa and her uncle and they are all dying inside with worry and fear. To say that Caylee is the sunshine of their lives and please don't hurt her... try to understand how dearly Caylee is loved and missed and no one can eat or sleep until they get her back. At least send a note and picture assuring them that Caylee is okay.

Gaa... I want to cry myself just thinking this because I know I would be a basket case if this happened to me.

:blowkiss::clap::clap::clap::clap: Very well said!!!
To all who hold out hope that a loving, responsible, nurturing, friend kidnapper experienced a break in judgment, took Caylee to raise as her own and will soon release her due to an epiphany that the child belongs home with her loving and devoted mother and grandparents.

Please do not be insulted, but your swords are raised against windmills.

It is hard to understand that someone could kill a little baby girl without remorse, but you are people with compassion, empathy and the ability to feel deep love, all of which are missing in KC. Thus, you continue to hope despite the facts and evidence set before you. I applaud that you can continue to hold onto a thread of hope.

However, I must warn you. The baby is dead. She has been for a long time now and she was killed at the hands of her psycho, reality-challenged mother. This is a fact that is difficult to swallow all at one, so take it a few sips at a time and begin with the FBI forensics which show,without equivocation, that Caylee WAS in the Pontiac trunk, dead. Once this particular fact is fully digested, the rest will go down much easier.

Perhaps you can now focus your energy of hope into prayers for all the lost children in the world. Caylee is fine, she is with God and all things are good with Him.

Cindy has watched Pulp Fiction too many times. The Pontiac was not the temporary repository for an anonymous dead body. It was used as a gruesome hearse to transport Caylee to a secret grave site, selected by KC in the HOPE that it would never be found.

Do not allow the delusions of the Anthony family to infect your intelligence. It is not contagious unless you allow it to be.

"Lying in not a crime." - CA

Wow, Dot - Tell it like it is!!! :blowkiss: Now you had better duck!!! LOL
Wow...I missed this thread. The family really needs help. I wonder if Lee (if he's in better shape) or someone will see to it?

Maybe Cindy considers Joseph Jordan & his crew AND the people from TES to be a bunch of nobodies.

I'm sorry, I just do NOT believe Cindy WANTS Caylee's body to be found. I think it's the LAST thing she wants because she knows that will only make things worse for poor, misunderstood Casey.

And as cruel as this sounds, I now believe Caylee is probably better off resting in peace wherever she is now & not being brought back to the family who's first order of business is in protecting the who made Caylee vanish.

Sadly, I would have to agree with you. Cindy does not want Caylee found and she made it perfectly clear - she does not want to look for a dead body!!!

I do though pray that her little body is found - for our sakes!! I know that is selfish but we have all came to love her as our own and can't stand the thought that she will be another missing child we never have closure for!:mad:
Sadly, I would have to agree with you. Cindy does not want Caylee found and she made it perfectly clear - she does not want to look for a dead body!!!

I do though pray that her little body is found - for our sakes!! I know that is selfish but we have all came to love her as our own and can't stand the thought that she will be another missing child we never have closure for!:mad:

The idea of seeing a gravestone for Caylee that says 'Loving daughter of Casey' really turns my stomach.
I have been reading posts from this website for a few weeks now. And I have read all of the documentation provided by OCPS. I just have to add a few things about Cindy that I have noticed....

1. She treats everyone, including the media, as if it is their JOB to find Caylee. It is the media's responsibility to report what is happening with Caylee. I think the media has been more than fair with the Anthony family. The Anthonys want the media to report "the Anthony's version" of what is happening, not what is actually happening.

2. The Anthonys have completely forgotten that it was their responsiblity to keep Caylee safe. If Cindy knew that Casey was a sociopath, it was Cindy's responsibillity to get that child from Casey. It is a costly process, but it can be done. I believe that Casey would have even given Cindy and George Caylee, providing they continued to financially support Casey. Casey saw Caylee as a bargaining chip.

3. I think Cindy is supportive of Casey (in denial) because deep down she feels guilty. If she had allowed Casey to put the child up for adoption, she would not be missing now. She would probably be with a loving family.

4. Casey's behavior is not something that just appeared when she was 20. George and Cindy had to notice the lying when Casey was much younger. Why didn't they get her therapy? George and Cindy had more than adequate insurance coverage to handle this.

5. Yesterday, Cindy went back to the tow service that towed Casey's car to talk to the guy that gave the police a statement about the odor in the car. She told the media a twisted version of what the driver stated to the police. Cindy should not be allowed to speak to the tow truck driver. He is now a witness. I'm sure she was told to not pursue any of the witnesses.

6. As the evidence piles up, I would feel shameful to have people out looking for my grandchild when my very own child could lead me to the child. The Anthony's are outraged that everyone is not out there looking for Caylee, when they should be outraged at Casey.

7. I think Baez threatened LP about revoking the bond. I think Baez found some legal loophole and told LP that if he took Casey back to jail he would pursue legal action against him. Baez bullied Leonard. I don't know the legal perimeters, but LP just caved after speaking to Baez for a short period of time. Any ideas on this?

8. Baez and Casey are spending hours working on her defense. Why aren't they coordinating a search for Caylee. If Casey hired ZG as a nanny, does she have any paper showing that she paid ZG for these services? Did she write ZG a personal check? Did she use her mother's credit card to pay ZG? Is there a paper trail indicating that Casey did pay for this nanny? Did Casey "borrow" $ from any of her friends to pay ZG? Why is the entire world supposed to be looking for Caylee when Casey isn't.

Bottom line, GA and CA are angry at all of us that do NOT believe them or their child. To them, we are making them even bigger victims because we do not buy their stories, their opinions or solutions. They think we should be out looking for Caylee, under their supervision, instead of investigating all the evidence and pursuing answers.

