Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #3

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I think that you are over thinking it. Both JR and CG were decomposed JR more so then CG. I don't care how tough or experienced you are seeing decomposing bodies is never a pleasant experience. Take it from me, there are lots of things I wish I had never seen.
I think focusing on two main areas of the investigation will help solve it.

1) Connected crimes focus. Crimes that were committed prior to Karrakatta and SS of which murder is an escalation.

2) Why did the murders stop? It goes against everything that investigators from all jurisdictions have learned about serial killers. They don't just stop, they get more frequent and more violent. Yes, they might change their MO or their area but they frequency of the killings will become more regular and violent.

So why did he stop? As Bart gas eluded to;

1) He is a POI and therefore stopped killing for self preservation purposes.
2) He went to prison for other crimes
3) He moved jurisdictions and continued killing
4) He died

One thing that I can remember is that after CG was killed Claremont was so HOT full of police, cameras and under cover officers that CSK would have to be very brazen to go back for another one. My money tells me he moved, more then likely overseas and has continued killing.

This is just spit balling here but does anyone have any information about the date that Mark Dixie arrived in Australia and then left?
Apparently Ivan Milat killed when he was either single or had a relationship that was ending- and could control himself (as far as murder went) while in a relationship.

So maybe the CSK has similar power and control issues- maybe he had suffered a relationship breakdown, that was either rekindled or he met someone else.

Or, to add another possibility- he was and still is local, but is a frequent traveler, for either leisure or business. We cant find similar cases because we are looking in Australia.

I havent been able to find an exact date for Mark Dixie arriving in Perth, however he seems unlikely to me. He seems pretty volatile and out of control. When he killed in Britain, he left the body of his victim where he killed her. He was caught because he got into a pub fight, and his dna was taken.
Apparently Ivan Milat killed when he was either single or had a relationship that was ending- and could control himself (as far as murder went) while in a relationship.

So maybe the CSK has similar power and control issues- maybe he had suffered a relationship breakdown, that was either rekindled or he met someone else.

Or, to add another possibility- he was and still is local, but is a frequent traveler, for either leisure or business. We cant find similar cases because we are looking in Australia.

I havent been able to find an exact date for Mark Dixie arriving in Perth, however he seems unlikely to me. He seems pretty volatile and out of control. When he killed in Britain, he left the body of his victim where he killed her. He was caught because he got into a pub fight, and his dna was taken.

Have a read of that article here's a snip from it: "While Dixie was cleared by WA police in December 2006 of any involvement in the Claremont killings, a police source told The Sunday Age yesterday that detectives would now review that decision following his murder conviction."

I am very very interested in how that review went, to me he fits the description of MM. I wonder what type of car he was driving, where he worked etc.
I like where you are going with this Papertrail, you ask a lot of questions that beg some interesting answers.

The most suspicious thing for me with regards to LW was his trolling and driving around Claremont as you described. This is the exact behaviour that the CSK would almost certainly had to have used to choose vulnerable girls leaving Conti or CBV. There's just no possible way he was driving past and happened to notice the three girls walking alone, he definitely stalked them before hand, which is also a trait that LW is reportedly excellent at doing undetected.

It's not widely known, but Police did use a brilliant idea/system to assist in identifying vehicles trolling through the Claremont area. They set up secret surveillance cameras that filmed the streets in and around Claremont with high quality video camera. From memory it helped to identify LW as a suspect amongst others.

LW fits the profile of the killer in almost every aspect.
LW failed a polygraph test and the retired FBI agent was certain he committed the crimes
LW was interviewed extensively by a psychologist whom reported that LW was capable of committing the crimes
LW picked up a police decoy lady walking the streets of Claremont. (It's important to remember, no one else picked up the decoy, only LW did) To me this is crucial evidence that goes against him.
LW does not have an alibi for any of the nights the girls went missing (I wonder about his Alibi for the night/day of the Karrakatta rape) the one alibi he did have was based upon his parents saying that he was at home (he could of easily snuck out when they were asleep)

There's more evidence that's circumstantially connects him to an injury sustained on CG's skull, but I can't go into that.

GreenDevil...Without the need to elaborate on specifics, can you please tell us HOW you know this? I have never read anything relating to that statement.
I'm sorry but I can not tell you how I know that information, just take it with a grain of salt.

Have a read of that article here's a snip from it: "While Dixie was cleared by WA police in December 2006 of any involvement in the Claremont killings, a police source told The Sunday Age yesterday that detectives would now review that decision following his murder conviction."

I am very very interested in how that review went, to me he fits the description of MM. I wonder what type of car he was driving, where he worked etc.

Apparently he worked at the Dunsborough Beach Lodge, after being sacked from somewhere else.

