Civil Suit Hearing Tues., 1/6/09 Judge Reprimands Defense Team

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What personal attacks did the Defense team do against Mr. Morgan?
We haven't heard that yet have we.?.Gee get Duct Tape for that Team..
Way to go Judge, I think the whole court system has got Baez Number..:bang:

I'd like to know myself...did I miss something???? :waitasec:
I really want to know what goes on in JBs mind... most lawyers get super nervous and prepare for weeks to go before a judge, because you want judges to LIKE you so they are sympathetic to your client (judges are people too). Here, he knows he is not only going before a judge but really before the nation...and really?
Also, sorry for the 100000 postings, but I think this ZFG is a great person - usually people wait til AFTER criminal trials to bring civil suit, since a guilty verdict is prima facie evidence that the accused did something wrong - and makes the civil case so much easier. Here ZFG isn't waiting for the big payout, it seems like she's helping get justice for Caylee and hold momma responsible
IIRC in his counter claim Baez stated somehow that Morgan was doing this for personal fame or words to that effect. Such words should never be in writing, let alone on a counter claim. Baez better crack open his law books real quick, and start reading up.

I have a question. It says in the article Casey has the constitutional right to plead the 5th in a deposition taken by John Morgan concerning ZG's lawsuit against her over defamation of character. Does she have the same right to plead the 5th if John Morgan takes a deposition from her over her countersuit against ZG?

Yup. She always has the constitutional right not to incriminate herself in a criminal matter, whether we're talking about giving a deposition in the main ZG suit or the counterclaim. So she really shouldn't be filing civil claims for show (counterclaim) when she isn't in a position to go forward. The judge will eventually have this hearing, having smacked down JB, and he may give her some delay, but not forever. He might strike her counterclaim and delay the rest. We'll see.
Yup. She always has the constitutional right not to incriminate herself in a criminal matter, whether we're talking about giving a deposition in the main ZG suit or the counterclaim. So she really shouldn't be filing civil claims for show (counterclaim) when she isn't in a position to go forward. The judge will eventually have this hearing, having smacked down JB, and he may give her some delay, but not forever. He might strike her counterclaim and delay the rest. We'll see.

Thank just answered a question that I had. :)
JB's been slinging mud at everyone in his path..LE's been hit numerous times & even SA in the court room..It's about time he got spanked for it!
WFTV has updated the article to show the judge's name now:

<<During Tuesday morning's brief meeting, Orange County Circuit Judge Jose Rodriguez refused to hear the request and scolded Casey's defense team for personal attacks against Morgan and Morgan, the law firm representing Gonzalez, and said Casey's attorneys were taking the profession to a new low.

Judge Rodriguez told Casey's defense team to stick to the law and said that the request for a hearing didn't follow proper protocol and that there was not enough notice given to make such a request.

Casey is schedule to be deposed by Gonzalez's attorney, John Morgan, on Monday. Judge Rodriguez said a hearing will be held before that time to address Casey Anthony's defense team's concerns, but a specific date was not released.>>

I'd love to know what "personal attacks" the judge is referring to. Possibly something Baez said in court today?
Judge Rodriguez told Baez, "to stick to the law"
Judge Jose Rodriguez refused to hear the request and scolded Jose Baez's team for personal attacks against Morgan and Morgan, the law firm representing Gonzalez, and said Baez was, "taking the profession to a new low"

I:nluv:the judge!
Here's a direct quote from the countersuit Jose Baez filed. I'm going from a hard copy and don't have a link. Please remove this post if this isn't okay.

Paragraph 7

The Plaintiff and her attorneys knew this when they filed said lawsuit yet went through with this frivolous lawsuit so as to generate publicity and press for their law firm. A law firm, it should be noted, which utilizes highway billboards in order to advertise their services. This lawsuit allows them to generate further publicity for their law firm without paying thousands of dollars for a billboard.

I also remember Baez calling Morgan an "ambulance chaser."

ETA: The link on the document page no longer works.
As much as we all like to see JB get "scolded", I really hope he isn't setting this all up for the appeals process. He (JB) is already being investigated by the Florida Bar for the "hugging incidents" earlier on.

This guy is really something. IMO I don't think he'll be practicing law after all this is over - so he better enjoy being in the spotlight for now because you can't buy champagne with food stamps!
I can't find any personal attacks on Morgan except those made by Cindy (ie. ambulance chaser).

*WESH offered dramatic footage of well-known attorney John Morgan answering Cindy Anthony. She has called Morgan "an ambulance chaser." He is representing a woman who is suing Casey Anthony; the woman says her life was ruined when Casey Anthony wrongly named her as the baby sitter to missing Caylee.

Morgan's response to Cindy Anthony: "Be careful when she calls me an ambulance chaser. Because she may have repeated this same slander, and she may find the ambulance chaser turning his Howitzer in a different direction, and it may be in her direction."
ha ha you beat me to it CarolinaMoon. :blowkiss:

If I worked in his office I'd be looking for another job right about now!!
As much as we all like to see JB get "scolded", I really hope he isn't setting this all up for the appeals process. He (JB) is already being investigated by the Florida Bar for the "hugging incidents" earlier on.

This guy is really something. IMO I don't think he'll be practicing law after all this is over - so he better enjoy being in the spotlight for now because you can't buy champagne with food stamps!

If she claims poor representation & wins on appeal I assume she gets a new trial..She can't possibly walk..Say it ain't so!
"The judge told Baez to stick to the law and said that the request for a hearing didn't follow proper protocol and that there was not enough notice given to make such a request."

Maybe the judge should have included instructions on where Baez could sign up for a refresher course in basic Law 101.

When JB is finished with KC and needs to find a new job. I think he should become a Law School instructor.

He can point to every single thing he did during the hearing and trials as a perfect example of what not to do. His students will learn a lot!!

If JB will learn by his mistakes he has the potential to walk away from this a very smart man. I don't see that happening, so let's let others learn from his example.
Here's a direct quote from the countersuit Jose Baez filed. I'm going from a hard copy and don't have a link. Please remove this post if this isn't okay.

Paragraph 7

The Plaintiff and her attorneys knew this when they filed said lawsuit yet went through with this frivolous lawsuit so as to generate publicity and press for their law firm. A law firm, it should be noted, which utilizes highway billboards in order to advertise their services. This lawsuit allows them to generate further publicity for their law firm without paying thousands of dollars for a billboard.

I also remember Baez calling Morgan an "ambulance chaser."

ETA: The link on the document page no longer works.

Pot, meet kettle. I can't decide if the defense is over their heads, or out of their minds...
If she claims poor representation & wins on appeal I assume she gets a new trial..She can't possibly walk..Say it ain't so!
I'd like to think the only walking she'll do is on her way to her "new digs" at Stark!!!!
I can't find any personal attacks on Morgan except those made by Cindy (ie. ambulance chaser).

Possibly made in private? Not that he knows the meaning of the word. But it would be just as wrong and more power to the judge for spanking his hands.
A law firm, it should be noted, which utilizes highway billboards in order to advertise their services. This lawsuit allows them to generate further publicity for their law firm without paying thousands of dollars for a billboard.

JB is just jealous that he can't afford highway billboards - he can't even afford the fees to pick up all the tips from OCSO!!!!!
Is there a way to find out who else Morgan is deposing or planning to use as a witness? KC didn't pull that name out of a hat and connect it to Sawgrass by coincidence.
I've always wondered about Katie Sue R. and Vicky A. Katie Sue refused to do an interview with LE and referred them to Vicky A.I believe both lived in the Sawgrass apts.KSR told LE VA knew KC better.

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