Yes, my sympathies are with George, Cindy and Lee. They are in my prayers. But, I am also insulted by their behavior. We have the right to know what happened and to make sure that justice, whatever that may be, is served for Caylee.

As hard as it is to cut Cindy some slack while she's running around talking about faith and f'ing this and f'ing that, consider this....

Here's a 50 year old woman who has been in a long term marriage.
In the short span of 4 years, she discovered her daughter wouldn't be graduating because of a half a credit mixup, her husband filed for a divorce in his midlife crisis,
she found out her unmarried daughter was having a baby, she became a grandmother and fell in love with this baby only to find out that after almost 3 years this baby is now dead.

Is she having trouble excepting reality? Yeah.... her reality is a nightmare.

I have many issues with this woman about the way she talks and acts, but my sense of faith and inner spirit guides me to keep in mind that Cindy Anthony is responding to events totally out of her control that would crush the average person.

I don't agree with her actions, but I understand why she's so mad.

Life has been dealing some crappy cards and she's no bluffer.

As many problems we face in life, there is always someone out there (like Cindy) who has problems to face that we can't even imagine.

So when you get disgusted with her (like I do), take a deep breath and send her a prayer for strength.
It will help her and you at the same time.



Beautifly put imo. I think your points are right on and well stated. I can't imagine being in her shoes. The rational side of me says I would be the first to stand against my daughter. The emotional side of me says you never know how you will react till it happens. I sometimes think Cindy knew in the beginning something was wrong but when the reality hit her that she would not lose only Caylee but Casey, she began backpeddling to escape reality.
No matter what, I pray that she receives peace beyond all understanding from the only one who can give it.
Bottom line, GA and CA are angry at all of us that do NOT believe them or their child. To them, we are making them even bigger victims because we do not buy their stories, their opinions or solutions. They think we should be out looking for Caylee, under their supervision, instead of investigating all the evidence and pursuing answers.

Yes, my sympathies are with George, Cindy and Lee. They are in my prayers. But, I am also insulted by their behavior. We have the right to know what happened and to make sure that justice, whatever that may be, is served for Caylee.


Great first post, BeagleMom. :clap::clap: And welcome to WS. :)
the only way i would believe somebody else ended up in that trunk dead..
is if FREDDIE KRUGER did it!

ok so, has anybody else gone missing during the time frame of JUNE-July from Florida?
Or a nearby state?

Anybody who hung around at any of the places she did/
Or at the parks?
Or Disneyland?

If so..well Cindy could be correct...:detective::ghost::cowboy::angel2::deal:
if it were my trunk, it would be the smell of dead kidnappers...
I have been reading posts from this website for a few weeks now. And I have read all of the documentation provided by OCPS. I just have to add a few things about Cindy that I have noticed....

1. She treats everyone, including the media, as if it is their JOB to find Caylee. It is the media's responsibility to report what is happening with Caylee. I think the media has been more than fair with the Anthony family. The Anthonys want the media to report "the Anthony's version" of what is happening, not what is actually happening.

2. The Anthonys have completely forgotten that it was their responsiblity to keep Caylee safe. If Cindy knew that Casey was a sociopath, it was Cindy's responsibillity to get that child from Casey. It is a costly process, but it can be done. I believe that Casey would have even given Cindy and George Caylee, providing they continued to financially support Casey. Casey saw Caylee as a bargaining chip.

3. I think Cindy is supportive of Casey (in denial) because deep down she feels guilty. If she had allowed Casey to put the child up for adoption, she would not be missing now. She would probably be with a loving family.

4. Casey's behavior is not something that just appeared when she was 20. George and Cindy had to notice the lying when Casey was much younger. Why didn't they get her therapy? George and Cindy had more than adequate insurance coverage to handle this.

5. Yesterday, Cindy went back to the tow service that towed Casey's car to talk to the guy that gave the police a statement about the odor in the car. She told the media a twisted version of what the driver stated to the police. Cindy should not be allowed to speak to the tow truck driver. He is now a witness. I'm sure she was told to not pursue any of the witnesses.

6. As the evidence piles up, I would feel shameful to have people out looking for my grandchild when my very own child could lead me to the child. The Anthony's are outraged that everyone is not out there looking for Caylee, when they should be outraged at Casey.

7. I think Baez threatened LP about revoking the bond. I think Baez found some legal loophole and told LP that if he took Casey back to jail he would pursue legal action against him. Baez bullied Leonard. I don't know the legal perimeters, but LP just caved after speaking to Baez for a short period of time. Any ideas on this?

8. Baez and Casey are spending hours working on her defense. Why aren't they coordinating a search for Caylee. If Casey hired ZG as a nanny, does she have any paper showing that she paid ZG for these services? Did she write ZG a personal check? Did she use her mother's credit card to pay ZG? Is there a paper trail indicating that Casey did pay for this nanny? Did Casey "borrow" $ from any of her friends to pay ZG? Why is the entire world supposed to be looking for Caylee when Casey isn't.

Bottom line, GA and CA are angry at all of us that do NOT believe them or their child. To them, we are making them even bigger victims because we do not buy their stories, their opinions or solutions. They think we should be out looking for Caylee, under their supervision, instead of investigating all the evidence and pursuing answers.

Yes, my sympathies are with George, Cindy and Lee. They are in my prayers. But, I am also insulted by their behavior. We have the right to know what happened and to make sure that justice, whatever that may be, is served for Caylee.


may you have "lottsa" fun here.
Well maybe not fun but definately a good time...
Advice to Cindy: Stay inside your house and shut up.

You were served with subpoenas today because your daughter LOST Caylee or something far worse.

Stay inside and don't go outside and keep repeating the same stupid comments that make no sense at all.:mad:

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