I cant find anything confirming where he worked in Perth. A few FB comments that place him at the Cottesloe hotel, but nothing in MSM.

Will keep looking.

Have a read of that article here's a snip from it: "While Dixie was cleared by WA police in December 2006 of any involvement in the Claremont killings, a police source told The Sunday Age yesterday that detectives would now review that decision following his murder conviction."

I am very very interested in how that review went, to me he fits the description of MM. I wonder what type of car he was driving, where he worked etc.

Just to go a bit further on Dixie, he provides a reason as to why the killings stopped, he looks like MM, he raped and tried to murder a woman in Perth in 1998. Plus the murder of Bowman was a blitz attack which seems to fit in with the new Police theory that the girls were blitz attacked.

The problem is that I am quite certain that police have a DNA profile from the Karakatta rape and from reports they obtained Dixie's DNA from UK Detectives. Therefore they could pin the rape on him but not the killings as I believe they don't have DNA from the killings. I just read he lived in Perth from 1993 to 1999. Furthermore, he stabbed Bowman in the neck and raped her as she lied dead or dying then stole her handbag, cardigan, mobile phone and underwear, similar to JR and CG. She was also a blonde haired petite lady, sound familiar?
On 24 February 2008 Charles Miranda in the Sunday Telegraph reported “Scotland Yard blasts Aussie cops”.
He said British police yesterday criticised their Australian counterparts for deporting a violent sex offender who went on to kill an 18-year-old model. Mark Dixie, 36, was yesterday jailed for life for the brutal rape and stabbing murder of Sally Anne Bowman, but British police believe he is responsible for more deaths, including some in Australia. Bowman's brutal murder two years ago sparked outrage in the UK press and Dixie's conviction yesterday dominated front pages. The Sun called for Dixie to be executed.
But Scotland Yard went a step further, blaming Australian police for taking "the easy option'' and not prosecuting Dixie for a string of offences committed in the six years that he travelled the country before being deported in 1999. Investigators singled out the NSW Police for a lack of co-operation in their prosecution of Dixie, describing as "poor'' the assistance provided. Detective Superintendent Stuart Cundy said he had no doubt Dixie, who worked as a chef and was known by different aliases here, was responsible for unsolved assaults or even murders. ``I am sure Dixie killed someone while he was in Australia," he said. "The problem is pinning it down. There are a lot of people who go missing; there are a lot of travellers out there. The injuries Sally Anne sustained were so off the scale that I am convinced it was not his first killing.'' "The answer lies somewhere in Australia.''
Supt Cundy also said he was mystified as to how Western Australian authorities had dismissed Dixie's possible link to three killings in the Perth suburb of Claremont in 1996 and 1997. Speaking outside the Old Bailey after Dixie was sentenced, Supt Cundy appealed for women in Australia who may have known the "homicidal maniac'' to contact them. He said most states had some record of Dixie getting into trouble.
NSW Police confirmed yesterday there was a warrant for Dixie's arrest for stealing money in February, 1995, while working at a Manly restaurant. A spokesman said he was "not linked'' to any sex attacks. Dixie travelled between several states but lived mostly in Perth. He overstayed his visa and fathered two children to a British girlfriend before calling himself Shane Turner and moving to Western Australia. It's not clear what other crimes Dixie may have committed but in June, 1998, he raped and repeatedly stabbed a 20-year-old university student in Perth. He left her for dead but the woman survived. Last week she gave evidence in his London trial, in which she described an assault remarkably similar to the one on Ms Bowman.
In January, 1999, a naked Dixie leapt out of bushes in a Perth suburb at another woman, who thought she was about to be raped. She escaped and gave police a description of her attacker. Dixie was arrested four months later on a separate offence. He was deported on April 23, 1999, but Australian authorities never mentioned any of his offences or suspicions to their counterparts. Australian police only told their British colleagues about him nine months after he was deported.
Dixie had denied killing Ms Bowman, claiming instead he found her dead and thought he would take advantage of the situation and have sex with her body. He was caught by chance when he was arrested nine months later after getting into a minor fight over a World Cup football match at a Surrey pub. His DNA was taken and matched to the murder scene when it was put on the police national computer 12 days later. It was only after British police made inquiries following Dixie's arrest that his DNA was matched to the June, 1998, attempted murder and rape of a student in Perth.

I have never really considered Dixie seriously for the Claremont killings as Police have said he was investigated but ruled out. I am not so sure, I think he is a solid POI. Just knowing his background and that the killings were occuring at the time he lived in Perth is such a coincidence that it needs a full investigation.
" It's not clear what other crimes Dixie may have committed but in June, 1998, he raped and repeatedly stabbed a 20-year-old university student in Perth"

Quite different to the CSK but it's possible he escalated from planned and considered killer to rabid kill and multiple stabbing on the spot. Unlikely but possible. I don't believe a killer on a good thing going undetected would change his MO to a one that is very risky.

The attempted Claremont Subway rape has Dixie written all over it. Very brazen.
Yeah you're right it is unlikely, I think he had developed a drug problem so that may have affected his MO.
That's certainly possible, especially with ice. He could have gone off the rails. Ice was very underground back then but if there's an industry where it may have been readily available then hospitality would figure quite high.
RSBM. Debi Marshall's book says,
Like Jane Rimmer's disposal site, the cross that marks where Ciara lay has been repeatedly vandalised and destroyed by fire.

Do you think the CSK vandalized and set fire to the crosses? Who else would do it?

(Location 4788, Chapter 83)

i would guess just some not very well brought up individuals, probably young people tagging at a notorious location. i suppose i can imagine people going there at night because it would be so creepy.
i doubt CSK would do that it would be a foolish risky move.
Not exact dates, but here is a link to some timeline specific articles about Mark Dixie. They are PDFs in my DropBox.

What do y'all think of the last sentence in the West - UK accused is not Claremont serial killer ?

Well if you ask me, I think the article is off the mark. Just by the sheer fact that it says Dixie's DNA was cross checked against DNA deposits at the deposit sites for the Claremont killings. Police have never said that they have DNA for Claremont, if someone can prove me wrong by finding a direct quote from Police indicating they have DNA then I will stand corrected.

It seems more likely to me, that Dixie has been ruled out due to him not being in Perth for SS. But, I am not so sure some sources say he was there from 1993 to 1999 others say March/April 1996 to 1999. The dates are just too close for me. How did Dixie and his partner move to Perth? They just upped and left Sydney and drove/flew there? Surely Dixie was a chance of going to Perth alone by himself first to find a job or something??
Well if you ask me, I think the article is off the mark. Just by the sheer fact that it says Dixie's DNA was cross checked against DNA deposits at the deposit sites for the Claremont killings. Police have never said that they have DNA for Claremont, if someone can prove me wrong by finding a direct quote from Police indicating they have DNA then I will stand corrected...

Snipped. The quote is notable because it differs from other reports, and is one of the first mentions of DNA being at a Claremont scene. It was written by a journalist familiar with the case, who is generally well regarded.

We've discussed for three threads how police won't confirm or deny the presence of DNA evidence. I've probably made a hundred posts on the topic myself. No one is stating otherwise.
Yeah I agree Sutton, but that's why I'm skeptical about the article. Why would a journalist write an article indicating Police have DNA when we all know it's never been confirmed or denied?

Have a read of that article here's a snip from it: "While Dixie was cleared by WA police in December 2006 of any involvement in the Claremont killings, a police source told The Sunday Age yesterday that detectives would now review that decision following his murder conviction."

I am very very interested in how that review went, to me he fits the description of MM. I wonder what type of car he was driving, where he worked etc.

All photographs of Dixie (aka Turner) show him with very short tight curly hair so I doubt he is MM. But check out the HayleyJane youtube footage at 37.55 mins (before and after this time) -- it's the 23 h 59m 58s cctv timestamp. When Jane and her friends exit the Conti, they make their way to a pole just south of the exit door. There is a guy standing south of the pole. Later the guy moves to just north of the pole, but stays next to it. When (my) MM2 guy exits the Conti, the guy at the pole moves forward towards Jane. Just as MM appears this pole guy brushes his right shoulder and turns his head to face south; I've consider this may have been a sign to MM. The pole guy looks remarkably like Dixie to me.

I've attached a series of clips taken from CIA doc footage to demonstrate above -- 5 in this message and 2 following.


  • 36.56 of 54.02.  Is this guy Dixie.png
    36.56 of 54.02. Is this guy Dixie.png
    164.8 KB · Views: 35
  • 37.55 of 54.02 pole guy moves forwad when MM2 appears ex Conti.png
    37.55 of 54.02 pole guy moves forwad when MM2 appears ex Conti.png
    215.4 KB · Views: 36
  • 37.59 of 54.02.  JR at 'new' pole.  pole man moving towards her cctv 23.59.58  Pole man has move.png
    37.59 of 54.02. JR at 'new' pole. pole man moving towards her cctv 23.59.58 Pole man has move.png
    173.9 KB · Views: 26
  • 38.10 of 54.02. pole man brushes right shoulder just as MM appears.png
    38.10 of 54.02. pole man brushes right shoulder just as MM appears.png
    177.7 KB · Views: 31
  • 38.38 of 54.02.  MM appears pole man turns head to face south.png
    38.38 of 54.02. MM appears pole man turns head to face south.png
    150.6 KB · Views: 30
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